Did you know that people that signed up for Obamacare were also issued housing assistance, food stamp cards, and many were signed up for welfare? Did you know that people that signed up for Obamacare were also registered to vote? More truthiness of what Obamacare was really designed for: A permanent democrat majority. Some more reality about Obamacare you won’t hear on the liberal MSM.


GOP foolish to think ObamaCare is fixable

By Betsy McCaughey April 30, 2014

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), the No. 4 House Republican, is walking back comments attributed to her that ObamaCare can’t be repealed. But she’s not the only one suggesting Congress merely make changes within the framework of the health law. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says the goal is to get the law “fixed.” It seems many GOP lawmakers still haven’t read the law, or they’d know the framework is corrupt.

Even Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) speculated Friday that repeal is unlikely because it will be “difficult to turn the clock back.”

Nonsense. Even by the most inflated administration claims, some 8 million people have signed up for exchange plans, out of a nation of 318 million. ObamaCare is repealable, and should be replaced with a plan to cover the uninsured and reduce costs.

ObamaCare’s authors paid lip service to these goals but had an ulterior motive: forging a permanent Democratic majority. The law creates a huge infrastructure for enrolling millions of people not just in insurance but also for food stamps, housing assistance and other welfare programs — and registering them to vote.

Here are the pillars of this corrupt scheme. None of the minor fixes Republicans are discussing comes even close to sweeping away this corruption.

Navigators and assisters: Instead of government employees promoting ObamaCare and enrolling the uninsured, the law (Sec. 1311) reserves these jobs for community activists, unions, community health centers and other not-for-profits. Players include the NAACP, Planned Parenthood and Service Employees International Union. Hiring these groups is a way to fund the Democratic Party’s shadow army between elections.

Assisters sign up the uninsured for non-health benefits and register them to vote
. The National Association of Community Health Centers identifies voter registration as a key part of its mission.

The whole scheme recalls the days of Tammany Hall, when local ward bosses got the poor and newly arrived whatever they needed, in exchange for their votes. ObamaCare institutionalizes this corrupt model and pays for it with your premiums.

Bailouts for insurers: ObamaCare rules make it impossible for insurers to offer “affordable” plans and still cover their costs. The premiums have to cover a long list of mandatory benefits as well as $100 billion in taxes on insurers over the decade. Insurers also have to cover seriously ill people for the same price as healthy people. Every state that tried this “community rating” scheme has seen premiums soar, as the healthy stop buying the plans.

To make ObamaCare seem affordable, the law includes a bailout (Sec. 1342). It encourages insurers to price plans below cost, with the assurance that taxpayer money will make them whole for most losses at year’s end. In short, John Q. Public is paying to make a law look affordable that isn’t. Worse, in January, the Obama administration sweetened the bailout terms, though only Congress has the legal authority to do so.

The big lie is that this law is paid for. Reductions in future Medicare spending pay for over half the law, including a staggering 27 percent cut in payments to Medicare Advantage plans. That’s on paper. But the administration is postponing the Medicare Advantage cuts to dodge angry seniors.

Also postponed is the employer mandate, which requires workplaces with 50 or more full-time employees to provide a costly package of benefits. In anticipation of that mandate, employers are holding their workforces below 50 or cutting hours below the law’s zany 30-hour-a-week definition of full-time. In the first seven months of 2013, an astounding 77 percent of hires were part-time.

With the employer mandate, the economy cannot recover. Without it, millions more will need taxpayer-funded coverage and ObamaCare collapses.

So much for the false sales pitch that ObamaCare is paid for and repealing it would increase the deficit.

Attention, Republicans: Repeal this “stinkburger” and replace it with a health-insurance safety net built on compassion, not lies.

Free shit and government dependence for 16 million more people, at taxpayer expense, what Obama calls a “victory”


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May 1, 2014 2:43 pm

Accelerate the collapse – let it all burn down from its own corruption. Let the democrats secure for themselves a permanent sheeple majority in the worst parts of the rust belt and NY-DC corridor, while the rest of the country gives DC a collective FUCK YOU and goes its separate way.

May 1, 2014 3:07 pm

Here in Massachusetts for anyone who could not get through on the health connector were automatically signed up for the Mass version of Medicaid and automatically signed up for food stamps. What a racket, I wonder why I bother to work and pay full tuition, room and board for my kids college. It would be much easier just to be poor, and a lot less expensive.

May 1, 2014 3:11 pm

This isn’t about benefiting one political party or the other. It’s about keeping both democrats and republicans in office by making many citizens financially dependent on government plus flooding our country with those who want to be dependent on government and therefore remain loyal to democrats, republicans, and the corrupt political establishment.

Many care only about getting their monthly government subsidy/benefit or if they are working, their weekly or bi-monthly paycheck. But if they don’t care about lack of growth of good paying jobs, increasing debt, and the need to completely reform government to save our economy and country then they only set themselves and their kids up for economic disaster.

Voters who remain loyal to our two big political parties and the big money special interests who control them seal their fate.

May 1, 2014 3:27 pm

From Denninger,

“Hmmm…. spending went up almost twice as fast as income? Yuck, especially considering that inflation-adjusted PCE was up 0.7%, while DPI was up 0.3%. That’s more than double.

Where did the changes come from?

The big one was Medicaid — it was good for an increase of $19.3, $11.4 and $6.5 billion; note that these are cumulative as they are changes over the previous month, so we have ($19.3 x 3) + (11.4 x 2) + 6.5 = $87.2 billion in deficit-busting additions over three months on Medicaid expansion alone! Hello Obamacare, and by the way that impact will persist in coming months, so this looks to me to be a roughly $400 billion addition to the federal deficit each and every year on a forward basis, and that assumes that there are no further additions.

**** us all dead, especially considering that the offset – that is, personal current taxes, look to be increasing at about a $110 billion annualized run rate for a net deficit impact of roughly $300 billion annually.

I’m sure we can sustain this level of deficit spending forever.

May 8, 2014 10:10 am