The Department of Agriculture Launches Proposal to Purchase Submachine Guns



Guest Post by Mike Krieger

The following solicitation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture almost defies belief. We’ve seen this type of bizarre behavior before, but it has mostly originated from the American Gestapo, aka the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I highlighted this trend early last year in my post: Department of Homeland Security to Purchase 7,000 “Assault Weapons”.

Here’s a screenshot of the solicitation from the Department of Agriculture (click on the image to get to the source page):

Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 11.05.18 AM

What is so important to understand about the current war/civil unrest cycle that the world has now entered into is that it will affect different regions and nations differently. It appears tensions in the Ukraine/Russia region and the Asia/Pacific may rather quickly erupt into a war amongst nation-states. This could ultimately lead to a world war. For the United States region, I predict more of a rebellion and civil unrest scenario that consists of the status quo versus the people. I also think its obvious the status quo knows this, which is why they are stealing everything in sight and setting up a total surveillance state. Things are going to get dicey, but the status quo is in the wrong and they will need to be tossed aside peacefully.

The solicitation can be found here.

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger.

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Rise Up
Rise Up
May 15, 2014 3:16 pm

This week is “Police Week”…lots of conventions, awards ceremonies, conferences, etc., going on in my D.C. area. Today when riding on the metro I saw several U.S. Forest Service Fish & Wildlife personnel dressed in what was best described as Dudley Do-Right uniforms–Smokey hats, white gloves–the whole formal uniform outfit. When they got up to disembark I noticed they all had sidearms, and I was tempted to ask one of them if they needed to shoot the fish if they swam up the wrong stream or something. (Ok, I guess their ‘excuse’ for having sidearms is for poachers or stumbling onto a pot field out in the boonies, but it just seems creepy that they need guns.)

Then I wondered if anyone is arriving early for the Operation American Spring that is supposed to start tomorrow–what a shock they would get from seeing all these coppers all over the city.

Coincidence that these two events are converging?…

May 15, 2014 3:59 pm

The US is supposed to be have the most gun owners on the planet. But I truly wonder how many citizens would be willing to resort to using their guns if the situation really called for it as opposed to giving in to authorities and being “detained” in camps if (when) our economy goes down.

I have always believed that those who are financially dependent on the federal government (and most are) won’t oppose government no matter how corrupt. If they believe they will be taken care of in the camps, they’ll go. For many I suspect their mindset is that it’s better to be alive and imprisoned than fighting for their freedom and future.

In many ways, the situation we now face is what many faced before the Revolutionary War. Citizens have a choice. Either stand up for themselves, their families, and future or forfeit their freedoms and opportunity to prosper by giving in to the corrupt political establishment and the very wealthy and those with the highest security clearances who control the system.

Am not convinced the Status Quo can be “tossed aside peacefully” unless citizens actually made the effort at election time to vote for anyone other than a democrat or republican. This should be the first option – but is very unlikely.

May 16, 2014 12:22 pm

I note that the initial solicitation specifies the type of weapons sought, but carefully avoids the QUANTITY. How’s that “transparency” thing working out for you now?

The true beast behind all this federal agency purchase of weapons is the sheer size of the land controlled by the federal government. Two examples.

The Department of Agriculture manages the National Forests, which total 190,000,000 acres. Converted to square miles, that’s about the size of Texas. The Bureau of Land Management, of Cliven Bundy fame, controls 240,000,000 acres (Mama Mia!!!!). Nearly all of the land controlled by just these two agencies is west of the Mississippi River and totals 20% of the land mass of the entire United States.

Governors of western states, both Democrat and Republican, have been complaining for decades about the overreach and land control of the feds in their states. They still are. Now, the message is finally getting through to the general population. The Keystone XL pipeline is just one of hundreds of examples of the federal government’s suffocating grip on the western U.S.

And lots of everyday citizens are righty getting upset. And the feds reaction? Buy more guns.

May 16, 2014 12:40 pm

I used to work for a construction company that performed construction work almost exclusively for federal agencies, because the margins in the special set-aside programs are so much greater than in general public domain.

I have spent a bunch of time on, not related to weaponry, but construction contracts. Nevertheless, I know a fair amount about various solicitations and notices.

If you will notice, this is labeled as a “Sources Sought” notification. That’s why there’s no quantity listed. At this time, they are only searching for vendors who can meet the criteria listed in the posting.

This, of course, does not downplay the fact that the USDA is interested in submachine guns. Just pointing out that they’re not buying them right now.

May 16, 2014 1:10 pm

They need those machine guns to shoot up the milk cans of all those rebellious raw milkleggers.

May 16, 2014 1:35 pm

Don’t leave out the ballistic gear to go along with the weapons:

May 16, 2014 3:22 pm

I guess some of those tomatoes are getting restive, lol.

Seriously, do you guys remember when Obama stated that we needed a civilian security force “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the U.S. military”? The entire quote is about “saving the planet”, “providing healthcare”, blah blah blah, and is supposed to refer to Americorps or the Peace Corps.

Okay, fine. Then WHY is every single alphabet agency arming to the teeth?

Where did the BLM get all that heavy hardware in the Bundy showdown?

Why is the military being purged of top level officers who oppose his policies and entering soldiers being asked if they would fire on US citizens?

Something wicked this way comes.