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May 16, 2014 7:21 am

Is it the state of social media or a social media state , we have become?

I recently attended a funeral service visitation and half the people there had their phones out doing the two thumb jigaloo , eye cast down obvious to the grief of the bereaved. Suck it , at least we came, they seemed to say.

May 16, 2014 8:38 am

This really isn’t very funny.

We have morphed into a people that think that key strokes and social media actually make things happenin in the Real World rather than people that go out, get their hands dirty and actually do things.

It is the electronic equivalent of being and ostrich with your head in the sand. Please note that if your head is in the sand and your ass is in the air, well, I won’t draw you a picture of what will happen to you when the Real World finally notices you.


May 16, 2014 8:53 am

If not for social media how would baby momma get out da’ love?

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May 16, 2014 9:00 am

And the true beauty of a democracy is Queen Uneeka gets to cast a vote deciding the future leadership of this former Republic….what could possibly go wrong. Mo’ diversity please.

“As it happens, the promoter for MAO-A is quite variable in the human population. People may have two, three, four or five copies of it, and the more copies they have, the more of the MAO-A enzyme their cells produce. What difference does this make to a person’s behavior? Quite a lot, it turns out. People with three, four or five copies of the MAO-A promoter are normal but those with only two copies have a much higher level of delinquency…. He and his colleagues looked at the MAO-A promoters in African Americans. The subjects were the same 2,524 American youths in the study by Shih mentioned above. Of the African American men in the sample, 5% carried two MAO-A promoters, the condition that Shih had found to be associated with higher levels of delinquency. Members of the two-promoter group were significantly more likely to have been arrested and imprisoned than African Americans who carried three or four promoters. The same comparison could not be made in white, or Caucasian, males, the researchers report, because only 0.1% carry the two-promoter allele.”

Does this mean that all African-Americans are prone to violence? No, it proves the exact opposite. The vast majority are not. But it does mean that with regards to this single factor related to an individual’s ability to control his own aggression, an African-American male is 50 times more likely to have a genetic handicap in comparison with a white male. Therefore, social policies that blithely assume that African-American males have the same intrinsic ability to control their aggression as white males are not only unscientific, but can be reliably predicted to fail. That is just one significant genetic distinction that has been discovered. There will be more. There will be many more.

Equality is not merely unscientific, at this point it is now objectively antiscientific. The undeniable fact of human genetic segregation does not intrinsically justify the eugenic excesses and ethnic cleansings of the past. But sooner or later, as the science advances, it will force the eventual discussion of whether the costs of playing equalitarian make-believe are too high for Western civilization, if that civilization wishes to survive.

Labels: science, Vibrancy is our strength

May 16, 2014 9:09 am

@HZK – “We have morphed into a people that think that key strokes and social media actually make things happenin in the Real World rather than people that go out, get their hands dirty and actually do things.”

At least it makes it easy for us to stand out from the crowd. A preference for reality over the virtual world will surely come in handy before too long.

@flash – My wife and I have recently made friends with another couple in a similar economic situation as ours, however I’ve kind of burnt out on doing things with them.

Inevitably it turns into 3 people playing with their phones as the girls instagram/facebook and he peeps through the darker corners of reddit and 4chan.

Its even worse when it happens at home, because socially it would be considered rude for me to pick up a book or go start working on the house, but its ok for them to act like we all exist in separate rooms as long as we maintain wifi connectivity at all times.

May 16, 2014 9:21 am

TPC,…ahh , but for the good ole’ days of Yatzee.I tend to avoid most couple gatherings now, because one, I’ve gotten to the point were I can no longer bear inane women chatter and two , the pussies they drag along behind make my foot itch for an ass to scratch.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 16, 2014 9:40 am

Apologies for this off-topic post, but if anyone wants to follow the size of the Operation American Spring gathering at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., here’s a LIVE webcam view. This “operation” is supposed to begin today, and the heavy rains have stopped and it should be a nice weekend. I’ll be keeping an eye on this today and tomorrow, and might even go down there myself late Saturday afternoon if it looks like a large (10,000+) crowd gathers. However, I recommend staying far back from the masses just in case something “unplanned” occurs.


May 16, 2014 9:45 am

@flash: Uh Oh, now you’ve done it.

These genetic studies will unleash the same amount of social firestorm that The Bell Curve did in 1994.

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I’ve read a number of the books on both sides of the issue and am more in the Nurture> Nature camp, but at the end of the day, societies do stratify economically according to the IQ predictions by race originally outlined in this book.

Problem is with this genetic stuff is the old “is correlation causation?” dilemma and the fact that human intellect/behavior is an incredibly complex thing to study.

If you take black men from stable, middle-upper socioeconomic backgrounds and do this MOA test, do less of these men have the low-copy number MAO promoter?

Are blacks more successful athletes because more blacks have a low-copy number MAO? And if given the opportunity, channel their aggression in a socially acceptable way, ie sports, rather than gang behavior?

Should we then increase the number of low-copy number MAO blacks as soldiers?

I am not a sports buff, but are blacks more successful in the more “aggressive” sports like football, basketball, boxing and track versus baseball, figure skating, gymnastics, archery or swimming? And is this disparity not a reflection of access to these sports/gadgets but to an innate “advantage” blacks have genetically?


Are we heading to a society where our Genes become our Destiny, ala, the movie Gattaca?

May 16, 2014 10:24 am

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May 16, 2014 10:24 am

@flash – I’m young enough that just my wife’s voice is enough to make me smile most days.

As for being a pussy, the guy isn’t that bad. He’s a software developer/sysadmin, however he paid his way through college as a general contractor, mostly renovating homes. He just tends to drift off into computer land.

Its not that we aren’t conversing, its just that it annoys me when someone tries to have a conversation while also surfing the internet on their phone. I’d take it personally, but most people do it these days. Eye contact and nonverbal indicators are a thing of the past I guess.

“Are we heading to a society where our Genes become our Destiny, ala, the movie Gattaca?”

I love that movie, and while I’m sure insurance companies would love to see it come to fruition, I think the world would blow up in a complete shitstorm of a war if someone tried to enforce it.

After all, genes code for potential, however potential unused it just as useless as the guy with none at all.

May 16, 2014 10:30 am

That study is clearly racist. When black tribes in Africa commit genocide and murder millions of other blacks with machetes and spears, it selects out those that are less violent (they die). It’s clearly not their fault. I expect Obama and Holder to lessen crimes and jail times for blacks, now that we know black violence my be genetic and neuronal.

This removes all personal responsibility from blacks, and they should be free to rape, murder and loot as much as they please, because to prevent them would clearly be racist. Blacks are simply being self-deterministic, and this we must accept. So, like letting 36,000 Mexican criminals go free, Obama needs to open up the prisons and let blacks go. It’s not their fault they’re criminals, it’s white people’s fault, for bringing them here, being racist, and not accepting the diversity of genetics.

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May 16, 2014 11:03 am

Living proof liberal progressive democrats are more dangerous than nuclear bombs…..

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Only liberal progressive democrats have run Detroit for the last 50 years…

May 16, 2014 12:28 pm

TPC ,maybe the other guy thinks you are the big pussy with nothing interesting to say.I know I do.Have I gotten on your bad side again?

May 16, 2014 12:38 pm

HZK…our perception that blacks are better athletes is bit off the mark . For many in the black community athletics is the only way out of the economic shit hole they call home . Therefore a greater percentage of their population is represented in this venue

For whites there are so many other venues other than sports that provide the means to a better economic future.

My nephew runs track. It’s funny as hell to see him as the only white guy in the sprints ( he runs 100 and 200 meter sprints ) . He does pretty well ( places in the top three in the local meets) but track isn’t where his scholarship to a college will come from; his will be an academic scholarship .Hence he doesn’t work as hard at the athletic side as he does the scholastic side .

May 16, 2014 12:52 pm


But WHY is athletics one of the few ways blacks advance economically? They have access to the same POS schools that poor Asian (Chinese/Vietnamese/Indian) students do and yet the Asian students end up in college or the white collar professions, not in the NBA or prison.

The whole busing thing about putting black kids in good schools with white kids was a disaster (for all parties). Even black kids from “good” backgrounds do not score as high on the SAT or other graduate level tests (like the MCAT).

Clearly the social pathology of inner city black America is a huge problem, no doubt, although how a test can be “racist” when the kids are exposed to the same culture and school curriculum I can’t fathom, and it is difficult to sort out, but it is worrisome none-the-less.

I just remember going to high school track meets and watching the predominantly white athletes from my HS get creamed by the kids from the predominantly black HS. Wasn’t even close.

May 16, 2014 12:56 pm

HZK-If you take black men from stable, middle-upper socioeconomic backgrounds and do this MOA test, do less of these men have the low-copy number MAO promoter?
And where would those ‘socioeconomic backgrounds” be physically located at? We have urban blight areas almost wholly occupied by people of color and then there are those stable areas, both urban and suburban which have no majority population of people of any color.
Show me one area, city or nation which has a majority black population with any sort of socioeconomic eviro even bording on way one might depict as stable?

Study after study has shown that race matters not only in IQ , but in matters of culture.Point is HZK, it’snot a class thing.it’s pure genetics and can’t be merely combed out with straightening iron.

This page has recently been deleted by NCREL (imagine that , progtards repressing fact), but thanks to web archives…


The analysis here uses four standardized SES categories: lowest SES, lower-middle SES, upper-middle SES, and highest SES.19 Table 3a shows what percentage of each race/ethnic group is in each of them. Only 2 percent of blacks have SES characteristics in the highest SES category, while only 3 percent of whites have characteristics in the lowest category. Approximately 79 percent of blacks, 78 percent of Hispanics, 56 percent of mixed-race students, 46 percent of Asians, and only 28 percent of whites are in the lowest and lower-middle categories combined. A look back at Table 2 shows the types of SES disparities for particular variables that together account for the disparities in Table 3a.

May 16, 2014 1:03 pm

sorry…above anon was I.

TPC-Its not that we aren’t conversing, its just that it annoys me when someone tries to have a conversation while also surfing the internet on their phone.

I agree, and before I-Pwnd all we had was conversation and made the best of it.

HZK , why I avoid areas high in Section 8 Housing Units.

Read all here:

Confessions of a Public Defender

Confessions of a Public Defender
This inability to see things from someone else’s perspective helps explain why there are so many black criminals. They do not understand the pain they are inflicting on others. One of my robbery clients is a good example. He and two co-defendants walked into a small store run by two young women. All three men were wearing masks. They drew handguns and ordered the women into a back room. One man beat a girl with his gun. The second man stood over the second girl while the third man emptied the cash register. All of this was on video.

My client was the one who beat the girl. When he asked me, “What are our chances at trial?” I said, “Not so good.” He immediately got angry, raised his voice, and accused me of working with the prosecution. I asked him how he thought a jury would react to the video. “They don’t care,” he said. I told him the jury would probably feel deeply sympathetic towards these two women and would be angry at him because of how he treated them. I asked him whether he felt bad for the women he had beaten and terrorized. He told me what I suspected—what too many blacks say about the suffering of others: “What do I care? She ain’t me. She ain’t kin. Don’t even know her.”

May 16, 2014 1:13 pm

HZK-ven black kids from “good” backgrounds do not score as high on the SAT or other graduate level tests (like the MCAT).

OOPS, posted before I saw you’ve already seen the study determining whether Socioeconmic Status affects learning disparities amongst races and clearly it does not, but race certainly does.

What Doesn’t Meet the Eye

Does Socioeconomic Status Predict Achievement Disparities?


May 16, 2014 2:13 pm

@bb – “TPC ,maybe the other guy thinks you are the big pussy with nothing interesting to say.”

“I’d take it personally, but most people do it these days.”

It was foolish of me to expect that you may have learned some rudimentary reading comprehension in my brief hiatus.

I should change my name to The Optimistic Chemist.

May 16, 2014 2:14 pm

@HZK: “Are we heading to a society where our Genes become our Destiny?”

Darlin’ we have and are and will always be slaves to our genes and ladders of DNA. When you are born with an IQ of 80, grow up to be 6’8″ tall and 190 pounds, you will play basketball if given a choice (but not football or the military). If not given a choice, then you become a “spear thrower”, an enforcer for your local drug dealer or a criminal, promptly get caught at it through massive stupidity and BANG — into prison you go.. At least you have achieved statistichood.

In other words, we all do something that is less than (or in exceptional cases) slightly more than our genes dictate as far as intelligence and physical prowess.

Too bad nobody can “guarantee” equal results to people all along the Bell Curve. We (The Used to be USA) managed for a while to offer equal opportunity but even that has fallen to the way side except for the exceptional ones way out on the right side of the curve who can figure out ways around the now grinding laws, rules, regulations, taxes and all the other impediments to productivity and production.

I personally dislike conspiracy theories – humans are to inept to execute them successfully for any time. Greed and evil always seems to come along and a conspirator(s) breaks ranks in hope of screwing the others and things fall apart.

Libertarianism is the only philosophy that would allow each person along that Bell Curve to maximize his/her potential throughout life (if they chose to do so). As long as you do no harm to others or their possessions, feel free to do anything with your life that you want.

Good luck with that.


May 16, 2014 2:17 pm

As an afterthought, persistence is a good modifier of intelligence as far as success is concerned. It also takes lots and lots and bunches of work to be persistence if the face of repeated less than optimal success.


May 16, 2014 3:01 pm

TPC , only thing you need to do is tell your new friend to fuck off but he might punch you in the nose .SO you are admitting your a coward.I knew you were a pussy boy.Admit it.Your either scared of him or your wife.WHICH IS IT? I was always scared to bring other people around my x wife.Insane bitch.She was alright until we got married.Then the devil moved in.SEE YA PUSSY BOY

May 16, 2014 7:52 pm

What Muck said is true.

There is no way for someone with an IQ of 80 to become a brain surgeon. And there is a whole US sub-culture where the average IQ is 80.

Think about what that means. It means half of that group has an IQ below 80. That is not good, not good at all.

It means half that group has an IQ above 80. That is perhaps an even worse than the other fact, as it means that there are very, very few people from that group that have an IQ above 100.

Smart people drive change, and the black sub-culture has very few smart people, based on IQ measurements. So, without some significant external pressure, they are not going to change.

Instead of feeding them and letting them run wild, the rest of the population is eventually going to have to force them to work, or allow them to starve.

They need to be afforded the same educational/job/etc opportunities as everyone else. No more and no less. What they do with those is up to them. But allowing them to chose to just eat, breed, and commit crime is not an option.

If they are incapable of doinganything but manual labor, then manual labor it must be.

May 16, 2014 8:12 pm

I wonder what the IQ is of the average North American Injun. Might be pretty high but after living for thousands of years in a resource rich land, most never advanced beyond the stone age. Just sayin’

May 16, 2014 8:26 pm

Injuns are below average – around 90 – 95 I think. Vastly different than 80, but presents some significant challenges nonetheless.

Native Americans have intermingled their genes and very few purebloods are left.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 16, 2014 8:35 pm

flash says:

“Is it the state of social media or a social media state , we have become?”

“We”? Have you got a mouse in your pocket? When you wake up from your social media slumber and find everybody else is gone. You’ll discover that like a modern Rip, you have lost 20 or 30 years of your life.

A preacher of long ago said that a kid found $20 on the ground once, it was the worst thing that could happen to the boy. Forever after he went around with his head down, looking for more lost money. Peeps are missing out on life walking around with their nose buried in their iZombie.

May 16, 2014 8:51 pm

A quick look around seems to more or less back up my guess on IQs for Indians. But those tests seem to have been done on reservations, so they drew from the countries lowest possible socioeconomic group, which affects results no matter what the group being tested. Blacks tested from 80 to 93, no matter their background, and whites from 85 to 110, background dependent.

Black IQ test scores max out at 93, even from the highest socioeconomic groups. Other races in the same group are around 110.

There is even some discussion out there among some academics that publishing racial test results should be banned – seems they do not like the results. Unbelievable.

May 16, 2014 8:55 pm

bb’s IQ went up significantly after he gave himself a lobotomy

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May 16, 2014 9:06 pm

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Never mind the tests, look at civilizations

Africa today, Rome 2000 years ago. What can possibly be done? We’ve spent $20 trillion dollars on welfare, created affirmative action, racial set-asides, quota, school integration, $30,000 spent per year per student in black schools, free housing, free food, free healthcare. And the best we’ve gotten is Obama, Holder, 30 million union government drones, and Detroit?

Sorry to say, but blacks regress to THEIR mean (Africa). Despite the trillions spent, look at their neighborhoods. They need the race card, racism, and white guilt so they don’t fall off the face of the earth. They kill each other off, genocide, just like Africa. One of these days people are going to wake up and tell the truth, before all remnants of Euro-Caucasian civilization in the USSA is gone.

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El Coyote
El Coyote
May 16, 2014 9:26 pm

is there any correlation between Conyers representing Detoilet the last fiddy years and its decline that same period? can we at least conclude he has been an ineffective leader?

May 16, 2014 10:14 pm

Man (regardless of race or religion) is a tribal animal. Always has been and it may be 5 thousand years before we breed the tribal DNA out of our genes.

For a million years or so, our non-evolved ancestors were very clever apes who lived in tribes and killed off (or tried too) any other tribes that invaded their territory.

We are nothing more than even more clever apes who evolved larger intellectual ability than our precursors but we still have, deep down inside, a tribal nature that civilization and “diversity” has not changed a bit.

Our attempts at integration of all racial and socioeconomic classes into “One Big Happy Family” is an intellectual pipe dream that is never to be. It is an evolution of morals – among the white population more than black – not reality and does not take into consideration the million years of tribal heritage that blacks, whites, indians, japanese, chinese and all the other “races” have fought and died over.

If you’re not of my tribe, you are an enemy. Intellectual and “moral” efforts aside, that’s what it is and that’s what it will be.

Allowing, catering to and enabling an inferior tribe (of whatever color) brings disaster simply because they ain’t us, don’t think like we do and don’t act, feel or behave like we do. Are they human? Sure they are – every one spotted on a bell curve from stupid to brilliant, proud to humble, willing workers to sloths and we – through no conscious effort on out part, sort them all out by tribes. Every tribe has exceptions so you can never classify an individual as a member of the whole. But tribal evaluation judges the whole and individually we make the judgements about individuals.

Society-wise we have to judge tribally while keeping an eye peeled for exceptions to encourage to as role models and welcome into higher associations. The others, we have to figure out a way not to encourage bad behavior without jailing half the minority population or supporting 80% of them at the expense of the rest of the country. Tough job. We are not successful yet by any means.


El Coyote
El Coyote
May 16, 2014 11:01 pm

Excuse me for referring to the bible, MA. I’m one of the dumb masses so I have to use at least this authority. Since you said man is a tribal animal, it could be that was Abraham’s intent to separate himself from the pagan homos. He may have figured it would take thousands of years to dilute that crap out of the family line.

We were quizzing my granny once, we asked what comes after grandchildren? great-grandchildren. and after g-g? t-t-g, she said (tatara-nietos). and what comes after t-t-g? Nothing, she said, they are simply pueblo (people).

A pueblo can share many traits. I have this unscientific idea that just as people share outer traits, they also share internal schemes and if the brain is shaped like the tribe’s common brain, it must function the same way, think the same way. in which case Jung was right but so was Freud, there are external commonalities in experience, interpretation and reaction.

May 17, 2014 4:47 pm

@Coyote: You are far above and beyond the unwashed masses, my friend. It’s always saddened me a bit to think that when one dies, memories of you, your life, accomplishments et al drift and vanish with the third generation that follows – depending upon how old or young your progeny start families.

When memories of you are lost down the trail of time, then you are well and truly dead.

A few shining examples of the race are kept around in books, histories and such, but eventually they too will slip-slide away and fade into the past.

Tribal instincts are not about salvaging memories of past leaders or glories. They are about one thing – safety and trust. You can trust who you know, your extended family and those who labor in the same fields, sharing and helping each other out. When an unknown stranger(s) come into your territory, it’s unsettling because you don’t know if you can trust the other tribe or not. Some choose to simply slaughter the interloper(s) and take no chances. Some offered friendship and nourishment to the strangers and suffered badly from the effort. Some accept the strangers and prosper from the new knowledge and fresh blood the strangers will inject to your tribe.

Back in the prehistoric times, life was much closer to the edge and acceptance by one tribe of another when their paths crossed was a lot risker than it is now.