This is a must watch video.

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May 29, 2014 6:23 am

I watched it….I think he should be lauded as the Patriot that he is .

May 29, 2014 8:05 am

Kerry is a disgrace to humanity and is the real traitor. His oath of office means absolutely nothing and he should be either hanged or shot by firing squad ASAP.

May 29, 2014 9:50 am

IMO the switch was made to Kerry for the 2nd term so TPTB could keep Hillary “above this” and give her the same “plausible deniability” on this, Syria, Ukraine, etc. for 2016 that Obama had on the Iraq War in 2008. Kerry, like Romney, was the acceptable fallback option in mid-stream, nothing more.

May 29, 2014 10:35 am

Snowden says he was in the pentagon when it was hit by a plane on 911

He said “Hit by a PLANE”

sounds like he’s one of THEM

May 29, 2014 10:47 am

He is far more patriotic (and courageous) than me. I say let it burn. This government is irredeemably corrupt and beyond any hope of redemption.

May 29, 2014 12:02 pm

Good watch. Guy is well grounded. I read “The Shadow Factory”. Never trust anything NSA or government tells you it isn’t doing.

“Specie says:

Snowden says he was in the pentagon when it was hit by a plane on 911

He said “Hit by a PLANE”

sounds like he’s one of THEM ”

What are you trying to say?

May 29, 2014 12:20 pm

Forgive me. I posted this fine article in the “West Point” thread. Snowden/Kerry related so I am posting it here for those not reading that thread.

Good place to put this. As to the answer to the titled question below …. probably not. Sad-sack faced Ketchup Boy gives even Oreo a run-for-the-money as “Most Loathsome American” …. and the competition is stiff.


Is There a More Loathsome American than John Kerry?

Today the finger-wagger was out early and with a vengeance, determined to prove that he is the winner of the most disgusting and embarrassing American of 2014.

The Secretary of State, with his chronic diarrhea of the mouth and increasingly shrill holier than thou attitude appeared on morning network television in all of his elitist Skull and Bones puckered asshole glory.

The occasion was of course to once again smear former government contractor turned heroic NSA whistleblower as a “traitor”and a “coward” and demanding that Snowden “man up” whatever that means. The flaming liberal windbag from Massachusetts who hit the jackpot by marrying into the Heinz Ketchup Empire isn’t much of an authority on “manning up” especially considering the dive that he took in Ohio in 2004 surrendering the presidency to another former Skull and Bones elitist swine George W. Bush despite widespread irregularities.

Kerry is the embodiment of America itself these days, once a heroic and noble ‘war hero’ (if you believe his self-serving career of cashing in like his pal John McCain) who denounced the Vietnam War as the lost cause that it always was Mr. Kerry has morphed into a powerful figure who is as vile and corrupt, as venal and hypocritical of the very system that he serves.

This whole nutty soap opera of Kerry lying and threatening Putin, baiting Snowden and standing up for neo-Nazi scum in Ukraine is obviously personal. Snowden and Putin dared to show him up to his fellow high-rolling globalist snobs in the Davos set.

Kerry once embodied a youthful idealism and a sense of honor and justice but now is just another poisoned, soulless wealthy cadaver, devoid of even a shred of morality nor the common decency to just resign and spare all of us Americans from the ongoing temper tantrums, demagoguery and huffing and puffing.

If there were ever a man who should just go and fuck off forever it is John F. Kerry. As the great American columnist H.L. Mencken put it “imagine a gentleman and you have just imagined everything that he was not”.

The forum for this pompous ass was CBS This Morning and Kerry’s remarks are excerpted from the story in The Guardian entitled “Snowden unlikely to ‘man up’ in face of Espionage Act, legal adviser says”:

In a television appearance on Wednesday morning, Kerry said that if Snowden were a “patriot”, he would return to the United States from Russia to face criminal charges. Snowden was charged last June with three felonies under the 1917 Espionage Act.

“This is a man who has betrayed his country,” Kerry told CBS News. “He should man up and come back to the US.”

Kerry’s comments came as NBC News prepared to broadcast an extended interview with Snowden on Wednesday night, beginning at 10pm ET. Snowden revealed his identity almost one year ago, on 9 June 2013.

Responding to Kerry’s comments on Wednesday, Ben Wizner, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union and a legal adviser to Snowden, said the whistleblower hoped to return to the United States one day, but that he could not do so under the current Espionage Act charges, which make it impossible for him to argue that his disclosures had served the common good.

“The laws under which Snowden is charged don’t distinguish between sharing information with the press in the public interest, and selling secrets to a foreign enemy,” Wizner said.

“The laws would not provide him any opportunity to say that the information never should have been withheld from the public in the first place. And the fact that the disclosures have led to the highest journalism rewards, have led to historic reforms in the US and around the world – all of that would be irrelevant in a prosecution under the espionage laws in the United States.”

Snowden also could face an untold number of additional charges if he returned to the United States.

“He could be charged for each of the documents that has been published,” Wizner said. “The exposure that he faces is virtually unlimited under this.”

Wizner is correct, it is a rigged game and if Snowden were to be stupid enough to take vermin like Kerry at their word when it comes to fair treatment he would be disappeared immediately into one of America’s torture gulags or simply just held forever in limbo in some tiny prison cell on a military base. But Snowden is not a stupid man and this most of all puts a bug up the tarnished types like Kerry who sold his soul for pennies on the dollar.

The real “traitors” in this country are the “cowards” who hid behind an archaic World War I law in The Espionage Act of 1917 that was created solely to persecute those who were opposed to the lying bastard and father of the rotten imperialism that came in that damned war’s wake – Woodrow Wilson – another messianic meddler of the type that the USA, USA, USA has far too many in our cherished and often damnable history.

The invocation of the Espionage Act by the lawless Obama regime reveals the grinning death’s head behind El Presidente’s Fozzie Bear Fascism and his regime stands for nothing more than the same rotten tyranny as that of George W. Bush only he has been made into a product that provides him with an impenetrable Teflon shield where the gullible and the O-Bots are unable to recognize his bullshit for what it is. The same type of imperialism as Wilson, Bush or any of the other war criminals who have held the exalted office.

So Snowden gives hims ballyhooed interview tonight to NBC’s lickspittle state-corporate celebrity talking head Brian Williams, I suppose that having to at some point turn oneself into the entertainment in the electronic court of bought off jackasses like Williams was inevitable to get any public exposure outside of the lies of state. The drive by attacks are already underway despite that we are hours from the interview’s being aired.

During his sit down with the employee of the mammoth defense contractor GE, Snowden made the statement that he was “trained as a spy” or in the context from NBC News:

“I was trained as a spy in sort of the traditional sense of the word, in that I lived and worked undercover overseas — pretending to work in a job that I’m not — and even being assigned a name that was not mine,”

The propaganda machine pounced on that and all of the paid sock puppets and corrupt pundits and columnists are using this statement to paint the man as delusional and they can get away with it on this sorrowful star-spangled lemming farm simply because too many people cannot be bothered to fucking think for themselves. Snowden when with the CIA worked in a foreign country, under a false name, for a false front company conducting surveillance and data-mining operations – sure sounds like a fucking SPY to me.

The Snowden affair is playing out now, the interview with the corrupt NBC is a sing of that but the last of the real reporting by Glenn Greenwald has yet to be done. According to accounts the finale will include names of those that the NSA Stasi has spied on – I suspect that list will include a man known by Mr. Kerry named John Edwards, perhaps Eliot Spitzer and who knows how many more.

I also hope that there is the wild card that is the MAIN CORE database that will be revealed and that when it all comes out that it will be enough to crucify every rotten cocksucker like that rancid son of a bitch John Kerry who sold out their country to a cross of their own corruption and let the birds pick out and eat their eyeballs while they hang there.


May 29, 2014 1:19 pm


I’m saying that anyone that says it was plane that hit the pentagon has motives other than the truth

May 29, 2014 2:28 pm

I think a fucking giant radioactive Japanese seagull flew into the Pentagon.

May 29, 2014 4:12 pm

Video doesn’t work any more says copyright violation

May 29, 2014 4:43 pm

“Most Loathsome American” add Eric holder, dirty Harry Reid, and cunt face Nancy Pelosi to that list too. Very good case for ketchup fuck face too though 🙂

May 29, 2014 8:36 pm

As someone who knows a thing or two about national security, Snowden DID THE RIGHT THING. That is all.

May 29, 2014 8:36 pm


Snowden was born on June 21, 1983. Here’s a quiz, kiddies. What is wrong with our math-challenged Administrator’s statement?

May 29, 2014 9:14 pm

Right you are, T4C. You win.

Here’s an actual photo of Admin after reviewing our comments.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 29, 2014 9:31 pm

Here’s some SSS mathematics:

1 drive, 3 shots out of the rough, a chip, another chip, then 3 puts on a par four. He writes down a bogey on the score card.

1 drive, a wiff, hooks it OB, drops and 5 iron into a sand trap, and 3 puts on a par 4. He writes down 4.

1 drive, three wood slices into the trees, wedge into another tree, wedge into fairway, 5 wood into bunker, chip, 3 puts again, on a par five, he writes down 6.

May 29, 2014 10:53 pm

“I have information through my network that his (Snowden’s) reported date of birth has been falsified. His true date of birth is November 1, 1981. He will be 35 by the next election.”
—-Admin @ SSS

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. You ignorant slut. You can’t even juggle the figures correctly.

Yes, Snowden will be 35 by the 2016 ELECTION, but that’s not what’s important. What’s important is that he will be 35 by time he is INAUGURATED, not when he’s elected. For the 2016 election, the day he would be sworn in as president is constitutionally mandated as Noon, January 20, 2017 (or the 21st if the 20th falls on a Sunday).

Therefore, if Snowden’s birth certificate shows that he was born at 1159 EST on January 20, 1982, then he could legally become president. Am I going too fast for you?

May 30, 2014 12:07 am

What a ridiculous argument, everyone knows in 2016 they will drag out 2 hollowed out politico zombies stuffed to the eyeballs with copious amounts of lobby money to media blitzkrieg your mental palate until you acquire a taste for one of the blood sucking river monsters.

May 30, 2014 7:24 am

Nice try Stuckey, but you fell short of accurately and completely describing John Kerry. I thought that if anyone had the vocabulary to do it you would.

May 30, 2014 7:34 am

Smearing of Snowden Begins after NBC Interview

The most hated man in America today, at least by the unprincipled charlatans in the establishment is former government contractor turned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the lackeys of the corrupt National Security State and the polluted Obama regime have attacked him as they were a pack of mange crazed dogs.

The running man managed to hit the big time – at least in America where television is the drug of choice – in an exclusive interview with NBC’s Brian Williams. It was Snowden’s big public relations opportunity after months of being kicked around by scum the likes of Peter King, Mike Rogers, Michael Hayden and on Wednesday Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry who is befitting to wear the crown of king of American assholes after his last nine or ten months on the job. Kerry hit the Wednesday morning television circuit to repeatedly and dishonestly trash Snowden as a “traitor” and a “coward” in much the same way that the angel of death Dick Cheney did to the 2004 version of Kerry himself.

Seems like once a particular level is achieved in the American political class that a truly putrescent rottenness blooms and Kerry is resplendent as he practically glows with hypocrisy, moral debauchery and elitist decadence.

The massive smear job on Snowden started early yesterday, well before the airing of the interview based on a sneak preview segment (one wonders if NBC picked it out) where he made comments to the effect that he was trained as a spy. The usual suspects pounced on that to mock the top target on Obama’s kill list as living in a fantasy world and other horseshit – the number one tactic of the pigs who run this star-spangled sty is to discredit and turn their vast propaganda apparatus loose.

But really, considering what Snowden really said: “I was trained as a spy in sort of the traditional sense of the word — in that I lived and worked undercover, overseas, pretending to work in a job that I’m not and even being assigned a name that was not mine”.

While Snowden’s official duty with the Central Intelligence Agency remains mysterious when one is working either directly for or as a contractor for the US government, under a fake name, at a fake business in a foreign country and conducting surveillance I would venture to say that such a person would in fact be a “spy” in the truest sense of the world. It is lost on millions of meat heads though but those really aren’t the type of people that you really want to try to convince of anything anyway. As the old saying goes, “never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and it annoys the pig”.

But I digress…

After the exclusive NBC interview with the celebrity talking head Williams it was time to pile on Snowden and the attacks, while ridiculous and predictable were particularly nasty. NBC News has the Snowden interview on their website with the subtitle “Traitor or Patriot”, the New York Times slyly floated the innuendo that Snowden was an agent of Putin (with special bonus points for kicking Glenn Greenwald in the balls as “smug and unreasonable”) and the gaggle of vermin like Peter King, the unhinged terrorist supporter called the interview an “infomercial”.

On top of it all, after Snowden stated that he had attempted to use formal channels to report an NSA run amok the American Stasi came out today and released some bullshit email from Snowden as ‘proof’ that he never attempted to utilize the proper channels. According to a story in The Guardian the NSA stated that it was the only record it could find. This is the same agency that lies about everything and performs duties for a government that sends forth perjurers like Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to lie to Congress about the unconstitutional mass surveillance and data-mining programs that the patriot Snowden exposed.

The deck is stacked in the US media, one who opposes Leviathan is never going to get a fair trial in the court of public opinion and over the next few days Snowden will be electronically lynched, likely culminating with an all star lineup of fascist scum on the Sunday morning ‘news’ show circuit.

A truth teller will never get any sort of honest treatment in the US corporate-state media and while Snowden may be smart he is naive to have afforded a fully vested servant of the establishment such as Brian Williams serve as his Judas Goat.
