A Palestinian U. Penn Graduate Speaks Out

I am Palestinian, and I am human, and I am here

Sarah Aziza

He smelled of alcohol, his eyes drifting over me with a glassy, half-drunk gaze. From a distance, we might have appeared as friends. His arm was draped over my shoulder in a posture of familiarity, but when I tried to shift my body away from his vodka-scented breath, I found myself constrained by his steely grip. I blinked, my confusion shifting to alarm. Around us, other members of my senior class were mingling and sipping cool drinks beneath dappled shade, oblivious to my silent panic.

“This girl. This girl,” the stranger presented me to his cohort of half a dozen Caucasian males and a few flushed, smirking young women. I had been headed across the lawn to talk to a friend when the tall stranger had lassoed me with his arm. Speechless, I waited for him to finish his thought. “I heard this funny joke, wanna know what’s hilarious?” he slurred. I was puzzled, but couldn’t shake the feeling that the rest of the group already knew the punchline. His arm still rested heavy around me. I supposed this was just a typical case of drunk-fratboy, and I braced myself for some misogynistic joke or more nonsensical rambling. What he said next was neither.

“This girl thinks that Palestinians should have human rights.”  His companions laughed conspicuously as he turned to me, leaning in with drooping eyelids, his ruddy lips hovering close to my face. Too stunned to flinch, I felt a million needles sinking into my chest as he continued, “Sometimes, she holds meetings to talk about Palestinian rights. Isn’t that cute? Isn’t that awesome? Did you know there are people who think Jews and Arabs are equals?” Barely processing his words, I tried vaguely to pull away. He let his arm slide off my shoulders, moving his hand to grasp my forearm instead. He waved his flask at me. “Have a drink baby. What’s the matter?”

I tried to ignore the snickering of the group, lifting my head as high as I could. “Stop it.” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “What’s your problem? Have a drink, baby.” His hand gripped my arm tighter. “She’s pretty sexy, isn’t she—for an Arab, I mean?”

“Stop it.”

“What’s your problem?” He repeated, his expression turning from mockery to something akin to hatred. My head swam. The touch of his fingers seemed to sap me of strength—as if by laying his hands on me, against my will, this man had brought the force of my people’s dispossession to bear. His sneer seemed to echo the denial I’d faced countless times during four years of campus activism and a lifetime of being Palestinian. You don’t count. Your people are less than people. Your tragedy is a myth. Shut up, and disappear.

I groped for some defiant retort, but the imposing cluster of tall, broad-shouldered men left me drained of my words. Mustering what dignity I could, I retrieved my arm and forced my way out of the circle. Stumbling half-blindly away from the cheerful crowd, I discovered I had begun to tremble. The familiar mixture of hot anger and leaden shame sank into my limbs. I hated myself for not being more courageous. I hated my nameless antagonist for touching me, and for the way his cavalier cruelty had pierced into me. I guess it’s fitting. I thought. This is the last week before graduation. My first semester at Penn, I’d dealt with chronic harassment from a Zionist classmate. Why should the ending be any better than the start?

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read more:  http://mondoweiss.net/2014/06/palestinian-human-here.html

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June 3, 2014 8:37 pm

Perhaps she should go back to her mohammedan culture where women are treated with respect and dignity.

June 3, 2014 8:47 pm

The struggle of the Palestinian people is an epic, tragic story. Perhaps this young Woman with her intelligence and excellent writing skills, can open more eyes to the atrocities which continue daily.

June 3, 2014 8:59 pm

Perhaps if her leaders hadn’t attacked Israel on the day that Israel was formed, and every day thereafter, things might have been different for her. Perhaps if her Muslim brothers had opened their arms to the Palestinians, things might have been different. Perhaps if they had stopped sending missiles over the walls, or blowing up innocents, or whatever. Perhaps if they had accepted the offers of peace there would now be peace. The hate runs too deep.

None of it is my problem. There will never be peace.

June 3, 2014 9:26 pm

I’m with overthecliff 100%.

Why doesn’t she protest the SHIT going on in Saudi Arabia?

Why doesn’t she protest in Nigerian Muslim who killed his wife so he could fuck his lover … (a camel, I believe) … and got away with it?

Why doesn’t she protest that when an Indian girl is RAPED …. that THE GIRL is punished??

Why doesn’t she go protest in (insert-name-of-84-Muslim-countries)?? Oh, wait …. because they would separate her fuckin’ head from her shoulders.

Get the fuck outta here, Sarah Aziza.

June 3, 2014 11:27 pm

That all you got, Zara? Some drunken sod harasses a Palestinian woman? Totally anecdotal, which is the lifeblood of progressive rhetoric.

June 3, 2014 11:48 pm

“The struggle of the Palestinian people is an epic, tragic story.”

Well, yes it is. I wonder if it began with this guy, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini, pictured here with one of his good buddies and allies in WWII.

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 3, 2014 11:59 pm

Piffle. Picture is a little small. That’s Adolph Hitler on the right. I’ve got another one with Husseini and Heinrich Himmler.

Husseini was a founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and mentor to Yasir Arafat. Ah, but the “epic tragedy” of those downtrodden Palestinians. Right, Westcoaster? They choose such wonderful leaders.

June 4, 2014 12:15 am

SSS – at least they are consistent. If they cannot get Arafat, they turn to Hamas.

Sure looks to me like they want peace.

June 4, 2014 12:23 am

I think she made up this story. I have been at my share of college age parties. I have never once seen a drunk maie approach a good looing female… and degrade them.

June 4, 2014 1:54 am

I’m with you.
Fake Muslim Hate Crimes

June 4, 2014 2:26 am

I googled Palestinian female models.
The girl holding the sign doesn’t look like or fit the Palestinian female.
Likely a paid cacausian model….
Only thing missing was the “onion” logo. lol

June 4, 2014 2:53 am

Palestinian female models. I don’t see any similarities to the VERY pretty girl holding the sign.


Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
June 4, 2014 3:22 am

What I picked up here and bothers me is that no one intevened to help this girl. This was a young woman in stress and men just stood there. That I have a hard time dealing with.

June 4, 2014 4:06 am

the fact that the girl is Palestinian isn’t the point here.
given some answers, there’s some seriously disturbed persons down here…

the point is how to deal with sheer stupidity and a 200 lb drunk jackass.
1. free warning
2. kick in the balls
3. jab, uppercut, high kick
4. telescopic club finish

there’s nothing better than to kick the living shit out of a beefy motherfucker that thinks he has the right to rule anybody weeker than him.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 4, 2014 6:48 am

Another tribal conflict playing out in my homeland, how refreshing. You hardly see any of that these days what with everyone tolerating and celebrating each others diversity and all.

Note to women: if you truly believe in the equality of the sexes than you better start training for physical conflict with your equals, trust me, it will happen from time to time and you either assert your right not to be manhandled or you deal with it.

I swear, sometimes you just have to shake your head. The logical inconsistencies one must live with to continue down this road to perdition are mind boggling. Once upon a time if you saw a student who was taking up space at a prestigious university, studying instead of contributing to the economy or building a family, the sign they would be holding up would read “proud to be an AMERICAN” or some other nostalgic slogan from days gone by. Not these days. America is a strip mine for the rest of the world, where her own posterity are routinely insulted and ridiculed, where the taxpayer gets to fund his own dispossession, where the descendants of the Founders are wearing orange smocks at the big box stores if they’re lucky and the all the good jobs go to foreign imports and the colleges are packed with fulminating and fractious tribes of foreigners angling for a cut of the booty.

Now I know what it must have felt like to watch the Titanic slip under the water from a lifeboat.

June 4, 2014 9:21 am

“The comments on this post are interesting. I will deal with them later.” —– Zarathustra

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 4, 2014 3:02 pm

Whatever. I don’t care who wins that fight.
This article seems fake. Just like the fake hate crime my school had so the class president could win reelection. If she was really assaulted, the campus would have come down on the haters like a ton of bricks.

June 4, 2014 3:10 pm

what hardscrabble said.