What is All this Fuss about Rights?

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

People seem to think that anyone who complains about their “rights” is some sort of crybaby ninny. I hear comments all the time like, “Rights? You already don’t have any rights, why are you so upset about losing any more?” Or quite the opposite, “You don’t know what losing rights is all about, try living a week in North Korea!”

Neither one of these responses shows much intelligence or understanding of our current situation.

The first one is a particularly good example in this regard. Rights are being lost so quickly. When and if we finally wake up to that fact we will realize how much we indeed have already lost.

That still is not a good reason to ignore what is going on. Continue reading “What is All this Fuss about Rights?”

Covid Policies Led To An Unknowable Rise In Human Trafficking

Via The Blue State Conservative

Covid-19 has been considered the worst epidemic in our generation. Every elected official will tell you how dangerous the virus is, and how dangerous the unvaccinated are. What you rarely hear these people discuss is how human trafficking was impacted by Covid-19. This is an already well-hidden crime, but now that you add individuals were forced to stay home without work, without any way to provide for themselves, what do you think will happen? This raises the question: Was human trafficking impacted by Covid-19? In short, yes. How was modern day slavery impacted by the pandemic? Here’s how:

Continue reading “Covid Policies Led To An Unknowable Rise In Human Trafficking”

Romanian MEP Criticizes The European Union And Big Pharma’s Secret Vaccine Contracts

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Saudi man gets 10 years, 2,000 lashes over atheist tweets

This is what our staunch ally does to people expressing their freedom of speech. Will Obama hold a press conference to condemn this treatment? Will anyone in the political establishment call Saudi Arabia out for their atrocious human rights violations?

The hypocrisy of Obama and his liberal minions is breathtaking to behold, as they pretend to support free speech, woman’s rights, and gay rights, while remaining completely silent regarding the Islamic leaders of Saudi Arabia torturing, brutalizing and killing anyone who supports free speech, woman’s rights, or gay rights. They reveal themselves to be cowards and liars.

Our politician leaders don’t say a peep as they purposefully destroy the US shale oil industry. Saudi Arabia is our enemy. I’d get 5,000 lashes for that statement if I lived in Saudi Arabia.


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a man to 10 years in prison and 2,000 lashes for expressing his atheism in hundreds of Twitter posts.

Al-Watan online daily said Saturday that religious police in charge of monitoring social networks found more than 600 tweets denying the existence of God, ridiculing Quranic verses, accusing all prophets of lies and saying their teachings fueled hostilities.

It says the 28-year-old man admitted to being an atheist and refused to repent, saying that what he wrote reflected his own beliefs and that he had the right to express them. The report did not name the man.

The court also fined him 20,000 riyals, about $5,300.


A Palestinian U. Penn Graduate Speaks Out

I am Palestinian, and I am human, and I am here

Sarah Aziza

He smelled of alcohol, his eyes drifting over me with a glassy, half-drunk gaze. From a distance, we might have appeared as friends. His arm was draped over my shoulder in a posture of familiarity, but when I tried to shift my body away from his vodka-scented breath, I found myself constrained by his steely grip. I blinked, my confusion shifting to alarm. Around us, other members of my senior class were mingling and sipping cool drinks beneath dappled shade, oblivious to my silent panic.

“This girl. This girl,” the stranger presented me to his cohort of half a dozen Caucasian males and a few flushed, smirking young women. I had been headed across the lawn to talk to a friend when the tall stranger had lassoed me with his arm. Speechless, I waited for him to finish his thought. “I heard this funny joke, wanna know what’s hilarious?” he slurred. I was puzzled, but couldn’t shake the feeling that the rest of the group already knew the punchline. His arm still rested heavy around me. I supposed this was just a typical case of drunk-fratboy, and I braced myself for some misogynistic joke or more nonsensical rambling. What he said next was neither.

“This girl thinks that Palestinians should have human rights.”  His companions laughed conspicuously as he turned to me, leaning in with drooping eyelids, his ruddy lips hovering close to my face. Too stunned to flinch, I felt a million needles sinking into my chest as he continued, “Sometimes, she holds meetings to talk about Palestinian rights. Isn’t that cute? Isn’t that awesome? Did you know there are people who think Jews and Arabs are equals?” Barely processing his words, I tried vaguely to pull away. He let his arm slide off my shoulders, moving his hand to grasp my forearm instead. He waved his flask at me. “Have a drink baby. What’s the matter?”

I tried to ignore the snickering of the group, lifting my head as high as I could. “Stop it.” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “What’s your problem? Have a drink, baby.” His hand gripped my arm tighter. “She’s pretty sexy, isn’t she—for an Arab, I mean?”

“Stop it.”

“What’s your problem?” He repeated, his expression turning from mockery to something akin to hatred. My head swam. The touch of his fingers seemed to sap me of strength—as if by laying his hands on me, against my will, this man had brought the force of my people’s dispossession to bear. His sneer seemed to echo the denial I’d faced countless times during four years of campus activism and a lifetime of being Palestinian. You don’t count. Your people are less than people. Your tragedy is a myth. Shut up, and disappear.

I groped for some defiant retort, but the imposing cluster of tall, broad-shouldered men left me drained of my words. Mustering what dignity I could, I retrieved my arm and forced my way out of the circle. Stumbling half-blindly away from the cheerful crowd, I discovered I had begun to tremble. The familiar mixture of hot anger and leaden shame sank into my limbs. I hated myself for not being more courageous. I hated my nameless antagonist for touching me, and for the way his cavalier cruelty had pierced into me. I guess it’s fitting. I thought. This is the last week before graduation. My first semester at Penn, I’d dealt with chronic harassment from a Zionist classmate. Why should the ending be any better than the start?

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read more:  http://mondoweiss.net/2014/06/palestinian-human-here.html