RUST BELT COLLAPSE: Ohio’s Runaway Children

Originally posted on

Well, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Let’s get right to it.

As an Ohioan, I can safely say that human trafficking is a real and persistent issue. I assert my claim with this phrasing because within the past few months, I went into Casey’s (a gas station found across the Midwest and Rust Belt) to use the bathroom. Near the urinals, on the inside of the open stall door, I saw a sticker with big letters:


Under that, a phone number to call if you needed help. Underneath the hotline number, the the dangers and reality of sex trafficking were detailed. The startling truth is, across Ohio, in 2023 alone:

  • A man convicted in a child sex trafficking operation was sentenced to 40 years in prison…
  • Another man was also sentenced to 40 years in prison for trafficking a juvenile…
  • In Cincinnati, a man was arrested and federally charged with exploiting teen girls and sex trafficking…
  • A man in Cleveland was sentenced to 3 years in prison for engaging in the kidnapping of a human trafficking victim…

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Covid Policies Led To An Unknowable Rise In Human Trafficking

Via The Blue State Conservative

Covid-19 has been considered the worst epidemic in our generation. Every elected official will tell you how dangerous the virus is, and how dangerous the unvaccinated are. What you rarely hear these people discuss is how human trafficking was impacted by Covid-19. This is an already well-hidden crime, but now that you add individuals were forced to stay home without work, without any way to provide for themselves, what do you think will happen? This raises the question: Was human trafficking impacted by Covid-19? In short, yes. How was modern day slavery impacted by the pandemic? Here’s how:

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