RUST BELT COLLAPSE: Ohio’s Runaway Children

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Well, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Let’s get right to it.

As an Ohioan, I can safely say that human trafficking is a real and persistent issue. I assert my claim with this phrasing because within the past few months, I went into Casey’s (a gas station found across the Midwest and Rust Belt) to use the bathroom. Near the urinals, on the inside of the open stall door, I saw a sticker with big letters:


Under that, a phone number to call if you needed help. Underneath the hotline number, the the dangers and reality of sex trafficking were detailed. The startling truth is, across Ohio, in 2023 alone:

  • A man convicted in a child sex trafficking operation was sentenced to 40 years in prison…
  • Another man was also sentenced to 40 years in prison for trafficking a juvenile…
  • In Cincinnati, a man was arrested and federally charged with exploiting teen girls and sex trafficking…
  • A man in Cleveland was sentenced to 3 years in prison for engaging in the kidnapping of a human trafficking victim…

Last month, the Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force said that human trafficking remains an issue in central Ohio, especially in metropolitan areas. Maria Busch, of the Task Force, told 10 WBNS Columbus that human trafficking happens all over Ohio in many different forms.

Typically, according to Busch, it happens to those who are most vulnerable such as those experiencing homelessness, housing instability, or undocumented people.

Last month, Forbes reported of “data suggesting an existing problem” in Cleveland related to an “alarming” trend of missing children.

Of 15,555 children reported missing in Ohio in 2022, 14,940 were recovered by the end of the year, according to data released by Ohio’s Attorney General.

A source close to Boomer Mindset, an experienced cop working the beat in a Rust Belt area for years, detailed the situation (their comments henceforth quoted).

Across the country but extremely so in dilapidated, poverty-stricken areas of the Rust Belt, there’s “zero social cohesion or control” when it comes to juveniles.

“Juveniles are out of control now in a Pandora’s box way. Cops discuss it daily and have no answers.”

In the impoverished and forgotten districts of the Rust Belt, “kids run away nonstop… so missing persons reports are required for a variety of reasons”.

Since COVID, chronic absenteeism saw an increase across many school districts in Ohio.

In 2020, rates of absentee students missing school across the country rose to 24% up from 11% from the previous year.

For the 2021-2022 school year, more than 30% of Ohio’s school students were chronically absent.

By Veillantif - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
This map represents the change in per capita personal income from 1980 to 2002 within the Rust Belt. Green is income above average, red is income below average (and decreasing further) over about 20 years.

Clearly, there is an existing problem and it’s long been spiraling out of control. Societal cohesion, the very social contract itself, has gone by the wayside as we go further into the new millennium.

As areas of the Rust Belt become even more impoverished, without jobs, and unstable and unsecure, the rot will further spread. It is without a doubt that the institutions and systems in America have failed the average citizen and now exist only to benefit the rich and ultra-rich 1%.

To really comprehend the staggering and tumultuous change the Rust Belt has experienced, we can look at pre-NAFTA (1980 to 1993) and post-NAFTA statistics (1994 and beyond)

Annual GDP growth per capita has seen a 2.6% decrease since NAFTA. The Gini Coefficient – which measures wealth inequality – has seen a rise of 3.2% since then. Not to mention the overwhelming decrease in personal income per capita as shown in the map above.

The Rust Belt has been completely hollowed out and exists only as a shell of its former self, of what it once stood for.

Join Boomer Mindset for future installments in the “Rust Belt Collapse” series as we delve into the forgotten people and communities of the United States.

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Taras 77
Taras 77
August 18, 2023 2:04 pm

Jeez, poverty stricken rust belt; clinton should take a bow, send him after the activities that were off-shored, families destroyed, kids run away, trafficked, on and on and on.


  Taras 77
August 18, 2023 3:09 pm

Don’t forget, our Republic-RAT Congress were in on this scam as well. Negotiations started under Bush 41 and reached its pinnacle under Slick Willy when he finally signed into law.
After NAFTA went into effect, Fostoria, Ohio was absolutely devastated as semi after semi began hauling manufacturing machinery and equipment from various factories around the city down to Mexico.
Atlas Crankshaft, Autolite, and Fostoria Industries were a just a handful of the many factories which moved all their operations to Mexico.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 18, 2023 2:43 pm

Kansas City is a hub for trafficking. Particularly at truck stops. There’s some pretty slimy truck drivers out there and KC is not only a freight hub but a trucking hub. They call the sex workers lot lizards but the truth is the men who use these girls are the slimy lizards.

In America, 4.8 million people are victims of sex trafficking, and 71% of human trafficking victims are women and girls.

Beth Jacobs was just a 16-year-old girl when she was prostituted. Living in Minneapolis

You can read Beth’s story at the link.

Now a Field Trainer with the group Truckers Against Trafficking, she works full-time helping victims of trafficking and educating the public about this issue. She advises truckers and those who frequent truck stops to remain vigilant and stay educated so they can help victims of prostitution.

More info on trafficking here

Human Trafficking Statistics & Facts

These statistics are appalling.

3.8 million adults are trafficked for forced sexual exploitation and 1.0 million children are trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. (ILO, 2017)

24.9 million people are victims of forced labor. (ILO, 2017)
16 million people are trafficked for forced labor in the private economy. (Private economy includes: private individuals, groups, or companies in all sectors except the commercial sex industry). (ILO, 2017)

  Mary Christine
August 18, 2023 5:12 pm

Thank you.

August 18, 2023 3:07 pm

The problem isn’t lower income it’s Jew speculation driving up the cost of living

August 18, 2023 5:12 pm

Deep state makes it sound like hating Soros is Jew hate.

August 18, 2023 3:34 pm

Yep, keep destroying industry and shipping jobs out of The US. Keep demonizing Coal. Keep up the nonsense environmental crap. I live in the PA Anthracite region and see what Government did every day. And all over scumbag politicians lining their pockets. The largest most pure Anthracite Coal on earth is right here. And the industry is decimated and constantly under threat. And it doesn’t need to be this way. What government has done to this region, and others and other industries is absolutely criminal.

August 18, 2023 4:16 pm

Broken families, kids grow up with parental abandonment issues (they hate themselves and feel they have no real self-worth) and things just spiral out from there.

August 18, 2023 5:13 pm

Feminism was never Not Rotten


THIS DAY IN HISTORY – 19th Amendment ratified thanks to one vote – 1920

Youngstown Sheet & Tube
Youngstown Sheet & Tube
August 18, 2023 6:02 pm

YST produced 30% of the worlds pig iron until the 1970s when they were bought by LTV in a hostile takeover. The emplyees not only matched the bid, but beat it only to have their bid disallowed in federal court. The Youngstown Warren area at the time had the highest home ownership rate in the country. It is now a mess. Without the pig iron the US lost its ability to produce structural steel. It all comes from China now. By taking over some of the most profitable steel mills, and vitally imporatant ones for national security with the help of the Feds, they bled the mills until they closed them in 1978. But don’t worry about LTV they go by General Dynamics now. Since then it has been wash, rinse, repeat. I went back to Ohio and my city was gone.

Jon Hall
Jon Hall
  Youngstown Sheet & Tube
August 18, 2023 8:13 pm

Fun fact: I almost chose Youngstown Sheet & Tube as the cover image of the article. Good information here, thank you

August 18, 2023 7:10 pm

So when you print $30 Trillion and give it to banks at 0%, guess what happens? Why risk employing people, building a factory and making a product when you can get 10x-50x the returns in the BTFD financialized markets?

This was financial war on the outlying areas, pumping phony wealth into urban areas.

August 18, 2023 11:40 pm

Just curious why degeneracy of this sort did not rear its head during the Depression in the 30s. Conditions were just as bad then if not worse.
Methinks moral degeneracy has different roots than deindustrialization and poverty, though the latter reinforces it.
Perhaps the Rust Belt declined because the human capital was no longer there?
Of course our leaders should not be held blameless for their part in the matter.

August 19, 2023 7:58 am

One – human trafficking is as old as mankind, modern human trafficking has many forms, its just not important to authorities. I saw it first hand working overseas.
Two – I spent two years working in northern IN at a huge steel mill. Had to drive thru downtown Gary while a bridge was repaired. All I can say is anyone who grows up in Gary with a brain moves away. No amount of money will ever fix that culture.