Here come the headlines from the corporate MSM spouting about the strong jobs growth reported by the drones at the BLS this morning. Here is the meme for today:

U.S. surpasses 2008 peak in employment


You will see and hear this all day long. It’s a lie. A quick perusal of the BLS website will show that the number of employed Americans in 2007 surpassed 146 million. The number of employed Americans today totals 145.8 million. But who cares about facts or the truth when you have a recovery story to sell? The sheep must be kept calm for the fleecing to continue.

The faux financial journalists will leave out the FACT that there were 232 million working age Americans when the number of employed reached 146 million. There are now 248 million working age Americans. So we have sixteen MILLION more people who are capable of working and the the same number of working Americans. This is truly a success story to be shouted from the highest mountaintop. The teleprompter in chief should give a rousing speech on the White House lawn to take credit for this miraculous accomplishment.

Let’s dig into some of the details of this putrid propaganda report:

  • The headlines blare that 217,000 new jobs were created, while ignoring the much broader survey that shows only 145,000 more people employed. The number of men over the age of 20 who are employed FELL in May and is now 100,000 lower than it was in March.
  • The wonderful Birth Death Adjustment, which supposedly estimates the number of jobs created by small businesses, added 205,000 jobs to the calculation after adding 234,000 phantom jobs last month. This is nothing but a wild assed uneducated excel spreadsheet guess by a bunch of government drones in Washington DC. Do you really believe small businesses are hiring that many employees as their sales decline, energy costs rise, and Obamacare mandates crush them? Really?
  • The number of people not in the labor force remains at an all-time high of 92 million. And don’t blame it on retiring boomers. The percentage of people over 55 working is at an all-time high.

  • The percentage of people in the labor force remains at a 36 year low. Who needs a job anyway?

  • The fantastic 217,000 growth in jobs was mostly burger flippers, bed pan emptiers, government assistance purveyors, and the tried and true temp worker. There were 55,000 jobs added in health and social services, 32,000 restaurant workers, and 14,000 temp workers. These jobs pay shit wages. There were exactly ZERO jobs added in the high paying manufacturing industry. And now with the implosion of retailers there was NO new hiring in the retail industry. It will be shedding jobs for years.
  • You’ll be thrilled to know that average wages are up a whole 2% in the last year. Your daily living expenses are up 5% or more while your wages stagnate. And corporate profits are at all-time highs. That’s called WINNING!!!!

So the MSM and the Obama minions will try to make this pile of shit seem like a pile of gold. It’s just more BS on our road to serfdom.

We don’t need no stinking wage increases!!!!


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June 6, 2014 9:43 am

” …. the FACT that there were 232 working age Americans when the number of employed reached 146 million. ” ————- Admin’s comment

Only 232 working age Americans.

Damn, that brutal! I bet they got a lot of overtime, though.

June 6, 2014 9:48 am

No Stucky, no overtime, just a lot of unpaid hours working for the company store. John

June 6, 2014 10:09 am

Another pack of lies. All those college graduates that are $30,000 in debt are getting “leisure” and service jobs, the same jobs they had in college in the summer. Since 2007, 12.8 million people have left the workforce. 20 years ago, I don’t remember the government reporting the “left the workforce” numbers. It’s the 500lb gorilla in the room, that nobody ever talks about, that makes the BLS numbers utter bullshit. It’s more propaganda from the fascists running this country. Nobody even watches the news or CNBC anymore, except old boomers counting their winnings in the stock market, winnings soon to vaporize when the whole charade comes crashing down from reality.

June 6, 2014 10:25 am


Not in labor force: 92 million
on welfare: 100 million
on disability: 10 million

That’s 202 million, not including SS retirees, union government drone retirees, military retirees, and only 118 million have full time jobs. There are also more retirees/welfare/SS/disability than people that have jobs and pay taxes. How much longer can this charade go on?

June 6, 2014 10:47 am


It will go on until it doesn’t. When our reserve currency dies, our standard of living dies. Remember when the USSR died, it was quite sudden. Emlpires are expensive to maintain. This country is running on fumes, hopum, and doing lots of really stupid things. I may not see the end due to my age, and I think you will see the reset button pushed. It will be ugly.

June 6, 2014 10:51 am


Don’t forget we’re $17.5 trillion in debt, $59 trillion public/private debt.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
June 6, 2014 11:46 am

The whole birth-death scheme is a license to lie and manipulate, one of the few things the government actually excels at. The surprising aspect of their statistics is that any thinking human being would believe any of it.

June 6, 2014 3:35 pm

People are taking out “home equity loans” in record numbers again, using their house as an ATM, and are running up their credit cards again, the most since 2007. Turning to more debt just to survive in Obama’s economic catastrophe.

Consumer Credit Has Fifth Biggest Monthly Jump In History; Revolving Credit Soars By Most Since November 2007

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/06/2014 – 15:23

A month ago we pointed out that with April US consumer savings plunging to levels not seen since Lehman, the only place where the tapped out consumer could find some purchasing power is by maxing out their credit cards. This is precisely what happened: moments ago the Fed released its April consumer credit report and it was a doozy: expected to print at $15.00 billion, down from a pre-revision $17.5 billion, the April total instead exploded to a whopping $26.85 billion. This was the fifth biggest surge in history, and was only surpassed by the 2010 “cash for clunkers” record, as well as previous one time outliers in 1998, 2001, and 2006.

June 6, 2014 3:36 pm

Hooray, the stock market is making another new record!

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a cruel accountant
a cruel accountant
June 7, 2014 10:55 am

If u want to work for $0 (volunteer) there is unlimited demand for labor.