Mexican Intelligence

Guest Post by Fred Reed


Gray Matter in a Brown Package

June 16, 2014

I spent three decades covering the military and have never seen a more insightful piece than this, in the New York Times of all places, by Bradley Manning, on how the Pentagon controls the press. Well worth a read.

Latinos are now seventeen percent of the population, and the president is doing everything he can to increase that proportion. Will they assimilate successfully? There are many reasons for suspecting that they will not, and others for suspecting that they will. A crucial sub-question is whether they are as intelligent as whites. Many quietly think not. Asking about racial intelligence is forbidden, which raises the quite reasonable thought, “Uh-huh, and we know why it is forbidden, don’t we?” You only forbid a question if you think you won’t like the answer.

What is the evidence?

Those who suspect (or in many cases, hope) that Latinos are irremediably stupid point usually to two data sets. The first is the scores of Latinos on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP. These show Latinos to be ahead of blacks in reading and arithmetic, but below whites and, more damningly, that the gap does not decrease in the second and third generation. The second data set is the assertion that Mexicans have a mean IQ of 87, barely two points above blacks and close to the figure, 85, that was once regarded as indicating borderline retardation.

These are legitimate data, in the sense that they were derived by intelligent people trying to determine the facts. The thoughtful will not dismiss them. On the other hand, if data contradict each other, or are inconsistent with observation, one may wonder about them. Are they wonderable?

Before going further, a word on the question of IQ. On one hand, you have the politically correct, who simply repeat unendingly that intelligence doesn’t exist, and any way can’t be measured, and can’t be defined, and is biased, and anyway is a social construct, and so on. This is argument by unanimous unrelenting assertion. On the other hand, you have the vociferous Race Realists, as they call themselves. These began as (and still are) people with the intellectual honesty to look at racial issues—crime, education, illegitimacy, intelligence—that one must never talk about. Unfortunately, their position under the pressure of ideological warfare hardened and they ceased to be able to see the many inconsistencies and contradictions in their beliefs. That is another column. My point here is that their position is not nearly a clear as they make it seem.

My best take on the question: I live in central Mexico, just below Guadalajara. I cannot see that people here are any less intelligent that white Americans. But this raises the question: How great must a gap be to be noticeable? Is the alleged thirteen-point deficit too small to be visible? I tend to doubt it, but I don’t know.

Another tack: I reasoned that while I couldn’t judge the country as a whole, half of which is of the middle class (much of it, Americans would say, lower middle-class) and the other a peasantry, I could compare people in professions with which I am familiar: journalism, medicine, general administration (bank clerks, realtors, and such), dentistry, pilots, and computer techs.

I can’t see a difference. Newspaper columnists write in grammatical, complex, insightful Spanish, equal to writing in, say, the Washington Post. The radio station of the Universidad de Guadalajara is at least as sophisticated culturally as that of American University, which I listened to for years. Professionals in general seem no less bright than American.

IQists will reply that these are the few smart Mexicans in a country of 115 million. Well, maybe. Note, though, that America has a very effective system for finding the bright (SATs, etc.) in all social strata of the country. Mexico does not. If you have an IQ of 150 in a remote village, that is where you will keep on having it.

Well, I thought next, how many bright Mexicans do I know? For purposes of this column, let us assume that an IQ of 130 or better, which qualifies you for Mensa, is bright. This is the upper two percent of the general white population. I have known a lot of Mensans and their equivalents, and have a pretty good eye for the qualified.

Now, the IQist response to any examples I may give predictably will be threefold. First, “Well, Fred, you are reasonably bright, and bright people hang out with other bright people. So your sample is highly skewed.” True. On the other hand, VI and I are not sociable, and have encountered such brights as we know among a small sample.

Second, “But Fred, you are obviously hanging out with successful professionals who have been genetically selected for intelligence.” None of those shown below have college-educated parents. We do not know any Mexicans with money.

Three, “Fred, all the bright people are of the ten percent of whites in the population.” See below and do your own photometry.

MexIQ3-Jasmin.jpgJasmín, 17, daughter of Rolfe, behind her, and Marisól, Mexicana. Clearly a Norwegian. When not in high school, she writes for a local newspaper and sometimes tends bar at Cheers, a bar/restaurant recently founded by her parents. I put her at Mensa level. (“Mensa” in Spanish means “fool.” I refer to the social club.) Photo: FOE staff.


Natalia, stepdaughter, currently in university. This kid is way bright, even by my snotty and elitist standards. At 22, she could certainly hold her own on any of the sites that publish FOE, though in Spanish. At age twelve she would run through three adult books on a slow weekend. Note low albedo. Photo: FOE Staff


MexIQ-Tona.jpgTona, ghastly cellplhone photo. Another white European. Decidedly not from a wealthy family. They don’t have a computer so their kids come to our house to do online homework. Vi noticed that he was something of a flash and since, like all sensible small boys, he is interested in octopuses and squids, we bought him a rougly sixth-grade book on marine biology and, on a why-not basis, a 900-page biology text. He would grow into it, we figured. Tona didn’t figure this. He simply began reading it. Slowly, we presume without evidence, but reading it. Tona is 9.

Violeta, grad in lit of the University of Guadalajara. She teaches Spanish to gringos, most of whom are woefully unprepared to learn a language, having no grasp of the grammar of their own language. Typically they regard her as an unlettered campesiana, which is to say that they have invented the art of condescending upward. This puts them in a category with the Wright brothers. She multitasks, as I write being in the middle of Robert Graves’ two-volume thing on mythology, the Old Testament as grist for Graves, Proust on her cell phone, just finished Justine, tying them all in with the Greeks, Eur, Aris, Soph, and Aesch, which she has liked since doing Lysistrata in university theater. ‘Bout what the average gringa reads, I reckon.

MexIQ-Books.jpgVioleta’s bookshelves. Illiterate by definition, she can’t read them, but is attracted to shiny covers and bright colors. You know, like beads. Lit, linguistics,, philosophy.

What does the foregoing prove? Nothing. It could be coincidence. Most assuredly, the examples are exceptions (but so would they be in the US). So are the several kids I know who have learned good English in central Mexico. How many American kids do you kow who have learned any language at all, anywhere?

Proves nothing. Certinly anecdotal. Might lead one to suspect, though.

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June 17, 2014 8:25 am

I can certainly add a couple of observations, although while not directed toward latino’s, still apply to race.

I spent a year in the Pacific Northwest, the state of Washington, and it can be said, as mostly white as they are, they have as many social problems as anywhere else, crime, drugs, prostitution, etc. Same for Canada and any European countries.

Researching education shows those states with the most homogeneity spend the least on education per student with the greatest performance.

Let’s not forget the lesson of the textile industry, or any other capitalist dominated industry. Factory owners want a dumbed down docile labor pool, and are reticent to spend money on education.

The global elitists don’t want independent thinkers, and will do anything within their power to prevent the enlightenment of the masses, stopping short of nothing to maintain their grip on the status quo. Education and ignorance should be mutually exclusive. It is educators who must ask themselves what is the quality of their product.

June 17, 2014 9:21 am

I have worked with MANY Mexicans over the course of my life. Who here has not? Here is what I have observed. You can insert “some are” in each of these observances;

not to smart, smart, very smart, lazy, hard working, bust their asses, poor, middle class, well off, ugly, just ok, stunning, illegal, American citizens, nasty fuckers, nice, delightful, some have been enemies, some have been great friends, and their women have no tits, nice tits, or, huge tits.

In other words, they run the gamut, just like white people. I’m not sure what fucking point Fred is trying to make.

June 17, 2014 9:22 am

Here’s what you really need to know about Mexico! To hell with IQs, assimilation, right/wrong, etc.
These are pictures from the Cartel del Golfo which is located in the state of Tamaulipas which borders the US along the Texas border to the Southeast. THIS is what we need to be worried about! There is a fucking war going on just across the Rio Grande River and we never hear a word about it here in the US. Reynosa is a war zone and we hear nothing about the dozens of people killed there EVERY week!
Hell! Some armies around the world are not as well armed as these guys! And if you think that these guns are coming from pawn shops and flea markets here in the US, think again. You can’t buy grenade launchers, machine guns or a fucking Minigun at a gun show either!
Soooo, when the SHTF you can expect for these guys to pour over the border to secure a foot hold on this side of the river for their drug operations. Sleep well tonight!

And as far as atrocities go, the Muslims can’t hold a candle to these guys! Muslims are amateurs!
Some of the things these guys do to people who cross them:
Stuff a body into a 55 gal drum and add sulfuric acid — while they’re alive.
Cut off their heads with a chainsaw — while they’re alive.
Chop off their limbs with an ax or machete — while they’re alive.
Carefully use a scalpel to remove a face from the scull and then sew it on a soccer ball and leave it on a playground at a school for the children to find. Nice touch!
Chop up bodies into multiple parts and then leave them in a pile in the middle of a town just to send a message to the populace that the cartel is now in control.
Hang people from an overpass along with a “narco banner” warning people not to interfere.
The list goes on and on and there are videos/photos to document all of these claims.

As far as the “invasion” of children, this is nothing but a ploy to distract the Border Patrol in order to allow the cartels to transport more drugs and smuggle in more aliens (Muslims included) with minimal, if any, interference.
If you don’t live adjacent to Mexico, travel in Mexico or read Mexican news then you have NO IDEA of what is really going on!

June 17, 2014 9:47 am


I’m not sure pictures from the Cartel del Golfo are any more representative of all Mexico than someone showing pics of Camden and Detroit and saying, ‘That’s the real America’.

The again, wtf do I know? I’ve been to Mexico exactly once …. Tijuana …. for exactly one day.

June 17, 2014 9:55 am

I’m NOT saying they are representative of all of Mexico. I’m saying there are more important aspects of dealing with Mexico and Mexicans than worrying about their IQ or where they might fit in in the US.
When you go to cities on the interior of Mexico you will find the nicest, most generous people on this side of the planet! And the poorest of them are the first to offer food or help to those who need either. They are just like us and the rest of the civilized world when it comes to wanting to earn a decent living, educate their children as well as possible and protect their families. They are extremely gracious people and I love spending time in Mexico, so please don’t get me wrong on this.
And your previous post is exactly right as to what they are like — just like us in most respects. Good, bad and ugly at times.

June 17, 2014 10:10 am

Does higher intelligence matter in a world where you only need a minimal amount of intelligence to function? Who cares if you can appreciate Sartre or Tolstoy if you are capable of fixing a car, installing an electrical outlet, or fixing plumbing? As long as our modern system is with us, higher-than-average intelligence is somewhat useless, even counter-productive.

Why counterproductive? For those of you who consider yourselves smart, how disappointed and annoyed are you by current pop culture? Does TV make you feel smart? Modern culture can be maddening if you’re smarter than the Gamma-level it is aimed at. And what good is it for you to put yourself in debt for a degree, or two, or three in a saturated job market that has no place for your degreed butt? A member of the hoi polloi who gets a trade school certificate and becomes an electrician, roofer, plumber, or auto mechanic has a better chance at getting a job than you do! So in that respect, intelligence is counterproductive in this time and place.

Take away the modern safety net and then intelligence might mean more.

June 17, 2014 10:11 am

Outtahere-I was thinking. If things go sideways, what will the point of drugs be? Who will buy them if there’s no money? Unless the cartels get into barter, I suspect their drug days will be numbered. I think they might have to get out of the drug business and into the warlord and power business.

Supplying pot to Americans might not be profitable long-term, but supplying Land, Peace, Bread (as another regime once proclaimed) might be the new game in town. As the most heavily-armed, best-organized, and most-ruthless groups in Mexico OR America, it might be they who run the show down there and on our side of the border.

Can you see the day the US Govt has to deal with drug lords to negotiate peace? Or we buy produce from productive Mexican plantations worked by slave labor owned by the cartels? Or Oil shipments from Mexican cartel oil fields? I imagine we might see this in our own cities and states, as well. In a long-term emergency, I bet our own gangs will see the value in holding fertile land and water sources and power plants, bridges, etc. I could see “trolls” charging tolls at bridges, negotiating prices for rail traffic to pass, and Latin Kings or Crips or Gangster Disciples-brand corn and soy beans. Who cares about pot and meth when food can be so much more profitable?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 17, 2014 10:46 am

Not about intelligence per se, but people often talk about Mexicans being particularly hard working. I don’t think they’re particularly hard working. When it comes to the illegals, they work hard when they have no alternative. Once they can go on the dole, many do, which is why almost half of all welfare recipients live in California. I’ve heard that most second and third generation Tejanos have an American self-reliant mindset. Hope that’s true. That would give us hope.

June 17, 2014 11:26 am

Drugs isn’t the only thing they’re into. Kidnapping, extortion, hiding millions and millions of dollar in otherwise legal entities, like raising quarterhorses:
There is much to fear from the injection of cartels into our society.

June 17, 2014 12:08 pm

Wow, Outtahere, that’s one heck of a story. I’m suprised that guy isn’t dead, too.

June 17, 2014 12:13 pm

“are any more representative of all Mexico than someone showing pics of Camden and Detroit and saying, ‘That’s the real America’. ”

But sadly, Camden and Detroit are fairly representative of America. Not the only angle of America, but a significant one, with dozens of other cities in almost as bad shape, or having parts that are (South Chicago is scarier than Detroit, for example).

So, the US has nice and ugly parts, and Mexico does too. I guess I’m making as big a point as Fred “achieved” above.

June 17, 2014 12:32 pm


I misinterpreted your post. Thank you for the clarification. We are in agreement.

June 17, 2014 12:46 pm

“But sadly, Camden and Detroit are fairly representative of America.” —— Persnickety

Camden, NJ
[imgcomment image[/img]

Downtown Cherry Hill, NJ ….. a mere 6 miles away
[imgcomment image[/img]

So, which is the “real” New Jersey? I guess I just have a problem with “this-is-so-and-so” type generalizations, especially in a country as large as America, or Mexico.

“I guess I’m making as big a point as Fred “achieved” above.” —— Persnickety

Me too!!! Excelling at making mountains out of molehills since childhood.

June 17, 2014 1:00 pm

ALL of NJ is the blanket…

When you get the New Jersey thing, you can relax because everything you could ever want or be, you already have and are…

June 17, 2014 1:33 pm

Outtahere @ 9:55, I agree with your comments 100%. We visit Mexico virtually every year and have had the same experience. We are always welcomed with open arms whether in the cities, resorts or poorest villages. Family and community are first and foremost for the majority, Outtahere say’s it best, “they are just like us and the rest of the civilized world when it comes to wanting to earn a decent living, educate their children as well as possible and protect their families.”

June 17, 2014 3:22 pm

Intro to WC Mex vs Brazil … listened to the national anthems … was pretty unimpressed with Mexico’s (first time I ever listened to it) … so I did some searching, and this is what I say; What Mexico needs … desperately …. is a new national anthem.

First, it’s too friggin’ long.

Second, the tune is turrible … like something from a ’50’s musical.

Third, if you think the American anthem is too militaristic …. HOLY FUCK!! …. wait until you get a load of this! WTF?

========================================= =

Mexicans, at the cry of war,
prepare the steel and the steed,
and may the earth shake at its core
to the resounding roar of the cannon.

Gird, oh country, your brow with olive
the divine archangel of peace,
for your eternal destiny was written
in the heavens by the hand of God. [just a little fuckin’ presumptuous, no?]

But if some strange enemy should dare
to profane your ground with his step,
think, oh beloved country, that heaven
has given you a soldier in every son.

War, war without truce to any who dare
to tarnish the country’s coat-of-arms!
War, war! Take the national pennants
and soak them in waves of blood.

War, war! In the mountain, in the valley,
the cannons thunder in horrid unison

and the resonant echoes
cry out Union,

Oh country, ‘ere your children
defenseless bend their neck to the yoke,

May your fields be watered with blood,
may they trod upon blood.

And may your temples, palaces and towers
collapse with horrid clamor,
and their ruins live on to say:
This land belonged to a thousand heroes.

Oh, country, country, your children swear
to breathe their last in your honor,
if the trumpet with warlike accent
should call them to fight with courage.

For you the olive branches!
A reminder for them of glory!
A laurel of victory for you!
For them a tomb with honor!

Mexicans, at the cry of war,
prepare the steel and the steed,
and may the earth shake at its core
to the resounding roar of the cannon.

June 17, 2014 3:28 pm

“So, which is the “real” New Jersey?”

They both are.

I’ll try to spare the diatribe, but given your use of scare quotes you probably agree – in the last 5-10 years the word “real” has been absurdly overused and misused to the point of being meaningless. “Real Men do __”, “Real men don’t do ___”, “This is the Real Chicago”, etc….

🙂 I DO NOT THINK THAT WORD MEANS WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS. 🙂 (not directed at Stucky, but at all the idiots misusing “real”.)

Nearly all countries have nicer and uglier areas. A few of the highest tax, least warmongering countries in Europe (and possibly Uruguay and New Zealand) have very little of the ugly areas, and some of the real shitholes in Africa and the middle east don’t have nice areas, but outside those extremes… both the mansions and the slums are “real” in the US, Mexico, Canada, UK, Russia, Japan, China, etc….

Ms. Freud
Ms. Freud
June 17, 2014 4:03 pm

Dear Mister (I presume) Persnickety,

You are so correct in describing the misuse of the word “real”. Mr. Stucky said on his profile that he had a “real big dick”. I found his honesty refreshing.

But, he lied.

The correct usage is, “Brazil soccer is ‘real’ good.”. I’m half Brazilian, and when Brazil defeats Germany I will be “real” happy watching Stucky shed “real” tears. (But, I’ll still boink him.)

Ms. Freud

P,S,; A mind is a terrible think to waste …. and that’s why I charge money to fix it. You might need help, so please, do call.

June 17, 2014 4:05 pm

Neegroes and Beaners, taking over this country…..

[imgcomment image[/img]

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 17, 2014 9:13 pm

Oh my goodness, Mexicans are so scary! Oh wait, I’m a beaner. Yup, I scare myself. Anywhoo, Fred proves it, I have the IQ minimum to be on this site. Suck it, bitches.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 17, 2014 9:26 pm
el Coyote
el Coyote
June 17, 2014 9:36 pm

Hell just keep expanding. Permanent places are apportioned not by race but by deeds. Oh sure, you have the saving grace of intent, according to your thinking. But very few will make it out on that basis. Your big dicks and big brains and long pedigree will not save your asses. If that were the case, Dick Cheney is going straight to heaven.