Via Police State USA

Report finds government agents ‘directly involved’ in many U.S. terror plots

“In many of the cases we documented, there was no threat until the FBI showed up and helped turn people into terrorists.”

Federal Bureau of Investigation

A new report has revealed a disturbing set of tactics used in the pursuit of domestic terrorism in the USA. Among the findings was the fact that the FBI directly and repeatedly involves itself in planning a large percentage of foiled terror plots — often by convincing impressionable or mentally disabled people to join FBI plots, then arresting them.

Human Rights Watch published the 214-page report, titled “Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions.” It documents a number of cases which the group describes as being marred by overly-aggressive prosecution, entrapment, and draconian treatment of prisoners.

“Americans have been told that their government is keeping them safe by preventing and prosecuting terrorism inside the U.S.,” said Andrea Prasow, deputy Washington director at Human Rights Watch and co-author of the report. “But take a closer look, and you realize that many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring, and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”

Post-9/11 anti-terrorism investigations have often utilized secret evidence, anonymous juries, extensive pretrial incarceration, and reached convictions for allegations significantly removed from actual plots, the report shows.

While noting that some terror plots are genuine, the report contends that “in some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act.”

“In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act.”

This startling phenomenon occurs when the FBI uses its confidential informants — paid assets of the bureau — to incubate fake terror plots and lead individuals to act in ways that will lead to their arrest. There are about 15,000 paid informants employed by the FBI (2008 estimate). These assets played an “active role” in setting up sting operations to arrest suspects in fake terror plots in roughly 30% of terrorism investigations since 2001.

When approaching designated individuals, FBI actors would often make comments on “politically sensitive” subjects “that appeared designed to inflame the targets.” If the targets’ “opinions were deemed sufficiently troubling,” the FBI would often move forward with staging an event and enticing the target to play a role.

One such operative joined a mosque in a downtrodden community in Bronx County, NY. Bearing expensive gifts and touting radical opinions, he stood out amongst other locals; many living in boarded-up houses, and suffering from addictions, poverty, and high rates of crime. In the months that followed, the FBI operative meticulously planned every aspect of a completely fake scheme, promoting it to several black Muslim men he met at the mosque. The FBI operative even went so far as to offer one man $250,000 to participate. Ultimately, the sting operation netted 4 “terrorists” who each received 25-year prison sentences.

But without the persuasion and incentives, it is unlikely the so-called “Newburgh Four” posed any threat to national security. “One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country,” the Guardian reported.

In fact, numerous other cases were also found to have involved mentally ill or disabled individuals. One suffered from seizures and had a full-time caretaker.

“In many of the cases we documented, there was no threat until the FBI showed up and helped turn people into terrorists,” HRW director Prasow said to the Washington Post.

The Human Rights Watch report found that 18% of the terrorism-related convictions since 9/11 — stemming from 494 cases — were for charges of “material support of terrorism,” not actual participation in any plots of violence. Following the implementation of the USA PATRIOT Act, it became criminal to have even mild associations or exchanges with individuals deemed to be part of blacklisted groups. Under this law, people have been charged with material support for donations of things like cash, calling cards, watches, socks, and sleeping bags. The same charge also allows the government to criminalize things like translating documents or providing web services for the wrong people. All of this is allowed to happen regardless of the existence of any plotting or malicious intent.

“The report clearly shows, in many respects, the American public is being sold a false bill of goods,” remarked Ms. Prasow, on the illusion of safety and justice created by this brand of crime-fighting. “Far from protecting Americans, including American Muslims, from the threat of terrorism, the policies documented in this report have diverted law enforcement from pursuing real threats,” she said.

The report also found numerous perversions of due process, including excessive delays before holding trials, lengthy periods of solitary confinement, and secrecy regarding the evidence used to convict suspects.

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August 2, 2014 7:41 pm

Not much point in adding fuel to the fire, the weight of injustice, deceit, and ugliness of our society that hangs like the stench of a rotting corpse will drag this down soon enough. None too soon in my estimation.

Rick Caird
Rick Caird
August 2, 2014 7:47 pm

While I don’t buy into all the conspiracy theories here, I do buy into this one. The FBI and Homeland Security have to justify all their manpower and budget. So, they do that by prodding people into doing things they would never do on their own. Then they arrest those people they talked into their little project and turn around and trumpet to Congress and us what a great job they are doing and here is the evidence to prove how great they are. The only ones who should be on trial and going to jail are the government operatives.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 2, 2014 8:10 pm

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August 2, 2014 8:37 pm

Gunna hafta agree with the government on this one. If they would take up arms against the lawful government with just a tiny bit of help, like providing the bomb and the target, then they was gunna go bad anyways.

Soon they will send heroin to every address and child porn to every email. If you do not call 5 o you are guilty.

Seems simple really. What are you hiding?

August 3, 2014 5:26 pm

The shit-gov currently running things needs to continue the “terror” meme as long as possible. Remember, the U.S. taxpayer funded Bin Laden’s “freedom fighters” (Mujahadeen (sp?) in Afghanistan when the Russians tried to occupy the country, and this is the group that evolved to become Al Quieda. Our involvement in that country has nothing to do with “fighting terror”, it’s all about a pipeline in a strategic location in the M.E.
And in my opinion Cheney is still running things from Site R.

August 4, 2014 3:37 am

so fucking ridiculous. shit like this makes me so fucking angry.

a hostage was shot by police yesterday in LA, near where I live.

apparently, the hostage was “mistaken” for the suspect by a trigger-happy cop.

how the fuck do you mistake a hostage for a suspect? was he wielding a gun when he stepped out the front door to escape the malicious intent of his attacker ??

i don’t give a shit if the hostage had a similar look to the suspect … the cop should be exercising as much caution as possible in a situation like that when there are two innocent hostages in the house.

we need a fucking makeover of our police state. tone this shit down and stop harassing innocent citizens that simply want to make free choices like doing drugs or doing recreational activities that would otherwise not cause violence, theft, or either mischief.

August 4, 2014 12:30 pm

Having heard firsthand accounts of the manufactured drug “dealing” used to trump up charges and imprison people, I’m not shocked. At all. Back in the 80s, I knew a girl that was targeted because her brother was a suspected dealer. A narc introduced himself to her at a bar, dated her for months, spent time with her and her kids, provided drugs for parties, himself, her and then, after three or four months of “establishing” himself, he got her to call her brother and ask if he could sell the “boyfriend” an eightball – about 3-1/2 grams of coke.

The drug deal never even went down, by the time the narc got the cash and got to the brother’s house he was out. Nevertheless, based on the narc’s account, and the “fact” that the sister made the call and the dealer agreed to the sale, the “dealer” got 15 years, the sister 3.

Neither one ever sold the drugs, and the girl did nothing more than call her brother.

And, as always, there are some that declare, “well, if they weren’t thinking it, then it wouldn’t have happened!” bull.

Yesterday it was drugs, today the bs “terror,” tomorrow? Whom knows?

Maybe possessing magnesium oil, or raw honey (already true for raw milk), will be enough.

Insanity, simply insanity and I don’t see it ending until the whole thing collapses.