They’re Coming for Your Accounts

Guest Post by Paul Rosenberg

Nearly all of us grew up thinking that we registered ourselves to prove that we were safe and responsible. We advertised our services as “registered” or “licensed,” and we never thought about it beyond that point. After all, that was the way things were done, and we knew that it would help our customers trust us.

There is, however, another side to registration, one that’s about to bite a lot of decent people… and hard.

What Is Registration, Really?

What did we do when we registered with a government agency? We gave them our name, address, birthdate, and so on. If we thought about it at all, we thought that they were acting as some kind of guarantor of our services. But what really happened was that we told them how to find us and hurt us.

Registration involves making ourselves easy to find by enforcers, and placing ourselves at their mercy. Yes, I know that we did it ignorantly (I know I certainly did) and out of necessity, but we did hand our best “how to find me” information to enforcement agencies.

Now, what I’ve described above involves commercial and professional registrations. Unfortunately, the same thing applies to bank accounts and retirement accounts. When you register those with a government, you’re telling them where your money is and making it very easy for them to seize it.

Trillion-Dollar Deficits

In recent years, the US government has been spending $1 trillion per year more than it takes in. (And there are many additional factors at play.) The European situation is different, but not particularly better.

These situations can only last so long. At some point, the governments will need more money, especially as banks are poised to fail.

Governments will protect the big banks, at the expense of the citizens. You should take this seriously, and now.

Warning Shots

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a horrifying paper, called The Fund’s Lending Framework and Sovereign Debt. That paper in turn was based on one from December 2013, called Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten.

Major media ignored all of this, of course.

The December 2013 document, right at the start, says that “financial repression” is necessary. Here’s what it says:

The claim is that advanced countries do not need to resort to the standard toolkit of emerging markets, including debt restructurings and conversions, higher inflation, capital controls and other forms of financial repression.

It continues:

As we document, this claim is at odds with the historical track record of most advanced economies, where debt restructuring or conversions, financial repression, and a tolerance for higher inflation, or a combination of these were an integral part of the resolution of significant past debt overhangs.

So, in order to fix debt overhangs—currently at horrifying levels—financial repression is not just an option, but required.

That’s not my interpretation; those are their words.

And, of course, they’ve already had a trial run, when they stole funds directly from individual bank accounts in Cyprus. Here’s how that went down:

  • March 16, 2013: Cyprus announces a bank holiday and sets the terms of a “bail-in” to save the banks: 6.75% of all bank balances under €100,000 and 9.9% of balances larger than €100,000 will be confiscated. In honest language, the word for that is “theft.”
  • People screamed, and the government hemmed and hawed for a number of days.
  • March 24, 2013: People are permitted to withdraw €100 at a time from their bank accounts.
  • March 25, 2013: A bail-in deal is announced. Accounts with over €100,000 lose either 47.5% of their money (Bank of Cyprus) or 100% of their money (Laiki bank).

And as it happened, a number of very rich people and companies were permitted to withdraw their money in full, regardless of the “bail-in.”

The IMF report goes on to say:

Governments can stuff debt into local pension funds and insurance companies, forcing them through regulation to accept far lower rates of return than they might otherwise demand. ….

Domestic defaults, restructurings, or conversions are particularly difficult to document and can sometimes be disguised as “voluntary.”

The paper that they slipped out also adds this:

The Fund would be able to provide exceptional access on the basis of a debt operation that involves an extension of maturities.

That means that 30-day notes can be instantly turned into 30-year bonds.

The US Treasury Is Already on the Job

It’s not just the IMF, of course. The US Treasury has had a group working on these ideas since the Bush administration.

And in August 2010, the US Departments of Labor and the Treasury held joint hearings, deciding how best they could take control of all assets in IRAs and 401(k) accounts. The decision was that they’d replace them with “Treasury Retirement Bonds.”

More Examples

  • In 2009, the government of Ireland swiped €4 billion from its National Pensions Reserve Fund in order to prop up its insolvent banks. The following March, they stole the remaining €2.5 billion for another bailout.
  • In November 2010, the French parliament took €36 billion from a reserve pension fund to pay the debts of a “social” fund.
  • Also in November 2010, the government of Hungary effectively took 2.7 trillion forints ($13.5 billion) from 3 million retirement accounts.
  • The government of Poland nationalized one-third of future contributions to individual retirement accounts. That money will almost certainly disappear into the state treasury, robbing savers of some $2.3 billion per year.


Understand that the financial powers that be—the IMF, World Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), assorted central banks, and your local government—are ready to rob you.

When the time comes, all their usual sucker-bait will be pulled out: “It only hits the rich,” “We have to trash the economy to save it,” “We must all sacrifice,” “It’s for the children,” and so on.

All the right-thinking people on television will wring their hands and say it’s the only way out. Perhaps they’ll even let a bank or two crash for good effect.

But in the end, they aim to steal your money. Government and the big banks will continue unharmed.

If you want to protect yourself, you need to get your wealth out of registered accounts, because that’s where they’ll grab first.

Understand that these people have only two real choices:

  1. Reform their system, close the central banks, and give up their power.
  1. Start grabbing the only big pile of portable wealth remaining: your retirement money.

I don’t think any of us believe they’ll take option number one.

It’s your money. Act.

Paul Rosenberg is the “outside the Matrix” author of Free-Man’s Perspective, which is dedicated to economic freedom, including alternative currencies, personal independence, and privacy.

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September 8, 2014 10:19 am

This …. coming soon to ….

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September 8, 2014 12:11 pm

The government can already steal your bank accounts. Get behind on your taxes .Several years they (irs)said I owed some taxes from other years. As I was trying to fight this I got a call from the bank letting me know my bank account was now the property of the US treasury department.They took it all and I never got a penny back.Since then I have kept enough in checking to pay bills.Be careful. They do not have to tell before they take your accounts. You get up one morning and your money is gone and there’s not a Damn thing you can do about it.

September 8, 2014 12:29 pm


They will also take all but one dollar if you owe child support. They leave one dollar in to keep the account open … just in case you deposit more money, so they can take that also. I know, cuz it happened to me … well, at least the state of Michigan will do this.

September 8, 2014 12:42 pm

I’ve been (trying, mainly failing) to sound the “they’re coming” alarm with those that I love, and that have money/accounts that will be hit.

The general consensus is, “we’ll just get our 401k/savings back in bonds, no biggie” OR, “I’ll lose 3% tax free (deferred actually) if I don’t keep stuffing them.

When I sounded the warning about money in bank accounts due to the (not publicized) rule change back after the “crisis”, where the gubment/bank can, WITHOUT notice, freeze your NON-interest bearing account for up to 30 days, renewable. The FDIC rules state that checks, or auto payments, will not be honored. So not only will they steal your cash, they will also cost you fees for NSFs all over the place.

PLUS the FDIC is guaranteeing “up to” $290some odd TRILLION of banking bad bets and derivatives, with our cash accounts behind those. So, in the event of a massive bank run, NO money will be left.

Now let’s just throw in Bernie, Jonnie, and the like.

Any morning the average “upper” middle class ‘murkin, the average businessman, could wake up to instant poverty and the loss of a lifetime of work.

But, please rest assured and don’t fret. The gubment pensions will continue to flow, so they will be ok for now. Of course eventually the music will stop for them too. Sadly, most of us will be hit first.

Stealing wealth from the productive middle has never once in history led to a positive outcome for the entire country.

I’m sure things are different this time thanks to technology, and I’m sure these uber rich fucks are smarter than us and can turn our dwindling assets into the magic money tree they will need to put the world back together again.

Anyway, according to the “experts” that surround us, this won’t ever happen here, this is AMERICA!


September 8, 2014 12:54 pm

TE … decided to “sound the alarm” by sticking her TBP comments all over her body
[imgcomment image?w=367&h=551[/img]

Little did she know that Michigan does not treat “alarmists” kindly
[imgcomment image[/img]

September 8, 2014 1:45 pm

Those are not TBP stickers – not a single one said “Blow me!”.

September 8, 2014 1:47 pm

Well, I guess THAT answers THAT.

September 8, 2014 1:50 pm

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September 8, 2014 3:02 pm

I never understood why people expect angelic behavior from those who seek power and privilege and not see in them as the most baseness of mankind. The founding papas saw this and tried to limit its emergence in the new Republic.

We get the gov we deserve as Samuel said to the Israelites when they wanted a king like the other countries around them. He said that God has not willed it, BUT if you choose it, you will have the government you deserve. If your a good moral people, you will have a good king, BUT if you are a immoral people, you will have a bad king with all that it means.

What about the good US of A? What do you think? I thought so. Thieves are thieves no matter how they cloak their nefarious deed in legality. Which is why they go to such great lengths to prevent an accounting.

A law that is not a moral law, is no law.

September 8, 2014 3:49 pm

Have you ever thought that getting old has its advantages. One of them is that they can`t put you in prison for a very long time. Another advantage is that you don`t have much to lose even if they kill you. A person that doesn`t have anything to lose is dangerous.

September 8, 2014 4:20 pm

The politicians and Barry are getting bolder in acts of criminal behavior as Holder is gatekeeper and bankers ,not ONE have yet to be prosecuted.When they do reset of dollar,and 401 confiscation,God help them if they try to kick in doors-notice that is perfectly legal under Obamacare under Forced home inspections.This is the one issue-The UN Dems want your right to bear arms.My how it will make tyranny and theft that much easier-One man with a gun can control 100 without- Lenin

September 8, 2014 4:29 pm

TE I can relate I have very few people in my life but trying to sound the alarm. My girlfriend was at work the other day basically stating what this article says in a nut shell and they looked at her like she was nuts oh that could never happen.

September 8, 2014 6:30 pm

donna: excellent! That is precisely why we must NEVER register or sporting equipment, ever. As long as we are armed, and believe me, we are armed, the govt must think twice before stealing our savings and retirement funds. Not gonna happen as long as the 80million or so Americans remain armed and dangerous!

September 8, 2014 8:06 pm

@Ragman, the government would not steal our funds/accounts today and not just because of guns.

They will wait until AFTER a “reset” and those funds are shrunken and people are screaming in the streets as local/city/state pensions (not to mention the megacorps) plummet in value.

THEN, when blood is in the streets and many are already effectively bankrupted (us little guys with littler savings), is when they will come up with a plan to “save” what is “left.”

And the sheeple – armed or not – whom will be in full panic mode, will BEG them to do it. “Guaranteed” “Full Faith and Credit” “No Sovereign Nation has ever…” You know the drill

September 8, 2014 9:09 pm

Ragman–I kinda think you’re out gunned. I guess there is always the hope of David and Goliath. With you on Gods side, what more could you ask for. However, every side calls on God to back their side. So, be diligent as to what God asks of you, after all He gave you a brain with which to think.

Start with the 10 commandments, which I found in my life to be startling real. They are simple, covering only a few paragraphs, but are at the essence of human behavior one to another. Today, the emphasis is on the “Thou shalt not steal” part. It doesn’t mean, “Thou shalt not steal except by popular vote.”–GN “Thou shalt not steal except that we change the laws to make it legal” You get the picture.

The measure is to do to others as you want them to do to you because it will. You’re every misfortune and every blessing can be traced to how you interacted with you’re fellow man.

The 10 commandments apply to you as an individual not to fictitious entities like governments or other organizations which are comprised of individuals. There is no shirking your culpability as an individual just because gov says it is ok. It is call Karma, the law of karma, you experience in your own life what you created in the lives of others. Damn, that’s perfect justice from a perfectly loving God. You can’t say, “He told me it was ok”. Even man’s laws discount that as an excuse.

So choose good even if it doesn’t seem to work out that way. Intentions are all important!

After living as long as I have, I found that the most important thing is people, family and friends.

September 9, 2014 7:11 pm

Homer: that is a defeatist attitude! I will never admit that American Citizens are outgunned! Also I’d bet that I’m at least as old as you are! You are absolutely correct about family and friends, something a vast majority of folks never figure out.