“Dad, why all these wars?” —- perfectly explained in 90 seconds

Old-fuks start it, fund it, and keep it going …



…. because there is an endless supply of Young-fuks willing to die for the Old-fuks.



… because Old-fuks use propaganda techniques from Hollywood to the Ad Industry … to create false narratives and false choices …. which draw upon the worst aspects of human nature … while appealing to fear and blind patriotism ….. to manipulate young Americans to volunteer to “serve” their country ….. in the name of freedom, justice, and democracy ….. while those are the very things the Old-fuks don’t give a shit about.

Don’t Believe The Bullshit!


In this day and age …. real parents discourage their kids from entering the military.

Teach your children well !

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
October 2, 2014 4:59 pm

And while you’re at it, you young folks pay your Social Security and Medicare taxes.

And get offa my lawn!

October 2, 2014 6:23 pm

if not for the hordes of young men willing to serve in perpetual foreign war, with some horribly disfigured and others killed by fire and steel , how could we provide for a future fold of old bleedign heart jingoists willing to mark ritual and tradition several times a year?

‘Murica.. taxation is our strength!

October 3, 2014 3:00 pm

profits … ….

yes, everybody should read “war is a racket” from Smedley Butler.

my grandfather was wounded in Poland (WWII), so he came to a quiet “job” in Italy, when his unit was moved to the east front (March 45), he was captured by US troops. They starved him in a “Rheinwiesenlager” till August 45.
He said: War is a racket! You are a poor pig, and your “enemy” is a poor pig too.
Dont hate hate them, becauce the hate kills your soul.

He said this to my uncle, when he got his draft, and my uncle said this to me, when I got my draft.

I share it to you, and I say : war is a racket