“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” Mark Twain


I’ve concluded we are run by One Party. Voting will change nothing. We are living in a corporate fascist warfare/welfare empire of debt run by billionaires and bankers. The Republican/Democrat kabuki theater is designed to keep the sheeple distracted and angry at each other. This keeps them from focusing on the oligarchs stealing them blind, luring them into debt, and using their children as cannon fodder in un-Constitutional wars around the globe. Since 2000 we have had Republicans in complete control and Democrats in complete control. No matter who is in charge, the welfare state and warfare state grows ever larger. The national debt has grown exponentially under both parties. Neither party will change the status quo because they are the status quo. It’s the people versus the state. We are on course for a financial, economic and societal collapse. Voting will not change this course.

I did not vote yesterday and don’t foresee ever voting again in my lifetime. I judge people by their actions, not their words. The actions of those we have elected have been reckless, corrupt, and disastrous for the future of my children. Homey don’t play that game anymore.

I would love to hear arguments for why I should vote.

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Stephan F
Stephan F
November 4, 2014 10:12 am

It seems to me that most here seem to be making the following point regarding voting: “I have a choice between a hard-core statists and a soft-core statists. They’re both evil, so I’ll just stay home & not vote (or vote for a 3rd party looooooser).” You’re now admitting that you’re trying to punish those who vote republican, who want freedom & liberty, just like you, by making them pay for not supporting your pure ideological candidate. I have to tell you, that ain’t working. And here’s a good example why.

I happen to reside in Oregon. In the 2010 election Chris Dudley(R), a typical mainstream Republican, lost the governor’s race to past Oregon governor John Kitzhaber (D) — a truly hardcore communist & Obama clone — by the slimmest of margins. Had the votes for the Libertarians and Constitutional Party gone to Dudley (one could reasonably argue that most of those votes would have gone to him), he would have won the election! Here are the stats:

Party Candidate Votes Percentage
Democrat John Kitzhaber 716,525 49.29%
Republican Chris Dudley 694,287 47.77%
Constitution Greg Kord 20,475 1.41%
Libertarian Wes Wagner 19,048 1.31%

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’d much much rather have to tolerate a neo-con republican like Dudley than a Kitzhaber hardcore statist. Does this mean that your vote could sway the election? Not a chance. But combine your lowly one vote with potentially millions of other non-voter or idealistic 3rd party voters and it sure in hell could Democrats are a morally corrupt party of mind-numb drones. They all vote lock-step for anyone who represents the party, anyone. These guys are the real big evil & they vote like their lives depend on it. Lovers of freedom must be able to collectively out-vote them, else they will have the power to do to us what they will. This is the challenge freedom lover’s face.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
November 4, 2014 10:18 am

It takes quite an effort and amount of time to shed the conditioning we are given through the public school system, media, and society at large. Just today I heard an low-information radio program berating the listeners about their “constitutional obligation” to vote. I’m sure most people would actually believe they are somehow obligated to a contract they never signed, that’s the sad thing.

When you get right down to it, voting is immoral. How can a majority (or, ever increasingly, a plurality) force others to conform to their will? Would this work in your normal, daily life, at the individual level? No it would not. My right to use force to make others conform to my will is restricted to my own personal space, the personal space of other innocent people, and the property I have fairly acquired and am currently using or maintaining. Any other use of force is illegitimate, due to the rules of this universe, call them what you will: natural law, common law, common sense, the golden rule etc.

But somehow we suspend common sense and enter the voting booth. We believe we can force others to our will for the “good of society.” Most do not see voting as an evil, but that is what it is at the fundamental level, a blunt use of force, watered down through a couple million participants to make it seem like a good. Furthermore, it is essential that the populace be told this is “the system” or “a way to speak their minds” or increasingly your “obligation.” This is why they rope teenagers into working the polls in some localities or pushing you to register to vote or prodding you for an election contribution on your taxes. What if someday a politician stands up to speak and no one pays any attention? That is what they are most afraid of.

November 4, 2014 10:50 am

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Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
November 4, 2014 11:11 am

“What if someday a politician stands up to speak and no one pays any attention? That is what they’re most afraid of.”

I’m already there.

harry p.
harry p.
November 4, 2014 11:27 am

well said tumbleweed.

November 4, 2014 12:26 pm

This may be the last election in which we face an old guard vs.old guard ‘
choice.’ The wheel of history is turning and the politics of this election will seem as distant as those of Rhett, Toombs and Yancey must have in 1868. At least I hope so.

I am not alone: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/221294-the-clintons-jim-webb-the-bushes-or-romney-2016
Mr. Quigley’s S&H – themed analysis leads him to the conclusion that we’ll not have tom endure Mitt redux or Bush 3.0 vs Clinton 2.0 – Jim Webb (or maybe a name as unknown as Lincoln’s was in 1857) will rise. Keep the faith.

November 4, 2014 12:45 pm

I just finished voting

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November 4, 2014 1:23 pm

I urge citizens to vote only to attempt to completely reform our political system and at least try to gain some power over their lives, opportunity to prosper, and future. But the only way to do this is for everyone to throw out both democrats and republicans and replace them with independents not already bought and paid for by big money. The obstacles to this are enormous.

Since this will never happen because voters are too complacent or dependent on government, it’s just a pipe dream. So the middle class, our economy, and country will keep disintegrating while voters bounce between our two corrupt political parties controlled by big special interests.

Self-destruction pure and simple. I wonder how bad things have to get for most before they even consider the last resort of civil uprising

Han Shan-na-na-na-na
Han Shan-na-na-na-na
November 4, 2014 2:37 pm

The elitist expat you love to hate is back!

Congrats to Mr. Quinn and Harry P with my sympathies to Hardscrabble, my favorite among the commenters and an excellent poster in the bargain. The USA is gone, I fear, which is why I left it, fearing long ago that things would only worsen as indeed they have. Cowardice? I think not: common sense seems to me more like it. Believe me, I wish you all well, because you’re trapped in a place that is destined for disaster, just as has been planned for a very long time. “Voting” can be equated with a Thomas Pynchon quote: “Cross yourself and face the wall/Dreams will help you not at all.”

I was old enough and well-off enough to get out while the gettin’ was good and will never return unless and until the current order is cast out, increasingly unlikely. I go back and forth between two S.A. nations, one a mess, the other less so, but in both cases pretty much under the radar. For a good analysis (in my opinion) of where we’re headed, I recommend this fellow’s site: http://philosophyofmetrics.com/. I’m a black-sheep member of a fairly well-connected financial family and this fellow gets it, believe me (or not, as you choose). Me? I think he has it spot-on and am taking measures to ensure my ongoing comfort and that of my children. That insurance includes armed thugs who may in the final accounting turn on me, but not without losses. Best I can do.

November 4, 2014 3:12 pm

The United States is a long way from done. We just need one solid false flag event to rally around the flag pole. Then American resolve will rise with a fury, turning loose the chains that bind the most powerful military the world as ever known. America done? Hell we’ve not even begun.

PS, if you will vote Republican today it will surely help in these efforts.

November 4, 2014 3:19 pm

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November 4, 2014 3:33 pm

Did you vote for the fake liberal or the fake conservative candidate from the Unified Corporate Whore Party?

Also, does anybody know if politicians now need to have a SAG card to run for office?

Han Shan-na-na-na-na
Han Shan-na-na-na-na
November 4, 2014 4:23 pm


You can’t imagine how much I would like to agree with you! I was born in the USA, love what it stood for, but can’t help but believe that those days are long gone; God willing, I am wrong.

It’s been 17 years since I left after a life largely lived abroad until 1986. When I returned in that year, I was largely horrified by what I saw and experienced and when I had funds sufficient to leave again, I did so (1997). No place is perfect, but for my purposes, S.A. was to me the best option. It’s very far from perfect, but for someone like me, an aged rentier with a well-working farm, it has gone well. I believe he dollar will be strongly devalued with the onset of the SDR currency regime and have tried to plan accordingly, but…

From what I can see (albeit limited), the USA is in serious danger of becoming enfeoffed by the owners of the BIS and their US political vassals, who appear to have taken control of the political process. I ask you: Where, exactly, is the American resolve? Upon whom will the military be turned loose? Do you seriously believe that the American military will throw off the chains and act against those who have usurped the Republic? The true “enemy” is within the gates, not abroad, save for the “nation” that attacked the US on 8 June 1967 ((USS Liberty) by a “nation” that enjoys full impunity from the USA. This “nation” is a creation of the financial cabal that governs the USA and the EU, and while the Jewish people per se are not at fault, the Zionist cabal may well be considered to be so: the jury is out on that one.

Look within, not without. Restore the Republic and cast “democracy” to the winds. Fail to do so, well, prepare to reap the whirlwind, because it’s coming sooner or later.

God bless and good luck to the beloved land of my youth.

November 4, 2014 4:36 pm

I didn’t vote for the simple reason that I am an overseas voter, and my state sent me an incomplete ballot – none of the federal legislative entries! By that time I couldn’t be bothered to call the elections commission and ask for a rectification (nor was I particularly anxious to draw attention to myself). Although I must admit I was highly tempted to vote for governor, even though both candidates in my state are major and obvious douchebags, one of them really pushed it over the edge spamming my inbox with attacks on his opponent and never one positive word for himself, thus proving that not even he could think of anything good. I expect politicians to be egotistical jerks, not self-conscious jerks. Gaining, holding and exercising power effectively requires massive amounts of testosterone, and this twit proved he had none and therefore, while his opponent may have been corrupt, he himself was simply unqualified.

That said, I would understand and wholeheartedly approve of voting straight-ticket Republican in this or any election. Yes, they’ll break all their campaign promises for major legislative reforms. Yes, they’re corrupt corporate arse-kissers. Yes, they’ve sold out American industry and trading prowess for thirty strips of play money. But they’re not really any worse than the Democrats on any bad points.

And that should be enough. Why? Because, look at the Republican electorate. This is the more nearly NORMAL part of American society. Yes, they supported a grotesque, costly and immoral war in the 2000s. Yes, their god was a senile demented B-movie star. Yes, they take pride in provincial ignorance and many of the ones whom I count among my co-religionists made apologetics for disgusting pederasts in the Church hierarchy (although one would be remiss not to acknowledge that until fairly recently the American episcopat was actually largely Democratic). Again, though, how is that any worse than the Democrats’ counterparts on any point?

When I see Democratic voters, I see bitter old socialist failures, welfare queens, Bright Young Things who think it’s 1967, a TV icon who has admitted to having fondled her little sister and likened herself to a child molester and then become angry when people called her… a child molester. I see a President who has received an elite education and remains easily the worst-educated President in our country’s history. I see jackasses who think that not only is anything fair game for racists, but also that anyone who dislikes the aforementioned metrosexual perpetual adolescent in the White House must be a racist, and call themselves upper middle class and liberal and anti-bullying yet are prepared to vandalize the property of those who disagree with them like the fascist hooligan bullies they really are. (This has happened to people I know.) I see academics who go Ga Ga over a core curriculum designed to strip out any significant grounding in our country’s founding cultural and civic heritage as well as logical and mathematical competence.

And those are just the *white* Democratic voters.

I will never vote Democrat, because the modern Democratic electorate is composed of boobs who hate everything white, male, heterosexual, Christian and European. Democratic and not Republican presidents will work overtime to disarm people like myself (the last decades have born this out, and believe me when I say that in the unlikely event that we ever decide to do something more productive than cast marginally unproductive votes, we will be thankful to have our firearms). Under Democratic government, the icky Democratic voters I have mentioned above feel emboldened that they own the country and dictate what it stands for and what is its core identity.

Brief, I do not feel safe with Democrats in office, because I do not feel safe around the people to whom they owe their mandate. And I do not trust those bureaucrats not to officialize the horrendous deeds of their electors.


November 4, 2014 5:13 pm

“Neither party will change the status quo because they are the status quo.” words of wisdom..take heed!

The Blank Stare of the Shark

November 4, 2014 7:57 pm

I am 72 years old and have never missed a national or statewide election. Until this year today. I know now that whatever the results the impact of my vote is marginal at best. Even if the outcome wasn’t fixed there is no way we can stop this train before it crashes.

November 4, 2014 7:58 pm

flash says:
“So the same nation of hedonistic idolaters of self who’ve elected the vote selling corporate pwnd bums that perverted and exploited the legislative , judicial and executive branches of government for power and personal gain would do an even better job of directly passing the law of the land themselves?”


November 4, 2014 8:45 pm

Admin, didn’t you vote for Bill Clinton in 1996? I think you told me that in a drunken stupor. Wait, maybe that was my drunken stupor. I started drinking after voting for Michael Dukasis.

November 4, 2014 8:49 pm
Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
November 4, 2014 9:01 pm

There is one reason to vote: to raise the vote count for third party candidates so more people might vote that way.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
November 4, 2014 9:11 pm

I should add this: Florida had a medical marijuana vote today. I ALWAYS get out to vote to take away laws that make things illegal.

Much rather see more smoking dope than a steady supply of new victims for the rapists in prison.
(The U.S. has a huge male rape problem we don’t like to talk about).

November 4, 2014 9:42 pm

Am I voting today?
Why should I? I don’t need to.

So far the tally favors the War Party, Bankers, NeoCons, immigration reformists, and the Deep State. My minions are waxing white in both the blue and red states. Why should I take the time to vote when I don’t need to?

November 4, 2014 10:11 pm

Erazno and La Choko is a national radio program out of LA. His get-out-the-vote message was half-hearted.
La Choko – We should vote, right?
El Doggy – Obama is a Democrat right?
Erazno – Democrats are good for us.
Erazno – Although they didn’t do anything about immigration reform
Erazno – Obama actually deported more people.
Erazno – He was here last time, we gave him some radio time. He didn’t do anything.

Erazno plays all the characters. He is brilliant as El Doggy, goading listeners on about his machismo ‘lessons’. The exchange above is not as disingenuous as it sounds.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 4, 2014 10:16 pm


I too have voted libertarian since way back but what good did it do? Last two elections including today I said fuk it. No regrets.

November 4, 2014 10:20 pm

I am hoping that the zionist-owned republicans fail to gain control of the senate as I am certain that if they do, they will do all they can to torpedo Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran by refusing to remove sanctions.

November 4, 2014 11:07 pm

Mark Pryor got his ass fired just like I promised him he would. Arkansas has a brand new Republican Senator and a brand new Republican Governor. It’s a great night in the Natural State!

November 4, 2014 11:17 pm

It’s a big mistake to abstain from voting.
At the ballot box how else can you encourage the candidates and party you favor, swell their returns, and, hopefully, make a minority a majority?
Not voting won’t do it. It’s an act of submission that will only weaken you and embolden the haughty majority.
Vote for candidates who want to reduce the power of the state and give more power back to the people. In my state that means Libertarians and Constitutional Party candidates.

November 4, 2014 11:32 pm

Republicans got the Senate. Don’t worry Obama’s not upset,he will spend the next two years playing golf waiting on his Republican replacement.

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November 4, 2014 11:35 pm

Thus, by voting in political elections, a voter implicitly endorses…immoral and intellectually indefensible behavior by proxy.

JFK, LBJ, GWB, BHO – all stolen elections. Adding insult to injury, BHO accused the people he was deporting, of electing him.

November 5, 2014 12:05 am

Hat tip to Rand Paul. His help in Kansas put Sen. Pat Roberts over the top.

Rand Paul’s PAC makes six-figure ad buy in Kansas Senate race

RandPAC, the leadership PAC of GOPSen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, is making a six-figure ad buy to boost incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts in Kansas, who is trying to avoid being drummed out of office by independent candidate Greg Orman.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/28/rand-pauls-pac-makes-six-figure-buy-in-kansas-sena/#ixzz3IAQw2dQu
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

November 5, 2014 4:19 am

Looks like Tom Cotton defeated Mark Pryor in Arkansas? Yes?

November 5, 2014 5:05 am

Engineer a population of ignorant dumbasses via mass/social media, 24/7 televised entertainment ,public education and poison mass marketed as food and then expect those same deluded dullards to make a wise choice in who shall be allowed to lead the country …what could possibly go wrong?

Myth of the Rational Voter

Uploaded on Apr 24, 2011

Prof. Bryan Caplan discusses his controversial book, The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies. His thesis is that a majority of voters err in their thinking on economics issues, and that these errors can be grouped under 4 different irrational biases, which Caplan calls the make-work bias, the anti-foreign bias, the pessimistic bias, and the anti-market bias. These errors make it difficult to enact effective policies through the democratic process. Caplan’s argument responds to the claim in conventional public choice theory that voters are rationally ignorant, as well as to critics of that theory.

November 5, 2014 6:35 am

voting will not changing a thing…plan accordingly

“The liberal system will not be defeated by electing substantial numbers of dissidents to high office; there is truth in the old radical slogan that if elections could change anything, they would be illegal. The liberal system will collapse of its own weight: debt, over-centralization, anti-natalism, all the perverse incentives it creates. As our old sources of national strength quietly dry up, the regime is distracted with exotic trivia like gay marriage and the search for new forms of discrimination to combat. Competition from China alone is going to put an end to this ideological navel-gazing in the not-too-distant future. We must position ourselves to present the public with a credible alternative when the crisis hits. This is my focus, not the shadow-boxing of Republicans vs. Democrats.” – F. Roger Devlin

The Decline of Western Man (and Woman)

November 5, 2014 7:35 am

Okay.. I voted.

But I voted for the Libertarian guy (yeah, we actually had one on the ballot).

Not that it mattered. Old habits die hard.

The US is pretty much doomed no matter who’s in charge… when folks realize the ballot box doesn’t work anymore, there’s always the cartridge box…

November 5, 2014 8:25 am

Maybe we can slow down the march of the Liberal progressive agenda. Maybe we can create a few jobs. Maybe we can amend Obamacare and actually put something in place that works. Maybe we can secure the southern border and give citizenship to all the cherry con O’s already here. Maybe we can keep our guns for a few more years. Maybe in two years we can elect a President that projects competence rather than buffoonery.

In the long run will it make a difference probably not but here’s the deal. The deterioration of global finances is marching the world powers towards a major war. The hand writing is on the wall it’s gonna happen. When the shit hits the fan I would rather have a George S Patton out front rather than a Barack Hussein Obama.

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
November 5, 2014 8:57 am

Folks, keep one thing in mind, as I noted on WBAL yesterday — Obamacare could have been destroyed “at will” by the Republicans at any time since all spending must originate in the House. As a result since the Republicans have held the House since the first midterm of Obama’s Presidency they could have at any time stopped it by refusing to pass the appropriation necessary to fund it. They could have also cut off the runaway spending and thus the deficit at any time via exactly the same means, never mind the 2011 debt ceiling “fight” when an immediate and permanent end to deficit spending, and the destruction of your purchasing power that it causes, could have occurred simply by the Republicans refusing to pass a bill — that is, refusing to act instead of acting.
From the pen of Karl Denninger. He’s got it right.

There was utterly nothing that Obama or the Democrats could have done about either, and Boehner, along with the Republicans, proved beyond rebuttal that they didn’t give a damn about either at that point as well.

You’re about to be lied to again about the “change” that will “come” to America. What’s going to change is ONLY WHO IS GOING TO SCREW YOU — not whether you’ll get screwed, and it will still come without warning or lube just as it did yesterday.

Now be a good serf and find a new stick for your teeth so you don’t bite your tongue off; the old one is dangerously compromised from all the abuse it’s taken over the previous six years.


Rise Up
Rise Up
November 5, 2014 9:29 am

Still waiting for the results here in Virginia for the senate race. Ed Gillepie’s wife called me last week to personally lobby for her husband’s vote. I’ve never had a call directly from a senatorial candidate (or their wife). We had a short conversation about 2nd amendment, overreach of NSA spying on us, and illegal immigration. She co-leads working group to educate youth (and adults) on the importance and revelance of the US Constitution.

Whether things will change for the better, we’ll just have to wait and see. If nothing else, this election sent a message to the White House. Will Obummer dig his heels in deeper, or realize he has to work with the other side? (Odds are on the former…)

Admin, you seem unhappy with the outcome of this election. What was your desired outcome?
You should run for political office–your firebrand style would shake things up!

Question: Would you prefer that there were no election and the current incumbents remained in office?

November 5, 2014 9:39 am

1. Please tell me how a republican Congress is going to create jobs.

Answer is – Build the KEYSTONE PIPELINE to start with.

2. Obamacare cannot be adjusted, repealed, or changed.

Answer is. You maybe correct but you are assuming that Obama will not sign a bill laid on his desk. Republicans will rewrite the law, the American people are demanding it. IF Obama Veto’s that bill you will have the prefect platform to elect a Republican President in 2016 and control all three branches of Government. Is Obama that dumb? I hope so.

3. You already were going to keep your guns, whether Republicans or Democrats ruled.

Answer is. Not sure about that many progressive Liberals would like to see guns taken away. I just feel more comfortable with Republicans on this issue.

4. Your choices for 2016 will be Hillary, Jeb, Mitt or Fat Boy. The Republican neo-con establishment will never allow Rand to be the nominee. Not a chance.

Answer is- Why not Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson ? It would be quite a feat to select someone worse than Obama!

5. I’m sure they will pass a balanced budget since they control both houses. Right?

Answer is- Probably not! Republicans will not make any major cuts in next two years looking towards 2016. Rinse, lather, repeat, always another election on the horizon.

6. It will end in war. So who the fuck cares who is in charge.

Answer is. I care a lot. If I’am going to war I would rather have a George S Patton out front than a Barack Hussein Obama. But that’s just me.

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
November 5, 2014 9:42 am

So…who feels better today?

Can’t wait to see what this “change” brings us.


November 5, 2014 9:58 am

Oh the irony…the neo-cons will be back in full swing, more military spending, more interventions and getting involved in far off civil wars and, of course more propaganda to ‘grow’ the empires military. Jesus for empire! O. Wait. Jesus was never for empire, right? right?

Shock and Awe. Yellow Cake. WMD all over again…and since Wall street is the big winner here more bailouts!!

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 5, 2014 10:02 am

“Administrator says:

Rise Up

Aren’t you angry with the Libertarian candidate? ”

No, I’m not angry. Libertarians have just as much right to run for office as anyone. I voted Constitutional party the last 2 presidental elections.

C.A. Bouthillier
C.A. Bouthillier
November 5, 2014 10:08 am

ALL government representatives and ALL candidates are from the same bloodlines. Those bloodlines that were disinherited 2000 years ago. They pretend to be in opposition; act like they are not connected.

They are ALL connected and they are ALL aware of the extermination plan. They work together to uphold & defend the fraud. They are murderers, liars, frauds & thieves. The entire government, university system, finance industry, medical community, healthcare, every one of them is aware that the Ebola outbreak is a cover for the vaccine viruses (nano-parasites) that are set to activate on a mass scale right NOW.

Elections are used as another distraction. Remember, political parties were created to establish opposites, to provide an excuse for why nothing gets done….why everything has been destroyed, nothing is left of the Constitution. Real citizens cannot obtain office, because the traitors own the elections through their control and their wealth.

They have gotten strong, obtained total world wealth, but not through their own power. All their wealth and control of government will not save them. They are destined for destruction. They will be destroyed, but not by human power.



November 5, 2014 10:09 am

Obama-care getting repealed? LMAO. No way. Big insurance owns the Titutes on the Hill whether they did or did not vote for Obola-care. Sure, you will hear alot of talk about repealing it but..




November 5, 2014 10:16 am

Golden Oxen

Good to see you posting here!! (Even if only once in a while.) I always enjoy reading your commentary on Doomstead Diner.

November 5, 2014 10:17 am

I voted… not that it makes much difference in Chicago.

We did get rid of the Democratic machine in the State House, though — Rauner (R) is a businessman who will go head-to-head with that liberal-progressive POS Madigan who’s run this state for the last 50 years. Rauner’s advocating term limits and I hope to God he can get them through.

Threw at least three votes to Libertarians, including the Senate race between Durbin/Oberweiss. Couldn’t consciously vote for either one of those fools. And more and more people are talking about the Libertarian party today because of the votes they got in several races, demonstrating how dissatisfied people are with RepubliCrats. That, in of itself, is a good sign… if it encourages more / better candidates to run in the future, even better. So many good people give up without even trying, thinking it’s not worth it. So if they can be encouraged by the number of us who are also in the same boat, that can’t hurt.

It’s too early to tell, but elections mid-4T in other Crisis eras have generally had significant impact on how those 4Ts play out. We can hope this one establishes the motivation for a 2016 complete overhaul of our dysfunctional government/oligarchy monopoly.

November 5, 2014 10:30 am

The Keystone pipeline would be a huge financial windfall for the States involved during the construction process, although would not create many permanent jobs.
Roll back EPA rules and regs and put coal miners back to work.
Reduce tax burdens on business, anything is better than what we’ve been doing.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 5, 2014 10:37 am

“Administrator says:

Rise Up

I couldn’t care less about the outcome of elections. They are meaningless. You are voting for whether you want a red dick or blue dick shoved up your ass. ”

Admin, if Ron Paul had won in 2008, would the election have been meaningless to you?
You would not have cared about the outcome if that?

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 5, 2014 10:38 am