“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” Mark Twain


I’ve concluded we are run by One Party. Voting will change nothing. We are living in a corporate fascist warfare/welfare empire of debt run by billionaires and bankers. The Republican/Democrat kabuki theater is designed to keep the sheeple distracted and angry at each other. This keeps them from focusing on the oligarchs stealing them blind, luring them into debt, and using their children as cannon fodder in un-Constitutional wars around the globe. Since 2000 we have had Republicans in complete control and Democrats in complete control. No matter who is in charge, the welfare state and warfare state grows ever larger. The national debt has grown exponentially under both parties. Neither party will change the status quo because they are the status quo. It’s the people versus the state. We are on course for a financial, economic and societal collapse. Voting will not change this course.

I did not vote yesterday and don’t foresee ever voting again in my lifetime. I judge people by their actions, not their words. The actions of those we have elected have been reckless, corrupt, and disastrous for the future of my children. Homey don’t play that game anymore.

I would love to hear arguments for why I should vote.

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November 3, 2014 3:26 pm

I was doing a bit of searching around to see if it’s possible to un-register to vote. It would seem it’s not advertised, but it can be done. People have successfully done so by contacting their local registrar to make the request.

I ran across the following post in a forum while I was searching around on the topic, I think he/she put their reasoning into words rather nicely.


emailed the following to the Virginia State Board of Elections:

“To whom it may concern,
I no longer want to be registered to vote in political elections. I wouldn’t use such a system to determine anything as trivial as my breakfast cereal, and I morally have no business using it to legitimize people’s commanding of governmental authority over me or anyone else. It isn’t enough for me to simply not vote anymore. I believe my voter registration implies my consent to a process by which other people fraudulently claim to represent my interests by their actions which I deem criminal. My belief in the fraudulence of the political system makes me unrepresentable. So, please assist me in unregistering to vote.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this simple matter.”

Their response told me to contact my local registrar and ask that my name be removed from the voter list.

November 3, 2014 3:29 pm

Ron Paul and Rand Paul are Republican……Good enough for me!!

November 3, 2014 3:30 pm

Dammit Flash don’t muddy the water with facts.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 3, 2014 3:31 pm

ADMIN- Right again

1. They openly admit they have sent in foreign nationals who will be allowed to vote.
2. They openly admit that electronic voting machines change votes from REP to DEM
3. They have shown time and time again that blacks and others vote numerous times, without punishment.
4 They own both candidates/ no difference
5. Third party candidates RARELY win anything, very few in congress and never in presidential races.
6. Soviet citizens stopped voting when they lost hope so the government announced they are required by law to vote and failure to vote means the secret police will come and pick you up. Beatings will continue until attitude and voting resume. One of those ruskies said it’s not who or how many voted but who COUNTS the votes. We have the same problem.

Rigged casino why play?

November 3, 2014 3:47 pm

Voting is for tyrants.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
November 3, 2014 4:00 pm

Welcome to the club. I discovered this fact of life before I was old enough to vote, so I have never voted. It’s a complete waste of time and changes nothing.

Could you imagine if NOBODY voted? How would they decide which Puppet to drop into office? How could they claim Da Goobermint was legitimate?


November 3, 2014 4:04 pm

Sensetti , both Paul’s are delusional .The Republican Party cannot be reformed and the Libertarian has been captured by special interest using the platform of deviant sex and drug law reform as a launching platform to discredit and marginalize real libertarians..

ef’ em’ all.

November 3, 2014 4:09 pm

No thread on the subject of voting would be replete without Stephan Molyneux’s epic rant on the truth about voting.


November 3, 2014 4:11 pm

sheeettt….don’t know where that came from …Molyneux here:


Celtic Tiger
Celtic Tiger
November 3, 2014 4:13 pm

It will come down to what mood I’m in tomorrow. If a good mood, I’ll go and vote against the tax and bond measures, which will pass anyway. California is a “top two” state, so there is no third-party option, so will skip all candidate races, and write in “None of the Above” if possible. If I bother, it’s in the full realization that’s a feeble protest vote and will not change anything. Democrats have a hammerlock on this state, and the Republicans, with rare exceptions, are no better.

If I’m in a bad mood, I will say “Fuck It! and not go to vote, knowing it will not change anything.

Tomorrow’s election will change nothing. The Fourth Turning will accelerate next year.

November 3, 2014 4:22 pm

Flash pick your poison. I prefer the Republican Bottle. I would rather not vote on the same side as this group. Or have this group deciding for me!

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November 3, 2014 4:50 pm

I’ll be showing up and getting my little sticker, but I doubt I actually end up putting my name behind someone.

If only we had a “no confidence” vote.

[None of the above] or something of that nature.

November 3, 2014 5:17 pm

I am going to take a giant dump, as usual.

November 3, 2014 5:29 pm

“…if it made a difference, it would be illegal…” yes. but life in the matrix keeps on truckin… go smoke some good shit and wake the fuck up. your programming needs the channel changed. “…it’s all a very exclusive club- and you ain’t in it…” george carlin.

November 3, 2014 5:36 pm

Sensetti , I don’t like poison.I hear its detrimental to one’s longevity, so I will abstain from imbibing. .Thankd for the offer though….but, don’t mind me…you go ahead.

November 3, 2014 5:47 pm

Sensetti , I’d like to offer a investment tip…you should go long on Ass Rape Salve.

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November 3, 2014 5:49 pm

ass rape salve…get some.

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November 3, 2014 6:04 pm


Great article. The 2 party system is corrupt. But there is a better solution.

The Constitution gave all the power to the 3 branches of govt. and assumed they will keep an eye on each other (“checks and balances”). The big money special interests have corrupted all 3 branches and all three branches figured out that it is better to destroy the nation and totally ignore the owners, the US Citizens.

To keep ultimate power in the hands of the people, the founding fathers put in the second amendment. The second amendment, which assumed that millions of armed citizens can easily ouster an illegal and anarchist govt. with equally armed thousands of soldiers, is effete because modern armies have weapons that can kill thousands at a time, so the people will be crushed in any violent uprising against a criminal government. Our soldiers are suckers too and unlikely to perform a coup, which many think is long overdue. So they keep passing evil laws the against our country, the public and against our will.

But there is a solution to this govt’s war on the nation. It is a constitutional amendment to allow national referenda, so US citizens (showing ID and with paper ballots) can pass good laws in the national interest themselves. These referenda will supersede laws passed by Congress and cannot be overturned except on constitutional grounds by a supermajority of both houses AND a unanimous vote of the Supreme Court. The people can then still override it with a 66% vote.

Some believe that this right to amend the constitution is inherently vested in the American public. Others suggest an actual amendment as specified in the Constitution. A survey showed that 76% of the public approved the idea. We can pass national referenda regarding taxes, foreign aid, immigration, bailouts, and debt ceilings, etc. The people will be the fourth (or rather the 1st) branch of govt. and thus improve the checks and balances. We will solve 90% of our problems this way.

For eg., see: http://ncid.us/index.htm (National Citizen’s Initiative For Democracy).

We Americans need to visit these websites, join these groups, contribute and call radio talk shows, etc. and promote this idea and get the process started soon, before it is too late.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 3, 2014 7:19 pm

I will be voting, and wearing my t-shirt with this picture on it:

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Rise Up
Rise Up
November 3, 2014 7:20 pm

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Rise Up
Rise Up
November 3, 2014 7:21 pm

last try…

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Rise Up
Rise Up
November 3, 2014 7:32 pm


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November 3, 2014 7:52 pm

NC here. Will be voting 3rd party. And for Sheriff

November 3, 2014 8:35 pm

I will vote tomorrow for Dr. Butzier he died in a plane crash but still on the ballot here in Iowa.
I really wish I could fund a billboard to say VOTE for Doug He’s dead… but he would do more for Iowa than either one of these two

El Coyote
El Coyote
November 3, 2014 8:45 pm

(Somebody can’t tell the difference between a coyote and a cock. One howls at the moon, the other crows about doing the moon.)

If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain, said the beautiful blonde.

I might deny a few assholes a cushy job too.

November 3, 2014 8:55 pm

Well, this is just funny as shit.

Actual poster in Russia ……….. “On Friday a gallery titled “No Filters” with the work of about 100 cartoonists opened in Moscow, …”

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November 3, 2014 9:16 pm

That is very funny Stuck

November 3, 2014 9:29 pm

Admin- I am a single issue voter, firepower. My votes have counted. Except for the massive betrayal in 88′ from papa Bush, the Republican whores have made good. Boy Bush put together the Supreme Court that gave me the Miller decision. Votes matter to me, and I am voting against all of the lecherous mother fuckers that tried to disarm me after Sandy Hook and 2012 here in Colorado. The NRA, and especially Larry Pratt with GOA have my “political” money.
Maybe we can’t vote to save the Republic from this failure or that, but at least I will have my favorite rifle when it goes to shit.

November 3, 2014 10:02 pm

I wish I could give you a good reason to go vote. I agree with you – it is pretty sad. I do not know how the people can gain back control of the Fed Gov. All I can tell you is I am going to go vote and I am going to vote republican. The repubs seem less bad than the dems at this point. That’s all I have. So, if the repubs are statists then dems are pushing for tyranny. I don’t want to do tyranny and I don’t want future Americans to live under tyranny. Of course the repubs might just swing more towards tyranny also – they seem to have it in their blood. I think the repubs are less likely to steal my savings. I think the repubs are less likely to go for a gun confiscation. The longer you ponder it the more difficult it becomes. But, all in all, I trust the repubs more. If you do not vote you are giving up what little say you have left. In the end it may not make much difference anyway. There is something very big coming to America. I am not sure exactly what form it is going to take but it is going to be big. Once the big happens, demagogs will rise up out of the smoke and ashes. It is the demagogs that come next that have me really worried.

November 3, 2014 10:15 pm

Voted a straight Libertarian Party ticket in early voting. We at least have some excellent candidates here, particularly Rebecca Paddock (U.S. Senate) and Robert Butler (Lt. Governor). I know, none have a snowball’s chance in hell to actually win, but maybe we can grow the party and make people realize that there are other, viable parties out there besides the Republocrats.

November 3, 2014 10:47 pm

I vote the military-industrial, banker ticket. Eisenhower mentioned the former, Hamilton supported the latter and I figure a combination of both will make the country, strong, rich, and proud again.

November 3, 2014 11:57 pm

Let’s see, vote for the party of the insane rich or the stupid poor. Billy said that when given two equally repulsive options, you should vote for the third party candidate.

November 4, 2014 12:04 am

Negatory. Got my mail in ballot, gave it a once over, and put it in the shredder.

Stephan F
Stephan F
November 4, 2014 12:22 am

Not voting, or voting for the same losing 3rd party, is an unwise waste of my vote and I will not waste it again (and neither should you, so keep reading).

Peter Schiff had it right recently when speaking to a group of Libertarians at a convention in Connecticut. He told them (and I paraphrase) “you guys don’t understand that the average voter will not pull the lever for the guy on the ballot with the ‘L’ letter. The only chance at winning and therefore the only logical alternative is to run as a Republican.” I agree. Libertarians must co-op the Republican Party because this is the only place available to us where political power resides. Not voting or making a useless 3rd party vote accomplishes absolutely nothing…nada…zippo. It won’t send a message to Washington because politicians could care less about non-voters or minor parties.

We must do whatever it takes to stop this suicidal journey toward totalitarianism. If we don’t immediately reverse direction away from tyranny and toward liberty very soon we’ll never get another chance. The Democratic-Socialist-Progressive agenda must be defeated, regardless of who gets the credit or which party claims victory. I’d rather have a shot at the possibility of a Libertarian society in 10 to 20 years by voting for a republican today than risking the high probability of a zero chance of ever having a libertarian society by voting Libertarian (or not voting) and allowing the progressives to keep & build their power.

If you don’t vote, or vote 3rd party (the guaranteed loser), you’ll gain absolutely nothing and possibly allow yet another pure statist to get his hands on the levers of power which just makes things worse. We must do whatever it takes to prevent certain individuals who espouse the philosophy of slavery and who desire political power to keep them from obtaining that power. Today we find ourselves in a defensive struggle. The offensive action will just have to wait for a better day. We must stop the (real) bad guys. We must stand by & support the most likely winning candidate who opposes the pure statist candidate (Democrat), no matter what their party affiliation.

Sorry ideological purists, but there just is no other way.

November 4, 2014 12:29 am

Stephan F says: Libertarians must co-op the Republican Party

Pure comedy right there.

November 4, 2014 12:45 am

as long as we are co-opting why dont we co-op the democratic party…. least then we’d have a chance of winning.

November 4, 2014 1:56 am

Nope…waste of time. Possibly local and state elections can be beneficial, however, voting for the fed $hit is a joke. I just don’t partake in any of it.

November 4, 2014 2:46 am

I would vote if I could vote against a candidate, by which I mean my vote took away someone’s vote. I know that Sen. Ted Cruz, R. Israel, is’nt up for re-election tomorrow but I would gladly vote to take some moron’s vote away from him.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 4, 2014 3:09 am

I like the races where you don’t know the candidates at all, like races for judgeships. I have a complicated and malleable system of rules that help me decide. Some of the rules contradict each other, in which case you just have to wing it: people with one surname over the hyphenated. German over Irish, but Irish over Polack,etc. if it’s a Mexican woman against a hyphenated name man, you probably have to move onto new criteria – like least faggy-sounding name.

harry p.
harry p.
November 4, 2014 5:55 am
November 4, 2014 7:20 am

Jason -so US citizens (showing ID and with paper ballots) can pass good laws in the national interest themselves.

This thread is pure comedy gold .
So the same nation of hedonistic idolaters of self who’ve elected the vote selling corporate pwnd bums that perverted and exploited the legislative , judicial and executive branches of government for power and personal gain would do an even better job of directly passing the law of the land themselves?
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November 4, 2014 8:10 am

” Look up the election results of every election you have ever voted in and subtract your vote from the candidate you cast your vote for and see if it would have any effect on the election. Just don’t get mad at me for helping you to realize what a colossal waste of time your involvement in politics was. And I hope you would be embarrassed to say that you wasted your money by giving it to a political party or candidate.”- Laurence Vance


Why I Could Never Be Elected to Office

November 4, 2014 8:17 am

More evidence on the futility of reforming the Republican corporate welfare party…

Bittersweet Memories of Election Day 50 Years Ago, and Goldwater’s Great Victory

By David Franke

But I hazard the guess that fully half of conservative energy in the past 50 years has been spent in intramural politics, and trying to “take over” the GOP, and it has been a colossal waste of time and energy. The Republican Party is still ruled by the same people who rule the Democratic Party—Wall Street, the merchants of death (the military-industrial complex), and the Federal Reserve. And that won’t change a bit if the Republicans take over the Senate this year. As the saying goes, if you believe your vote counts, I have a bridge to sell you.

Second, there is the utter failure of the Conservative Movement to fulfill its promise to reduce the size and power of the federal government. The conservatives have 50 years of excuses for this, but I gave you the results in the statistics I provided above.

Third, there is the conservative illusion that we can do away with the big government Welfare State without doing away with the Warfare State. It’s not just the amount of public and “private” money involved, it’s also the power that war gives to the State.

War harms the cause of liberty, and perpetual war brings liberty to an end.

Bittersweet Memories of an Election 50 Years Ago

November 4, 2014 8:53 am

I am going to the polls today for one reason: to vote against the snot-nosed little Democrat from my town who is making his first run for Congress. It was hysterically funny when Biden came in to campaign for him the other day.

In my wildest dreams there will be a complete repudiation of all things Democrat today, if only to humiliate Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, some truly odious creatures.

harry p.
harry p.
November 4, 2014 8:57 am

Why I Could Never Be Elected to Office
By Laurence M. Vance
November 4, 2014

Today, being the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, is election day. Aside from the fact that I don’t vote, and therefore couldn’t even vote for myself, there are a number of reasons why I could never be elected to office—any office: federal, state, or local.

Not in any particular order, here are twenty-five of them.

1. The war on drugs is a monstrous evil that has destroyed more lives than drugs themselves. It should be ended immediately. All drugs should immediately be legalized, not just marijuana. Everyone in prison solely on drug charges should be released immediately.

2. U.S. foreign policy is reckless, belligerent, and meddling, and has been for over 100 years. The United States should strictly adhere to the foreign policy of Thomas Jefferson: “Peace, commerce, honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none.”

3. Since the Constitution does not authorize the federal government to have anything to do with education, there should be no federal student loans, Pell grants, Department of Education, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, school breakfast or lunch programs, Head Start funding, math and science initiatives, etc. On the state level, there should be no public schools. Education should be a market service just like car repair and haircuts. However, since every state has a provision in its constitution for the operation of K-12 schools, they should have as much local control as possible.

4. Social Security is not a retirement account, an investment account, or a pension plan. It is a relic of the New Deal, the cornerstone of the welfare state, the first plank in the federal government’s effort to create a class of citizenry that is dependent on the government. Social Security is an intergenerational, income-transfer, wealth-redistribution welfare program. It should neither be “saved” nor “privatized.” Steps should be taken to wean Americans off the program and abolish it.

5. All U.S. troops should be brought home from overseas bases and deployments in an orderly, efficient, and safe manner as soon as possible. God never appointed the U.S. military to be the policeman of the world.

6. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are unnecessary, senseless, unjust, and immoral. Every U.S. soldier who died in these wars died in vain and for a lie.

7. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) should be abolished. Every airport and airline should be in charge of their own security.

8. The Second Amendment prohibits the federal government from infringing in any way on the right to keep and bear arms. Therefore, there should be no federal laws or regulations of any kind regarding guns or ammunition. And since the federal government has no authority to set up a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, it should be abolished along with all laws and regulations concerning alcohol and tobacco.

9. There should be no government regulation of or intervention in the economy for any reason. Laissez faire is natural, moral, and biblical.

10. The troops don’t defend our freedoms and should not be thanked for their “service.”

11. The IRS should be abolished and replaced with nothing. Until such time, because taxation is theft, and because there is no such thing as a fair tax, any decrease in tax rates or increase in tax credits and deductions is always a good thing no matter how temporary or limited they are.

12. Because it is nothing but the looting of the American taxpayer, all foreign aid should be ended immediately, including aid to our “allies” and Israel.

13. Every overseas U.S. military base should be stripped of anything of value, permanently closed, and the land turned over to the countries that they are in.

14. Since it is ludicrous that a woman can give away sexual favors to as many men (or women) as she wants as often as she wants, but can’t charge money for doing so, there should be no laws concerning prostitution.

15. It is outrageous that the United States has the world’s largest prison population per capita. Non-violent offenders have no business being in prison and should be released.

16. Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who fought an unnecessary war and one of our worst presidents. The worst U.S. presidents are the ones that historians view as the best: Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt.

17. Americans should have the fundamental and natural right to do “anything that’s peaceful” as long as it does not involve aggressing against another American’s person or property.

18. Since vices are not crimes, governments should not concern themselves in any way with gambling laws or regulations.

19. Since it is immoral for government to redistribute the wealth of some Americans to other Americans, all welfare programs (TANF, food stamps, housing subsidies, WIC, SSI, etc.) should be abolished. All charity should be private and voluntary.

20. Medicare and Medicaid are more of an abomination than Obamacare. The federal government forcing some Americans to pay for the health insurance or health care of other Americans is certainly worse than the federal government forcing Americans to purchase health insurance for themselves.

21. The U.S. embargo against Cuba that has been in place since 1960 should be ended immediately.

22. Unemployment benefits take money from those who work and give it to those who don’t. Not only should these benefits not be extended, the whole program should be eliminated.

23. No U.S. troops should ever be sent overseas to fight foreign wars, train foreign armies, perform peacekeeping missions, or provide humanitarian relief. Never ever. No exceptions.

24. Discrimination means freedom. In a free society there would be no laws concerning anyone discriminating against anyone for any reason no matter how illogical, unreasonable, or irrational the discrimination was perceived to be.

25. The United States is a police state and has been since before Obama became president.

If I had the time, I could give you twenty-five more reasons why I could never be elected to office.

Since most Americans couldn’t even make it past the first item on this list, there is absolutely no chance that I could ever be elected to office. I would be mercilessly attacked by both major parties and the news media. I appreciate those of you who vote who say you would vote for me. But since I am obviously not on the ballot anywhere, to you who vote I would remind you that voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil. And if you are still adamant about voting, just consider this: Look up the election results of every election you have ever voted in and subtract your vote from the candidate you cast your vote for and see if it would have any effect on the election. Just don’t get mad at me for helping you to realize what a colossal waste of time your involvement in politics was. And I hope you would be embarrassed to say that you wasted your money by giving it to a political party or candidate.

November 4, 2014 9:00 am

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 4, 2014 9:24 am

I just caved. I felt like an idiot, but some instincts are too powerful to overcome with logic.

Not that I expect it was worth it.

I’m just glad my children didn’t see me walk into that building.

November 4, 2014 9:31 am

I think I just might go vote for Laurence Vance today.

November 4, 2014 9:43 am

We had an exceptionally long ballot today.

I voted for the pot-smoking pizza delivery guy and to fund some more parks. I like parks.

I left the rest blank.

November 4, 2014 10:07 am

hardscrabble farmer says: I just caved.

Your a true Patriot Sir.