Via William Banzai

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December 4, 2014 3:57 pm

While I don’t like the militarized police…. It was not a choke hold – it was either a head lock, or a sleeper hold which blocks the flow of blood to the brain – (ineffective on neegrows).

When the guy said: I can’t breath – that means he can breathe cause you have to have air in your lungs to speak.

He was hugely overweight that along with his asthma – that’s what probably killed him.

December 4, 2014 4:06 pm

Or a crushed larynx or esophagus.

A bad combination of big black negro, pissed and combative and 5 cops with who knows what they had on their minds since the black had no weapons.

The more rats in the box, the more likely this sort of thing, coupled with our immediate communication capabilities will continue to happen.

Too bad, since it doesn’t need to happen at all if all parties would just step back, non-threatening and communicate without the police screaming to intimidate whoever they are dealing with.

Weapons are another story. The perp drags a weapon, then the shit hits the fan as no police officer will willingly sacrifice his life to try and straighten out lines of communication. Lost cause by that time and no winners..


December 4, 2014 4:35 pm

Bingo, Dutchman wins, spot on. His trachea was not damaged at all. If you can talk you are moving air, he did not die from asphyxiation, so the arm around the neck did not kill him. But there again facts don’t matter in these cases.

December 4, 2014 4:42 pm

Muck…good points .

How are you feeling these days my friend ?

December 4, 2014 5:04 pm

To continue, not in the defense of the cops: If you have five cops, all asking you to cooperate, and you refuse – what do you expect to happen?

They could have used a taser, pepper spray, baton… would that have been more humane than wrestling him to the ground?

If you watch the video – nobody was hitting him on the ground.

December 4, 2014 5:17 pm

I really think they could have spent an extra 15 min and talked him down. The poor man was a walking time bomb, he was in very poor health. The guy got laid off from work beacuse of his health and was hustling cigarettes to scare up some money. At least the man was getting up and going to work even if it was illegal.

December 4, 2014 5:18 pm

What the whole thing started about was stupid to start with. I’m expecting to hear about cops getting shot.

December 4, 2014 7:29 pm

What about a nightstick? A blackjack? I am no big supporter of the “porchmonkey express”, but call a spade a spade. They killed than nigger. Some lawyer spearchucker made a good comment.

“They always say a grand jury can indite a ham sandwich, I guess a black man’s life is not worth a ham sandwich”. As much as it pains me to agree, he is right. I don’t think it is about race, as much as about out of control copfuks. I am 6′ 4″ and 290. That could just have been as easily me, if I had been in the same place.

Bottom line is, it is about the fucking wanna be WWE fuck who clamped him. He happened to be black, but that little fucker would have done it to a fucking martian.

December 4, 2014 9:38 pm

On a lighter note, I do prefer white.

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December 4, 2014 10:11 pm

Looking around on the internet I found an article with this headline:
“US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11
Statistically Speaking, Americans Should Be More Fearful of the Local Cops Than “Terrorists.””
The article was written by Katie Ruckie and posted last year on Mint Press News.

Civilian victims of police shootings haven’t been just Blacks.
The following letter was a comment to the article mentioned above.
– from Bill Scott •
“Low-IQ, scared, amped-up cops killed my son, Erik Scott, a decorated ex-Army officer and West Point graduate with an MBA from Duke Univ., for having a BlackBerry smartphone in his hand. A two-time killer-cop claimed he thought Erik’s cell phone was a firearm. My eldest son’s dead, and his killers have never been held accountable. Every law enforcement officer in America had better read my new novel, “The Permit,” and heed its loud-and-clear warnings. You might think “Checkmate” isn’t real, but citizens’ anger and hatred of corrupt, arrogant, outlaw cops definitely is.”

Huffington Post gave some more details of the incident:
“William Mosher, who shot Erik B. Scott through the heart, was never charged with a crime.
After Erik Scott was killed, he was handcuffed. Later, Las Vegas police broke into Erik Scott’s apartment, stole his guns then used them as evidence to justify the senseless murder.”

December 4, 2014 10:33 pm

It seem to be standard procedure to cuff a shooting victim because the perception then is that he is not a victim but a suspect, which makes his execution OK.

December 4, 2014 10:38 pm

Sensetti, the young girl is a pedophile’s dream with just a hint of nipple to titillate the senses.
The skinny tranny in the first picture? Agh, I guess your war on my libido continues.

December 4, 2014 10:39 pm

Take a look dude, there’s an outline of Cap’n Howdy on her panties.

December 5, 2014 12:45 am

Nothing serves up bullshit better than the American Justice system. Oh the pathetic irony. Some poor schlub selling loose cigarettes to people on the street who can’t afford $13 a pack. He is a shameless disgusting lawbreaker who draws a crowd of 6 police officers who proceed to end his life.
Yet Wall Street bankers steal peoples homes & billions of dollars from all of us and crickets chirp.

American Justice personfied

December 5, 2014 2:28 am

EC: “Take a look dude, there’s an outline of Cap’n Howdy on her panties.”

While I appreciate your eagle eye, I suspect that effect was part of the pattern in the lace design of the said panties.

I am surprised that there is not a post here angry about Thurs night’s “Peter Pan Live” thread. I saw the chick interviewed a few times (who played Peter), and I was OK with that. She was definitely rocking her very femininity in those interviews. Once I started to see the actual previews that were showing her looking as boyish as possible,….. Now I’m beginning to understand why I’ve seen so many guys walking around in women’s pants/coats in the past 6-8 months. (Seriously, up here in the cold upper midwest, I’ve seen at least a dozen guys strutting their stuff in what was clearly a women’s coat–I doubt it was their GFs.)

MSM really is trying to destroy the family unit.

December 5, 2014 3:24 pm

@BuckHed: Thanks for asking.. Other than getting older than I ever expected to get and doing modest battle with age associated injuries (like taking a reverse swan dive off the back porch lower step weeks ago into Annette’s lovely flower bed (complete with a 12″ Japanese glass fishing float all tied in tarred rope, two heavy ceramic flower pots (with content) and a cast iron Japanese garden lantern – which I smacked with my head!). Now I have a trigger point in the lower thoracic which gives me zingers now and then..

But ”tis getting better and in two weeks I’ll either get a facet joint RF burn job from my pain management Doc or start back rehab (or both). either way, I shall overcome….

My main problem is lack of stamina (regardless of just finishing a years gym workout) which I must blame on age – damn it. I did find one remarkable drug in this who mess – Aricept – which is for those of advancing years whose thinking is slowing down and coordination and stability is slipping. For a one man empirical subjective test, it works great with a profound noticeable improvement within 24 hours.
I would recommend it to anyone not feeling up to par mentally or coordination/stability wise..

Again – thanks for asking..

PS: Any other TBPers notice that you machine is slowed considerable when connected to TBP? Watching my internet lights on the modem it looks like TBP is send out nulls as fast as it can to try and overload the upload , threreby slowing down the whole computer (yours!).. Try it and see and let Jim know if you find it the case. ,Maybe his “Nameless Man” can have a hack at it.

It it’s just me, I’m screwed and will have to search elsewhere for the cause.. Remember this only happens on TBP – no other web site is effective and produce normal speed uploads.

best to all


December 5, 2014 9:18 pm

@Muck, sorry to hear about your fall. PLEASE, pretty please, get yourself some magnesium chloride oil and try it for both fatigued muscles and actual injury/pain. Mix with castor oil for your back (apply topically NOT internally). For many people paid relief is nearly instantaneous, for others it takes a few days/week.

Drop me a line at tespeaksout at yahoo (brand new account) with your address and I will send you some mag oil and castor oil to try out. I worry about you.

Now for your slow modem, I have noticed that on any thread that is directly critical of US empire/Obama, especially those that are pointing out Israel, wars, terrorism, or Russia, the response slows wayyyyyy down.

I type fast and on those threads I find that it takes many seconds for the computer to register my inputs. Unlike on this thread where the print keeps up with my fingers.

Also, over at there was a report (verified by other alternative media) that California was blocked from numerous alternative websites for a time. It is rumored that when the SHTF the alternative sites (here, naturalnews, vineyard of the saker, zerohedge, dailybell, etc) will be cut off.

So, so will we all.

I think it might do us all good to go forth and create new alternative emails, then get them to each other. The email I gave you above is for just that reason.

Anyone here can reach me there. I won’t be checking in everyday – unless something happens – but as only my alternative ‘net friends will have the address, it won’t be filled with spam and I will be there.

Hugs friend. Always a blessing to see you around here!

December 6, 2014 2:07 am

Varn, My theory is that the gays have an agenda with women’s fashions, there is definitely pressure on women to look boyish.

December 6, 2014 4:57 pm

Hello my favorite TBP Girl! Thanks TE.. I have it written down and next time to the drug store or a health products joint I will get some magnesium oil and give it a try.

So nice to read a post from you. I’m getting slower and slower as far as output is concerned but still enjoy every day as it comes along!

Have a great holiday season….

hugs.. MA