The great illusion of free press

Guest Post by Mike Walsh

I regularly enjoy coffee with two mainstream media editor friends.

Neither will carry my articles because of my ‘pro-Russian leanings.’ I won’t play a part in mainstream media’s orchestrated anti-Russian rhetoric. Be proud of me; my candid nature suggests that, in the Euro Weekly News at least, you enjoy a free press.

A fiction usually directed at Russia is that it doesn’t have a free Press; rhetoric without substance. Let us instead take a look at the so-called free Press in the West.

William Colby, ex-director of the Central Intelligence Agency, is a man who should know Western media: “The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”   Not long after becoming a whistle-blower Colby died in a freak canoeing accident.

There is no disguising the sinister and insidious nature of CIA tentacles: “In the US 90 per cent of all TV, newspapers, radio, magazines are owned and controlled by six mega corporations. You can’t get a word in there that connects to the real world.” So says American political analyst Mark Mason. Former BBC Director-General, Greg Dyke, wrote in his autobiography: “When it came to discussing the war in Iraq, staff found it so difficult to find any member of the public prepared to speak in favour that they ended up planting people in the (Question Time) audience.”

BBC bias is well documented:  Many years ago, Roy Bramwell of Inter-City Research, disclosed: “I have heard MPs and senior political aficionados complain that if they were to say on BBC what they really think, they would never be invited again, and not to be invited again could make a quick end to an aspiring politician’s prospects.”

Udo Ulfkotte, former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, caused a sensation when, in his best-seller, Bought Journalists, he revealed; “We are taught to lie, to betray and not tell the truth to the public.” He went on to describe how the CIA pays German media professionals to spin stories to follow US government goals.

In an interview with a Dutch journalist, Ulfkotte says, “some media are nothing more than propaganda outlets of political parties, secret services, international think tanks, and high finance entities. I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I’ve been educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia.

“We have betrayed our readers, just to push for war. I don’t want this any more, I’m fed up with this propaganda. We live in a banana republic, and not in a democratic country where we have press freedom.”

This top German journalist challenged his former employers to prove him wrong or sue him. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung refuses to do so, but banned journalists from mentioning their former editor. A word of advice. Read between the lines and you will be far better informed.

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February 8, 2015 1:21 pm

But, the CIA only inserts lies and propaganda designed to foment war in foreign papers…never stateside.. yeah, that’s the ticket.

More info on Dr. Udo Ulfkotte

Editor of major newspaper says he planted stories for CIA
By Ralph Lopez Jan 26, 2015 in World

Becoming the first credentialed, well-known media insider to step forward and state publicly that he was secretly a “propagandist,” an editor of a major German daily has claimed that he personally planted stories for the CIA.
Saying he believes a medical condition gives him only a few years to live, and that he is filled with remorse, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, the editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of Germany’s largest newspapers, said in an interview that he allegedly accepted news stories written and given to him by the CIA and published them under his own name. Ulfkotte said he gathered the aim of much of the deception was to drive nations toward war.
Dr. Ulfkotte says the corruption of journalists and major news outlets by the CIA is routine, accepted, and widespread in the western media, and that journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs at any news organization, or find their careers cut short.

February 8, 2015 1:36 pm

Having worked in the newspaper business, I definitely say that the news is there only there to sell advertising.

You have to pay Reuters, AP etc. Advertisers pay you. Therein lies the importance.

Like other illusions, democracy, truth, and the American way, a free press is right up there.

Democracy—Do you really think that you choose the president, that voting really matters?

Truth—It’s everything that comes out of the mouth of Obama, etc. and plastered across the news media.

The American Way—Which country are we going to bomb today, to create a coup, to kill innocents with drones. to steal their resources?

I feel pretty good about America.

El Siete
El Siete
February 8, 2015 3:04 pm

A blurb from a dating site makes sense regarding Brian Williams and even some commenters here:
One lie makes you question all ‘truths’.

February 8, 2015 4:08 pm

Homer , I’m thinking there is something really wrong with you.You seem to like lies , half truths, and false hoods .,I’m going to be following you around for a while. Keeping my eyes on you.There’s subversion , sedition ,and unnatural greed within you.

El Siete
El Siete
February 8, 2015 4:27 pm

“There’s subversion , sedition ,and unnatural greed within you.”
That’s any American working stiff.

February 8, 2015 5:09 pm

Oh, Anonymous you’re so perceptive. What gave it away? If you are going to be following my posts could you at least give me a thumbs up? That’s not asking for much, is it?

No one ever gives me a thumbs up, I so under appreciated.

February 8, 2015 5:33 pm

El Siete–You’re right. “One lie makes you question all ‘truths’”

Truth is consistent and consistency is what I look for in making a judgement. When I come across incongruities, I weigh them against what I know and place them in a holding pen–pending further review.

Joseph Goebbels was wrong. A lie told often enough becomes the truth. It does not. Within each human being is a scale. On one side of the scale is the Truth and the other side is everything else. If the scale doesn’t balance, we can ignore the results to serve our own agenda, many do. But, it is always there. Harking for recognition.