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February 14, 2015 9:43 am

So we pay for these incredible images by way of our taxes, which is not a bad thing, but it takes RT to bring then to us? Oh, that’s right, there’s no money to make on this because it doesn’t have anything to do with Wall Street or WAR!!!! And some people wonder why some folks are cynics? keep on writing, Jim,. keep on writing John

February 14, 2015 12:36 pm

I’ve got a Daystar tunable Hydrogen Alpha filter that allows me to see all the flares and looping activity along with the surface granulation. A friend and I went in together and bought a Calcium K filter which allows us to see the details of the purplish images shown and my Baader white light filter and Herschel prism allow me to see the sunspot details. The Herschel prism is kinda fun as it can set the grass on fire if it’s dry. Gotta keep the puppies of the way too!

In astronomy we are generally looking at old light and except for the minor motion of planets and the somewhat faster motion of the Galilean Moons, (Jupiter) the Sun is about the only other object that affords one the ability to detect motion in a telescope.

Watching the big loops of hot gas rising off the Sun and descending back down in real time is really amazing. I have busted my ass trying to see a Transit of Venus (the big black dot moving across the Sun) in 2008 and 2012 but clouds defeated me. It will be about 118 years before the next one so I’m screwed.

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 14, 2015 2:46 pm

@blustem, you can watch the sun all day long here:

And Ben Davidson gives a comprehensive daily update of sun and earth weather here: