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February 14, 2015 9:33 am

Makes a person realize more and more each day, “no where to run baby, no where to hide” . What a mess the world is in, all over the perceived need to control. John

February 14, 2015 10:07 am

We have satellites that can number the hairs on my fat ass ….. BUT we need to rely on AP photos as “proof”????? BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Wag The Dog ops EVERYWHERE!

Remember the “RUSSIAN SUBS IN SWEDISH WATER!!” headlines from a few months back? Complete hoax. Our attempt to get Sweden to join the NATO Military Union. Sweden deployed it’s entire naval and tracking resources – nothing was found … and the story just disappeared, as usual.

Of course, the CIA is behind much of this. But, that’s their job … to protect the USA!USA!USA! from foreign enemies. SSS told me that. Natch.

“Addicted to Lies: Kiev, CIA Still Pushing Fake Reports of ‘Russia Invading Ukraine’”

Addicted to Lies: Kiev, CIA Still Pushing Fake Reports of ‘Russia Invading Ukraine’

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 14, 2015 11:47 am

Stucky says- “Wag the dog ops EVERYWHERE”

NOTHING new about this, it has been going on since the USA!USA!USA! began and beyond.

February 14, 2015 12:16 pm

“… it [wag the dog] has been going on since the USA!USA!USA! began …” —- Bea Lever

“Wag the dog” is about media manipulation. Please provide examples of this happening when America began.

February 14, 2015 12:50 pm

You unpatriotic , unAmerican whore dogs form hell.Treasonous , subversive dicked toed little pussies.You are Americans and you will do what you are told to do.If you don’t
We will
1)cut off your electricity
2)your water
3)your food
4)your medicine
5)all government payments including social security.
A)then we will revoke all rights including civil rights.
All of this we be just the beginning of your woe,pain and suffering. Fall in line dick heads of America or else!!!!!

February 14, 2015 12:53 pm

Beaver , when the argument is lost ,slander becomes the tool of the loser.SOCRATES.

February 14, 2015 4:17 pm

Would a politician lie?
Would MSM lie?
Would Russia Times lie?
Could photos be fabricated and backdated?

What can you believe?

February 14, 2015 6:48 pm

This country is being ruled by traitors who will do anything to keep their control file sealed.

Just got home from watching “The Kingsmen”, a campy James Bondish flick with Samuel L Jackson as the evil genius. (Caution-spoiler!) Samuel L with a lisp develops a way to wipe out the majority of Humanity as a means to stop global warming. Does it with a free sim card that will give everyone free wireless service forever. When he flicks the switch the smartphones are turned into a device that turns everyone against each other in a murderous rage. Interesting movie and even has a female “Oddjob” character who’s pretty “sharp”.
Since the rumor is the illuminati must tell us of their evil deeds beforehand in some way, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the Pentagon has a similar plan “just in case”. I’ve heard mass execution plans have been sought and are on file.