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March 10, 2015 9:45 am

Sigh….just more proof that our future lies in green energy technology. If only republicans would not block every green energy initiative of our first green and gay president.

Until that glorious liberation day arrives, our hopes must rest with the dream of some bright mind inventing a new and unheard of form of self-contained means of moving the nasty dirty crude oil across great distances, without the possibility of the vessel carrying it being flipped or crashed or derailed or somehow damaged in a way that causes its contents to be spilled, killing mother earth and/or ignited causing a great catastrophe and loss of life.


March 10, 2015 10:34 am

Funny, I don’t see any freaking PIPELINES exploding these days.

But noooo, Obongo vetos the Keystone so his butt buddy Buffett can make his little choo-choo train investment pay off.

@card802: Dude, stop doing drugs before noon. Green energy, seriously??? There is NO SUBSTITUTE for fossil fuels in terms of energy density, portability and fungibility. None. Our challenge as end users is to use them in a way that is wise and minimally impactful as feasibile. But “green” sources will NEVER replace fossils or nuclear. Unless you what global civilization to completely collapse and billions of people to die – which is the real green agenda.

And the “greenie” solutions ain’t so great on the creatures of planet Earth either.

Birds are being INCINERATED as they fly through solar arrays such as Ivanpah in CA, which generate 1000 F when they are turned on.

Don’t forget all those bald Eagles killed by windmills! The entire windmill industry was given a pass by Obongo for killing bald Eagles, any other industry would have to cease and desist if it was actively killing our national bird.


March 10, 2015 10:34 am
March 10, 2015 10:58 am


Oh, I thought it was the SEGWAY!



Nope, just doesn’t do it for me.

March 10, 2015 10:59 am

Being burned alive by Buffet’s train system is OBVIOUSLY better for our environment than a leak from a pipe.


Brave New Fucking World, in deed.

Hey, at least rest well knowing that Warren has suffered like our own budgets and increased his wealth vastly under the “adverse to business” Obama. Well, Warren amongst others.

Why people can’t SEE it, is beyond me.

I am so glad I’m two miles away from the tracks. So glad, my last place(s) were within a block.

March 10, 2015 11:43 am

Look! The government is here to save us from the trains!

US President Barack Obama must take immediate action to confront the realities of oil train safety in the United States with new allotted congressional funding following recent train accidents, US Representatives Tammy Baldwin and Ron Kind said in a joint statement.

(I know I don’t have to tell you both are members of the dimbulb party)

“Congress has provided additional funding to study tank cars, hire more track inspectors, and repair rail infrastructure,” the statement, issued on Monday, read. “We urge your Administration to use this funding, along with its regulatory powers, to improve oil train safety as quickly as possible.”

Mo money Mo money Mo money, solves everything in washington.

March 10, 2015 11:47 am

@Card, so they will spend more on “research” and “regulation” than would have been PRIVATELY invested to build the pipeline.

THAT is why the future is dead. I am hard pressed to name ANY area the government is not siphoning from productive ventures to fund paperwork and more bureaucrats.

Once we reach 100% government employment, Utopia will be nigh.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
March 11, 2015 4:57 pm

I was a trainman and the mainlines were silk; not so all the spurs. It is very easy to derail a train and with all the Terrorist loose in America (thank you Hussein), lots of things are being sabotaged. Just wait until they attack nuclear power plants with tactical nukes…