Daylight Saving Time

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

Every year the people dutifully clamber up onto kitchen stools to change their clocks. ‘Spring forward, fall back’ they remind themselves in a sing songey voice that harkens back to Mother Goose. For the next few days people everywhere are late, or early depending on the season. They are perpetually tired, or unusually wakeful, again, dependent on the season. Some people like good soldiers change every clock they own, others just the ones they know how to change spending the next six months either adding or subtracting an hour in their mind every time they get behind the wheel of their Subaru and glance at the dash.

Not a lot of people ever ask why they perform this semi-voluntary task bi-annually that alters their daily life with the capriciousness of a teenage girl. The few that have ever thought about it have some inkling, at best, that it has to do with school buses and farm kids, neither of which is true and both of which are polar opposites of what is. In the US some states don’t participate at all (Hawaii) or in part (Indiana) or due to religious exemptions (the Amish) ignore it completely. Every year additional countries jump on the bandwagon for equally nebulous reasons while the planet spins, same as it ever was, oblivious to the man made state of affairs on it’s surface.

If you dig around you’ll find a quip by Benjamin Franklin that jokingly encourages the French to save candles by getting up earlier and actually doing some work in the daylight, this from the same man who told us that ‘early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’. He was referring, of course, to the time he spent abroad as ambassador to the snail poachers of the continent and their penchant for ‘meh’ about virtually everything, including a puritan work ethic. It was never meant to be implemented as a plan, but rather as a joke. Time, however, has never been kind to quotes of the founding fathers, finding ways to bastardize their every utterance until it wouldn’t be recognized by it’s originator in it’ present day configuration.

It should come as no surprise to anyone with two eyeballs and a heartbeat that the concept of daylight saving coincides with the emergence of the industrial era. In fact it was a Kiwi shift worker with a penchant for collecting bugs that first pitched this egregious sham in the hopes of securing for himself a couple of extra hours of sunlight after his soulless day job ended to round up six legged creatures to impale on pins. Thank you, George Vernon Hudson, you insufferable git. Of course it should come as no surprise that an English golfer would rail on about this bad idea until he finally got his way, able to smack around little white balls in the dwindling light at the expense of every other human being on earth who simply wanted to live as God and nature’s law intended. But no. Better to intentionally screw with one of the few concepts (time) that everyone on Earth actually agreed on without committing genocide to implement.

One of the prototypes of the social justice warrior with his nose perpetually buried in the business end of his neighbor, William Willett was deeply concerned that some people somewhere were sleeping away their summer mornings when they could be forcing their children to work in the mills while he passed his time on the links. Thanks, Bill, excellent job. He managed to get the attention of Parliament and as everyone knows, when government gets involved things only improve and so they kicked his ridiculous idea around until he died without coming to any definitive decision and then the Germans got involved. Oh God, not the Germans. You know how those people are, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile and make it unfunnier than it already wasn’t. When the Hun decides to industrialize human behavior they do it with a fervor seen only at gay rights parades and Mexican birthday parties. This was of course part of the war effort and so they focused on it with laser-like intensity until every one of their enemies followed suit with the good old USA jumping in at the very end. Notice any patterns? Didn’t think so.

In the US if you bring it up at a cocktail party right around the time we all join in on the collective delusion that we are really resetting time itself, you will find that most people are absolutely wedded to the idea that it was created to save farmer’s children from being run over in the dark while waiting for the school bus. This is a rural, urban legend. However most people at that cocktail party will defend the idea vociferously until the only farmer there points out that a) there were no school buses in 1918 and b) the children who would have been waiting for that imaginary bus in full light on the morning of March 7th would by necessity be waiting for it in pitch black on on the following Monday and c) cars have headlights, duh. The farmer then trots out everything written above and points out that those still practicing agrarian lifestyles live their lives not around a clock, but the rising and the setting of the sun and need no help from D.C. to do so, thank you very much. This usually ends in bitter frowns and pursed lips and people scurrying home after the party to climb up on their kitchen stools to change their clocks because…because…because everybody else is doing it dammit! And hey, while you’re at it, change the batteries in your smoke alarm, consumer drone.

The fact is that daylight saving time benefits no one. It serves no purpose since the German war industry doesn’t have the same coal limits it once did, there is no industry left in the USA any longer for shift workers to be on time for and since no one is employed everyone can play golf and collect bugs all day long. And if you pick up one of those strap on halogen headlamps a Wal-Mart, all night if that floats your boat. The fact is that with the advent of air conditioning daylight saving costs more than it ever saved. Hard to believe because its true. Daylight saving is a boondoggle, a McGuffin, an annoyance and a semi-annual test of docility and compliance. If you can get people to unite as a collective whole on something as pointless and wasteful as that, you could probably get them to believe that everyone is equal or that we can elect our way out of the mess we’ve made.

The irony in this is that my kids, children of a farmer, will wait for their school bus in the dark and later, after working from dawn ’til dusk I will go to vote in the local elections, that is if I can make it there before the polls close because for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to change the dash clock to whatever time it’s supposed to be.

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March 10, 2015 8:58 am

The bottom line is the government has to fuck with everything.

March 10, 2015 9:17 am


I notice some anti-German sentiments in your post.

Achtung! You vill be dealth vit, harshly!

March 10, 2015 9:17 am

HSF . + 1000

RES! …a worthless lot of cockroach excrement..

Republicans and Daylight Saving Time
Laurence M. Vance

Some have questioned why I blame Republicans for Daylight Saving Time. The same reason we can blame them for practically everything. Although Republicans have a majority in both houses of Congress and could therefore pass a bill to abolish Daylight Saving Time, that is not the reason. The Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency for over four years when Bush was president. They could have abolished Daylight Saving Time and 50,000 other things. Instead, they expanded Daylight Saving Time when they passed the Energy Policy Act. The Republican vote in the House was 200-31. In the Senate it was 49-6. Ron Paul voted no, of course.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 10, 2015 9:22 am

Is there any policy, practice, law or observance that gets this kind of lockstep compliance in the USA? Anything even remotely close?

Something tells me that the Amish are going to be downrange a couple of drone strikes if they don’t rumspringa forward in the not too distant future.


March 10, 2015 9:45 am

I just printed this off for my 9 year old daughter, as we have had this conversation three days running.

First words out of her mouth this morning, “WHY did we change the time? It’s STUPID, I want to go back to sleep.”

I suggested she become a politician and change it, then I laughed.

Daylight savings time is exactly like fluoride, most vaccinations, increasingly antibiotics, destroying all bacteria in the name of safety, animal/plant fats, statins.

Myths elevated to legislation, and now as blindly accepted as Christians accepting Jesus as their savior (and missing his true message).

There is no fighting ideas based on belief and from-birth-propaganda. Government is our God, and if Government says it must be so, it must be so.

And touching back on the Bankster Wienies article, we WANT it this way.

Dear Government, thank you for the blessed day, our safe water, our safe food, our safe shots. Thank you for killing those I love with those, as it is for the greater good. Thank you for taking most of my labor, then spitting in my face if I struggle. We trust in you, and thank you, again, for giving us this blessed, timeclock altered, day. Amen.

Study of history shows for all our available information, shiny gadgets, and leisure time, we are still the very same people that were enslaved by a handful of rich guys for eons. Serfs, peasants, slaves and prisoners.

Same as it ever was. The time so grows near to head out away from the sheeple. What a world.

Final note, don’t know if it is true and don’t care to look – doesn’t stop you, dear reader – but I read a number of years ago (I’ll bet it is when Bush changed the rules) – that their is an increase in both heart attacks AND car accidents, on the first Monday after the spring time change.

If my local news is to be a guide, though it was warm(ish) and sunny, there WERE accidents on four major freeways during Monday morning rush. This is only normal during bad weather/driving conditions. I’ve noticed this in years back.

Thanks Dear Government, all hail our 1st and primary God. That’s the same as it ever was, too. *sigh*

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 10, 2015 9:55 am

Had a fascinating conversation with a otherwise intelligent millenial about the Internet regulation/FCC thing. He thought it was a great idea because some people had “faster Internet” and “it wasn’t fair”. I asked him hiw slow his Internet was and what exactly this new reg was going to do to improve his Internet speed and all I got was the 1,000 yard stare. I asked him what got better when the government got involved and he said food. I laughed long and hard and told him to use his much faster Internet connection to look up the last 10 deaths caused by food in the US and determine where that food came from. In each case it was from a giant AgriCorp that was heavily regulated and in each case we determined that each of them was not only regulated b y the FedGov but recipients of taxpayer dollars.

“How exactly does their involvement improve things again?’ I asked.

It was real quiet for a long time after that.

March 10, 2015 9:57 am

@HSF: +1000, as usual.

As we humans become increasingly divorced from the natural rhythms of the world, I don’t think that will end well for us.

March 10, 2015 10:19 am


It’s almost time to buy some maple syrup again, but the link to your farm, below, doesn’t work anymore.

How do we contact you to buy some syrup?


March 10, 2015 11:04 am

Personally I don’t even believe in time zones. Why not have a standard time for the whole world such as GMT? Why does the clock have to say 0700 when the sun rises? Why can’t the clock say 1600 at sunrise where you live?

For most people, you would still get up at sunrise, then go to work, come home and go to bed about 16 hours after you woke up. The only difference would be the clock would have different numbers from what you are currently used to. You wouldn’t have to think about what time is it on the west coast or England or wherever. It would be the same time everywhere.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 10, 2015 11:41 am

TE is correct that there are more traffic accidents, researchers found that drivers respond much slower after the time change. Also there is an increase in heart attack among the population.

I’m pretty sure that Hawaii is exempt from DST, how come they get a pass?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 10, 2015 12:15 pm

I like daylight savings time. We’re not changing the time. We’re changing the clocks. They may do it a bit too soon now. If daylight savings time started three weeks later (March 28), then sunrise at my 45 degree latitude would be 7:01 AM. Given that it’s light out (dawn) before sunrise, there wouldn’t be many kids waiting for the bus in the dark. If there were no daylight savings time, the sun would come at 4:25 AM in June. For most people, that wouldn’t be a benefit. So we adjust the clocks so that most people have the most daylight when they want too have it. Or we could do what Leobeer suggests, have everyone use GMT.

March 10, 2015 12:34 pm

@Iska, getting away from the normal, physically needed, day/light cycles is probably one of the (many) things making us fat, sick and depressed.

If the sun came up at 4:30, then I would be up by 6 and make those hours productive, I tend to wake when the sun hits my bed, about 1.5 hours past sunrise, or would be if the government didn’t believe they were all powerful and all knowing. Instead I wake by alarm, which sucks.

March 10, 2015 12:47 pm

Bullshit! I celebrate “Spring Forward” and loathe “Fall Back”. But I do agree that we should leave it alone, leave it on Daylight Saving all year ’round. Yankees are miserable because it gets dark at 1530hrs in the winter. What a depressing place to live!

March 10, 2015 1:06 pm

“I’m pretty sure that Hawaii is exempt from DST, how come they get a pass?” — Bea Lever

Arizona and American territories; American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands are also exempt.

Indiana used to be exempt (except for the small corner of the state near Chicago). Farmers rallied against the measure when it was promulgated by the Federal Government in 1918. Every few years the Indiana legislature tried to revive it …. every few years they failed …. until 2008 …. proof that governmentfuks work tirelessly to FORCE their bullshit upon citizens no matter how long it takes.

March 10, 2015 1:25 pm

Oregon has a bill in committee right now to abolish it… too bad it wont go anywhere. Even if it did make it to a vote, the sheep in this state would vote it down.

I fucking hate daylight savings time.

Le Crum
Le Crum
March 10, 2015 1:31 pm

Speaking only for myself, I walk in lockstep with the whole thing because I have a job and have to be there on time. If I am late and my excuse is “some guy on the internet said changing your clocks is bullshit and I refuse to comply!” they will fire me. Penniless and denied welfare because I am white and the economy is booming they will say, I will be forced to find out where Stucky lives and beg to use his spare room for a while. Which will turn out to be years. Eventually he will die and I will get all his stuff by using some obscure Squatters Rights law that probably originated in England. Or France.

March 10, 2015 1:36 pm

“I will be forced to find out where Stucky lives and beg to use his spare room for a while.”
—- Le Crum

Scotch Plains, NJ.

Do you do window cleaning? If so ….. come on down!!

March 10, 2015 2:49 pm

@Le Crum, nobody said don’t do it.

What was asked, was WHY we do?

Why can’t we even have the CONVERSATION about our myths in this country?

Oh yeah, now I remember, because myths used by government to regulate have become reality and decrees. No arguments, you MUST believe as we do.

Funny, if the time didn’t change I’d get to work on time, and it did and yet, there I was.

Time is nothing but a concept of man used to enslave and control the masses. It isn’t “real,” it is nothing but a concept we have elevated to fact.

March 10, 2015 3:55 pm

“This is a rural, urban legend” Hardscrabble you’re such a jokester!

March 10, 2015 4:32 pm

Stucky mentioned that Arizona does NOT go on Daylight Savings Time. True. It’s refreshing to not have to mess with all those digital clocks that are on everything when the rest of the country springs forward or falls back.

The original reason that Arizona didn’t participate were the hot summers. Farmers, miners, and construction workers could be at work at sunup (around 5 am) and leave work before the intense heat of the afternoon kicked in full force. Still holds true today.

Nowadays, you can add golfers to that mixture. I can tee off at 6 or 6:30 am and be finished 18 holes before 11 am. And if I have to wait because of slow play in front of me, I just drive the golf cart over to the shade of the nearest mesquite or palo verde tree and sip some ice water.

I only mentioned golf just to further piss off my many admirers on this site. Heh.

March 10, 2015 4:46 pm

It’s Ronald Reagan’s fault. Maybe it’s Margaret Thatcher’s fault. Oh wait, it’s George Bush’s fault. It certainly isn’t the fault of Liberals or BHO. They can do no wrong.

March 10, 2015 6:31 pm

I forgot all about that –no wonder i feel like crap.
As I was a DAIRY farmer for a dozen years i can tell you this allways screwed up the cows. The udders would be leaking wondering why the f we weren’t milking them yet Or why we were milking early. Domestic animals like routine.
Would have been nice to ‘not comply’ but had to be done and milked cooled in time for the tanker truck.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
March 10, 2015 7:04 pm

I forgot what book it was in, but the author said the playing of church bells to announce the time of day was one of the most substantial changes to human life up to that time.

Suddenly, we began to move to the rhythm of man’s time, versus God’s/mother nature’s rhythm.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 10, 2015 10:33 pm

Fjord, why didn’t you just tell the trucks to come at a different “time”- which was really the same time as before the change. Don’t adjust the cows. Adjust everything to the cows. Or did the cows have, like, an 8 AM dental appointment they were trying to get to?

A Money Guy
A Money Guy
March 11, 2015 10:05 am

Hardscrabble Farmer is among a majority of an extreme few in this country who are aware of the nonsensicality of giving everyone a case of mini-jet lag twice a year. My questionably accurate position is that because we operate under the delusion that representative government is representative instead of shuck and jive, those who have shucked and jived to get elected ardently feel that they must DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, which means PASS LAWS … nevermind that such laws may make no sense prima facie, that they will doubtless conflict with innumerable other existing laws and that there are so many laws now on the books constraining our freedoms that everything has become a crime.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 11, 2015 2:03 pm

@T4C, everything DOES happen at once, according to quantum physics. Think multiverses.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
March 11, 2015 5:10 pm

Flash: Ok, the Republicans suck for not Impeaching Hussein yet too.

March 11, 2015 9:28 pm

Glad to see HSF isn’t wasting time thinking about Hillary.

El Coyote
El Coyote
March 11, 2015 11:52 pm

I was singing along with Cher: ‘if I could turn back time..’
Phil says, ‘You did, just last week.’

Forget New Years – the better holiday to celebrate with a dropping ball would be fall back day (night). The bartender calls last call, sets the clock back an hour and then the party continues once more.