Declaring Independence from Israel


Declaring Independence from Israel
It’s Way Overdue!

When Republican Presidential contender Senator Ted Cruz announced his intention to run before a packed audience at Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia, the one line in his speech that drew themost applause was “Instead of a president who boycotts Prime Minister Netanyahu, imagine a president who stands unapologetically with the nation of Israel.” I do not know if those who were cheering were really aware of what Cruz was saying, but the preposition “with” committing President Cruz to some kind of ad hoc equal partnership with a foreign government was both unseemly and ultimately un-American. A President of the United States should be prepared and expected to advance only American interests.

There is no ambiguity in Cruz. As keynote speaker for a conference held last September by the newly formed In Defense of Christians group, he demonstrated that even in front of Middle Eastern Christians it was necessary to play the Israel card, bringing Jewish “persecution” into the discussion before walking off stage. Just before exiting, he said, “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Good night, and God bless.”

A day after Cruz and Liberty it was Jeb Bush’s turn. He repudiated James Baker, his father’s secretary of state, after Baker had mildly criticized Netanyahu’s rejection of a possible Palestinian state, with Bush’s press spokesman asserting “Governor Bush’s support for Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu is unwavering.” In a follow-up op-ed last Wednesday, Bush cemented his credentials as a worthy heir to his brother George in terms of intellectual vacuity by opposing nuclear negotiations with Iran before asserting “The Obama administration treats announcements of new apartment buildings in Jerusalem like acts of aggression.” Jeb is apparently unaware that there are half a million settlers on the West Bank on stolen Palestinian land.

Every Republican presidential wannabe makes an obligatory trip to Israel to kiss Netanyahu’s ring. And the neoconservative claque is meanwhile crowing about Bibi, calling him the “leader of the free world.” One blogger quipped “Has it got to the point that the GOP should cut through all the red tape and simply nominate Benjamin Netanyahu as their 2016 candidate?”

The most recent GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney went so far as to pledge himself to take Israel’s advice before doing anything in the Middle East. Cruz, like Romney, has made very clear his willingness to be guided by Israel and it appears that Bush 3 will do more of the same. As will every other leading Republican, including Rand Paul who recently defended critics who claimed that he was applauding too slowly during the Netanyahu speech, saying “I gave the prime minister 50 standing ovations, I co-sponsored bringing him here.”

Marco Rubio another presidential aspirant, has already declared that if he is elected president, he would be willing to defy America’s European allies if necessary to revoke any deal with Iran he might inherit. Rubio’s foreign policy advisers feature Dan Senor, Elliot Abrams, Robert Kagan and Eric Edelman.

Selling out to Israeli interests has become de rigueur for Republican politicians and presidential hopefuls as well as for a heck of a lot of Democrats as well. Former Bill Clinton U.N. Ambassador Bill Richardson recently commented that Israel is “our anchor in the Mideast. Our beachfront is Israel. They’re our strongest ally” while Senator Chuck Schumer, who is poised to become Senate Minority Leader, has declared “One of my roles, very important in the United States senate, is to be a shomer– to be the shomer Yisrael (guardian for Israel). And I will continue to be that with every bone in my body …”

The description of Israel as a close ally is not true, of course. Though Israel is persistently referred to as America’s greatest friend by the chattering class it is not legally or practically an ally at all and never has been. And then there is the recent revelation that Israel not only spied on Americans officials negotiating with Iran but also used the information obtained with members of Congress to undercut the talks. It is quite possible that Netanyahu was getting his intelligence from someone inside the United States delegation, raising a perhaps more troubling issue about the loyalty of some senior officials. It also suggests that at least some Congressmen received briefings from the Israeli government that included classified information obtained from the U.S. negotiating team and did nothing about it.

That revelation of spying came on top of Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent strategic decision to deal only with American leaders whom he likes and who like him in return. His 2012 endorsement of Romney preceded an unrelenting two year campaign excoriating the Obama Administration for its “weakness” regarding Iran. There have been two speeches by Netanyahu before Congress piling on more of the same but the coup de grace came when a desperate Netanyahu seeking reelectionexplicitly rejected the U.S. backed negotiations seeking to create a peaceful settlement for the Israel-Palestine problem. And then Netanyahu, confident that he can get away with anything without consequence, threw into the hopper a racist rant encouraging right wing support at the polls in Israel by creating fears over Israeli Arabs who might want to vote.

Senator John McCain inevitably accused President Obama of having a tantrum and told him “to get over it” after the White House expressed some concern regarding the extreme right wing Israeli election result. And now that the elections are over, it is reported that Israeli intelligence Israeli intelligence officers who exposed some of Netanyahu’s lies will be purged after the new government is formed. The GOP majority in Congress meanwhile has already rewarded Bibi for his enlightened statesmanship by giving him 50 ovations, thanking him for making the American Secretary of State and President look ridiculous. Forty-seven Senators subsequently signed a letter to the Iranian leadership warning that they would repudiate any nuclear agreement entered into by President Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner will be traveling to Israel this week, presumably to personally thank Netanyahu for his understanding and continued support.

And meanwhile Washington continues to reward Israel with more than $3 billion per year in direct assistance plus billions more in tax exempt “charitable contributions” from American citizens, some of which goes to build illegal settlements. It continues to provide Israel with political cover at the United Nations; supplies it with weapons, some of which have been used in contravention of American law; and it regularly defers to Israeli concerns about the political situation in the Middle East.

As a reward for Washington’s largesse, Israel’s many enemies have made the United States a terrorist target. And then there is what the White House and Justice Department (DOJ) do not do. Israel is the number one “friendly” country in terms of the level of espionage directed against the United States but the federal government chooses not prosecute the hundreds of Israelis and Americans caught spying. The DOJ has even blocked any inquiries by concerned citizens into the details of Israeli espionage using mechanisms like the Freedom of Information Act.

One might well come to the conclusion that the American people are not very well served by all of this nonsense. Israel has sometimes been called the “fifty-first state” but it is worse than that as it pays no taxes, is never held accountable for anything, damages U.S. interests and is a net beneficiary at all levels. And all of Netanyahu’s subterfuge has taken place against a backdrop of repeated U.S. pledges of support for Israel coupled with fulsome assertions by policy makers that America “has Israel’s back” if there is any conflict in the region, a virtual commitment that Washington will join in any war that Tel Aviv initiates.

As Israel has done and continues to do grave damage to the United States through its actions, it is past time for an amicable divorce, to enable the dog to again wag its tail, as it were. It is quite possible to wish Israel and the Israeli people well without having to become an accomplice in war crimes. As there is more than sufficient justification to change the existing injurious special relationship, I would propose a new Declaration of Independence, this time not directed at King George III but at King Bibi Netanyahu and his associates in government.

As a prologue to the injuries suffered by the United States, I cannot put it any better than did America’s Founders: “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation:”

  • Washington wishes Israel and all other countries in the Middle East well and hopes that they will prosper, but from now on Israel, having abused its privileged position, must be treated just like any other country, with the depth of the bilateral relationship dictated by actual American interests.
  • American taxpayer contributions to Israel’s high tech first world economy are both unnecessary and unwarranted and will cease.
  • Diplomatic protection of Israel at the United Nations and in other international bodies damages American interests and will only be considered when Israeli and U.S. interests coincide.
  • Israeli has violated U.S. laws regarding the use of American provided military equipment for defensive purposes only. Future sales of equipment will be reviewed and American military equipment prepositioned in Israel will also be removed.
  • Because it is a violation of Article 4 of the U.S. Constitution American intelligence agencies will no longer share raw data obtained illegally on American citizens with Israel.
  • Because funding the occupation of the West Bank is illegal, any private donations to Israel will only be considered charitable when it can be demonstrated that the recipients are actually eligible for that tax status.
  • As it is in Washington’s interest to do so, the United States will be free to negotiate with Iran, Syria and all other countries in the Middle East. The United States will specifically respect the national integrity and sovereignty of all nations in the region, i.e. there will be no more threats that a “military option” is on the table.
  • As there is a clear conflict of interest, trips to Israel funded by private foundations and lobbies to acquaint Congressmen, military officers, and other elected officials with the Israeli point of view will be considered gifts and subject to appropriate regulation and taxation.
  • Israeli lobbying groups to include AIPAC, WINEP and JINSA have done great damage to the interests of the United States and will be required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938.
  • How Israel conducts its domestic governance is its own business, but the United States will oppose the continuation of legal and administrative infringements on the fundamental rights of ethnic and religious minorities in any and all countries, including those that regard themselves as democratic, to include Israel’s treatment of its Arab minority.
  • As it is in the United States interest to do so, Washington will support in international fora the creation of a sovereign and functional Palestinian state to include full recognition by Washington, understanding that the persistence of the Palestinian problem has been both an incubator of and recruiting poster for terrorism worldwide.
  • Stealing American high technology and government secrets has done grave damage. Israelis and Americans caught spying against the United States will be arrested, charged and prosecuted under applicable statutes. There will be no exceptions.

I am convinced that a new Declaration of Independence will be good both for the United States and for Israel. The U.S. can remove the issue of Israel from its fractious political discourse and will at last be free of a major distortion in its ability to conduct foreign and security policy based on America’s own interests. Israel, which is military dominant in its region, can begin to think seriously of how to coexist with its neighbors rather than bomb them into submission. A reset for both countries would be healthy as well as the right thing to do.

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April 1, 2015 8:04 pm

I used to think I knew what was up with ‘Murika’s relationship with Israel, but now I’m not so sure. I had believed that Israel, in line with all their brethren who own the banks and media, ruled ‘Murika. With all the shit Israel pulled over the years and the fact that every elected official, it seems, makes a beeline to Israel to kiss ass, get their instructions and have their picture taken wearing a silly little hat in front of the wailing wall, it didn’t seem too far out to believe.

Now I think that no one in any position of power gives a fuck about any nation. The PTB would sacrifice Israel just as fast as anyplace else if they could make a few more Trillion bucks doing it. Israel is just a foil against which TPTB play out their plans in the Middle East and the world.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
April 1, 2015 8:35 pm

I completely agree with your proposal. I have many ties to Israel, and many Israeli friends, but I consider the Israeli government to be hostile to my interests as an American, but definitely hostile to the long term interests of my Israeli friends.

April 1, 2015 10:31 pm

I used to believe that people could have honest discussions and disagreements about the relations between Israel & the US and not cross the line into Jew hatred, but I am over that. Too many people these days, and the creature who calls himself Zarathustra is in this category, vilify Israel for everything under the sun. Maybe we shouldn’t give so much money to Israel, considering we are broke, but I consider that money better spent than the money we give to Moslem nations. The real threat in the world is Islam and the spread of same. American soldiers don’t need to go to the Middle East to fight that, we just need to stop all Moslem immigration to our country. If you think that Israel and the “bogeyman Zionists” are the cause of trouble in the world, then you don’t know much about the history of that region, or you’re a Moslem, or just a garden-variety Jew hater. There is nothing else which would warrant this level of attention and approbation.

April 1, 2015 10:39 pm

Such big words from a big man. Die in a hole, Jew hater.

April 1, 2015 10:51 pm

I believe to maintain the vibrancy of the TBP community all blabbering dickheads should get a thumbs up. The cannon fodder needs to be encouraged to keep commenting so the the remnant will have some target practice to sharpen their aim for the next big war.

And, this is why I always thumb up every myopic asshole that comments.

April 1, 2015 11:19 pm

Zarathustra says antisemitism. Guess what? I’ve been to this blog enough times and have read enough anti Israel and anti Jewish diatribes to know I’m right. To people who think like you there is nothing but criticism for Israel no matter what. Total silence on what Israel’s neighbors are up to, though. And there’s already plenty of “genuine” antisemitism in the world, mainly fomented by Moslems. Nothing I say about that is going to change it. So of course feel free to join the Moslems in your hatred (or is it strong dislike) for the Jews. They will welcome you at first, but when you refuse to convert you will then see what the Jews have been up against the whole time. Read the Koran. It’s a real eye opener.

April 2, 2015 12:10 am

I rarely enter into discussions about religion.

@ JesusWasAJew

I agree with you.

@ Zara

You’re a good guy. You’re a very smart guy. I would buy you a beer any day of the week.

You and I have gone back and forth for years on various issues. On issues about Israel, we disagree. I get and admire your deep respect for Persian culture. I do. It is greatly justified. But I do not now, or ever have, understood your deep enmity for Israel.

WTF business is it of Persian Iran for objecting to Israel’s existence? WTF business is it of Persian Iranian Shia’s lamenting the Israeli “suppression” of Sunni Palestinians, when Persian Shia’s are actively engaged in killing thousands of Sunnis, including Palestinians? Right now. Right at this very moment. This makes NO FUCKING SENSE.

I’m sure you have a rational response, Zara.

April 2, 2015 1:25 am


Ok. Thanks, I get where you’re coming from. Still think you need to dial back your hatred of Israel. Not justified, not useful.

BTW, you and I would do better than those idiots trying to negotiate a treaty on Iran’s nuclear program.

April 2, 2015 4:16 am
April 2, 2015 4:37 am

Israel (the Jooos) are always first to help.

April 2, 2015 6:28 am

Iran’s nukes: an Israeli perspective

Martin van Creveld is the very opposite of an innocent on this subject. He knows more about war, the history of war, and the strategy and tactics of war than nearly anyone on the planet. And so when a world-famous military expert, who lives in the heart of the land that is most threatened by Iranian weapons, contradicts the neocons living in the USA who have been beating the war drum for a decade and claiming that the mad mullahs are simply slavering to hurl nuclear-tipped missiles at Israel the moment they have them, I suggest that it is wise to listen to the former, not the latter.

“Netanyahu has Iran in his head and effectively used it to win the elections. Yet truth to say, no Iranian leader has ever directly threatened Israel. To be sure, neither Iran’s presidents nor the Mullahs like the Zionist Entity. They do not stand to attention when Hatikvah is played. They have even had the chutzpah to deny the Holocaust. Yet all they have said is that, if Israel attacked them, they would respond in kind. Also that “rotten” Israel would end up by collapsing under its own weight. All this serves to divert attention away from their real purpose. That purpose, as I just said, is to deter the U.S. And to draw as much support in the Moslem world as verbal attacks on Israel always do.

Finally, morality. Are the Iranians really as bad as some people claim? Taking 1981 as our starting point, we find that in the three and a half decades since then the U.S has waged war first against (or in) Grenada; then Panama; then Iraq; then Serbia (in Bosnia); then Serbia again (in Kosovo); then Afghanistan; then Iraq again; then Libya. In some of these praiseworthy enterprises it was supported by its allies, the Netherlands included.

The Iranians are not angels—far from it. They have meddled in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, as they still do. They have also assisted terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas. But everything is relative. They have not waged large-scale warfare against any other country. Let alone bombed it or invaded it.

And that, in the final analysis, is all that matters.”

April 2, 2015 8:12 am

@SSS. Glad to see someone else sees what I see re: Zarathustra and Israel.

@Zarathustra. So I’ve played the antisemite card but you’ve whipped out your Hate card? Got it. I have no personal enmity for the people of Iran. I know that they are Persians, not Arabs and thus have an actual culture which is distinct. But there is no denying that it is not the Persians in control of Iran since the 70’s, but the mullahs. It is not Israel’s fault or the US, that the adherents of Islam are running the show. Under its current government, Iran is a pariah to the civilized world. Islam does not play nice with others. It is a theocratic, totalitarian political system using the shield of religion to advance it’s cause. It is a culture annihilator. I hope that one day Iran can rid itself of it.

April 2, 2015 9:01 am

“Under its current government, Iran is a pariah to the civilized world. Islam does not play nice with others.” ———– JesusWasActuallyCatholic

1. Please list the number of countries the USA!USA!USA! has been at war with (declared or undeclared), bombed, droned, bullied, and overthrown since WWII.

2. Do the same for Iran.

Give us a brief summary on your findings.

Extra Credit: Explain how you became a neocon asswipe.

April 2, 2015 4:08 pm

No Stucky, Jesus was a Jew, sorry if that inconveniences your worldview, assmunch (returning the complement).

Your “questions” are completely irrelevant because I am not a neocon. Believing that Israel has a right to exist and a right to defend itself, does not make me a neocon.

Why don’t you tell me how Islam plays nice in the world. You can’t because the 1400 year history of the murdering, barbarous, culture-destroying depravities of Islam does not lie.

April 2, 2015 6:11 pm

“No Stucky, Jesus was a Jew,” ——– JesusWasAJew

You Lie!!!! I go to a synagogue, not one picture of Jesus anywhere! I go to Saint Mary’s Perpetual Virginity Catholic Church right down the street, pictures of Jesus EVERYWHERE!!!

I LOATHE the mooslim religion. But, my post to you was in response to your comments about Iran.

So, answer the question regarding the amount of wars, government overthrow, etc. that I asked you to compare. You won’t do it, will you? Because you know the answer …. that it is NOT Iran which is the “pariah to the civilized world”. It is the USA!USA!USA!

April 2, 2015 6:40 pm


How is Iran not the pariah of the world is the better question? In truth I don’t give much of a shit about Iran in its current iteration. I wish the Persians luck on shaking the Islamic monkey from its back. You want to discuss geopolitical machinations in the Middle East, but I say to you that things are much more elemental than that. I care about the Third Jihad, which is in full beast mode right now. Few people currently understand the ramifications of that. In a few short years Western civilization will have a decision to make: fight for Western values and civilization, or submit to Islam. That is the issue that drives me. You say you’re not a fan of the “Mooslims”? I suggest reading up on the “religion of peace” to see what their long-term goals are. Did you see what they just did in Kenyan to Christian university students?

And really, why do you live here in the USA!USA!USA! if you hate it so? It’s not the nation I remember from my youth or the nation I wish it were, but considering the rest of the world and what I’d be giving up to leave it, I guess I’ll tough it out. You America haters are real pieces of work. And no, I’m not Ra!Ra! for America, but I know the unvarnished history of this country and I am still thinking that in the history of the world, there has been no better place to live.

April 2, 2015 7:03 pm

“And really, why do you live here in the USA!USA!USA! if you hate it so?” —-JesusIsABaptist

Wendy’s Hamburgers.

You STILL didn’t answer the question.

I win.

April 2, 2015 7:50 pm

When you’re ready to answer my questions, I’ll consider yours. Your questions are trite, expected, and par for the course for the Hammas bum kissers, and the “I hate ‘Murika” crowd. You are a victim of Islamic agitprop; enjoy your dhimmitude.

Wendy’s hamburgers SUCK! There you go, no reason to stay.

You lose!

And Jesus was born a Jew, lived his life as a Jew, and died a Jew. Tomorrow at sundown begins Passover. Jesus celebrated this with his disciples, which Christians recognize as The Last Supper. If you are a Christian, I extend a Happy Easter to you. If you are Moslem, I pray for your conversion to anything other than Islam, if you are atheist I say please reconsider, and if you are Jewish I wish you a Good Pesach.

April 2, 2015 7:51 pm


Islamic agitprop. Enjoy your dhimmitude.

April 2, 2015 8:07 pm

I say I LOATHE mooslims and you say “If you are Moslem…”. I think you got shitferbrains disease.

I ain’t no fuckin’ Joo either, nor an atheist.

I believe in JC as my lord and savior who existed before he created time and then he created adam and eve but eve fucked up and i was born in sin but JC paid my debt by getting nailed on the cross for me and then popping out of the grave to return to heaven but he’s coming back probably real soon and my tall austrian ass will be raptured to meet him and maybe you in the sky and we’ll live forever and ever playing harps judging angels and after a billion years of all that we will be bored shitless but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

So, I’m just like you so don’t get all hoidy-toidy with me.

And please stop saying Jesus was a Joo. You’re blowing my mind. He was a CHRISTian … not a JEWian.

April 2, 2015 8:07 pm

Also Zarathustra

When the Islamic nations of the world are brought up on charges of “apartheid, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and state terrorism”, then I’ll consider what you have to say as worthy of real consideration and debate. Until then, I’ll just think of you as one who is so blinded by the Islamist propaganda that nothing even remotely in the world of reality will penetrate your Islamic agitprop-addled mind.

April 2, 2015 8:11 pm

Seriously … just find me ONE verse in the Bible that says straight-forth that JC was a Jew.

Give me ample proof, and I will listen. But, you probably won’t do that either.

April 2, 2015 8:19 pm

No Stucky, it’s clear your brain is addled, but thanks for clearing up what your religious beliefs are. But anywho, I don’t give a shit what your beliefs are because I don’t know you from Adam, you dumb shit. Good for you about your JC beliefs, and seriously I’m glad you are a believer, but guess what? JESUS was a JEW! I know you know that and you’re just trying to mess with me. Because really, you gotta be stone cold stupid to not know that.

April 2, 2015 8:26 pm

Stucky it doesn’t have to say that, because the Old Testament is basically the story of a people, namely the Jews, and their covenant with God. It is the beginning of monotheism, and is the root of Christianity. Surely you know this and you are just trying to yank my chain?

April 2, 2015 8:34 pm

My whole life I was raised believing Jesus was a Christian. Maybe I am stone cold stupid. How will I become smarter unless someone explains it to me. You’re going to be very sorry in heaven when Jesus says to you — “You could have helped Stucky, but you were an asshole about it. Depart from me!”

You are toying with me. Jesus NEVER says “Hearken unto me, I am a Jew.”. And you KNOW it, otherwise you would provide proof.

You dance around everything …. making bold yet stupid statements, yet NEVER backing them up. Are you an 11 year old retard in mommie basement? It seems like it.

One last time, please provide ample proof that JC was Jooish. If you do it, I’ll take back the bad things I said about you.

Your brother in Christ,

April 2, 2015 8:37 pm

“Surely you know this and you are just trying to yank my chain?” ——– JWAJ

I don’t know the Bible very well. Just what I learned in Catholic School, and I’m starting to think THEY were yanking my chain.

April 2, 2015 8:41 pm


Yeah, and I didn’t bring up neocons and whaling on Iran but was accused anyways. And if you are going to accuse Israel of apartheid and war crimes and terrorism, then I think it’s pretty damn fair to look at Israel’s neighbors with the same lens. And you couldn’t be more wrong about Islamists corrupting our government . Are you living under a rock?

You have a serious blind spot regarding Islam. Islam is a slow-moving parasite. The nations they are unable to conquer by the sword, they will conquer by demographics. It’s happening in slow motion right now. We don’t see it yet in the US because the Moslems are still a small percent of our population. But they outbreed the non-Moslems, and they’ll just bide their time because they know that Western civilization has lost the will to survive.

April 2, 2015 8:50 pm


My Ms Freud just came home (she’s a psychologist) and I have to leave for a while to eat diner, and talk to her and shit. But, I had a chance to tell her that some dude on the internet is saying that “Jesus was a Jew.” and she immediately said “NO WAY!!!”.

And she’s very smart, probably smarter than both of us put together. So, I’m inclined to believe her, not you. When I come back later tonight or tomorrow morning I do hope you’ll have put together a bunch of verses proving your point.

Stucky the eager student

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 2, 2015 8:50 pm


Why is Jesus refered to as King of the Jews? Because he was born to Jews…duh.

The Council of Nicea was three hundred years after the death of Christ at which time some asshats who eventually became the Black Nobility and some Jews declared his divinity. Three hundred years after…..not the divine son of God until then? WTF?

PS. The Black Nobility are still fukkin up the world and no they are not black.

April 2, 2015 8:55 pm

Stucky, I don’t know what to say to you about this because I honestly don’t know how much you know about the bible. You say you only know what you were told at school, and that I should provide proof? I’m guessing you know a hell of a lot more than you’re letting on. As I said earlier, the Old Testament is a history of the Jewish people and their relationship with God. Read the Old Testament and discover for yourself. Jesus was a descendant of King David.

April 2, 2015 8:55 pm


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 2, 2015 8:57 pm

T4C- There are some seriously confused peeps around here.

April 2, 2015 8:59 pm

Ok Stucky, now I know you’re yanking my chain. Eager student my ass. Die in a hole.

April 2, 2015 9:09 pm


The government doesn’t just consist of the congress. Don’t you know we have three branches?

And the article doesn’t even talk about Shrillary’s best bud Huma Abedin. Who has family members who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Stop turning a blind eye.

April 2, 2015 11:02 pm

We need to stop being Israel’s bitch, period. And we especially don’t need to give them any taxpayer money. I like the bullet points in the article, when are they being implemented. As for you guys big fight over Jeebus, I’ve always thought he was born a Jew, but I don’t hold that against him.

April 2, 2015 11:16 pm

Ms Freud is sleeping now, so I sneaked out of bed hoping to find some Bible verses. What a letdown!


Look I know Jesus was BORN a Jew to Mary&Joseph (NOT King David!). But, later on in life, John The Baptist (Baptists are CHRISTIAN) baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, and at that moment Jesus became a Christian.

I think you’re the one who needs to read the Bible.

@Westcoaster — kindly stay the fuck out of this debate.

Wait until bb and El Coyote El Grande Biblio Studento get here. Those two fuckers know the Bible inside out and will set you straight.

April 2, 2015 11:18 pm

” .. why do Jews write graffiti that says, “Jesus was the son of a whore?” ——- Zara

Jews only respect bankers, lawyers, and doctors …….. everyone else is a whore

April 2, 2015 11:21 pm

Really? First I’ve heard of it. And where exactly are they writing this? This would make zero sense since Jesus was a Jew, but hey, there’s knuckleheads in every group. I’m sure the Persians have their knuckleheads too.