The Battle for Berlin: Final chapter of WW2

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May 8, 2015 8:34 am

Also … another nice similar vid: The Battle For Stalingrad

May 8, 2015 8:35 am

“St. Petersburg’s Palace Square and State Hermitage Museum served as venues for the biggest public event in celebration of the museum’s 250th anniversary on December 7 with a musical light show called “The Ball of History” on the eve of the important date.”

May 8, 2015 11:07 am

Admin ,Stucky , here’s one that you should see if you have time .It’s an eye opener.

HELLSTORM:Exposing the real genocide of Nazi Germany .
Who started world war two…. by viklor Suvorou……Make you wonder how many lies we have been told about that part of history.

Captain America
Captain America
May 8, 2015 1:18 pm

Harry Hopkins, key adviser, and actual White House resident (living close to FDR) was likely a Soviet spy. Much great work has been done uncovering the roles he played in providing $300B in Lend lease to the Stalin, and also covering nuclear secrets and Canadian uranium shipments sent to the USSR under diplomatic pouch cover. All very intriguing, and Diana West and M. Stanton Evans have great books on the topic.

But the most egregious sins of WWII include our choice of Northern, 3rd front, created by DDAy. A Southern attack, through italy, would have made it nearly impossible for the iron Curtain that fell over Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, etc. We could easily have taken Berlin alone, instead we waited to let the Soviets have the honor. Patton was later executed, for comments he continued to make about Ike, FDR and Truman.

In short, the USA funded the total victory of WWII, although the Soviets certainly added substantial blood. Treaties agreed to post WWII ceded half of Germany, and half of Europe to Stalin. Churchill was furious.

Our State Dept., and Treasure Dept. were well stocked with Soviet spies. Hiss. Harry Dexter White at Treasury. Even the OSS, the CIA precursor was later gutted of Soviet traitors and sympathizers.

America, was very pro Soviet in the 1930’s, through 1947 or so. We gave away half of Europe, and then the Truman Administration gave China to Mao, and lost half of Korea.

We spent about 40 years fighting Communism, only to elect one in 2008.

Weird scenes inside the gold mine.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
May 8, 2015 3:28 pm

“A force that had once threatened an entire continent had been defeated”

Nowadays that evil force is known as the U.S. Government …and it shall be defeated AGAIN.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 8, 2015 5:25 pm

The Diana West book, American Betrayal, is a must read. She was furiously attacked by the Jewish Neo-Cons, led by David Horowitz, for even writing it. The ugly truth is this: Stalin won WWII, not us, not the UK, and certainly not the Germans. He did this through adroit use of secret agents, including those traitors known as “agents of influence”, senior American and British spies whose role was to guide policy AND steal secrets. Wartime Washington was as full of these (mostly Jewish) turds as an overflowing bus station toilet bowl. The majority had infiltrated the government through Roosevelt’s New Deal. Roosevelt himself was a smug, arrogant rich kid, embittered over his paralysis and beholden to wealthy Jews. The Jewish Communists played him like a violin. Churchill, also in thrall to the Jews thanks to his extravagant tastes (he became little more than a Jewish rent boy) realized too late what a horrible mistake he had made. As for “good old Harry Truman”, he was a typical Democratic machine politician. He was no traitor but he when he was finally forced to recognize what was going on he knew that if the truth came out regarding Jewish and Communist control of the Democratic Party there would be Democrat politicians hanging from every lamp post in the country. he set out to clean out the worst traitors but was careful to conceal the whole, awful truth. What a disgusting, sordid story it all is.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 8, 2015 5:30 pm

Screw Kitty Worthman and all her lying kind. Nazi survivor my ass. So the square-head krauts locked her butt up for a couple of years. So what? My Dad was a Nazi survivor; he fought them in North Africa, Sicily, Salerno and Anzio. These Zionists make me sick. Their Jewish Communist cousins provoked both the rise of Hitler and World War II. Now we constantly hear this nonsense comparing Obama to Hitler. No, folks. Obama is not a Nazi and his tactics are not Nazi tactics. He is a God damn Communist, he walks like a Commie, he hangs with Reds and he talks like Lenin. How long will it take people to get over their fear of telling it like it is.

May 8, 2015 7:12 pm

The Russians lost 100,000 cleaning up the last pitiful remnants. We lost like 4500 in Normandy. There is no doubt who did the heavy lifting and who took credit.

May 9, 2015 8:28 am

no ottomatik,

It took the Russians 1 million of men to take Berlin starting from the Oder river. nothing less

as for Stalingrad, in the worst of the battle, they sent 10 000 men each fucking day to replace the killed and maimed just to hold the 2 plants in the center, on the left bank of the river. hell on earth

there’s no country in the world that have displayed such carelessness about losses in history. beside Germany that has reap what it has sown, only France and Great Britain have accepted this magnitude of sacrifice during WW1.
during WW2, in percentage of the population, Greece is probably the country that suffered the most. something like 25% of the population missing…

May 9, 2015 11:47 am

I am not endorsing fascism, or Adolf, but the tale of Germany’s last days is straight out of a Wagnerian opera. The Germans fought a hopeless battle against impossible odds and fought right to the bitter end. The Russians were th-is close to the fuhrer bunker when ‘dolf and Eva killed themselves.

Let’s face it: Hitler died well. Unlike many people, I don’t view suicide as the coward’s way out. It’s perfectly sensible in certain drastic situations, like in view of the certainty of being humiliated and tortured to death by an enemy. Hitler saw what happened to Mussolini and said “fuck that!”. And yes, I know that Benito was shot to death and then hung upside down in public so his body could be desecrated. Ol’ ‘Dolf didn’t want that either.

He was there after the last act and when the final curtain fell. You’ve got to give him that, at least. For comparison, imagine any one of “our” yellow-belly, sniveling, piece-of-pig-shit politicians even coming close to that kind of will. They would’ve run away at the first sign of defeat or danger, but most likely would’ve turned traitor and sold out everyone……oh wait…..that IS what they’re doing as we speak.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 9, 2015 3:45 pm

Say what you will about Hitler, he was genuine. Obama used an anger translator to let us know he is really Rahm Emanuel in sheep’s clothing.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 10, 2015 2:16 am