So What Can We Do?

Poland 5-15-2015

This Sovereign Debt Crisis is the nature of the beast we face. Understanding that crisis is half the battle for after the business cycle turns, there will be a lot of finger-pointing but you can bet it will never be pointing at government. It does not matter what country we are from, the people are the same. The audience last night in Warsaw was articulate, understood, and the audience made it known that they too distrust government. It really matters not our nationality. People never start wars, only governments which are not the people.

Smith -Higest Impertenance

It is also never private debt that causes the end of a nation, it is the debt of government. When people default, their assets are seized and they were often thrown in debtors prison. When government defaults, you get revolution. Adam Smith called this the highest impertinence of kings to pretend to watch over the debts of the people and not their own. This cycle of political change is about 309.6 years. The last wave began in the 1600s and culminated in the late 1700s, The wave before that is where capitalism began during the 14th century with the reintroduction of wages and taxes following the Black Death of 1346-1353.

Paine-Common Sense

The American people were not in support of the revolution until the very end like a Phase Transition. Those who wanted to leave Britain were only about 33%. Then a writer issued a pamphlet by the name of Thomas Paine entitled Common Sense. Paine explained that the nation or society is only the people and that government views itself as the nation yet is entirely different right from its origin. He further explained that “Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter  NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse (cooperation of people creating an economy) the other creates distinctions. The first a patron, the last a punisher.”


We can see that despite the American and French Revolutions, government reverts always back to the dominant punisher assuming the very same power against which the people revolted to begin with. We can see Thomas Paine’s words are applicable today. The US government called Snowden a traitor for telling the people the government was illegally searching and seizing everything. It was irrelevant that he informed the people about the illegal acts of government. It was treason by their definition because he revealed what they were doing illegally to the people. That reflect what Paine said – they see themselves as the nation not the people who they exploit for their own survival.


Understanding who is the enemy is the very first step in the reform process. About every 309 years we reach a crisis in government. This has been resolved unfortunately with violence for whoever is in power never goes quietly into the light. The late 1700s was of course the American and French Revolutions and today the people of both nations have less rights than existed when they rose up in their respective revolutions. Both were sparked by a debt crisis.

In Britain, George III needed money so badly, he was taking Spanish coins and counterstamping his own image and making them English. The Assignates were paper money issued by the French that was back by confiscating the property of the Catholic Church. The Crown had bailed out the debt of the Mississippi Bubble of 1720 and that imposed harsh taxes upon the French people. We are in the very same position of a Sovereign Debt Crisis once again that is turning to confiscating everything we have as well as government is always driven by debt.

Jefferson-SigThomas Jefferson was highly practical. He wanted the Constitution to automatically expire every 19 years and he was against any government debt. Why? A national debt to Jefferson was taxing the next generation without representation. Indeed, we are being heavily taxed to support the continued rollover of debt.

Without question, this is where we are once again. Jefferson understood looking at history that it repeats because human nature never changes. He saw war was caused by standing armies and once government is paying to maintain such a force, it is like have a car you never drive.


If we look back 309 years from the 1700s, we come to the 14th-15th centuries. In Florence it began with a revolution where they too ran out and hanged bankers. The great series of tax revolts began on that cycle in England and France that finally culminated following the Black Death (1346–53) where capitalism really began with the reintroduction of wages given the shortage of labor.

Perhaps this time we can put pressure for political change in eliminating debts and this viscous cycle of Sovereign Debt Defaults that destroy society. We can prepare for our individual survival by comprehending the nature of the beast. As was discussed in the session in Warsaw, it is true gold is no longer the savior since we cannot hop on a plane with a briefcase full of gold and seek a new start. Gold’s role may be local and in an underground economy, but make no mistake about that, government is well aware of that role as well.

Governments are robbing anything travelers might have these days. There were even signs in Poland warning if you have more than €10,000 in cash or “assets” when traveling it was illegal. They will look for jewelry, stocks, gold, or diamonds. Anything they deem of value they can confiscate.


This is a new age of authoritarianism and is not ending nicely. The idea of crypto-currencies is also rather foolish for nothing can compete against a government that is ruthless and broke. They have the guns and then tanks and will use them against the people. Our hope is to identify the problem and spread the word. Yeltsin stood on the tanks in Russia and asked the troops not to fire on their own people. If the pawns of government refuse to massacre their own people, then we can win. It is critical to understand that police and military will become the tool for both sides.


This is why Brussels is now calling for a European Army. That will be their power and sending Greek troops into Germany will prevent the troops from siding with the people. This is also why there is a mad rush to create robots for war. They have no emotions and cannot be turned. Government understands their weak-link for throughout history it has always been the loyalty of the troops.

That is what we must understand and we must understand that private assets are the means to survive – not pensions or government bonds. Eliminating cash is their way to force people into banks and prevent a bank-run. That will end in the total authoritarian government for you will not be allowed to buy or sell except without the grace of government.

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May 16, 2015 12:48 pm

If the pawns of government refuse to massacre their own people, then we can win. It is critical to understand that police and military will become the tool for both sides.

I wrote of this before.

Young troops only desire one thing: To please their superiors and be recognized via promotion, some shiny bauble, etc. Trust me, that is their only motivation. Deeper feelings of loyalty to the Constitution, to the Republic and the Citizenry – if they come at all – only come after a long period of time that allows the brainwashing and programming to wear off somewhat, allowing thoughtful introspection and reflection. Older, wiser troops – NCO’s and Officers – usually come to the conclusion that their Master – the Government – is insane, what they are told to do is often pointless.

Courage on the battlefield or in conflict is fairly common. Moral courage is the most precious and rare type – the courage to stand up and say “This is wrong/illegal/immoral/unlawful and I will not do it”. Because to do so will be your end. Not physically, but your career will be at an end. You will, at the very least, be Courts Martial-ed. Even if you are exonerated, you will forever be known as “that guy” and nothing good will ever happen to you again.

The military pays lip service to righteousness – telling new troops that they are duty bound to speak up, to not obey unlawful, illegal or immoral orders. But they do not tell those new troops what might constitute something illegal, immoral or unlawful. They swear allegiance to the Constitution and the Republic, but they cannot recite even one of the Amendments of the Bill of Rights word for word.

Still, firing on Americans will probably give the vast majority of troops a good deal of heartburn and cause them some type of moral conflict. Hence, their effectiveness will drop dramatically. The longer they are in that situation, the worse their performance and the greater their moral conflict. Local National Guard troops will not be used, since they live in those communities, know the people involved and the people know them. Personally. And so, those local NG troops will be moved out of the area, to be replaced with other troops that do not hold any vestigial allegiance towards that community…

I am reminded of the Clinton’s floating the idea of having Chinese police be imported to round up and confiscate guns from Americans. This was a real thing. They actually did come up with this idea. The Chinese have zero loyalty towards any American and could care less about our Constitution. They are also very, very good at rounding up and confiscating guns, being as they’ve done it for generations.

They wouldn’t be acting “for” China, per se – they would most likely be mercenary troops acting under the Government’s orders. Perhaps using the term “adviser” as a fig leaf. They would only care about being paid – either in hard coin or land. So long as they are paid, they will do their master’s bidding…

This is why Brussels is now calling for a European Army. That will be their power and sending Greek troops into Germany will prevent the troops from siding with the people.

Couldn’t have said it better.

This is also why there is a mad rush to create robots for war. They have no emotions and cannot be turned.

But they can be shot, burned, crushed, blown up, captured and reprogrammed. They are also vulnerable to varying levels of electromagnetic pulse, whereas us sorry humans are not.

Example: Country A develops a type of war robot and sends it against an opponent. Eventually, that opponent will disable and/or destroy several – perhaps even capture a still-functioning example – and then they will reverse-engineer it. Sending high tech stuff against an enemy is, in effect, giving them your own tech. Yes, it might be nonfunctional when they get it. Burned, smashed or otherwise destroyed. But you can always reconstruct something based on remains. You cannot annihilate matter.

This might sound trite, but it parallels reality and history. About 15 or so years ago, there was a computer game called Total Annihilation. You had your side, the “enemy” had theirs and the only goal was to wipe out your opponent to the last man. The game didn’t end till you hunted down every last one of them.

Thing was, if you were willing to risk it, you could capture some of the “enemies” tech – at great cost – then bring it back to your territory. Reverse-engineer their tech, and then send waves of their own stuff back at them. Which was always enjoyable when your opponent was actually a human being – the shock of seeing his tech in your colors blowing up his stuff…

But, in real life, this has always happened throughout history. One side develops some high-speed tech? The other side will eventually get it and then send it back towards those who invented it…

Government understands their weak-link for throughout history it has always been the loyalty of the troops.

The troops – whether conscripts, mercenaries or regulars – will remain reasonably loyal so long as the government’s motives are honorable, they are clothed, fed properly and paid, and don’t take too many casualties. And their loved ones are taken care of.

Humans can be leveraged. In 4G warfare, there will be no “front line”… no “green zone”… no safe place anywhere. Can’t kill the tank? Send a night letter to the mechanics who maintain the tanks. Or maybe the come home to find their house burned to the ground and their family missing…

It will be ugly.

May 16, 2015 1:14 pm

Good advice here.. I find no fault in any of of the 20.

Twenty Rules To Live By as America Goes to Hell:

1: Be as self sufficient as possible without endangering folks or making life unnecessarily miserable.
2: Avoid crowds. Crowds are magnets for all manner of trouble.
3: Build a cushion – then one can choose when and where to interact with others.
4: Plan first, consider carefully, adjust and only then do.
5: Have a contingency plan.
6: Create a backup for the contingency plan.
7: Always have reserves in a different venue. Always.
8: Practice regularly with everything you might one day depend on.
9: A person can know a lot – but can’t master everything. They’ll need tribe to cover the gaps.
10: Do not bring a knife to a gun fight.
11: Never shoot a threat in the face when you can shoot it in the back. From 500 yards away.
12: In a life or death struggle, never employ half measures.
13: There is no shame in fleeing danger.
14: Even in the worst of times, humans covet trinkets, toiletries, cosmetics and entertainment.
15: The constabulary is not your friend. Never involve them in a situation willingly.
16: Always have a reasonable lie and supporting evidence for anything you’re getting up to.
17: Pay attention to your surroundings. Notice the little details.
18: When in Rome, look, smell and act like the locals. Don’t stand out. Don’t gawk.
19: Nothing you own is worth dying for. Get it back later, on your terms.
20: One only calls the end of the world right once. Everything else costs credibility needed when the balloon really does go up.

May 16, 2015 1:35 pm

The two of you just wrote a better post than the post. Nice

May 16, 2015 1:38 pm

It’s very hard for government to go from a wealthy society with personal intiative to a poor society ruled by autocrats. The government will merely be deciding by fiat who gets less and by what amount.

It only works in Bolivia and Venezuela because that is a case of who rules not what rules. Browns will not give way to be ruled by Whites in a free society again.

Fortunately, I think the attempt to turn the U.S. into Yugoslavia in order to bolster government will ultimate breakup into smaller republics .

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 16, 2015 2:15 pm

Billy, I do enjoy your posts when your sober. I recalled coming to the realization that no one wants your opinion in the military or any organization, you simply do as they ask and wait for the kudos. Of course in the military it can reach some crazy extremes of passive-aggressive conformity; Sgt– asked another dude for a place to stash a load of ice, the dude went and opened a hot conex and said, here and Sgt– did not complain but dropped the ice in there.
I thought of the Terminator story line, re-programming their tech and using it against them. Or sending a night letter to the maintenance crew. My brother in law had to flee Salvador as he was a helo mechanic and he had been threatened.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 16, 2015 3:26 pm

Great posts Billy and Flash per usual. +1

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 16, 2015 3:36 pm

Great posts Billy and Flash as usual. +1000

Fixed it for you, unless you meant to damn them with faint praise.
God, I miss Stucky, the B leaguers are getting the acclaim.

May 16, 2015 3:44 pm


Har har.

You’d be surprised how little I drink. Maybe the occasional schnapps or bourbon, but not regularly. Doesn’t come within 40 miles of “regularly”. Maybe 3 drinks a month? If that… doesn’t mean I don’t like good liquor. Life’s too short to drink shit alcohol.

When I was south of the border where there ain’t no law and order, we had the same thing happen to us. That night letter business. The locals didn’t like us messing with their females. The fact that I was hooked up with a blonde Colombian female didn’t matter – hands off ‘their’ females.

Not my fault the Visiting Team swung bigger bats than the Home Team…. we ended up going on lockdown a couple times – nobody in or out, unless they were uniformed Americans in US vehicles, and even then only after a search with sniffer dogs and mirrors…

One night letter, and everyone loses their shit… we had to start wearing Class III body armor and taking all sorts of precautions… wearing that shit in the tropical sun, all day, every day…

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 16, 2015 3:49 pm

EC- I left you a message after your announcement of intent to vote for Rick Perry. So far as Stucky, let me help you out…………

STUCKY- Damn it to hell, even God rested on the sabbath……….tell Ms. Freud you need a day off from this home fixup whirlwind she has you on. EC is about to bust a gut without your words of wisdom and I don’t have anyone to fight with. WTF??

May 16, 2015 4:23 pm

Don’t worry, I have you covered. I have had enough bourbon, rum and cheap beer to cover TBP crowd for several years, and my brothers think I am a piker compared to their exploits. We Scotch-Irish do tend to have a habit of enjoying the drink, but I still got up early this morning and ran 3 miles, albeit slowly. I really enjoyed your comment.

May 16, 2015 5:26 pm

I’m Scotch-Irish as well Bob.

There’s no revolution coming that is delusional thinking, collapse will happen first. Half this country or better gets a check or some type of subsidy from the government are they going to revolt against their monthly check? Hell no they won’t!

May 16, 2015 6:26 pm

Billy ,a little off topic . Is there any AR 10s that would make for good long distance shooting ? Like a sniper rifle ? I love my M1a but it’s not a good long distance rifle. I’m looking for something that can reach out 700-800 yards..Does anything come to mind?Say under 2000 dollars. There’s many on the internet but I would like another opinion.Prefer 308.

May 16, 2015 7:47 pm


General rule of thumb, accuracy goes up, price goes up.

Another rule of thumb is – generally – a bolt gun will beat a gas gun with regards to accuracy. Yes, there are exceptions, but as a general rule it holds. The best rifles I’ve ever used – sub 1/2 MOA – were boltguns – and I’ve fired some seriously expensive stuff, including a PSG1 and an M21.

You can either buy an AR10 and rebarrel it. Or you can buy one already accurized. It’s pretty easy to rebarrel an AR series rifle. They’re all over Gunbroker. Accuracy will depend on what kind of barrel you replace it with and who does the work.

A precision rifle will only hold maximum accuracy for so long, and then barrel wear will start affecting accuracy. Depending on the barrel, you’re looking at a barrel life of 3 to 4 thousand rounds. Which really isn’t that much, when you think about it. Chrome lined barrels last longer, but are not as accurate as a general rule.

You don’t need some boat anchor gas-pipe barrel. Normal to medium taper is fine. But remember that a precision rifle is not a battle rifle. They are designed to fire one or two rounds, then you bug out. The cold clean shot will always strike different than the warm dirty shot. The 308 is an 800 meter round, but can be shoved farther. The ’06 has a slight power edge. If you’re wanting to play out at 1000, you really need a 300 winmag or something comparable…

If you’re wanting a rifle accurate at longer ranges, go with a boltgun. Winchester has re-issued the Model 70 and by all accounts, the new one is every bit the equal of the pre-64 ones of legend. Forged steel receiver, controlled round feed, etc. Get a plain-vanilla Sporter and have it rebuit into something nice. MSRP on the Winchester M70 is around 900 bucks, but you could probably find it for a bit less. New barrel will be a couple hundred more. If you already have glass you can use, that would save some bucks. I’d go with a fixed 10X scope. One piece steel Leupold mount, good steel rings high enough to clear the bolt and an M1907 leather sling, suitably oiled with Neatsfoot oil… no bipod. Use a sandbag, like a man. Or shoot off your ruck.

You might come in under 2K, but more than likely you won’t. My advice is to save up your bucks and get the good shit, rather than get something half-assed right now.

May 16, 2015 8:44 pm

Thank you Billy , I am looking at the bolt rifles. Savage has a sniper rifle .Bolt action with 10 round magazine for under a thousand but that’s just the rifle.I’ll look that Winchester 70 up on the internet .What’s your favorite battle rifle for under 2000?.I love my M1a but I have problems with accuracy. Would be willing to trade or buy something I can shoot better. I don’t think it’s the rifle . It might be my eye sight.It also has an 18 inch barrel which may effect accuracy. Not sure. I can’t hit anything past 300 yards constantly . It’s usually hit and miss.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
May 16, 2015 10:48 pm

It’s to late for America; NYC and Hussein have turned almost the whole world and God against us. Time to get right with God,& your neighbors and prepare for the disasters. Even leaving has a big problem: when the SHTF, foreigners will not be kind even to ex-Americans.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 17, 2015 12:51 am

Bea, the air coming in from the coast is cool and bringing in lots of racist clouds, they are all white, not a black cloud among them. We got a bit of rain up here, I believe it’s LA you saw, they always go wild in the rain. Rain in LA comes down in big drops and lasts a couple of hours, you could wash your car in it. If the clouds are high enough, they make it over the San Gabriels and give us a bit of water. Yesterday the clouds covered most of the valley and in spots where the sky was clear, it was a brilliant blue and not the usual plain light blue. They all left for Nevada and on to Utah.

May 17, 2015 6:09 am

EC, if were absolute giddy over the last bit of info I shared from my varied internet meanderings , you’ll be slobbering like a rabid dog over this little jewel of creative commentary.

Everything has it price.

The Future Always Arrives Early

And the future knocks first on the tarmac. Being processed through a large American hub airport is to peer through a cultural periscope. The view is grainy and often obstructed, though large approaching objects are unmistakable.

Though that’s a conclusion, the story begins hours earlier.

Upon being deposited at the airport by an (invariably) yellowed sclera african-african cab driver, one enters the lobby to a cacophonous babel that is eerily redolent of cicadas. This is the telltale sound of diversity: an insect swarm. Travelers are then obliged to muscle for rank amidst the jostling horde that surges toward the ticket counter. My own position eventually resolved behind an elderly white man and a young asian couple.

The former was called to attention by an obese airline mullato. The two commenced what eventually became an acrimonious parley. I could not discern the quarrel’s content but the customer became plainly exasperated after some time. Eventually I heard him demand “Where is customer service?!” A query the ptosis-eyed agent responded to with a vague finger point of supreme indifference.

And as he shuffled away visibly muttering I imagined vacating my position to provide a reply.

“Oh there won’t be any ‘customer service’ here. That was scuttled in 1965 and buried in 2008. It was over when your generation decided to build a frankenstein society around some contrived novelty called anti-racism. It was over every time you voted for some unctuous shit liberal. And whenever you thought cheap labor would benefit THECONOMY. Customer service was left to rot when you coveted entitlements over your children’s future. And what will you do when governments of the oppressed come to notice the obvious who/whom of social security and Medicare? Ask not for whom young colonists pay dotage care; they pay not for thee. So go ahead and write-off customer service along with most of western life’s other amenities. And stop your bitching. You think the pleasure of not being racist was going to come cheap?”

But alas I remained rooted to hard won territory and watched him merge into the human potpourri. The asian couple then took up positions. Some interminable time later they were received by a squat central american female that I will just colloquially refer to as “Mexican.” What followed was a magnificent display of the American debacle.

The Asians at first began fondling the check-in kiosk as the Mexican attendant stared ahead vacantly. A very long time later it was apparent the infernal device had not regurgitated whatever Red Chinese propaganda they had anticipated. Attempting to gain the mexican’s attention…

Ahh bing, bong, click, clack, ching?

Rigoberta Menchu behind the counter maintained an implacable bovine placidity.

goo goo minh chi ho?

By this point, the fugue state was starting to break and our indigenous ticket agent wound to life.

Eeeez Dees su bee-yate-ay?

The asians stared bewildered. They pointed at the kiosk. The Mexican mimicked the gesture. No one moved. They pointed at their ticket. The Mexican pointed to the security check. Increasingly flummoxed they pointed vaguely skyward, as if to indicate the general trajectory they wished to travel. The Mexican glanced up with furrowed brow before finally offering another wan “eeeez deees” that only trailed off into silence. After several more minutes of frog staring, the asians resumed a forlorn scratching at the recalcitrant kiosk.

I eventually began to suspect a ruse. This pantomime had been in progress now since the Pleistocene. People were moving all around me like water around a stone. Time seemed to move forward and backward simultaneously. The hour hand racing across the clock face as the minute hand lumbered in the opposite direction. Was this tree here when I got into line, or has it matured in the interim? Would my cadaver maintain an erect posture post rigor mortis?

chiang kai-shek

The Chinese nationalist?

Eeeeez deees…

The monotony was now louder in my ears than the droning cicadas. This couldn’t be real. Where was that fucker Peter Funt? He had to be lurking behind some potted plant chortling at the set-up. They were going to hold me here till I broke. I turned to a swarthy arab on my left dressed in a Rodney Dangerfield ensemble from Caddy Shack.

You’re in on it too, aren’t you?


I looked away with contempt at his feigned confusion. How much longer would this hellish production continue? I began to prioritize my remaining time on Earth as the show went on…

Eeeez Deees….?

Bok Choy!

Suddenly a white woman in an airline uniform waddled into view. She was so fat I absently mused at how her subcutaneous blubber must swirl in bands like the rings of Neptune. Stepping past the brown Nobel prize winner she mounted the kiosk without a word, and with fingers the size of caulk guns proceeded to pound the machine into submission. I didn’t see it relinquish any additional documentation, but the asians were apparently assuaged and left the queue to presumably follow their finger pointing dreams.

And while candid camera remained concealed, a few notions were illuminated. Multiculturalism is anti-culturalism. It is a contraction of culture by bitter necessity. There was no ‘celebration’ of differences in that microcosm. Instead just the wretched tedium of dealing with those with whom you share no language, culture, custom, or genetic similarities. It is like donning a duck suit just to walk across your own house. Multiculturalism is misery. And that is, of course, why peoples outside the broken West reject it for themselves. But jews didn’t want white countries, and white liberals didn’t want to worship a jew. And so we have amerinds and asians staring at each other over the husk of western civilization while seeing only this:
Ack! Ack! Ack!

[imgcomment image?w=700[/img]

May 17, 2015 6:12 am

and ,along with standing in line for hours waiting to be sexually molested, airplane travel just got a lot more exciting.


May 17, 2015 8:23 am

there’s no way out…might as well.

[imgcomment image?oh=966ba1f9bfae9b952fc7d4162f28c97a&oe=55C76113[/img]

As of the end of 2014, US government debt outstanding stood at $13 trillion. That means that with $6.18 trillion of it owed externally, 47.5 percent of the US public debt is of the sort that, even in Keynesian/Samuelsonian terms, imposes a direct burden on the future nation as a whole. And when you consider that the future USA – one can hardly call it a “nation” at this point – will be less white, less intelligent, and less productive on average, it should be readily apparent that the economy has absolutely no chance of growing itself out of the external debt owed regardless of which economic school of thought you belong.

What we are witnessing is nothing less than the gradual demise of the biggest, wealthiest economy in world history. It is truly a privilege and an education to behold. It is rather like being able to witness the death of the last Tyrannosaurus Rex. Regardless of how the fallout from the event may affect us personally, we have seen and experienced something that very few men have ever known.”

Vox Day

May 17, 2015 8:33 am

Naomi Wolf – 9 Minutes

Pay close attention to what she’s saying starting at the 1:25 mark.

“We have entered an era where it is not crazy to assess whether news events to see if they are real or not real … “

May 17, 2015 2:04 pm

Hello fellows,
I’m new here…I’ve read TFT, and many of these articles here. I feel like I am far from prepared. Really, who is? I have a question you might help me with, or at least direct me to another source for more details.

What do you guys do with retirement accounts? I don’t want to leave all the money there if it’s not going to be there in 20-30 years, but also don’t want to take it all out if it is there. I just turned 40, so my retirement will come not long after the hopeful rebirth.

Thoughts on this? TIA!