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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
May 28, 2015 8:42 am

The Black Mahdi is giving ISIS et all weapons and support; he is importing thousands of Muslims to every big US city day and night, many illegally, and wasting billions (while doing nothing to aid Christians being murdered by Muslims); he is giving them all employment, welfare and legal assistance to make citizenship ASAP; and he is leaving the nations back door wide open with the light on. The typical American knows this is another manifestation of an incredibly corrupt treasonous government committing national suicide but he/she just sits on their fat ass in awe of Obama’s audacity.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 28, 2015 11:03 am

This cartoon says it all.

As an outsider and observer of American history, politics and social trends I can only conclude that over the past decades the biggest threat to American economic power, culture and your over all way of life is indeed Americans. Obama is busy erasing borders and destroying the country financially – presumably at the request of his handlers and the country is increasingly split into a variety of camps or teams – often opposed to one another so strongly that they seem to the rest of us to be on the verge of civil war. We have Neocons, Liberals/Progressives, Patriots, Black Panthers, Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Southerner’s, Yankees, Christians, Muslims, Jews, LGBA, straights and Texans. The only time Americans appear to be “Americans” anymore is when they are united in kicking someone else’s ass somewhere else in the world other than in America. The country is medicated, jailed, distracted and brain washed by and large. Resultantly, the rise of the police state in the US seems to me to be some sort of reflection of the national consciousness of inward/domestic intolerance/ignorance and anger (by all groups) and outward hostility towards the rest of the planet – unfortunately.

It’s truly scary shit to watch this play unfold so near by. It’s like ancient Rome on speed and steroids. The only question that remains is will it end with a whimper or a bang?

Get your shit together people. You’re supposed to be the greatest country on earth (you used to be) so start acting like it.


May 28, 2015 11:06 am

No Robert…..not all of us are sitting on our asses. We are fully aware of the current situation. We just believe that we’d be like Don Quixote when it comes to trying to get our elected leaders to change .

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
May 28, 2015 12:47 pm

Buckhed, I see it too and am so frustrated. What about at least bitching as much as we can to our friends about the MSM, Congress, political slackers etc to sow the seeds of discontent so that soon the good people hit the streets about something and demand Congress and the MSM put up (ie, act for the nations sake instead of just for the Leftist or Fascist Agendas) or DIE. My gut feeling is it will take God kicking some windmills to Hell (earthquakes, Tsunamis, volcanoes, drought, famine, dollar crash, plague, war etc) to get the good people of America to hit the streets, visit a church, and vote or throw the bastards out like India and the Philippines did.

May 28, 2015 12:51 pm

Best hope is a break apart with a radical segregation of the races but that will probably won’t happen until much bloodshed.

May 28, 2015 5:03 pm

People in AZ Have been asking for the border to actually be secure for years. Now we have a government that doesn’t seem to care. It’s to a point where i wish they would either get it together and have a border,Or just get rid of it. Not this wishy washy thinking we have now.
It’s funny to watch the news and see many people screaming and protesting against our one sheriff who actually wants to enforce laws. And Washington is doing what it can to stop the man also.
If you read the AZ news papers, They all seem pro illegal alien. I guess laws just don’t mean much.

May 28, 2015 6:12 pm

Once upon a time we were a people who operated from a position of “fuck you”. We didn’t take shit from anyone or anything. I hear stories from my dad about his dad’s friends and the elders from around the turn of the century. One man who came to Oregon as a land surveyor and was educated from Notre Dame. He was marauded by indians in the course of his affairs early on. He eventually settled in Oregon. He owned and operated a large cattle and wheat ranch. His son was a WW2 bomber pilot who survived and eventually took over the ranch. He held at bay the federal government in their attempt to seize the eastern side of the Deschutes river canyon for many decades. My dad says when he would go to court, he would start speaking Latin. When they would bring in attorneys who could speak latin, he would start speaking german, and on and on that went. Another good story was the city decided to install parking meters in front of his favorite cafe. He wrapped a length of chain around the post and hooked it too his international diesel wheat hauler and tore it out, dragging it back to his place. The city would install another and he would rinse and repeat. Until they quit putting them in. I know this story to be true as I actually saw the old meters when I was teen. Shortly before I got out of high school, the state ended up taking over the Deschutes as the son in law had fucked up and allowed them to get it. Very sad, much like the Bundy saga.

I believe it is going to take real pain and suffering to forge real men once again in this country. We are too timid and accepting. We should be fighting this crap at every turn. The biggest problem is that they are dividing us and we fight one another over petty bullshit. People need to come together and take a stand more than we are now.

May 28, 2015 6:40 pm

@Brian: You express the problem well and your conclusion is sound, but… Do you really believe it will happen, that a stand will be taken? I wish I did.

@Robert: Do you believe for one moment that Obama is a “Muslim”? His mother was a convert (I seem to recall) to Judaism and in Judaism, if your mother is Jewish, so are you. The Muslims have been turned into the bogeyman when once (not that log ago) they were essentially irrelevant to the USA save for their possession of oil fields.

@Francis: your take largely coincides with mine. A roll-over, dumbed-down citizenry has sacrificed its birthright for a mess of pottage that is so far removed from reality that there ain’t no stoppin’ it now.

May 28, 2015 8:52 pm

…the country is increasingly split into a variety of camps or teams – often opposed to one another so strongly that they seem to the rest of us to be on the verge of civil war. We have Neocons, Liberals/Progressives, Patriots, Black Panthers, Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Southerner’s, Yankees, Christians, Muslims, Jews, LGBA, straights and Texans. – Francis

There’s some crossover.

It is entirely possible to be White, a Southerner (Southron), a libertarian and a Patriot. You can even throw Texian in there, as they were part of the South during the late unpleasantness… so, the groups are not exclusive.

But yeah, your assessment is pretty much dead on. Folks are tribing up – sides being chosen.

Whimper or a bang? I’m thinking a “bang” that will shake the foundations of Heaven itself… I fear it is unstoppable at this point… even if we wanted to stop it, we couldn’t…

May 28, 2015 10:08 pm

Montefrío, I wish I knew as well. I have have serious doubts that it can be done without a complete crash and burn where life gets hard and the strongest survive.