It’s not the un-payble debt that is bringing down Europe. It’s their addiction to porn. They are so busy watching porn, no one is working and no one cares about fixing their economic system. As long as they can watch titties on their TVs, all is well.

When it comes to seedy late-night television, nowhere in Europe compares to France. According to the European Audiovisual Observatory, France has the most adult TV channels in Europe – 71. Germany comes second with 60 while the United Kingdom has 36. Read more in the Independent.

Infographic: The EU countries with the most adult TV channels | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista


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Hollow man
Hollow man
May 30, 2015 12:08 pm

Going down while jacking off. Lol

May 30, 2015 1:39 pm

In military terms, this would be an “Adult Channel Gap” and CON-gress would be compelled to grant an additional $10 Billion so we can catch up.

May 30, 2015 2:32 pm

Porn is a vice no different from gambling, obsessive videogaming or a host of other endeavors that seem nominally enjoyable but in fact are seriously corrosive to vital social relationships. People are actively destroying their futures.

We are witnessing the self-destruction of entire societies. This is a rare event. Don’t miss it, if you have grandchildren and survive long enough, they’ll one day ask you what such universal folly looked like.

May 30, 2015 2:36 pm

We all know the research about overcrowding rodents who, despite adequate food and water, adopt bizarre behaviors and experience collapsing reproductive rates.

“Gay” marriage.
Invented “rape culture” war on men.
Women encouraged to sacrifice marriage and child-rearing in favor of joining (or conquering) men at work.
Transgender insanity.
Mainstreaming porn, videogaming and obsessive communication of trivialities.

Yeah, you see it too. People are disengaging from each other.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
May 30, 2015 2:47 pm

Porn isn’t free speech for adults much less children, corporations are not people, prayer and the 10 Commandments are not unConstitutional, abortion is murder not a choice, states voting Term Limits and outlawing homo marriage and adoptions are Constitutional, use of silver money is Constitutional, Income Taxes are unConstitutional, and on and on go the rulings of Black Robed Traitors being paid to do the will of the Illuminati Elite and not God, the Constitution or We The People.

May 30, 2015 3:10 pm

Someone might think, what’s the difference? We have access to porn here in the US also. Well the difference is in France porn is available without going out of your way to find it. Just turn on the TV and it’s there.

One time I missed a connecting flight and had to stay overnight in a Holiday Inn close to CDG in Paris. When I went to bed I turned on the TV and OH SHIT! There were a number of channels of pure porn. I wasn’t in some out of the way sleazy hotel and I hadn’t ordered any “special entertainment”, this is just standard TV in France.

May 30, 2015 5:43 pm

I’m proud that my Austria has more porn than Admin’s Ireland. That’s why he’s more grouchy than I.

May 31, 2015 3:51 pm

A few years ago we went to Chicago as a family and the wife and I decided to go out for dinner. My some who was 17 decided to stay in the hotel room and just get a sandwich from room service. On the way out of the lobby I stopped by the hotel desk and asked the pretty hostess if the porn channels in the room could be disabled.

She said as far as she knew they were all regular porn you sick bastard…………