Summers Blames People Who Save


We are simply drowning with people in charge who have no real world experience. According to the former US Treasury Secretary and Harvard economist Larry Summers “the world suffers from a savings surplus and therefore threatens to fall into a secular stagnation.” He looks at the world through fogged glasses – not even a rose colored pair. He claims that now for decades to come we will have to adjust accordingly to slower economic growth and increasing economic and social problems. The reason for this is that in some countries such as China and Germany, people saved too much, rather than consume or to invest. Therefore, they exported their savings abroad and thus led to an oversupply of savings, for there is no sufficient demand. Summers’ solution –  the cash-free economy.

Nobody seems to be willing to look at the role of government and how it has promised pensions it never funded, corruption is so widespread, there can never be any reform, and the solution in government on both left and right – raise taxes. And they justify this by blaming capitalism and their ultimate solution is total government control. Economists are typically paid by government directly or indirectly in academia and those who have real world experience are not interested in getting involved in the mud-wresting sport of politics.

Somehow it’s never those in charge who ever screw things up. It’s always We The People.

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June 8, 2015 8:55 am

Armstrong is right. Governments around the world are hunting down taxes to pay off bond holders.

But we’ve known and know it. That in a stagenet or declining economy, if the government spends the same amount , the private sector must spend less.

You have to reverse this trend to restore confidence.

June 8, 2015 9:09 am

I guess Summers and ilk will be able to moan about what my savings can buy in this declining economy? I could blow our cash on worldwide travel and eating out too much so a few waiters could find work, but I don’t need anymore Chinese plastic junk. I won’t be buying a new car. I already have all the toys I could ever want and don’t feel any need to -upgrade’ for my neighbours sake.

I do have an expanding tool list and need some more ammo.

Screw him. If I die with cash in the bank my kids can have it.

June 8, 2015 12:41 pm

Paulo….you can never have too many toys….especially those that go BANG !

June 8, 2015 1:23 pm

Actually he is idiot for bringing this to our attention.Shows what these Keynesians really believe and what we are so Fucked as a nation.

June 8, 2015 2:58 pm

Hmmm Larry Summers. Isn’t he the genius that lost $2 Billion for the Harvard Endowment?

June 8, 2015 6:25 pm

What a pulsating blob of shit summers is.

Unbelievable that he is still afforded respect.

Scum rise to the top unless the stew is stirred.

June 8, 2015 7:56 pm

Good old Larry….The propaganda machine never stops…