Is Third World America Inevitable?

Is Third World America Inevitable?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Thousands of U.S. troops safeguard the border of South Korea. U.S. warships patrol the South China Sea to stand witness to the territorial claims of Asian allies against China.

U.S. troops move in and out of the Baltic States to signal our willingness to defend the frontiers of these tiny NATO allies.

Yet nothing that happens on these borders imperils America so much as what is happening on our own bleeding border with Mexico.

Over three decades, that border has been a causeway into the USA for millions of illegal immigrants who are changing the face of America — to the delight of those who think the country we grew up in was ugly.

All sides of this quarrel have been using the figure of 11 million people here illegally. In her new best-seller, “Adios, America!,” Ann Coulter makes a compelling case that the real figure is close to 30 million.

If that is true, and if the next president embraces amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, that will mean the end to America as the Western nation we have been, and the beginning of America’s life as what Ann calls, unapologetically, a “Third World hellhole.”

Indeed, when we consider the certain consequences of a failure to secure the border for six more years, and amnesty for people already here illegally, igniting a new invasion, we should ask ourselves:

What problem do we Americans confront that will be more easily solved with millions more immigrants?

Between 80 and 90 percent of those coming are from Third World nations. On average, they have higher illegitimacy rates than native-born Americans, higher drug use rates, higher rates of obesity, spousal abuse and child abuse, higher rates of disease, lower test scores and higher dropout rates, and higher crime and incarceration rates.

Children of immigrants are more gang-oriented. And Third World immigrants consume more per capita in social services than they pay in taxes. Hence they contribute to fiscal deficits at every level of government.

Will millions more immigrants help solve our infrastructure crisis?

Undeniably, poor immigrants provide cheap labor for businesses and the rich. But their working- and middle-class American neighbors bear the social costs that they inflict upon communities.

Politically, immigrants from Third World countries, as they rely upon government for food, housing assistance, health care and the education of their children, support the Party of Government.

Mitt Romney lost the two fastest-growing major minorities, Hispanics and Asians, who now account for more than a fifth of our population and a seventh of our voters, by 40 points.

And as their numbers and voting percentages rise, the GOP will find that reaching 270 electoral votes is not only more difficult than in Reagan’s day, it has become impossible.

Among the myths or lies drummed into the heads of Americans is that we have always been a “nation of immigrants,” and “diversity,” i.e., racial, ethnic and religious diversity, “is a strength.”

But America in 1970 was a white nation with a black minority of about 10 percent. And, as Coulter writes, “Nearly the entire white population of America from 1600 to 1970 came from a geographic area of the world about twice the size of Texas. The entire black population came from an area of West Africa about the size of Florida.”

Is ethnic, racial and religious diversity truly a “strength”?

Why then has the most diverse region of Europe, the Balkans — with its Serb, Croat, Albanian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Turkic peoples, and Catholic, Orthodox and Islamic religions — had the bloodiest history?

Was it not racial and ethnic diversity that tore the Soviet Union into 15 nations and half a dozen subnations, and is tearing at it still in the Caucasus?

If diversity is a strength, why is Beijing, which worships strength, moving millions of Han Chinese into Tibet and western China to swamp the Tibetan and Uighur peoples, as they have done to the Mongolian and Manchu peoples? How did diversity work out for Rwanda and Burundi?

If diversity is a strength, then why are Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen falling apart? Why are Sunni and Shiite, Palestinian and Israeli fighting? Why are Scots, Basques, Catalans, Venetians and Flemish agitating for secession and independence?

Has the addition of tens of millions of Asian and African Muslims strengthened the Old Continent that ruled the world? Or do they imperil its security and survival as the cradle and heartland of the West?

As racial, ethic and religious hatreds pull people apart and create terrorists all over our disintegrating world, why would we make ourselves ever more diverse?

Writes Coulter, “Roe v. Wade can be overturned. Obamacare can be repealed. Amnesty is forever.”

Anyone concerned for the future of this country as one nation and one people should find a candidate who will commit to secure the border, enforce immigration laws against businesses that hire illegal immigrants, and pledge no amnesty for the duration of their presidency.

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June 16, 2015 7:45 pm

Monte,Monte,Monte…the white folks are getting ready….millions of guns,billions of rounds of ammo and all manner of weapons are being stored. I hope the day never comes when these dogs are unleashed but the bark won’t even come close to the bite .

June 16, 2015 8:36 pm

“but diversity can also be a great source of creativity and dynamism; I would point to the Hellenistic world and Rome and even 19th century America as examples.
Hellenistic? You mean “Greek”?
They sort of invented that shit on their own. If there was any “diversity” that was “creative and dynamic” Alexander exported it at the point of a sword…”

“Hellenistic” normally means the relatively short and unstable period when Alexander’s generals and their descendants ruled a variety of completely non-Greek areas.

It’s an interesting period in history but hardly a role model or something to emulate.

It’s also endlessly debatable as to whether Alexander and his generals should be considered Greek, or not. I understand that’s still a controversial hot-button topic that can limit a researcher’s ability to do work in Greece or Macedonia.

Of all the unique, one-off periods in history, the Hellenistic period is probably #1. (At worst, #2 behind the oil/atomic age.)

As for 19th century America, I’m struggling to see this as a diverse period. Most of the USA was of primarily English and Scottish extraction, with an increasing proportion of German. There were heavily concentrated pockets of various other European ethnicities, and even Chinese in some west coast cities, but by and large the country was not only very white, but very limited in its ethnic range. Yet out of this there was immense development and invention. This is not a good example of diversity causing progress.

June 16, 2015 8:51 pm

Montefrio ,yes dear I called you out .I obviously hit a grand slam .

You see us poor ,stupid , ignorant trailer park trash know one thing you fat ,dumbass , half breed pussies have forgotten. That this house of cards is going to come tumbling down and when it does you’re going have a lot of pissed off people ready for blood. This nation Will come apart and burn like no other in history. This will never be a mult cultural nation like you dream it will .At best the different races will go their separate ways thus breaking the nation into 3 or more parts. At worse we will destroy ourselves in a war over resources.

June 16, 2015 9:02 pm

Well, Billy, good on ya’ and I wish your son the best. Me, I’m content with my “diluted” bloodline, given that even if the lad were seriously disabled in one way or another, he’s my grandchild and I would love him however he looked or whatever his IQ. He may be less “pure” than a 100% German, but I’d be willing to bet he can buy and sell you and yours twenty times over, given that he is the heir to a great deal of timberland, farmland, you know, productive tangibles, the stuff that y’all are watching disappear, pure as you may be. Get back to me when you have grandchildren, sir. Meantime, keep a weather eye peeled for them Latinos movin´into shitkicker country with no one doin´sweet f-a about it. I will say, however, I like your truck! And many of your points are well taken. Might want to lighten up on the race stuff, though: it smacks of a kind of bitterness that takes away from the many good things you have to say. I’m sure your lad is as fine a fellow as you state: so’s my little lad, and his dad has already proven himself so. He fell in love with a beautiful, bright,
delightful and hardworking young woman whom I love as if she were my own daughter, and were I you, I’d be pleased and proud if your son finds one just like her, whatever her ethnicity. Widen your world a bit, sir: it’s an adventure!

And to Mr. Buckhed, well, dream on, because while you may be right, the visible evidence is that y’all are ALL bark and your own slavish “compatriots” will bite you in the ass when their masters say “Sic ’em” and toss them a bone: that bone will be you.

June 16, 2015 9:06 pm

Hey Mongol , your son will never eat my breakfast. Your well raised multi culture grandson with be seen as a race traitor .They will be the first to experience the racial wrath that’s coming our way .This nation in many ways will resemble prison with it ethnic groups .Parts of it will follow Yugoslavia with its ethnic cleansing. Other parts will just die.Are you beginning to understand Mongol. You and your grandson aren’t going to do a Damn thing except run and hide.

I do love little bb and if anyone ever tried to harm him I would put a bullet right through their head.
Now Mongol , one last thing. I got a buddie and he owns small a traile he rents out in Boone NC.I have stayed there a couple times and can tell you it’s not a bad place to be…..Does mean you and I are friends?

June 16, 2015 9:16 pm

Ah, Beeb, you don’t disappoint! I am neither fat, far from “dumb” nor a “half breed”, nor do I live in your once glorious and now wretched nation. I don’t dream of the US as a multicultural nation and wish it hadn’t gone down that road,that being one of the main reasons I left for greener pastures where the likes of Obama, that silly woman who claims she’s black, creepy Bruce and, of course, folks like you with their double-digit IQs have the right to vote. If worse comes to WORST (learn English, dopey), you won’t do shit, just like loudmouths like you have NEVER done shit other than run your mouths. Your dopey visions of an apocalypse will remain nothing more than that: dopey visions imagined by dopey people who couldn’t read the handwriting on the wall even if it were in block print. I’m sorry, sir, but I have seen enough of what you write to know that by and large you are a dope, nothing more, so your silly ranting and sillier ideas are simply clutter that as you have seen, very few take with the least grain of salt. Nothing personal, of course. As Theodore Roosevelt´s daughter once said of Warren G. Harding: “He isn’t a bad man; he’s just a slob”. My, but that shoe fits you well! Pedal to the metal, Beeb: the darkies are comin´up behind you!

June 16, 2015 9:23 pm

Ah, Beeb, missed that last one. Know Boone County well: lived in Madison County for a bit. Don’t go to Asheville, though! Filled with race traitors and all that lot. “Race traitors”! Are you on glue?

Childless: says it all, really. What race is your puddy-tat?

June 16, 2015 9:24 pm

Mongol , you live in South America .Please tell .You think your secure? I’m sure all those people of color with enlightened you sooner or later .Good day sir Mongol.

June 16, 2015 9:25 pm

but I’d be willing to bet he can buy and sell you and yours twenty times over, given that he is the heir to a great deal of timberland, farmland, you know, productive tangibles, the stuff that y’all are watching disappear, pure as you may be.

Translation: You stomped my post into the mud and I’m butthurt, so I’m gonna brag about shit my grandkid hasn’t earned.

For as old as you claim to be, you still haven’t learned, have you?

We own nothing in life… not really. We just take care of “stuff” for so long as we’re here, then pass it on to the next generation with the hopes they won’t fuck it up. We have enough land and are content. I’ll take “content” over stuff any day. That you think “stuff” equals happiness is very telling…

Get back to me when you have grandchildren, sir.

Yeah, well, you’ll probably be dead by then and since I don’t have a Ouija Board and that’s a bit far for a long distance call, you’re gonna have to wait till I’m dead to find out how shit turned out.

Meantime, keep a weather eye peeled for them Latinos movin´into shitkicker country with no one doin´sweet f-a about it.


Might want to lighten up on the race stuff, though: it smacks of a kind of bitterness that takes away from the many good things you have to say.

I am as how the Creator of All Things made me. I might be an abrasive bastard sometimes, but I won’t fuckin lie to you. I call em as I see em and if someone wants to concentrate on my grammar and sentence structure instead of the truth in the message, well, that’s a fucking personal problem they need to work out. Not my fuckin problem and I won’t worry about it.

Widen your world a bit, sir: it’s an adventure!

I’ve been on 4 of the 7 continents in my lifetime, sometimes just passing through, sometimes relocating somewhere for years at a time. While other groups do have attractive females of varying degree, nothing compares to one’s own. My wife bears more than a passing resemblance to Anna Torv. Beauty aside, the best thing about her is that she puts up with me. Best advice my father gave me: If you want the best apple, don’t go to the barrel. Go to the tree.

June 16, 2015 9:32 pm

Mongol ,you seemed to be obsessed with my personal life .Any reason ? I do like to play around . Maybe to much but that’s okay.This place is a lot of fun.

Mongol , here is a serious question. Where does God fit in your scheme of things.

June 16, 2015 9:40 pm


Not bad at all! Points on that response! Yeah, you’re right: the l’il fella hasn’t earned it yet: I did, and his other grandfather did, and my son is improving it, but your point is well taken.

You lost me on the grammer and syntax thing: I made no mention of any of that. I consider you a worthy opponent for debate and respect many of the things you say, but I take umbrage at the racial stuff, tree notwithstanding, and if you were I, you’d feel the same way.

I’ve lived in four of the seven (let’s face it, neither you nor I is going to live in Antarctica) and spent a good bit of time in five. As for women: de gustibus non disputandum est, no? My mixed-ethnicity daughter-in-law is a stone knockout and in South America, that’s sayin’ somethin’! As the profound and deep social commentator Sir Mix-a-Lot once said: “Even white boys got to shout!”

You’re right about one thing without question, however: I’ll likely be dead unless your son fathers a child before he’s thirty. Then again, one never knows: them Messicans are closin’ in on Kentucky and aside from that, don’t forget that every day is Wednesday per the ol’ Micky Mouse Club: Wed. was “Anything Can Happen Day”. And that about says it all.

June 16, 2015 9:42 pm


I do not believe in a Creator God, but I respect the belief of those who do.

June 16, 2015 10:26 pm


I stand by what I said about “diversity can a great source of creativity and dynamism.” It’s the mixing of ideas and cultures that’s important, not emulating a dead empire builder. The Wikipedia article provides some fine examples of that, but doesn’t stress one that is near to many people’s hearts: a little thing called Christianity, which I can’t imagine emerging out of either Hellenic or Judean culture independently. A little OT, Alexander certainly wanted to consider himself Greek, he practically memorized the Iliad.

I included 19th century America because of the unique freedom to innovate, which allowed some people with no “bloodline” to flourish, e.g. Andrew Carnegie. If you wish to consider the English, Scots, Irish, Germans, Scandinavians, as non-diverse in the context of the period, that’s your privilege, but they might disagree with you.

June 16, 2015 11:06 pm

As I see it, the USA is in terminal decline because both the elites running it (chosen mostly by arrogation of power among the ambitious, not via any sort of acclamation among their fellow men) and the rank and file citizens have embraced “scientific management” of society and placed concentrated coercive power in the hands of self-appointed “experts.”

This is the Progressivist version of Marxism, a form of collectivism that has probably been around for 20,000 years.

Where once it was the Divine Right of Kings, now we have Krugman-like “experts” who claim to have the knowledge necessary to steer the billions of daily decisions of billions of people all over the planet, which form “the economy.”

I harp about “I, Pencil” for a reason. The very notion that any group of experts can or should be empowered to oversee (as in slavery) the rest of us and our daily lives is beyond stupid, but here we are….

The future of the USA will be one of internecine conflict as people who look or think alike aggregate and then enter the increasingly divisive political arena for death duels.

Humans, organized in a relatively free system whose institutions protect property and individual liberty (at least to a point), or in a system where competing interests are balanced enough to leave the common people to themselves, are incredibly innovative. Sadly, the conditions I’ve described are anathema to our societies here at the Apogee of Political Organization of Man.

All the state’s apparatus is aligned to destroy capital, much as it was under the communist system. Open border immigration and birthright citizenship in a system with relatively lucrative welfare benefits will always attract the weakest and worst as immigrants. This is rather obvious to me.

Given that I have sons and grandkid(s), and that I really have enjoyed the standard of living of a middle class person these past 30 years, I am saddened that those decades of prosperity were built on an ocean of debt, and that policies favoring weakness have built in a phenomenal decline of those living standards. All I await is the wave to crash ashore.

So if I sound a little bitter at times, I guess that’s why.

June 16, 2015 11:36 pm

Civil war II coming up. Welcome to the Balkans.

June 17, 2015 6:04 am

Monte said :

And to Mr. Buckhed, well, dream on, because while you may be right, the visible evidence is that y’all are ALL bark and your own slavish “compatriots” will bite you in the ass when their masters say “Sic ’em” and toss them a bone: that bone will be you.

Monte,Monte,Monte…wrong again. As I’ve alluded here a few weeks ago we had a little shoot and BBQ session….over 50 full auto guns. All manner of calibers including a 50 cal . About half of the folks in attendance were former military including 5 or so who are former special forces . We had about 100K of rounds capped off. Our bark is the same as our forefathers. Freedom won’t be given up without a fight. Not sure what in the water in S.C. but we don’t back down.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 17, 2015 3:35 pm

I guess this means we’re all welcome to move to the Vatican. I’m not that into buggery, but it’s good to the invitation stands.