“Payback’s a Bitch”: Rural Wisdom and the Gathering Storm

Guest Post by Fred Reed


The furor over the Confederate flag, think I, has little to do with the Confederate flag, which is a pretext, an uninvolved bystander. Rather it is about a seething anger in the United States that we must not mention. It is the anger of people who see everything they are and believe under attack by people they aren’t and do not want to be—their heritage, their religion, their values and way of life all mocked and even made criminal.

The talking heads inside Washington’s beltway, in editorial suites in New York, do not know of this anger. They do not talk to people in Joe’s Bar in Chicago or in barbecue joints in Wheeling. They are cloistered, smug, sure of themselves. And they are asking for it.

We are dealing with things visceral, not rational. Confusing the two is dangerous. Hatreds can boil over as syllogisms cannot. The banning of the flag infuriates, for example, me. Why? Although a Southerner by raising, I would far prefer to live in New York City than in Memphis. Yet I value my boyhood in Virginia and Alabama. My ancestors go back to the house of Burgesses, and I remember long slow summer days on the Rappahannock and in the limestone of Athens, Alabama.

When the federal government and the talking heads want to ban my past—here, permit me to exit momentarily the fraudulent objectivity of literature—I hate the sonsofbitches.

A lot of people quietly hate the sonsofbitches.

To them, to us, the Confederate flag stands for resistance to control from afar, to meddling and instruction from people we detest. It is the flag of “Leave me the hell alone.” And this Washington, Boston, and New York will…not…do.

A surprise may be coming.

What is the anger about? Most visibly, but far from uniquely, race: the illegals, the Knock-Out game, and Washington’s protection of both. The racial hostility that pervades the country today is largely the doing of the talking heads and its perverse social policies. The rancor is unlike anything I have seen.

Curious. When I was a lad ages ago, I thought well of Brown vs. the School board. Southerners said that integration would never work and they were right, but what came before was just wrong. I thought so then, and I think so now. I favored the civil-rights acts. I reluctantly favored affirmative action (I was very young) thinking it meant a hand up instead of an entitlement. I wrote hopefully of the prospect of educating blacks.

But look what happened. We now see forced hiring of the incompetent as a right, endless accounts of blacks destroying shopping malls, burning cities, brutally attacking whites in gangs, and the giving to blacks of anything they want because they are black. You don’t like the Confederate flag, Jesse? Why then, it must go. Whatever you say, Jesse.

It wasn’t this way, but it is now. It is getting worse. But there is far more than race.  We now are compelled to live in a national sexual-freak show. Day after day after day the media are full of trans-this and trans-that, of homosexual marriages, all thrust in our faces, a parade of prancing peculiarities demanding and demanding and demanding. People who dare not say so are sick of it.

It isn’t viciousness. I don’t know anyone who wants to persecute the erotically baroque. Poofters in particular are usually bright, productive, decent people, and do not attack whites in wheel chairs with hammers. Yet I weary of their endless tedious concerns. I say, go. Go with God, but for God’s sake go. Or just shut up. That would do as well.

I, we, will be told, “But Fred, homosexuality is natural.” So is hemorrhagic tuberculosis. So is sadism. So is genocide.

Any sexual predilection can be called natural, and arguments can be made for all of them: Polygamy, or marriage with a sheep, or copulating on a public bus, or sex with girls of nine years. (How about, “Sex is natural. Children are erotic: Don’t they play doctor? Little girls are only afraid of it because of puritanical conditioning by society. Oral sex feels good, and adults do it, so why not…? Why shouldn’t her father gently teach her….” And so on.)

And crime is out of control, protected by a President and Attorney General with whom we, so many Americans,  have nothing in common, who dislike us,  and who want to disarm us and flood our country with illegal and incompatible aliens.

Do  you think that wanting a gun is silly? Last week I started getting emails: “Chuck got shot.” On Breitbart I found that Chuck De Caro, a journalist and friend for so long that I forget how I met him, had checked into a motel in Albuquerque with his wife, whereupon an armed dirtbag tried to rob them and perhaps worse. I suppose that a white couple in their sixties must have seemed a soft target. Oops. It wasn’t a swell career move. Chuck is ex-Special Forces and a longtime war corresponden. Threatening his wife doesn’t fly well with him.

Anyway, Chuck apparently had other ideas about being robbed and perhaps killed.  He also had a handgun. In the ensuing gunfight, he was hit several times and rushed to the hospital. Chuck will be okay, the dirtbag less so. He escaped to the parking lot, where he decided to lie down and bleed to death. A good choice. The news stories didn’t describe the perp, which meant…. Decaro

This gem, Tomorio Walton, is, or was, a career criminal and was, of course, on parole. Can you guess why so many of us want guns and carry permits? Characteristically I had to find the photo in  the Mail Online, an English paper.

Then there is the de-Christianizing of the country. Religion, both historically and currently, is a potent thing. Play with it at your risk. It is not always  really a matter of religion. Many of us, I among them, are not believers but value Christmas and its traditions. But no. We must not have nativity scenes or sing Christmas carols on public streets. Easter-egg hunts are unconstitutional. Mommy Washington doesn’t like them, and we have to do what Washington says.

Unless, of course, one day we don’t.

We are winding a spring.


Standard beatdown of white man by black mob at Fourth of July in Cincinnati. Almost a daily occurence. The media will hide it. This is not a part of my culture. Why do we put up with it?

Stoking the flames under the pressure cooker is the unending, ever-tightening control of every aspect of life by Washington. People inside the city’s beltway, a venue I know well, do not understand what they are playing with. They are sure that they know best, and they are going to make us toe the line.

Federal bureaucrats  tell people in Casper, Laredo, and Knoxville what they can and cannot teach their children in the schools, what religious practices they may have and what their children may eat. They set curricula, determine to whom bakeries must sell cakes, decide who can marry what, and with whom we must associate.

I could go on. There is quiet fury about open borders, the forced acceptance of criminal aliens, of 100,000 Somalis by Minnesota, the endless wars, the declining standard of living, the insane censorship (say “nigger” and your career of thirty years ends) and the ungodly surveillance. Washington pushes, pushes, and pushes, thinking that with just enough pressure, we will all come to kowtow.

What if one day we don’t?

And there is governmental corruption, the sense—“realization,” I would say—that Washington is entirely in the hands of the arms manufacturers, of the Israeli lobby, of big pharma and ethnic lobbies and, well, anyone who bribes Congress. Elections are a sham, serving only to decide the division of the spoils for eight years. All decisions of importance are carefully kept out of the public’s hands.

Maybe Washington will always get away with it. Maybe it won’t. White Americans are an obedient and passive people, easily cowed, but maybe enough will prove enough. Maybe things will blow. Maybe jurisdictions will just ignore the feds, as begins to happen.

But it is dangerous. The economy declines, people out of college can’t get jobs, the ghettoes simmer, automation surges across the board, and one day soon we will have cutbacks in the entitlements. When groups begin competing for dwindling resources, things will get ugly. It could explode. It really could. You might be surprised how many people out there think, “Bring it on.” Not a good idea, but we go that way.

Tick Tick. Tick.

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July 9, 2015 11:49 am


No one get’s it right or expresses better than Fred.

July 9, 2015 12:01 pm

Fred is not perfect but damn near it. Reed for president.

July 9, 2015 12:08 pm

I like most of Fred’s writing, including this piece.

The racial issue has been building for a long time, but seems to have gone from background to foreground very quickly in perhaps the last 2-3 years. That usually happens because someone in politics or propaganda wants it to happen. Fred is right about feelings about race, at least in my quite wide circle of white and asian friends. No one will say anything except in total privacy, and even then it’s usually cryptic, but the feeling is spreading.

The question is, is this incidental and something the elites miscalculate or ignore at their peril? Or is it intentional? There definitely seems to be a parallel to France just before the revolution. But if you study enough history you start to question whether the to-be-disposed-of elites were totally clueless by their own fault, or helped along by others. I get the strong feeling today that someone is pushing HARD to create a race war here. I do not feel it is purely organic or “grass roots.” Someone with an agenda wants this country to convulse and turn violently inward. I suspect it’s setting the stage for a totalitarian state, whether imposed by someone domestic, or by some foreign power.

I say this for two reasons: first, it’s nice to know what’s going on even if you can’t change it; second, understanding what’s going on may affect your actions in response, and while I can’t guarantee that any of us can change it, the chances are better if you know than if you don’t know.

July 9, 2015 12:14 pm

As Ive said several times now, there is a ‘silent majority’, especially in the south, that is getting increasingly fed up with all this nonsense. I agree with pretty much all of this. This confederate flag thing is just going to result in more people flying them, even if state buildings aren’t allowed to anymore. More flags on people’s houses, and stickers on people’s cars. Just like obama is the world’s greatest gunsalesman, a gift that keeps on giving to gun manufacturers, he will probably do the same thing with confederate flags. Even me, as cynical as I am, have fallen for it, and placed an ammo order after hearing a speech, fearing the ammo supply would dry up again. We down here are really getting fed up with this shit, and as fred says, sick and tired of people we don’t like constantly telling us how we must be.

As an atheist, it still bothers me to see how religion is persecuted by those whose religion is government. They persecute not because they view religion as dangerous(as I do), but because, for progressives, there can be no god but government, and so far, the religious institutions in this country are being taken over by this ‘progressive movement’ and destroyed from within. Just look at this pope, and all the nonsense he says. It also sickens me to see these lefty fascists cramming their sexual proclivities into everyones face, and trying to force religious institutions to marry them

July 9, 2015 12:20 pm

This was frickin’ awesome….really just great. So many issues covered so well, I can’t stay calm enough long enough to write something like this.

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 9, 2015 12:51 pm

I was born and raised in Winchester, Virginia and am loyal to my town, state, and nation. The “Civil War,” “War Between the States,” or, my favorite, “War of Northern Aggression,” ended 150 years ago, during which time my hometown switched hands some 70 times between North and South and my state was part of the Confederate States of America. My ancestors did not own slaves or fight in the Civil War, having arrived in New Jersey some 60 years after the war ended, but the Confederate flag played an important part in the history of my town, state, and nation. Given events of late, whitewashing history in the name of political correctness is more offensive than the historical symbol attempting to be erased. If you understand the Civil War strictly in terms of black and white, both literally and figuratively speaking, I trust any respectable teacher of history would properly fail you.

Concerning the openly hostile environment toward Christian conservative Caucasian men from the South, categories to which I self-identify (using the modern vernacular), I find myself more aligned with the spirit of the so-called “Stars and Bars,” excluding the atrocity of slavery, obviously, more so than the “Stars and Stripes.” I’ve never flown the rebel flag or purchased a product displaying its likeness, mind you. I believe the motto of Virginia, “Sic Semper Tyrannis” (Thus Always to Tyrants) and the Confederate battle flag embody a spirit of liberty in a political climate rapidly encroaching upon our freedom of speech, expression, and religion. If the South should ever “rise again,” we’re better armed, better educated, and I suspect things would be very different this time around. It’s best you keep that in mind, Mr. President.

July 9, 2015 12:55 pm

I love Fred. I believe I posted the first Fred article here a long time ago. Just sayin …

Fred says, “A lot of people quietly hate the sonsofbitches.” Add me to that list. Perfect hate produces seething rage. Just sayin …

If the South ever decides to battle Washingtonfuks again, I WILL pack my parents in a suitcase and move to where people say “ya’ll wanna kill a Yankee?” Just sayin …

July 9, 2015 1:00 pm

As a white person I’m always aware of my white privilege….after all God let me decide my skin color ..didn’t he ? LMAO !

Fred is right. There is a simmering,;a cauldron that is getting stirred with only one ingredient…..white folks. Like a pot that overheats; the foam flows over the top and this is the part that makes a mess .

I have a few friends who are gay…they are the quiet type who rarely speak of change. They, like the rest of us want to live a quiet life unencumbered by politics etc. I warned them that if the radical gays go after the church’s,using the sledge hammer of gooberment to try and force the churches to marry gays…then a firestorm will take place that makes the Spanish Inquisition look like a play day, it will put a great deal of them in the morgue or back in the closet .

The battle flag for me is just another step in the destruction of Southern Culture……my family has been here in the South for 305 years, we will never forget…or back down when TSHTF .

July 9, 2015 1:01 pm

Stucky…when you get here I’ll make you an honorary Colonel ….Colonel Stucky !

July 9, 2015 1:08 pm

Admin is giving Stuck instructions on creating a weapon of mass destruction. Obviously a terrorist. Drone strike in 10…9….8…

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 9, 2015 1:28 pm

We need all the 7 foot tall Austrians we can get here in the rebel camp, welcome !

July 9, 2015 1:40 pm

When I met my wife she was a card-carrying Democrat, convinced John Kerry would save the world.

To show far we’ve come, I present the following anecdote:

We pull up to the ATM at the bank so we can deposit a check. There are two ATMs, one with a shitty looking RAV4 whose ass end looked like they backed over an Obama campaign rally (equal parts dents and stickers) and the open one.

I pull into the open one only to discover its broke down, shit. Back out, pull in behind Mr. Hopey-Changey, and my wife utters the following gem:

“Fuck don’t hit him, he’s a liberal. We’d get stuck paying to fix the whole car and everyone else’s car too.”

I got a great big belly laugh out of it, and was reminded why I love my sweetie so much.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
July 9, 2015 2:01 pm

“Payback’s a Bitch: Rural Wisdom and the Gathering Storm”


Thank you for very eloquently confirming that I am NOT alone, that people who think like we do STILL EXIST and that the HATRED I feel for our government is shared by MANY.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Odin's Raven
Odin's Raven
July 9, 2015 2:09 pm

About a decade or more ago there was a bit of internet fuss about an alleged time traveler who predicted an American civil war between rural rebels and politically correct cities. At the time it seemed absurd, but now it starts to look less implausible.If the American government keeps provoking the Russians as well as their own people, maybe they’ll achieve the predicted result of rebel victory, courtesy of their Russian friends nuking the main American cities!

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 9, 2015 2:09 pm

“Earnest also noted that Republicans have also declined to criticize the “race-baiting rhetoric of a leading Republican presidential candidate” without referring to Donald Trump by name.”

I am going to laugh my ass off is Donald Trump becomes President. I love that he has “fuck you” money. He can be the voice of the silent majority and Southerns would rally behind him. He just got major support (a NY city slickin’ yankee) in North Carolina.

July 9, 2015 2:21 pm

I’m not a southerner, but if I were, I’d feel just as Fred does; in fact, I DO feel just like Fred does on every issue he raised. I have friends of various races, colors, creeds, politics, but like Buckhed’s “gay” (HATE that term!) friends (I had some like that but no longer do), my different-from-me friends never try and push their stuff in my face and I reciprocate, but I wonder for how much longer. There are no blacks where I live, none at all, not within hundreds of miles, to a certain degree among the reasons I chose the place, I have to admit. If I were in the US, no matter where I lived I’d be concerned about where this incessant attack on traditional values is headed and at what point my breaking point would be reached.

I’ve concluded the US is in deeeep trouble and unless and until pushback begins, the trouble can only worsen. That clock is ticking in more than one way, and if sides are to be taken, I know which side I’d choose. How sad that the hard left didn’t know when to quit, given the already outrageous gains they’ve made. May those gains be erased!

July 9, 2015 2:35 pm

Ignore the palaver and wait for 1:08 for Hazel Dickens to begin singing about the “Gathering Storm”:

She gets cut off, sad to say, but even the brief bit one gets to hear is very moving.

July 9, 2015 3:13 pm

I am past the point of frustrated to the point of rage but it does me no good .I hate these Damn traitors in Washington more then anyone. They are the ones doing this to our nation.

July 9, 2015 3:14 pm

On a happier note, when the ghettos explode and authorities lose control the bad folks will head to the rich white Progressive neighborhoods and since they are unarmed and wimps they will “benefit” from what they created. It will be a priceless moment.

July 9, 2015 3:14 pm

Not to may articles do you read where you can say “I agree with everything he has written”, this is one of those articles. The thing I find interesting is that these topics are being discussed out loud everyday now. At work people are starting to say they are sick and tired of all the gay and tranny stuff being put constantly I our faces, enough already. Butt rape each other if you must but I don’t need to help or watch you celebrate it or listen to how many more rights you feel you need as a pervert.

People are getting tired of all the bullshit, fed up with all of the rules an regulations, tired of the constant interference in our everyday lives. It is to the point that it is hard to just get up in the morning and drive to work without breaking 15 different laws that you never realized even existed.

Well done Fred Reed, well done.

July 9, 2015 3:23 pm

Very well-written article. Like someone staring at you from across the room, you don’t necessarily see it at first, but you can “feel” it. It’s there, like a weight. I don’t even live in the States, but yet I can feel it too. It’s in the said and the unsaid.

My country, same thing, same simmering just below the surface. Governments out of control, and there will be a snap-back.

July 9, 2015 3:37 pm

Don’t disagree with Fred at all, but I am more concerned with the Muzzies in the U.S.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 9, 2015 3:39 pm

In Other News Today……………

MTV has a new show coming out that publicly shames white people for “what they have done to the country”. I believe the title is, wait for it……………………”WHITE PEOPLE”.

Please check your white privilege.

July 9, 2015 3:39 pm

“A state cannot be constituted from any chance body of persons, or in any chance period of time Most of the states which have admitted persons of another stock, either at the time of their foundation or later, have been troubled by sedition.” Aristotle

It’s not looking good for Europe either: 300,000 Nonwhites Invade Europe in Six Months http://newobserveronline.com/300000-nonwhites-invade-europe-in-six-months/

July 9, 2015 4:41 pm

The problem isn’t that someone is black, it is that so many blacks don’t work, have their hand out, complain and expect freebies, don’t speak english or any other language that can be understood, shoot people, don’t go to school, have no regard for family, and continually whine about slavery from 250 years ago. The farce is blacks killing in the name of Islam. Who the fuck do they think sold them into slavery? White Christians?

Sooner or later it is time for people to grow up. That means get a fricking job and don’t have kids unless you can support them and also expect to help raise them. The formula for success is: get a job, somehow. Live within your means and save enough to get ahead….on your own efforts. My Grampa and Dad had to live away from home and worked in a slaughterhouse killing pigs during the Depression. Guess what? They made it through and their familes prospered. I don’t ever recall anyone saying it was someone’s fault. They just did it. It would never occur to people I know that the path to success is to expect the Govt to support them, or to go rob another person and steal what they have.

July 9, 2015 4:55 pm

Notice the picture of the Neegrow in the above article?

A Neegrow with half closed, vacant eyes = 85 IQ.

Additionally, he has his head cocked on an angle, deduct another 5 points.

He’s down to an 80 IQ.

July 9, 2015 4:57 pm

I was good with the article until the end when he had to mention Jews. For me it just makes people look like an idiot. Really,It’s going to be everyone who values freedom against tyranny.

July 9, 2015 5:15 pm

Check out the “Politically Correct Dukes of Hazard” This was done 5yrs ago! Utube.

July 9, 2015 5:15 pm

“I was good with the article until the end when he had to mention Jews.”

When a person says “Israeli Lobby” they aren’t saying “Jews” in the same way that when someone says “Feminists” they aren’t saying “Women”.

July 9, 2015 5:26 pm

I’ve been wondering for quite a while why a leader doesn’t emerge who can capture the fury that is building among the Freds – Donald Trump wasn’t who I had in mind, but he’ll do. He will at least force some necessary conversations. The MSM will undoubtedly pursue the tactic of trying to ignore and/or belittle him (it worked so well with Ron Paul) but will be shocked at how irrelevant their attempts will be. I am already hugely enjoying the consternation in the GOP. The Republicans have earned everything they’re going to get.

July 9, 2015 5:29 pm

IMO, the Feds are slowly but surely pushing us toward a civil war so they will have justification to enact martial law.

July 9, 2015 5:44 pm

I’m feeling an urge to hang a Confederate flag on my SoCal house.

July 9, 2015 5:45 pm

I’m getting an awkwardly sneaky suspicion that “TPTB” agree more with Fred than the current dominant progressive hive mind and possibly all this data collection, snooping, and provocation very well might be extending just enough rope to allow everyone to tie their own nooses or harnesses.

In a world where we already know up is down, evil is good, etc… it wouldn’t be a shock if the final twist to the plot is TPTB are building a case for the division of the population where the population will have self selected the division by their actions leading up to the big data dump.

July 9, 2015 5:46 pm

ya cant disagree with anything on this article Mr. Reed . Quite a large number of people I come into contact with at work seem to be just past the boiling over point . My impression is they are just about fucking pissed with the overt discrimination against whites .

July 9, 2015 6:05 pm

It is not generally known, but the slaves who were brought to the “New World” were not the “best and brightest”, but were the low IQ “slackers”, dull-witted “morons” and conquests of internecine tribal warfare who were shipped to us.
The African village chieftains were not stupid. They sold off people they wanted to get rid of. Hence, our present “problems” with our now-obsolete “farm machinery”.
That being said, “we should have picked our own cotton”…

July 9, 2015 6:08 pm

One should not judge those who lived during the times of legal slavery by today’s standards.
The classic image of the antebellum southern gentleman sitting on his veranda sipping pina coladas while his slaves worked the fields is fantasy.
More often than not, the slave owner was out in the fields with his slaves attempting to create and maintain a subsistence for all of them. Don’t forget, the slave owner was required to take care of his “charges”. These things take money.
Most slaves had developed skills that they could use to start their own businesses (which many did) and possibly purchase their “freedom”. Slaves were a notch more preferable to indentured servants as Indentured servants’ contracts were limited to years of service. Quite often, indentured servants were given the most dangerous work as slaves were valued “investments”. Indentured servants were considered expendable.
Beating, or otherwise abusing slaves would have made it difficult to get any wok out of them.
The institution of slavery does have biblical principles behind it and was used as an “excuse” to justify this “system”.
It did take sacrifices by white males to destroy this abomination in the USA. . .

The term “racism” has undeservedly negative connotations that should be excised once and for all. The term “racism was coined by the inventors of communism, who used it as a tool to disarm and destroy non-communist cultures.
True “racism” is desirable because it helps forge bonds between those of a like-minded culture and serves to reinforce those bonds.
True “racism” does not connote either superiority or inferiority of any race. It is merely an understanding that “preferences” for ones’ own kind are natural, and a part of the human condition.
Blacks have the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus, Jews have the $PLC and ADL, Hispanics have La Raza and Mecha.
It is only whites who are criticized for (attempting to) form organizations that promote the interests of whites.
Let’s look at what us “evil, privileged” whites have done for Western society and the world:

1. “Civil-rights (for some)” laws (that effectively destroy “freedom of association” for whites, but not for other races) and do not apply to whites–only “people of color” are covered by these so-called “civil-rights (for some)” protections, (Ask “Attorney General” Eric holder about that).

2. “Affirmative action” policies (that push better qualified whites out of positions and jobs that they would ordinarily qualify for) in favor of lesser-qualified minorities. In fact, “affirmative action” policies actually damage those minorities who are quite capable of “making it on their own” because they get “lumped in” with the groups that cannot make it on their own without “help”,

3. “Contract set-asides” (that are specifically targeted for minorities (that white people are prohibited from bidding on) and immigration policies (that specifically exclude whites, most of who have skills that would benefit the USA) in favor of those from the third-world (with no marketable skills).

4. Scholarships that specify particular ethnic groups are looked upon favorably by most people, save one–scholarships that are intended for whites only are looked upon as being “racist”, and therefore impermissible and improper in today’s racially-charged climate of “political correctness”.

NO OTHER RACE (BUT WHITES) HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS to assure that all non-white races receive a “fair shake” in being a part of American life, even to the detriment and social well-being of “our own kind” (whites).

Whites possess an externalized altruism that no other races possesses. This externalized altruism that “looks out for the other guy” will be the demise of the white race. This altruism needs to be internalized and focused inward, just as other races have done. There is NO SHAME in looking out for one’s own kind.

“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are code-words for white genocide.

I blame those of the “greatest generation” for selling out our birthright with the passage of the “Civil-Rights Acts” of 1957 and 1964, and the “Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965”.

July 9, 2015 6:19 pm

Can anyone tell me where the term Slave came from?

July 9, 2015 6:27 pm

Legal, controlled immigration is not in and of itself a bad thing, imho. If it were, I wouldn’t have been born in the USA nor would many of us have been. Those who brought with them the communist ideology (it wasn’t “homegrown”) have an antipathy toward all things (religion, racial identity, tradition, culture, etc) of European origin have spat and continue to spit in the faces of those who welcomed them. The foolish Euro-Americans who fail to band together now to extirpate that ideology and reclaim their OWN heritage are not going to be given preferential treatment in the “new world order” if that ideology prevails.

July 9, 2015 7:19 pm

slave (n.)

late 13c., “person who is the chattel or property of another,” from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus “slave” (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally “Slav” (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples.

This sense development arose in the consequence of the wars waged by Otto the Great and his successors against the Slavs, a great number of whom they took captive and sold into slavery. [Klein]

Meaning “one who has lost the power of resistance to some habit or vice” is from 1550s. Applied to devices from 1904, especially those which are controlled by others (compare slave jib in sailing, similarly of locomotives, flash bulbs, amplifiers). Slave-driver is attested from 1807; extended sense of “cruel or exacting task-master” is by 1854. Slate state in U.S. history is from 1812. Slave-trade is attested from 1734.

Old English Wealh “Briton” also began to be used in the sense of “serf, slave” c.850; and Sanskrit dasa-, which can mean “slave,” apparently is connected to dasyu- “pre-Aryan inhabitant of India.” Grose’s dictionary (1785) has under Negroe “A black-a-moor; figuratively used for a slave,” without regard to race. More common Old English words for slave were þeow (related to þeowian “to serve”) and þræl (see thrall). The Slavic words for “slave” (Russian rab, Serbo-Croatian rob, Old Church Slavonic rabu) are from Old Slavic *orbu, from the PIE root *orbh- (also source of orphan), the ground sense of which seems to be “thing that changes allegiance” (in the case of the slave, from himself to his master). The Slavic word is also the source of robot.


July 9, 2015 7:45 pm

John Angelo says:

“I was born and raised in Winchester, Virginia and am loyal to my town, state, and nation.”

Oh, my. Winchester is the hometown of my favorite C&W singer, Patsy Cline. Been there. It is typical of my hometown and literally tens of thousands of hometowns across America. You know, that stuff that is referred to as “flyover America.”

There’s where your discontent is building. Places where these assholes would never think to go and where I love to go. Places where food is grown. Where the big power plants are, especially in the West. Where the water reservoirs are. Where the wildlife, the forests, and the national parks are.

These fuckers are so goddamned stupid, they don’t realize that their very existence depends on the places and people they scorn and mightily piss off. Their “uh,oh” moment is approaching.

In the meantime, let’s enjoy Patsy’s best song ever. What a gem she was.

[img]Patsy Cline – She’s Got You – YouTube[/img]

July 9, 2015 7:47 pm

Damnit. One more try.


July 9, 2015 8:02 pm

Rather live in New York than Memphis….that is a tough choice. I would rather see a tsunami wipe New York off the face of the planet

July 9, 2015 8:37 pm

Always enjoy an article that one continually nods their head as they read, justifying our thoughts and fueling our passions. Damn scary times, but a great time to be alive.

July 9, 2015 8:44 pm

Odin’s Raven says: About a decade or more ago there was a bit of internet fuss about an alleged time traveler who predicted an American civil war between rural rebels and politically correct cities.
That would be John Titor:

“There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the “other side” of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)…thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.”

Here’s the supposed time machine that was configured in his car:

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 9, 2015 8:48 pm

Westcoaster says: IMO, the Feds are slowly but surely pushing us toward a civil war so they will have justification to enact martial law.
Bingo! Agree 1000%. Add “to obtain complete dominance” to the end of your sentence. Didn’t that vermin Valerie Jarrett say “It’s payback time” when Obummer got elected? It’s beyond obvious that he is hell-bent on destroying traditional American culture and values.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 9, 2015 8:49 pm

Those last couple of Anonymous posts were mine.

July 9, 2015 9:39 pm

People in DC on the left coast and in the north east, just do not think like the rest of the country. To paraphrase Mr. Jefferson sometimes in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one nation to divide itself for another.

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 9, 2015 9:42 pm

Thanks for the Patsy Cline reference, SSS. We lost her too soon (age 30 in a plane crash for those who didn’t know). I love her music. Check out Mandy Barnett. She played Ms. Patsy in many Nashville performances over the years and had the closest voice to the legend that I’ve ever heard. I saw her perform at the Opry in Nashville over the weekend. Top notch.

I still live in Winchester and the city council is meeting next week in an attempt to remove the Confederate flag from the city seal. There are four small flags on a shield on the seal: USA, Great Britain, Virginia, and the Confederate flag. Also pictured is an American Indian. We cover MANY bases. Anyway, there’s one black man on the council and he’s making a fuss about it. Truth be told most folks didn’t know it was there in the first place and now it’s causing all sorts of animosity. Typical liberal: tear open not a scab, but a faded scar. I swear, if the “witness” in the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, MO didn’t lie about “hands up, don’t shoot” we’d have a different atmosphere right now. That incident in my opinion is our Archduke Ferdinand precursor to WWI moment.

July 9, 2015 9:48 pm


The above article has the entire story re the shooting of the thug pictured above, with about ten pics of the thug. Hilarious – really worth a look. The animal should have been put down long ago. Three felony convictions and innumerable other incidents.

De Caro should get the President’s Medal for service to the nation.

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