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July 11, 2015 8:16 am

“What does that say about our border security?”

Mission accomplished!

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
July 11, 2015 9:32 am

Well when the Mexican cartels guarding the border and the border patrol hamstrung that is what we get.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 11, 2015 10:05 am

What does it say about the Republican Party that the only candidate talking about building the goddamned (necessary, but not sufficient) fence is Donald Trump? If nothing else, you’d think one of the desperate, 1%-polling candidates like Jindal would run with the fence issue.

July 11, 2015 4:11 pm

That’s just one young woman killed in SF.Google illegal immigrant murder , rape , assaults and innocent people killed by illegal immigrants driving drunk. This kind of shit happens every day in this country. Someone is harmed or killed by illegal immigrants every day. Kinda liked white people being attacked everyday by blacks. Happens every Damn DAY and the political class still will not protect us from this invasion.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 11, 2015 6:02 pm

Trump sees himself as some kind of Ross Perot-ian interventionist. Ultimately, he cost Bush his re-election and we got Clinton. Will this reality tee vee twizzle stick be a Democrat king-maker?
Hispanics don’t vote, regardless of the election rigger’s claims, however, Trump may just get us beaners voting.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 11, 2015 6:16 pm

Coyote, At some point Hispanic Americans have to decide whether they’re Mexicans or Americans. If they’re Americans then they shouldn’t have any problem with sealing the border. No country in the world should be expected to have a wide open border and allow any/all who want to walk across it. That’s especially true if the country in question is one of the wealthier ones and has a government-funded social safety net. Sealing the border does not necessarily mean deporting everyone who’s already snuck in. It means we’re well past time when we need to lock the door. There are 600 million people south of the US. We can’t let them all in or the US won’t be a country worth moving to. It’d break the bank. If Hispanic Americans want their children to live in an America that doesn’t suck, we need to seal the border (among other things). After that Latinos can apply to immigrate here in the same way that someone from another continent can. The good news is that Hispanic AMERICANS (those who can vote legally) are largely against illegal immigration already, which is why politicians wouldn’t have to pander to them if they would simply respectfully reason with them.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 11, 2015 7:14 pm

Iska Waran says:

The good news is that Hispanic AMERICANS (those who can vote legally) are largely against illegal immigration already, which is why politicians wouldn’t have to pander to them if they would simply respectfully reason with them.

Iska, did I not already say that I’m a beaner who identifies as ‘white’? (Fuck you, SAH).

On another occasion, I said Mexicans would not be so eager to come here if they knew they would have gringo kids – English-speaking, Kanye rapping, reality teevee watching little shits that don’t appreciate dad’s sacrifices.

On another occasion, I said Mexicans hate us pochos and we in turn are suspicious of them.

I just said that Hispanics don’t vote, fatalistic fuckers, but they will be getting out there if Trump keeps painting them as rapist thugs. It would be unfortunate if they voted for Hillary.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 11, 2015 7:21 pm

The beautiful blonde said Hispanics don’t show up at election day but blacks sure did turn out to vote for Obama. She said most hadn’t bothered to register but they couldn’t turn them away unless they belonged to a different precinct so they had them vote ‘provisional’ in effect registering and voting at the same time. Provisional ballots have to be verified before being counted. This is something I wanted to tell AWD but, oh well, he’s probably up there still convinced us beaners are to blame for Obama.

July 11, 2015 8:57 pm

Indeed what does it say about the so-called “war on terror”. Would a real “war on terror” not be concerned with terrorists jumping our border? To my way of thinking, no concern, no real threat from a terrorist perspective.
Of course we all know the borders are wide open to allow illegals into the country who will work for less than citizens and big business is eager to hire them.

July 11, 2015 10:14 pm

Isak Waran said:
“At some point Hispanic Americans have to decide whether they’re Mexicans or Americans. If they’re Americans then they shouldn’t have any problem with sealing the border. No country in the world should be expected to have a wide open border and allow any/all who want to walk across it.”

Trust me, the beaners understand this just fine. I have a beaner friend (born in Mejico and legally immigrated 40 years ago) and one day about 15 years ago we went into a Walmart store in Richland, WA. I had never heard this guy utter any unkind words regarding any minority but but he flipped the fuck out launching into a spanglish diatribe about some Guatemalans he spotted inside Walmart. I didn’t catch that on the first go round so I said “what the fuck did you just say” which gave him the opportunity to repeat the whole diatribe even louder.

Not wanting to get caught up in and killed in a beaner race war inside the beaner filled (they all looked the same to me) Walmart, I left it alone until we were back in the car. That’s when he explained his and apparently many of his fellow beaners hatred of Guatemalans. So basically Guatemalans are to beaners as beaners are to whitebread. Apparently they don’t see the hypocrisy of them being our Guatemalans. Ironical innit?

July 11, 2015 10:24 pm


You can tell the difference, if you’re observant enough.

Guats don’t look like your standard issue taco bender, nor do they speak Spanish the same. And both are light years different from your just-off-the-boat ‘Can, Hondo or Panamanian…

I think they all hate each other.

July 11, 2015 10:48 pm

Messicans tend to be taller and lighter skinned than Central Americans, more spanish blood have they.

July 11, 2015 10:57 pm

Yeah, I can see a difference between them but I’ve never been to S. America or had a need distinguish between them but it’s ok because da microaggressin’, all inclusive gooberment calls ’em all hispanics.

I met a Honduran once and thought he was a decent guy until he ripped my brother off. My brother caught him in person and on video tape. When confronted my brother simply asked for his shit back and said that would be the end of it. The guy gambled and denied everything. Instead of showing him the tape my brother filed a criminal complaint and the video was shown at the hearing. Hondo went to jail for a couple of months. Not the brightest but he’s the only one I ever met.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 12, 2015 12:02 am

Billy says: You can tell the difference, if you’re observant enough.

Us beaners are a crude and ignorant lot. Other Latin Americans are more formal in speech and manners. It’s easy to assume folks get shorter the closer they are to the equator, it may also be that they are more indigenous than mestizo. Here then is the crux of the matter, indigenous people are to mestizos as blacks are to whites. I’m speaking in general terms.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 12, 2015 12:07 am

With all due respect, IS, your friend is an asshole. I had the same hatred of Salvies at one time. I have no idea why I even cared about Mexicans in LA. I came to find out they are assholes. Territorial fuckers.