Video: Gardena Ca. Cops gun down two unarmed men for not obeying them

Via Eat Gruel Dog

“The city — which had refused to make the videos public — argued during a civil rights lawsuit brought by relatives of the dead man that the recordings show he repeatedly disregarded police orders and moved his hand in a way that led officers to believe he was reaching for a weapon.

But attorneys representing the man’s family argued that the videos show that he and the other man who was shot were unarmed and that officers gave confusing orders.”

So that’s the way it is now?

You can be shot for refusing on order?

It is now acceptable to summarily execute citizens on the street for not doing as a cop says?

I know that they won the settlement , but that is not the point

The point is that the city argued that it was justified

They also suppressed the video for 2 years

They couldn’t have cared less whether it was murder or not


Look at the second view of the shooting and you can see that he was talking and gesticulating with his hands

He was also holding his hat in one hand

There was nothing threatening going on at all

These cowardly scumbags shot him down because he did not obey their commands

Here they are, these heroes in blue

Christopher Mendez, Christopher Sanderson and Matthew Toda

At last they went home safe that night

The story is here :

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July 16, 2015 7:16 am

The kid in front had his R-hand raised up with palm open; the L-hand was lowered with his hat in his hand.
An OBVIOUS threat to the police.

COPFUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 16, 2015 7:44 am

Looks like simple murder to me.

Have the officers involved received their awards and promotions yet?

July 16, 2015 4:25 pm

This incident started because of a 911 call reporting a stolen bicycle. The “men” with their hands up are teenagers riding around trying to locate the stolen bike. And…the two of the teens (unarmed) get shot over a missing bicycle, a theft they had nothing to do with.

July 16, 2015 6:11 pm

…these “bastards in blue” will get a “paid vacation”, additional time in which to (lie) get their stories straight and probably get a commendation.