They should have had a full body ad with them all wearing red pumps. Maybe they will have transgender brigades. I’m sure the Muslims, Russians and Chinese are shaking in their boots about potentially going up against our diverse military forces.

Experienced, Educated and Diverse. That cracks me up. The military recruiting centers are in the poorest black neighborhoods so they can gather up the unemployed, uneducated dregs of society as their cannon fodder.

Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 24, 2015 12:30 pm

Hussein only wants them to fight unarmed Americans so what’s the problem?

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
July 24, 2015 2:59 pm

“Experienced, Educated, Diverse! The Best Garden Mulch Money Can Buy!”

I’ll take 3 bags, please.

July 24, 2015 5:44 pm

Usually, the ghetto recruiting centers are located between the bookstore and the income tax preparation stores. The hoodrats like H+R Block and Barnes and Noble. On any given day you can spot them in the cafe section reading Tolstoy or Hemmingway and sipping a latte.

July 24, 2015 7:10 pm

Fuckin’ puh-leeze….

They can put up all the bullshit about how “diverse” the military is all they want…

They know, and anyone whose been there and done that, knows that the closer you get to the Bad Guys, the whiter the troops get.

Infantry? Pretty white.
Airborne Infantry? Pretty damn white.
Rangers? Pretty goddamn white.
Special Forces? Lily white.

Oh sure, you’ll always get some Puerto Ricans or even a lone black or two as outliers, but the overwhelming majority of Infantryland is, and has always been, white males. The higher up the scale you go, the whiter it gets. I think I met exactly one SF trooper. Once. The bullshit you see in the movies – take Battle Los Angeles for example – where you end up with a “diverse” bunch (equal mix of ghetto blacks, whites, the required Puerto Rican chick that ends up being more hardcore than anyone else, the S00PER-intelligent black guy computer genius/hacker/techie and Big Sarge/Leader a salty old white dude with the jaw about a foot wide) kicking the shit out of the aliens/bad guys is a fat load of shit.

The farther away you get from Bad Guys, the more “diverse” things are. Despite the best efforts of the Army to recruit Diversities for Infantryland, the majority won’t sign up. You can’t make someone volunteer for Infantryland… reality says that Infantry-based MOS’s are overwhelmingly white, and so they pretend otherwise… usually by gaslighting – finding a Diversity NCO who’s been in awhile and using them in all their commericals/ads/billboards/posters/etc…. it does not reflect reality.

July 24, 2015 7:11 pm

…and “Powerded by biodiesel”. Will die of political correctness.
Soon they will be thought to consider the enemy feelings before shooting.

July 24, 2015 7:11 pm

Amend that – it should say “I think I met a black SF trooper. Once.”

Carry on.