‘A New Dark Age’

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

“If God does not exist, then everything is permissible.”

Ivan Karamazov’s insight came to mind while watching the video of Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood describe, as she sipped wine and tasted a salad, how she harvests the organs of aborted babies for sale to select customers.

“Yesterday was the first time … people wanted lungs,” said Nucatola, “Some people want lower extremities, too, which, that’s simple. …

“I’d say a lot of people want liver. … We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

Nucatola is describing how an unborn baby should be killed and cut up to preserve its most valuable organs for sale by its butchers.

Welcome to God’s Country, 2015.

Planned Parenthood’s image — a progressive organization that provides free birth control to women who seek to space pregnancies as they plan their families — will not easily survive these tapes.

For Nucatola sounds as though she were reading from a film script about a 1940s clinic in Nazi Germany devoted to the disposal of “useless eaters” in the Third Reich.

Watching these tapes, one name comes to mind: Mengele.

Defenders of Planned Parenthood argue that those who taped Nucatola did so surreptitiously, and they misrepresented themselves as buyers from a human biologics company. Moreover, the tapes were deceptively edited and the women undergoing abortions had agreed to donate the organs of their dead fetuses for biomedical research.

Perhaps. But even if all of that is true, the tapes have thrown the “pro-abortion rights” movement in America onto the defensive and brought calls for complete Congressional defunding of a Planned Parenthood that receives $500 million yearly from taxpayers.

Set aside the legality of what Nucatola describes. Do Americans want hundreds of millions of tax dollars provided to an organization that harvests and sells the body parts of aborted babies as a potentially lucrative sideline business? Do Americans want to be associated in any way with an organization with the moral mindset exhibited by Nucatola?

That Americans were stunned by those tapes is undeniable. People are not faking their moral revulsion. Indeed, “pro-abortion rights” Democrats are hiding in the weeds because they rightly sense that the disgust is widespread and genuine.

Yet there are questions raised by what these tapes reveal that apply to all of us.

Were we really in the dark? Were we unaware that 55 million unborn have been killed since Roe, many by such crushing methods as described by Nucatola?

Is the Black Lives Matter movement unaware that the execution rate of babies in the womb is highest among African-American women? However many black men or boys are killed in clashes with cops each year, it is not one-tenth of 1 percent of the black babies aborted in the USA?

Did we think that these abortions were almost all painless, like some sick pet being put to sleep, euthanized? Did we not know that the abortionist stabs the baby in the womb, or tears it to pieces coming out? And the more developed the baby, the greater the pain and the suffering and the bloodier the inescapable death?

But if one believes an unborn baby is not a human being, not a human life, why object to selling its body parts?

Trash haulers and garbage men find uses for what they pick up. Scrap metal collectors find folks who want to buy it. Conservation they call it. Why would we think that abortionists, who regard fetuses as human tissue, not human beings, were any different?

We have long known and praised family members of the victims in auto accidents who volunteer the organs of their loved ones to save or extend the lives of others.

What makes this tape so different, so appalling, is that, at some level, there a sense in all of us, which ideological indoctrination cannot wholly suppress, that, morally, something terrible is happening here.

Listening to that Planned Parenthood woman discourse casually on the hearts, livers, lungs and lower extremities, we know something else. While the women undergoing the abortions at Planned Parenthood may have volunteered those body parts, the butchered children had no say in the decision to be torn to pieces and have their organs put up for sale to a laboratory that was the highest bidder.

Speaking after the fall of France, at the beginning of the Battle of Britain, Winston Churchill said, “But if we fail, then the whole world … including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.”

Those phrases, “perverted science,” and “a new Dark Age,” do they not fairly describe our future if the views and values of Nucatola’s Planned Parenthood are the future of America and her people?

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July 24, 2015 7:24 am

My new grandson was born last Sunday.

Maybe it was the fresh memory of holding a two hour old little boy, smelling him, feeling him grab my thumb, looking at the smiles of everybody in the room, even the exhausted smile of his mother.

Maybe it was playing with my 16 month old granddaughter on her swing later on that day, listening to her scream and laugh the higher I pushed her, or her little personal sing song as she just drifted back and forth and her cute little no no no when I asked her if she wanted out of the swing.

Maybe it was separating my other two grandsons from fighting in the sandbox over toys and even the air they breathe, then watching them chase each other around the yard making up a new game every thirty seconds.

Maybe its my age, or hormones or something but I fucking teared up thinking we have people so high up, being paid so much, and people who believe in the good they do, that think so very little of human life.

Maybe there is a God and if there is I fucking hope there is a hell, and every sick piece of shit in charge of Planned Parenthood and every stupid liberal progressive fuck who believes that these abortionists are on the right side of humanity, are torn apart every hour for eternity.

July 24, 2015 7:54 am

Congratulations card!

I wish I could work up a good outrage but I’m resigned to the fact that we need a human extinction. Too many humans are fucking depraved. Now they run the asylum. Eventually, as the pendulum starts to swing back the other way, things will improve………for a time, but as it approaches the other apogee things get bad again.

I’ve been reading a bunch of old stories about local history at the turn of the last century recently. Although it was on a smaller scale, violence, corruption, cronyism, rape and other crime was just as rampant then as now.

Humans are just fucked up. Not all of them but enough for them to get the upper hand more often than not. We never learn.

July 24, 2015 7:54 am

Humans and Chimps are the only species on the planet that kill their own, for Convenience.
Humans go further – we can make a profit.

What happened to the Maternal Instinct, where we looked at women and knew that had an internal mechanism to protect children. Planned Abortion (the correct name) is staffed mostly by women. How did the human animal evolve to breed women with the Killing Instinct?

Think of the power trip these ‘women’ achieve by killing another human that is not able to defend itself.

July 24, 2015 8:12 am

card: excellent post, you are truly blessed! kokoda: these ghouls are not women and their actions make Mengele look like a saint. It has also come out that the Susan G. Komen breast cancer outfit has been donating money to pp. What a bunch of shit this whole sorry country has turned into!

July 24, 2015 8:13 am

Plenty of animals kill their own.

July 24, 2015 8:22 am

Thanks, IS, my two kids have two kids each and they are done. I get the too many humans point of view will be the downfall of humanity, I really do.

But goddam, this is the 21st century, can’t we think of a different way to keep numbers in check?

We get people in charge of killing, then we get people in charge of killing who create a new source of revenue killing in a different manner and selling off baby parts, what’s next?

The downside to another solution will be A Brave New World………you are so correct, humans are fucked up.

July 24, 2015 8:28 am

@ IS… I had a cat one time (very young girl on the farm) that approached me and seemed to want my attention. I carried her to a shed and made a makeshift bed of an old sheet. She had a single kitten whose little feet weren’t fully formed and was obviously “not right.” She started licking it, then lifted her head and stared at it a moment before opening her mouth and making an obvious attempt to eat it. I seized the little thing and tried to keep it alive with an eyedropper, milk and heating pad. I actually managed to keep it alive until it started walking/limping around, but it was destined to die. I found it curled up dead beside the back door one morning and that was the last time I interfered in the way of nature.

But, even my Babikins cat gave the little thing an opportunity to be born.

July 24, 2015 8:28 am

Indentured…you are correct, but read carefully before you criticize. Did you miss the –
“for Convenience”?

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 24, 2015 8:47 am

It’s fitting that Pat Buchanan used that term to describe the times in which we live. I’ve been telling my friends and family lately that it feels like we’re either on the cusp of Jesus’ return or we’re going to see a new dark age in the West. I’m certainly not cheering for things to get worse and therefore “hasten the Lord’s return,” a mentality which is just as twisted as Planned Parenthood’s practices. However, I believe, out of God’s mercy, compassion, and justice, something has to give.

I think regardless of the faith of those reading these posts, most of us agree we’ve reached a financial and moral precipice the world over. I pray for Admin and everyone here. You’re the smartest, sharpest, and most humorous community I’ve found across the web. I’m thankful for the intelligent conversation and hope each of you are spared from the seeming darkness to come. I’m not going to get preachy and try to convert, convince, or convict anyone. I just pray each of you, in your own way (if you haven’t already), find your peace with the Lord so we can keep this conversation in eternity. I’m not sure if I’ll meet any of you in this life, but it’d be amazing to meet your kindred spirits in the life to come. I’ll leave you with my favorite verse from Scripture:

‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

July 24, 2015 8:55 am

Thou shall not kill. Simple.

July 24, 2015 9:07 am

Body parts has been big business for a long time. Does anyone remember the Rolex girls?

To sell body parts of infants is beyond comprehension to people with a soul, how far we have fallen into the pit. Zero Hedge ran a story maybe a couple years ago complete with a chart for the going price of each individual part. A adult liver that was a match at that time would bring over a hundred thousand dollars.

When police check points began where the copfuks demanded the drivers give them a swab of their mouth, I warned people to never agree to their demand. Some billionaire needs a liver and you are a match, you could disappear. Nasty business all around if you ask me. I refuse to be the human version of NAPA body parts for the wealthy.

July 24, 2015 9:21 am

Just goes to show how depraved these pieces of shit are… the lengths they will go to defend what they’re doing..

“Oh, that was taken out of context…. it was “selectively edited”…”

HOW can you defend this shit? Morally bankrupt fucksticks like this Nucatola cunt pollute the rest of humanity…

And tax dollars – extorted from you, me, etc – go to support this nasty cunt and her straight-up evil organization…

The asteroid can’t come too soon…

July 24, 2015 10:20 am

IS ,get off your high horse boy .You are just as evil ,sinful and wicked as any planned parenthood doctor .The fact that you are not as depraved as you could be is a sign of God’s grace upon you .

July 24, 2015 10:54 am

Compromise with pure evil will lead you to the pit of HELL. The same people who kill babies and sell the parts will expand their business and kill old people, the mentally ill the disabled ,criminals, political prisoners, blacks and Jews. Then sell their parts. Secular materialistic humanism is taking us to a terrible place.

July 24, 2015 12:24 pm

So, if 55 million abortions had not happened, we would now have 55+ million mostly uneducated people who would have been raised in a dysfunctional family, sucking off of the State. You think things are bad now? Obviously these were late term abortions which I am against. However, how many of those “55 million abortions ” were simply fertilized eggs. When they add up the number of abortions, what constitute an abortion? I think the numbers are exaggerated. How many who oppose abortion also oppose birth control. How many of those who oppose abortion also oppose doing anything to help the child once it is born? How many who oppose abortion also oppose making cheap birth control available. Because people will not have sex if they don’t have protection, right? How has that idea been working out?
Most of the people on this site hate blacks and minorities of which constitute a great deal of the abortions. Just remember that when abortion becomes illegal and your tax dollars keep on going up to support more welfare and more prisons.

July 24, 2015 12:56 pm

As a young man ( around 20 ) I thought that you had a right to an abortion. I as grew older and read many books about freedom etc. my views changed . I’m very much against abortion . Why ? Because I worry about the future,I worry about what kind of place will I leave future generations who inhabit my country/planet . If I worry about the future then I should be concerned about those who have not been born. Therefore ….I’m against abortion .

The problem is that we’ve lost we’ve lost the ability to live our lives via our conscience . The gooberment use the hammer of force to MAKE us go against our own values. Like abortion..OK…don’t like abortion…tooo bad you’re going to pay for it anyway . Bake a cake for a gay couple….great. Don’t wanna’ bake bake one for them….the gooberment swoops in and takes your livelihood . The essence of the modern state is to force you to fund that which you despise .

When a person can’t live his life according to his conscience then he is worse off than a slave because the slave owner only wanted your labor,the gooberment wants your soul.

Our conscience is what separates us from the animals. When you don’t have freedom of conscience you don’t have any freedom at all .

July 24, 2015 5:55 pm

I’ve always felt as B stated. If these morons were allowed to live and suck off the system our burden would be greater than I can imagine. Because they will not only uselessly live, they will equally uselessly breed more useless people.

I know I’m sounding pretty ignorant to some of you, but one cannot ignore the reality of the situation. I’m not religious at all, so those belief systems doesn’t concern me. This is evolution in action, as far as I’m concerned.

Muck About
Muck About
July 25, 2015 5:39 am

I’m with IS. We’re past the slippery slope into free-fall and I have no good feelings about posterity at all.

With our technological ability to annihilate our only known home, the bottom of that free-fall may end with a bang.


Muck About
Muck About
July 25, 2015 5:41 am

@bb: Bite me.