Done Been Girled: The Price of Matriarchy

The United States has embarked, or been embarked, on a headlong rush into matriarchy, something never before attempted in a major country. Men remain numerically dominant in positions of power, yes, but their behavior and freedom are ever more constrained by the wishes of hostile women. The effects have been disastrous. They are likely to be more so.

The control, or near control, extends all through society. Politicians are terrified of women. The president of an Ivy university is fired, and replaced by a woman, if he makes the obvious observation that women are not much good at mathematics. Women dominate the schools and universities. A Nobelist in biology has to apologize profusely for having said that in laboratories women cry when criticized. Women have forced the lowering of standards for hiring police and firemen, for the military. They have made life miserable for small boys. The beat goes on.

The pathological egalitarianism of the age makes it career-ending to mention that women in fact are neither equal nor identical to men. The differences are many and most of them are obvious:

Women are less curious than men. They will learn to drive or use a computer, but will have no idea how either machine works.

They are totalitarian. A man is willing to let girls be girls and boys be boys. Women want all to be girls or, more accurately, to behave according to female standards.

Men enjoy competition; women deplore it. “Let’s have a cooperative game led by a caring adult.”

Men prefer freedom to security; women, security to freedom. Wear your helmet on your bike. Use sunscreen. Dodge ball is violent and dangerous. Don’t swim without a lifeguard.

Women prefer emotion to substance. College is now more about feeling good and social arrangements than about academics. Note that if a man suggests that women are not terribly good at math, they do not respond with counterevidence, which would be substance. They become furious, and get their way by what amount s to a vast hissy-fit.

Women hate each other; men do not. In any office, for example, ninety percent of the interpersonal problems will be between women.

Men are more intellectually engaged than women. Note that in think-sites of the web, such as The Unz Review, both the writers and the commenters are overwhelmingly male.

Women have more emotional range than men, being both kinder and meaner. A woman is more likely to care for a hurt puppy. In a divorce, she will be much more vicious than the man. He wants to get out, she wants to get even.

Women have less intellectual range than men. Fewer women than men are extremely stupid, and fewer women than men extremely smart; the disproportion increases with IQ, there being almost no women at the highest levels. This is the glass ceiling.

Women are subject to hysterias; men are not. (For readers under fifty, “hysteria” comes from the Greek for “womb.” The ancient Greeks thought the condition was caused by a disorder in this organ. It isn’t, but they had they knew in which sex it occurred.)

A pertinent example is the current fascination with imaginary rape. Further, they are more obsessed by far than men with political correctness, which is also a form of totalitarianism and a search for security.

Women now hate men; men just wish women would shut up.

It is the nature of women to complain, endlessly, of everything. This has been a staple of comedy from Xantippe to the present. The meddlesome, complaining mother-in-law is a stock figure, not the father-in-law. The language reflects this. It is not called “bitching” because men do it. Likewise we have shrew, nag, scold, harridan, virago, vixen, fishwife, termagant, and henpecked.

Women want to intrude on men, to leave them nowhere to be exclusively among other men. Men do not reciprocate this.  If men try to open, say, a bar only for men, women explode. If women wanted to open a bar exclusively for women, men would not care.

Women have a poor sense of social boundaries or, in plain English, of knowing what is and what isn’t their concern. It amounts to generalized mother-in-lawing. In Mexico, where I live, it is invariably American women who want to tell Mexicans how to manage their society. A man cringes at the thought. Mexico isn’t his to run, and he knows it.

It is worth noting that women have little understanding of men.  They may say, resignedly or ruefully, “Boys will be boys.” They have no idea of why boys are boys. They know how to manipulate men, yes: Flash a leg, stick their chests out, cry, or act helpless. They don’t understand men any more than a bear trap understands bears.

Women, puzzlingly to a man, do not seem concerned with performance or effectiveness. They must know that a woman who cannot carry her end of a stretcher should not be half of an ambulance crew. Yet if barred from the job, they resort to political pressure and have the standards lowered.

Certainly it is not from lack of concern with the patient. Women are more compassionate than men. Rather they seem not to make the connection between hiring standards and carrying an unconscious victim from a burning building. Similarly they do not want men to be killed in combat. Somehow, and this is a mystery to me, they cannot see the downstream consequences of having soldiers who cannot handle the physical demands. Short time horizons? Inability to imagine anything so alien to them as combat?

In reading the news, note that almost invariably it is the females of the species who complain of microaggressions, of “triggering” words that make the feel unsafe, of uncomfortable environments and the like.

In the past, when men were in control of women and directed them, women were of great value to society. They were fine teachers, having absorbed the masculine idea that school was about learning things. An admixture of male teachers and principal insured discipline, which women on their own could not—being controlled is not the default mode for boys—and so there was no need for the police to drag boys from school. Today women make good doctors, dentists, and shock-trauma nurses. It is only when they begin to make policy instead of effecting it that disaster befalls.

Differences so profound will affect political choices profoundly, as witness the conversion of the schools into misandrist hives for the promotion of appropriate thought or, more correctly, appropriate feelings. The desire to protect anyone but white men from any offense, however mild, is both totalitarian and mildly lunatic. It now dominates national life.

Where will this lead? Stay tuned.We are going to find out.

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July 25, 2015 5:40 pm

Damn boneHead ,that actually sounds like you still have at least one virtue.Integrity , trust =loyalty = a good friendship or marriage partner. Good moral health =good mental health.I still think your are not qualify to speak on most issues but this time you get a passing grade. Good boy.

July 25, 2015 5:43 pm

I’m drawing a total blank on her name right now (SAH?) but we had a female regular here for a long time and at the time she was happily married. Anywho she claimed that she “drained her husbands balls a couple of times each week to keep him from straying”. Sometime later she was divorced. I always wanted to flip her shit about that but it’s too sad for words especially since she has kids and she seemed genuinely sincere and committed to him.

I have several female friends that are looking for men with integrity but cannot find one. They say that every man they know who is worth a shit is already married. These are hardworking, intelligent women who probably earn near six figures or more and all they can find are horndogs.

July 25, 2015 5:54 pm

I’m finding this thread quite valuable,and am happy to see that young Miss SS understands the difference between charm (aka feminine wiles) and aggression and the great importance of that difference; El C also picked up on this. Fred, a guy my age, has a Latina professional as a partner and I can’t help but wonder if there’s something to the theory (a generalization, I admit) that Latinas have chosen to remain more “feminine” than their Anglo counterparts. My experience has been that while Marilyn Monroe’s “I enjoy being a girl” philosophy has gone the way of the pterodactyls in “developed” countries, Latinas still live it. An UMC Latina is as slick as a geisha in making one feel wanted, appreciated and desirable while not losing for a second her ability to outperform a computer in making calculations. They run rings around the likes of Hillary and the carefully crafted animate inflatable party dolls that pass for women in spite of not having a brain in their inflated heads.

All that notwithstanding, I defer to the great folk philosopher:

July 25, 2015 5:59 pm

Bone head , that was SAH or Miss Miserable as I called her.She once said she loved everybody on the BP except bb.Can you imagine that. I told her it would it hard to go on living without her love but I would manage. Kinda like her run away husband.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 25, 2015 6:08 pm

“I have several female friends that are looking for men with integrity but cannot find one. They say that every man they know who is worth a shit is already married. ”

As young and single I can attest to this with my generation. I solely blame feminism, divorce, and a lower of men’s position in their child’s life.

A woman cannot teach a boy how to be a man anymore than a man can teach a girl how to be a woman. It is not possible. But with feminism, the worse I’ve seen is not just doing away a father’s position in his life but also a grandfather’s position in a boy’s life. I had a very hands on grandfather as did my cousins and men of that generation did things very differently. I learned how to ride a BSA years before I took drivers ed. I learned about finances from my grandfather as well as how to negotiate a deal.

As for young men in my generation, I don’t trust them and it has nothing to do with integrity or character. They don’t know anything. How am I suppose to trust them if they don’t know anything? I wouldn’t trust one to even change the oil in my car or to fix a garbage disposal because they don’t know how. Nobody taught them how to fix things. They also have no interest in learning how to fix things.

July 25, 2015 6:08 pm

— “I have several female friends that are looking for men with integrity but cannot find one.”

Masculine Integrity stopped being rewarded openly because it made certain types of people feel bad about themselves.

July 25, 2015 6:09 pm

Above anon was me.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 6:10 pm

Thanks, bb. I was about to say the same thing but in a totally different way. I agree with you that the way she explained it, he was a dickhead.
It happens, man. Smart men can marry a ditz and live a great life – as promoted on ILL – but the same does not hold true for smart women who are married to morons.
Usually, the dude will feel threatened by the brainiac and he will leave her for a dumb broad who will make him feel smart.
Or if we listen to the song Deliciosas Mentiras, a broad who will tell him he has a big dick. I miss that bitch.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 6:12 pm
July 25, 2015 6:14 pm

Mongolia , I been wondering what South American country you call home.Can you tell us or is it a state
Secret ?

I have read several South American countries have a majority European population . Like Argentina ( a lot of people of German background ) .Never knew this.I began to realize this is probably the reason many members of the SS and Gestapo made their way to S A after the War.Finally makes sense.

July 25, 2015 6:24 pm

El Coyote , SAH would probably make a great wife if she would ( let go ) of her bitterness. I liked a lot of her post. You can tell she is a smart gal but very angry. I have learned to stay clear of angry women.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 6:26 pm

bb, if Monte is German it still does not mean he is a Nazi. Why bring it up?If you recall my vid about Germans in Mexico, they are everywhere. There are a bunch in CenTex. That how we got good beer, wursts and accordion music in northern Mexico.

July 25, 2015 6:26 pm

“It does appear that someone has figured out how to game the thumb system …” —Admin

” …admin..I did most of it , but not all,just to prank Stuck …” —– Stuck

Really, flash? So now when one sees “x” thumbs or down … we really have no way of knowing if “x” amount of people feel that way, or if it’s just you voting “x” times.

Wow. Way to take a valuable little tool here and fuck it up for everyone. You’re a piece of work. A dirty rotten cheating sonuvabitch. You should be kicked off this platform, you fuknut jackass.

I’m done, over and out.

July 25, 2015 6:26 pm

Clammy said:
“They also have no interest in learning how to fix things.”

Unbridled curiosity in children only lasts so long. If it is not seriously engaged before age 10 or so it’s lost. Curiosity has to be fostered, encouraged and developed. Channeling curiosity in useful ways helps to develop resilience and ability to deal with set backs and disappointment. It also builds confidence and drive.

Destruction of the family unit in this country was intentional. Now TPTB have the sheople running around giving into their most base desires with wild abandon and nary a care for the consequences.

So glad I never had kids!

Clammy, I know you’re busy but I’ve had a half formed thought in my head for a while to work with you on a small book that we could sell on one of those sites that all the “hip kids” seek enlightenment. We could sell it for $1 or something. I’m busy too but after I get time to put together an outline I’ll let you know if you’re interested. You could think of it as the blind leading the blind! 🙂

July 25, 2015 6:36 pm

Stucky said:
“Really, flash? So now when one sees “x” thumbs or down … we really have no way of knowing if “x” amount of people feel that way, or if it’s just you voting “x” times.

Wow. Way to take a valuable little tool here and fuck it up for everyone. You’re a piece of work. A dirty rotten cheating sonuvabitch. You should be kicked off this platform, you fuknut jackass.

I’m done, over and out.”

Jeebus! Stucky must not be filled with the spirit of da lawd today. Who gives a fuck about the thumbzy game? Where is da rulz for the thumbzy game. What if you post something brilliant and bb-esque in the same comment? How does that get thumbed? (I know the dumbassery of the bb is all powerful and always deserves a thumbz down but you get my drift)

The thumbzy game is so….so….so facebook! Hard to believe that you, an intelligent sumbitch puts so much stock in it. My advice, treat the thumbzy count like you would a post by bb and and ignore the shit out of it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 6:51 pm

Monte, let’s not get carried away with praising Latinas. They have inspired more songs of lost love than Southern white girls – judging by the lyrics of country music.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 25, 2015 6:57 pm

“Clammy, I know you’re busy but I’ve had a half formed thought in my head for a while to work with you on a small book that we could sell on one of those sites that all the “hip kids” seek enlightenment”

I don’t know about enlightenment because I think my generation could use some old fashioned wisdom. I had the idea once to write about old feminine wisdom aimed at young women. Many are lacking know-how that came naturally to women and a sense of practicality. None of the women in my family are feminists. They were too busy raising families and having real jobs. I was going to draw from those types of experiences.

I remember a story my grandfather used to tell me about his grandmother affectionately called Mimi. After the Great Depression my grandmother used to hide money. Especially from her husband. One time she got ill an remarked “I vonce vas so sick I almost told ze old man vhere the money vas, but then I started to feel better.” Nobody in my family ever found her stash, my grandfather and his brother spent their childhood looking. Decades later we never found it. The old lady was good.

Another story was about my grandmother during the Vietnam war. She was a housewife raising three boys when the military wanted to deploy my grandfather. She petitioned the Illinois State Senator until he agreed to give him a deferment. My grandfather at the time didn’t know she was doing this but she had no way to raise her sons if he was killed in action.

A story my father told me was when he was a teenager he got a little to brave and got into a fight with my step-grandfather. It was during that fight where he took a swing at him only to quickly be punched through the back yard fence. He didn’t know at the time his step-father was a silver gloves boxing champ in the Navy. Though he would have likely been the golden gloves champ if he hadn’t forfeited the last match because he got a concussion in the previous match.

My idea if we were to collaborate would be to write stories about wisdom.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 6:59 pm

Thumbs up or down is simply feedback, as in +1000 comments. Of course, it is important to a bean counter just as ballots are important to elections but here, thumbs up is merely an atta-boy or aw-shit mechanism. If your going to leave, leave for something meaningful, like if bb achieved big dog status.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 7:00 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 25, 2015 7:04 pm

In his defense, I think Stucky’s on his period.

July 25, 2015 7:08 pm

Dammit Stuckeroo………get your sniveling ass back here, put on your big girl panties and give all of my comments a thumbs up! Seriously. I won’t be able to sleep until you do. Pussy!

BBL………I gotz shit to do!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 7:13 pm

flash, that pic of those two lezzies, the woman we can say is the birth mom looks sad. When you look at pics of gays, a lot of them have that look,
I suspect, I don’t really know, they are mentally ill. As my psych instructor, Dr Pangloss noted one time when she took us to the Texas state loony bin, she said they all display this look and it is the most visible sign of mental disturbance.

July 25, 2015 7:15 pm

El Coyote , I didn’t mean to imply Mongolia was or is or had anything to do with German war criminals. My grandfather fought in WW 11 and would wonder sometimes if Hitler got out and made his way to South America. I would wonder why South America. I didn’t know until recently
That several SA countries have a majority European heritage.I have been reading more about SA lately. Bill Bonner wrote an article about Chilean society being mostly European or run by Europeans. He bought a big farm in the country as a get away from America when the SHTF happens.

July 25, 2015 7:17 pm

Fuck you IS now leave me alone.

July 25, 2015 7:19 pm

Fuck you IS now leave us both alone

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 7:20 pm

It’s Maggie’s fault Stuck broke the bros before hos rule. Now he is troubled. We forgive you, Stuck. Go wrestle the python and come back a weiner.

Muck About
Muck About
July 25, 2015 8:12 pm

Damn! I think I’ve given Calamity (Stephanie Shepard) more “Thumbs Up” than any other thread she ever commented on!

What in the world is happening to you Clam??? You are growing up.. TBP will be the end of you yet..


Muck About
Muck About
July 25, 2015 8:12 pm

@bb: Eat me again.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 25, 2015 8:20 pm

I have been gone most of today to Amish country to conduct business, looks like I missed out on a dust up or something as Stucky is attempting to break SSS’s all time record for downers.

FWIW men have plagued mankind with war and famine and financial calamity. Women until the last one hundred years have suffered the sling and arrows of said plagues. Who is to say that women would be better or worse if allowed to control. The first part of the last century women were given the right to have a say and participate in the entertainment that is called politics. So far I see it as a complete fail but we have to be fair in saying that very few women have been allowed in the “club”.

Can you say that women caused the starvation and death of 31 million Russian peasants?
Can you say that women caused the death of 68 million Chinese under Mao?
Can you say that women caused the death of 11 million humans (6million Jews) under Hitler?
Did women create weapons of mass destruction and nukes?

The technology developed by man for mass communication has created a society with little or no social skills, and has done nothing to improve the intelligence of the average person. We have devolved and become more violent.

Automobiles have improved greatly so I can put that one in the column for men. Not too long ago I asked if men were obsolete, I will ask it again, are men obsolete. If women can govern, earn the living, protect the household and reproduce with artificial means, are men really all that at this point in history?

All that said, radical feminism and the election of Cankles Clinton will be the end of traditional men in society IMHO.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 25, 2015 8:27 pm

We live in a time where most people are unable to differentiate between a generalization and an exception, particularly when it comes to human beings.

As to my own beloved wife, I know of no living person who is her equal, I gladly occupy the shadow of her presence and am grateful for her allowing me to not only be the father of her children, but to spend her life with me. Having said that there is nothing I would ever say anywhere that I wouldn’t say to her and believe me there is plenty I share with her in confidence that no other person has ever heard. She accepts my perspective because she knows me, she understands that I have the ability to observe generalities about various human groupings based on numerous characteristics but to still be able to accept people for who they are on a personal level. She read the article above, shrugged and asked me what it was that people disagreed with- his tone, his statement of facts or his particular target.

“Do you disagree with it?” I asked her.

She shrugged again. “Seems like an awful lot of obvious being passed off as brand new. Are you going to take care of the (extremely difficult physically demanding task) like you promised or should I call our son?”

And so I promptly did what I promised without feeling the slightest bit manipulated.

As a couple we have learned to work in harness together. Her strengths in dealing with people, reading personalities, tending to children’s needs and wants, keeping a home running smoothly and efficiently, keeping me focused on the long range goals in our life and keeping our relationship going as if it were brand new drive me to perform at my maximum capacity. My work ethic, physical strength, problem solving and confidence in the face of every contingency allows her to keep focused on what she does best- it is a closed loop that perpetuates itself because it isn’t built on competition, but on cooperation. Our individual strengths are maximized through the understanding that each can concentrate on his/her potential and talents because the other is picking up the slack. Does she sometimes handle masculine duties when I am absent or unable? Of course, but it is only as a stop gap. Do I help with domestic chores and other duties my wife assumes when she is visiting family or not feeling well? As best I can, sure, because you can’t be didactic about the division of labor in real life, sometimes you pitch in, even when the results are lackluster in comparison.

Women and men are not the same thing, nothing in Nature suggests otherwise. Arguing over the truth of this is an exercise in futility. Learning how best to capitalize on what is rather than what could be seems like a wise thing to me.

But that is anecdotal.

July 25, 2015 8:41 pm

Muck ,you said ….eat me twice… why no love? Why the hostility? Is it because I point out to you that your worldview is a lie.I am trying to help you gain wisdom and eternal sunshine. You should be grateful.

Muck ,I have examined every worldview known to mankind. I finally realized all except one go back to the Babylonians .Every fake , false worldview started there including atheism (self worship)If you don’t want my help….Well you’re going to get it anyway so blow me.

July 25, 2015 8:49 pm

Wow. Way to take a valuable little tool here and fuck it up for everyone. You’re a piece of work. A dirty rotten cheating sonuvabitch. You should be kicked off this platform, you fuknut jackass.

nope…just another way of playin’ your perennial stoopid against you… BTW , didn’t you quit this thread already ?

July 25, 2015 8:55 pm

Clammy you give me hope. I have a 24 year old daughter and 20 year old son. There are a few of you with your heads on straight. It truly is my generation that has fucked everything up. We have raised a bunch of wimpy, whinny kids.

Thank GOD there are a few. You have a lot of work ahead of you. I made my son work as a carpenter all last summer and constantly make him figure out how to fix things. This year he is working in the office, we are a little slow out in the field, so he is doing material take-offs and finding out that basic math is very practical.!! He plays football in college at the D3 level, which is great. At D3 there is no one with an agenda. It’s a bunch of athletic white kids who are smart a a few smart black kids. No athletic scholarships at the D3 level, only academic.

I tell my son daily, he has a lot of work to do!! He must learn a trade and get his degree that way he is of use to a wife and his family when TSHTF.

My daughter has her head on straight too. She has butted heads more than once with bitchy female bosses. She has a hyper sense of right & wrong and is not afraid to speak up. I think she really wants a family and to teach her own kids. That is her gift, teaching children.

I am sorry my generation has fucked things up so badly. At 54 I see how foolish we have been. I ended up ok because I was the youngest of 5 children. My parents were raised during the depression and my dad fought in WWII. In school my parents were the oldest and the rest were a bunch of lib-tard progressives. In high school we used to smoke pot with one of my friends parents and another friends mom and dad let him grow pot in the back yard. Sorry folks, but that is fucked up. The parents who “appeared” to be cool, were really faked up and that is what gives you the world you are inheriting.

Clammy, you are probably not religious, but find yourself a Christian young man. You will find most, not all, but most have their head on straight and know that 2+2=4. he wants to be a man and lead his family, but wants a strong Woman.

My wife has raised two great children to adulthood. Only she could have done it!! All 5′-1″ and 110lbs of her…. She is stronger and more determined than I am. She has supported me through all of my craziness… Which would take an article…. And kept a home together through it all. Because of Mrs. Const54 the world is a better place and I would put her against any so-called feminist.

That is real strength. Being able to trust that I will provide, the F-up that I and ALL men are. We are riddled with short comings, but will do (when push comes to shove) what needs to be done to provide for our families.

July 25, 2015 8:55 pm

@ EC..the real deal..

El Guapo
El Guapo
July 25, 2015 9:26 pm

I’m not sure what’s more disturbing…that you wrote this about 30 years after it happened or that so many people agree with you. Either way, if you’re a man you’ll figure a workaround. Lots of us have, and that’s all I have to say about that.

July 25, 2015 9:35 pm

for those not intertwined in homosexual marriage,,,,,

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
July 25, 2015 9:52 pm

I agree with Realestatepup about Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Too many people, women and men, spending their lives all up in each other’s business instead of making their own lives interesting and productive. It fuels a lot of negativity I would think. What a waste.

July 25, 2015 10:15 pm

Maddies mom, I disagree about facebook and twitter. We have our own version right here. Most people with personal electronics have some sort of 3-D conversation ongoing with the larger world, depending on their interests. I think it’s all good

July 25, 2015 10:34 pm

I drove 400 miles of California farmland today so am late to this interesting discussion. Funny, as I was driving along I observed cars stopped on the side of the road (mechanical issues) and there was invariably at least one man from another car who stopped and was helping with the problem. I thought about how I appreciate men’s willingness to try to fix things.

Why all the free-floating feminine anger? Some causes I consider:

-an almost primeval resentment that females are physically not as strong as males, and in the
natural order of things require a male partner for protection. (I’m walking alone down a dark urban
alley at midnight, and five females approach from the opposite direction, and I’m not troubled. Five
males approach and I’m terrified. I resent this.)

-from day one, the assault on girls’ self esteem by the beauty industry and its pervasive insistence
that they will never be thin enough, their hair will never be thick enough, their skin will never be
clear enough, and their wardrobes are hopelessly archaic. Girls and women are not allowed to be
physically comfortable with themselves. I resent this.

-the loss of fathers because of high divorce rates. I don’t know if father-absence is more
devastating to boys or girls. I lost my father this way. I resent this.

I’m not an angry female. I really love men. I hang out with a number of platonic men friends because they are fun to be around. I think men thrive with a woman who treats them with respect and affection. Women thrive when they are treated with affection and respect. Is it so hard?

In the Boomer dating world the single men seem to be needy (have never finished maturing emotionally) or are fearful of getting “caught” by a woman. Sigh.

July 25, 2015 10:35 pm


Foss was a wonderful mind set, thou maybe no fitting in this setting. She is the best and spot on.

July 25, 2015 10:36 pm

I apologize that my iPad so screws up lines and spacing.

July 25, 2015 10:41 pm

An intellectual discussion of Fred’s post has degenerated into a shit throwing contest. Isn’t this site great?

July 25, 2015 10:49 pm

Overthecliff, Stucky’s just torqued cuz flash rigged the thumbzy game. Apart from that it’s been a great thread. In the end it will give Stuck more free time since he won’t feel like counting them up now that he knows it can be rigged on a whim. Silver lining and all that.

July 26, 2015 12:37 am

— “FWIW men have plagued mankind with war and famine and financial calamity.”

Stop pretending like women weren’t part of those men’s lives and factors in their decision making motivations. They idea that women were just silently obeying orders behind the scenes throughout history as men went around conquering because they can’t help themselves is obnoxious.

Some women want the pickle jar opened, others want their neighbors property.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 26, 2015 1:26 am

I’ve had this wild idea that perhaps we could call blacks ‘white’ and maybe they can forget agitating for black privileges. (I know, I’m pissing up a rope).

I also have this idea that we are all homosexual in that we are interested in women who are, in fact, man. Transgenders have brought to our attention, submitted for your approval, the idea that women can also have a penis. So now you have to be specific if you want the automatic or the stick shift jobbie (the so-called family wagon or the sports model).

Let me hold fast to this lamp post which marks my firm position that a man should have a female companion while I explore this idea that in some societies of modern times and ancient times, the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior have been more narrow or much wider. Today, men and women go out to dinner in a casual manner. In other times or places (Arabia) this would be a scandal. In ancient times, men had ‘sex’ with other men. This still occurs in places (South America) where tranny men are an attractive sexual option. Today, our president goes abroad (Kenya) to promote homosexuality, where in times past, this would be an outrage.

Gender roles are changing and they are also being changed for us. Men, or folks who at one time we considered men, now are homemakers while the vaginal endowed counterpart goes to work. Fucknuts, I’m getting confused in this Bizarro World.

July 26, 2015 1:30 am

Hey Stuck

I know why you feel bad – – why it stung. I would feel the same way if it were me !


I look for your byline and your comments, both – – – when I come here.

That is the greatest compliment that I can give a writer, ever !

Don’t leave. YOUR INPUT IS VALUABLE. Personally, I like writers with whom I disagree. They make me think, and they cause me to learn.

Don’t leave – – – continue to make valuable contributions. That makes you a valuable person, unlike the sheeple drones that constitute most working Americans or voters.

Thanks for listening. BTW, I generally do not disagree with you but this site is so good, that I figure people here ( with whom I disagree ) are not being disagreeable, but rather being right in a different way . . . . ( I know I am sounding like a feminized wimp here )


July 26, 2015 1:34 am

A man walks into a bar and says “Hey ladies, your female ancestors were strong, intelligent, resourceful women!”

Cheers from everyone. Someone asks… “Just how smart were they?”

“They were even smarter than the men. They knew better than to leave a paper trail!”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 26, 2015 1:35 am
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 26, 2015 1:44 am

No matter how far the commentary plumbs the depths, Gayle always lifts everybody’s spirit upward. Like the preacher said, it’s your attitude that determines your altitude.

Hey, SnowieBoy, I’m feeling down because of Maggie, any word of encouragement for me? Crickets.

July 26, 2015 2:02 am


It’s late and I gotta scroll back a bit to find the Maggie comment to which you refer.

I’ll say this to hold you until I find it : “90% of everything is shit.”

“Don’t sweat the small stuff.” And, “it’s all small stuff.”

If you are not dying tomorrow, then what’s bothering you today is small stuff.

Later buddy, gotta sleep !
