Done Been Girled: The Price of Matriarchy

The United States has embarked, or been embarked, on a headlong rush into matriarchy, something never before attempted in a major country. Men remain numerically dominant in positions of power, yes, but their behavior and freedom are ever more constrained by the wishes of hostile women. The effects have been disastrous. They are likely to be more so.

The control, or near control, extends all through society. Politicians are terrified of women. The president of an Ivy university is fired, and replaced by a woman, if he makes the obvious observation that women are not much good at mathematics. Women dominate the schools and universities. A Nobelist in biology has to apologize profusely for having said that in laboratories women cry when criticized. Women have forced the lowering of standards for hiring police and firemen, for the military. They have made life miserable for small boys. The beat goes on.

The pathological egalitarianism of the age makes it career-ending to mention that women in fact are neither equal nor identical to men. The differences are many and most of them are obvious:

Women are less curious than men. They will learn to drive or use a computer, but will have no idea how either machine works.

They are totalitarian. A man is willing to let girls be girls and boys be boys. Women want all to be girls or, more accurately, to behave according to female standards.

Men enjoy competition; women deplore it. “Let’s have a cooperative game led by a caring adult.”

Men prefer freedom to security; women, security to freedom. Wear your helmet on your bike. Use sunscreen. Dodge ball is violent and dangerous. Don’t swim without a lifeguard.

Women prefer emotion to substance. College is now more about feeling good and social arrangements than about academics. Note that if a man suggests that women are not terribly good at math, they do not respond with counterevidence, which would be substance. They become furious, and get their way by what amount s to a vast hissy-fit.

Women hate each other; men do not. In any office, for example, ninety percent of the interpersonal problems will be between women.

Men are more intellectually engaged than women. Note that in think-sites of the web, such as The Unz Review, both the writers and the commenters are overwhelmingly male.

Women have more emotional range than men, being both kinder and meaner. A woman is more likely to care for a hurt puppy. In a divorce, she will be much more vicious than the man. He wants to get out, she wants to get even.

Women have less intellectual range than men. Fewer women than men are extremely stupid, and fewer women than men extremely smart; the disproportion increases with IQ, there being almost no women at the highest levels. This is the glass ceiling.

Women are subject to hysterias; men are not. (For readers under fifty, “hysteria” comes from the Greek for “womb.” The ancient Greeks thought the condition was caused by a disorder in this organ. It isn’t, but they had they knew in which sex it occurred.)

A pertinent example is the current fascination with imaginary rape. Further, they are more obsessed by far than men with political correctness, which is also a form of totalitarianism and a search for security.

Women now hate men; men just wish women would shut up.

It is the nature of women to complain, endlessly, of everything. This has been a staple of comedy from Xantippe to the present. The meddlesome, complaining mother-in-law is a stock figure, not the father-in-law. The language reflects this. It is not called “bitching” because men do it. Likewise we have shrew, nag, scold, harridan, virago, vixen, fishwife, termagant, and henpecked.

Women want to intrude on men, to leave them nowhere to be exclusively among other men. Men do not reciprocate this.  If men try to open, say, a bar only for men, women explode. If women wanted to open a bar exclusively for women, men would not care.

Women have a poor sense of social boundaries or, in plain English, of knowing what is and what isn’t their concern. It amounts to generalized mother-in-lawing. In Mexico, where I live, it is invariably American women who want to tell Mexicans how to manage their society. A man cringes at the thought. Mexico isn’t his to run, and he knows it.

It is worth noting that women have little understanding of men.  They may say, resignedly or ruefully, “Boys will be boys.” They have no idea of why boys are boys. They know how to manipulate men, yes: Flash a leg, stick their chests out, cry, or act helpless. They don’t understand men any more than a bear trap understands bears.

Women, puzzlingly to a man, do not seem concerned with performance or effectiveness. They must know that a woman who cannot carry her end of a stretcher should not be half of an ambulance crew. Yet if barred from the job, they resort to political pressure and have the standards lowered.

Certainly it is not from lack of concern with the patient. Women are more compassionate than men. Rather they seem not to make the connection between hiring standards and carrying an unconscious victim from a burning building. Similarly they do not want men to be killed in combat. Somehow, and this is a mystery to me, they cannot see the downstream consequences of having soldiers who cannot handle the physical demands. Short time horizons? Inability to imagine anything so alien to them as combat?

In reading the news, note that almost invariably it is the females of the species who complain of microaggressions, of “triggering” words that make the feel unsafe, of uncomfortable environments and the like.

In the past, when men were in control of women and directed them, women were of great value to society. They were fine teachers, having absorbed the masculine idea that school was about learning things. An admixture of male teachers and principal insured discipline, which women on their own could not—being controlled is not the default mode for boys—and so there was no need for the police to drag boys from school. Today women make good doctors, dentists, and shock-trauma nurses. It is only when they begin to make policy instead of effecting it that disaster befalls.

Differences so profound will affect political choices profoundly, as witness the conversion of the schools into misandrist hives for the promotion of appropriate thought or, more correctly, appropriate feelings. The desire to protect anyone but white men from any offense, however mild, is both totalitarian and mildly lunatic. It now dominates national life.

Where will this lead? Stay tuned.We are going to find out.

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July 26, 2015 7:13 pm

Westy , the gender differences are extremely relevant because women’s political choice , which are so greatly influenced by their flighty impulses, obsessive emotion and hypergamy is the main enabler -via the power of the vote – of the cultural Marxism that is eyebrow deep in the process of the destruction of Western civilization… but you wouldn’t get that because of the offset of the size of your head which is extremely large on the left causing you to lean that way…BTW, did you know that the Giant loves gay weddings?… yes, tears of joy have been shed..

Karen Perry
Karen Perry
July 26, 2015 9:19 pm

Ahhhh Mr. Fred. You are obviously very threatened by women. I’ll bet your mother is SO proud!

July 26, 2015 9:43 pm

Karen perry, I’ve got news for you. No man is threatened by a woman. It doesn’t work that way.

July 26, 2015 9:58 pm

Star – this woman could threaten the shit out of you (and me). And 95% of the men walking the planet.

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July 26, 2015 10:14 pm

Goddamn llpoh, that is a nasty looking creature indeed.

July 26, 2015 10:17 pm

There are some really smart young women out there. They are there, believe me.

One I know recently pitched her boyfriend, who she dearly loves. Pitched him because he did not know how to do anything, and she has dreams for bigger and better things in her life.

She tossed his ass, telling him “come back when you have grown up and know how to take care of yourself and do things, and have some goals you can prove you are working towards. I have plans for my future, and they do not include being with someone I have to carry through life”.

This young man is very nice, from a pretty good family, and has always treated this young woman very well. But he knows nothing – not how to work, not how to study, not how to set goals.

He is, in relative terms, one of the top catches out there. And he is not worth having. Maybe he will wake up, having just lost probably the best girl he could ever find.

So, we cannot expect the caliber of women to be any better than the caliber of men. Young people in general simply do not know how to do much of anything. It is equally spread among both sexes.

It is just that so many young men are easily lead these days, and some women are taking advantage of that fact. It is not a pretty sight. No self-respecting woman would want a man so easily lead, in my opinion. It seems unnatural.

July 26, 2015 10:22 pm

Star – that is Ronda Rousey, and she is bad-ass, and I kid you not. Many professionals believe she would kick the shit out of Mayweather in the ring. Which is unfathomable. She is strong, and her grappling skills are unbelievable.

They think she would go for his legs straight away, and he would have no chance to hit her. Then she would take him by the legs and make a wish.

Here are some highlights:

comment image

Karen Perry
Karen Perry
July 26, 2015 10:24 pm

Starfcker I disagree….if there is no threat than explain to me what this long article is all about? Men trying to make themselves feel better? I know more about how things work in life than I want to know. There are plenty of capable women out there that are smarter and have bigger bank accounts then Mr. Fred.

July 26, 2015 11:04 pm

I don’t care how badass a woman looks. Secretly or not, she wants a man to pick her up, toss her on the bed and have his way with her. That is the dilemma men face. It might be rape, or it might be an unspoken desire. Drugs aside.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 26, 2015 11:12 pm

flash says: EC , since you seem to be somewhat knowledgeable ofthe human psyche , can you elaborate on the objective of Stuck’s purported overt exist of TBP…I mean to ask is there any rhyme to the reason?

Ha. Women have a tendency to deflate what remnants of an ego I have left. SAH told me I’m not remotely white. The beautiful blonde told me I’m not psychic and now Maggie says I don’t know half of what I know. How can I guess what is going through his mind? Little kids, of the Mexican variety at least, cry when they get spanked and then it takes them a while longer to stop sniveling. I said before that my old boss got pissed off at the store and when they tried to calm him down by giving in quickly, he said, you fixed the problem but what about my feelings? I could go with the old song feelings but since Clammy mentioned L7..

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 26, 2015 11:14 pm
July 26, 2015 11:54 pm

OK, that took less time than I thought it would take to examine my cheese cloth soul. I have made a decision which I could wait to announce in a televised event or I can tell you now. I have decided to enter a life of seclusion in a Seminary nearby. It is St Chris Christie’s Catholic Retreat and Seminary. While there, I will be praying 24 hours a day for your lying souls, I’m looking at you, flash. If there is any redemption for any of you, I will find it through hours of self denial of porn and abstinence from Onan’s ism. I won’t be posting on TBP henceforth, and you may only reach me through the confessional booth. Please check the tag and if it says Father Stuck, you may safely enter and confess your most heinous crimes against all morality. This is my final word, please do not try to talk me out of it. Adieu, mes amis.

July 27, 2015 12:14 am

Feminists are the most ardent misogynists on the planet. Their entire narrative is based on the belief in male supremacy.

In order to accept their premise, one has to accept that for thousands of years… women were utterly incapable of overcoming their male oppressors. It wasn’t until the 19th/20th centuries supposedly that feminists convinced men to do two things.

1) Voluntarily give away some of their power.
2) Threaten other men who don’t voluntarily give away some of their power.

Since women didn’t take over all the positions of power and leadership, it can only be concluded that the advances women made came because the men in power and leadership gave it to them.

Since women didn’t get physically stronger than men, it can only be concluded that expectation of protection from assault came because men agreed to fight other men for them.

Feminism is a misogynistic movement designed to disconnect women from their historic power, wisdom, and strength. It teaches women that women were never powerful enough to control men, influence culture, or guide civilization but were instead perpetual victims of me for all of recorded history… to finally be liberated by… powerful men choosing to change.

I believe women are far more capable than feminists say they are, always have been, and have only been *weakened* since the advent of feminism. Women didn’t need men to “step aside” to gain their rightful place as a power in society. Feminists have traded one type of power for another approach to power which if men ever stop tying one hand behind their back in the name of equality… will be shown to be made of paper in an instant.

July 27, 2015 12:22 am

Stucky- Oh Brother……………..Is that the best you could come up with?

We are waiting for you to verbally slap the shit out of Flash. You would not last long in the seminary after you say “Fuckmedead” a few times. You were not cut out for the church life, your time is better spent writing about masterbation and trendy topics, and you know it.

July 27, 2015 12:26 am

— “if there is no threat than explain to me what this long article is all about?”

It’s about than vs then. And if that was long…

— “Men trying to make themselves feel better?”

We have hands for that.

Writing is generally reserved for sharing perspectives so that others can try to learn and empathize with how another sees the world. Or ignore out of comfort.

— “I know more about how things work in life than I want to know. ”

So you’d rather be more ignorant?

— “There are plenty of capable women out there that are smarter and have bigger bank accounts then Mr. Fred.”

There are plenty of men out there who are prettier than those women.

July 27, 2015 1:47 am

Yeah Rhonda is a bad ass. I don’t care for watching women fight though. There’s just something not right about that.

July 27, 2015 3:41 am


I think you’ll find the Stuck entering the seminary, above, is a Doppler. Check the avatar.

Which makes it all the more funny, IMO.

July 27, 2015 4:35 am

I think i found where Stuck’s Been moonlighting at .

Another VA Scandal: GI Bill Funnels Taxpayer Money To Masturbation Classes, “Hate Churches” & More

That aside, does anyone really believe that stopping the womynz vote would be a bad thing?

And there’s always..I repeat always an exception to every rule…like that freak Loopy posted a pic of above..And yeah, grappling is one thing, but skull stomping is another. I’m betting she wants no part to that action.

July 27, 2015 4:52 am

KP- mess head…smarter and bigger bank accounts does not imply sane or principled or even denote good charactered…another typical emoter babbling on with I feeel , instead of acknowledging what facts show.

just the facts mam…see it ain’t all about you…there are other affected by stupid as well. Government was in fact shrinking up until women enter the bread and circus line…

see here:
How Dramatically Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government?

John R. Lott Jr.

VI. Conclusion
Giving women the right to vote significantly changed American politics from the very beginning. Despite claims to the contrary, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s. Suffrage
coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue, and these effects continued growing as more
women took advantage of the franchise. Similar changes occurred
at the federal level as female suffrage led to more liberal voting records for the state’s U.S. House and Senate delegations. In the Senate, suffrage changed voting behavior by an amount equal to almost
20 percent of the difference between Republican and Democratic
senators. Suffrage also coincided with changes in the probability that
prohibition would be enacted and changes in divorce laws. We were
also able to deal with questions of causality by taking advantage of
the fact that while some states voluntarily adopted suffrage, others
where compelled to do so by the Nineteenth Amendment.

July 27, 2015 5:11 am

A friend remarked once that he had no idea how much control his mother had over his father until she passed …and it’s the same with government….all the social entitlements programs we now suffer under where proposed and pushed into being by highly influential ( read rich) Yankee blue blood tending to other peoples business….you know cuz’ feelings.
Why The Welfare State?
Yankee Postmillennial Pietism
Yankee Women: The Driving Force

Origins of the Welfare State in America

The close interrelation between social work, female activism, and extremely wealthy financiers is seen in the career of Frances Perkins’s close friend Henry Bruere (b. 1882), who had been Wilson’s best friend. Bruere was born to a physician in St. Charles, Missouri, went to the University of Chicago, attended a couple of law schools, and then did graduate work in political science at Columbia. After graduate school, Bruere resided at College Settlement and then University Settlement, and then went on from there to become Personnel Director at Morgan’s International Harvester Corporation.

From then on, Bruere’s life was a revolving door, going from social agencies to private corporations and back again. Thus, after Harvester, Bruere founded the Bureau of Municipal Research in New York, and became president of the New York City Board of Social Welfare. From there, it was on to Vice president of Metropolitan Life, and the CEO of the Bowery Savings Bank, which became his operating base from the late 1920s until the early 1950s.

But Henry Bruere still had plenty of time for good works. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Bruere was a member of the Executive Committee and Board of the Welfare Council of New York City, leading the drive for government unemployment relief. Bruere was appointed by Perkins as chairman of the New York State Committee on the Stabilization of Industry in 1930, which presaged the National Recovery Administration idea of coerced government cartelization of industry. During the New Deal, Bruere also became an advisor to the federal Home Owners Loan Corporation, Federal Credit Association, to unemployment and old-age insurance, and was an advisor to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Bruere also became executive assistant to William Woodin, Roosevelt’s first Secretary of the Treasury.

In the meanwhile, however, and this should be underscored, in addition to the high federal posts and social-welfare jobs, Bruere also hobnobbed with the financial greats, becoming a director of Harriman’s Union Pacific Railroad, and a Treasurer of Edward A. Filene’s left-liberal Twentieth-Century Fund. Filene was the millionaire retailer who was the major sponsor of the legal activities of his friend and oft-time counselor, Louis D. Brandeis.

As we can see from the case of Henry Bruere, after Yankee women pioneered in welfare and social-work organizations, men began to follow suit. Thus, heavily influenced by their stays at Hull House were the prominent journalist Francis Hackett; the distinguished historian and political scientist Charles A. Beard, who had also stayed at Toynbee House in London; the man who would become one of the most preeminent state-cartelists in American industry, Gerard Swope, head of the Morgans’ General Electric Company; and the man who would become one of the major social and labor activists for John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and eventually the Rockefellers’ man as Liberal Premier of Canada for many years, William Lyon Mackenzie King.

July 27, 2015 5:13 am

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July 27, 2015 5:43 am

Here’s a good example of girlied up nation. I see this all the time out…young women with dickless men who let their kids scream at the top of the lungs like they’re at home sitting in their living room ..the owner did the right thing.

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July 27, 2015 8:18 am

“Stucky- Oh Brother……………..Is that the best you could come up with?” ———- Bea Lever

Goddamn!! Are you fuckin’ RETARDED??


THAT is what made doppleganging so damned easy, and fun …. dumb folk.

BTW, doppleganging was ALL IN GOOD FUN … as opposed to flash’s manipulation of votes, which is lying, dishonest, and cheating. llpoh was JUST AS proficient as I was. And I do mean “was” … as I can count on one hand the number of times in the past year I’ve done it.

I_S seems to be all butt-hurt about being doppleganged … even though I have NEVER doppleganged him, ever. I think he might be referring to the time I posted as ‘PhD In Geology” or “A Real Geologist” which is NOT doppleganging …. but he did spend 275 hours trying to convince “him” that abiotic oil wasn’t real — so I do understand his pain. It was an ALTERNATE ego … much like Jeebus, Son Of God.

I am now going back to my week long self-imposed exile.

July 27, 2015 8:27 am

The above is a dopple, a good one as far as dopples go, but I’ve decided to volunteer for Hillary’s campaign as I’ve come to see the light and believe a strong military abroad and a large police force at home is the answer to our national problems. Vote for Hillary and vote often!

July 27, 2015 8:48 am

LOL…Stuck pranking …good honest fun…. flash pranks one time in the entire history of TBP and is pure evil born of the fires of hell and delivered by Satan himself.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 27, 2015 10:54 am

Well Duh, Stuck I figured if Llpoh was going to start posting for you I would point out fault in it and you would come out of hiding with guns blazing in fury.

Worked didn’t it? Have I ever said to the Great Stucky “Is that the best you can come up with”?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 27, 2015 11:16 am

Stucky- Face it you can never leave, this place is like “Hotel California”. Can you even wrap your mind around Llpoh and bb posting under your name on a daily basis? You would be back in a NY minute to save face.

July 27, 2015 11:23 am

“Stucky- Face it you can never leave, this place is like “Hotel California”.” ——– Bea

Ain’t that the fucken’ truth!

I told Ms Freud that I was DONE with TPB for the next week. Done, and I REALLY mean it!!! I swear to God Almighty, Bea … she looked at me, rolled her eyes, and said — “Bullshit. You love them more than you do me!” Really.

With a little effort … this fucked up thread can get to 200!!

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
July 27, 2015 11:35 am

With a little effort … this fucked up thread can get to 200!!


This is better than watching TV!

July 27, 2015 11:36 am

Nicky loves TBP more than Ms. Freud LOL. Truth hurts.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 27, 2015 11:43 am

I can’t believe Stucky didn’t tell me I’m fucking brilliant for calling him the Great Stucky.

July 27, 2015 11:48 am

Bitch Lever …you may not suck one, but I’m betting you’d hold it till the swelling goes down.

July 27, 2015 11:50 am

Who is that Finnegan’s wake dude who has some real identity crisis problems? And did he call ME a hairy Dyke or was that just women in general?

July 27, 2015 11:53 am

Stuck , how may times has it been that you’ve stormed off TBP butthurt …3? …and I remember
AWD once and Lloph once, so technically that makes you the TBP King of Butthurt

July 27, 2015 11:54 am

@ Maggie. I may be wrong , but I do believe he was talking about you..

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 27, 2015 11:57 am

Flash- Blow me!

July 27, 2015 12:57 pm

Equal air for equal sexes..

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July 27, 2015 2:48 pm

I imagine Mr. Reed’s observations are nothing more than the result of a poor sampling distribution. Using his mother, wife, and daughters might be convenient but would not be appropriate for trying to draw any meaningful conclusions about the population. More is better and independent sampling is key, look outside your house Fred.

Leaving now before big words get me yelled at.

July 27, 2015 3:10 pm

@BS… I’m not yelling, but happy to see continued effort to climb to 200 with this outrageous piece of literature that has brought out the best and worst in TBP.

Doing my part here and hoping to avoid being called additional heinous names.

July 27, 2015 3:15 pm

— “…hoping to avoid being called additional heinous names.”


July 27, 2015 4:15 pm

@ Razzle… I really prefer NOT to be called bad names. Is that really hard to comprehend? As for the original article, it probably has pretty much garnered all the comments it can get realistically for an article that is pretty limited in scope.

If you missed all the fun on earlier comment strings where I was the brunt of insults for simply showing up and having an opinion, then I will simply say that it really isn’t worth searching for. Move along… nothing there to see.

July 27, 2015 4:34 pm

— “I really prefer NOT to be called bad names. Is that really hard to comprehend? ”


— “As for the original article, it probably has pretty much garnered all the comments it can get realistically”

Why do you think I’m putting worms on hooks and tossing them in the water? 🙂

— “…for an article that is pretty limited in scope.”

Well damn… that must mean the rest of TBP content has the scope of a water pistol!

— “If you missed all the fun on earlier comment strings where I was the brunt of insults for simply showing up and having an opinion…”

Was everyone else who showed up and had an opinion given the same treatment? I remember you being highly celebrated in another thread when you showed up an had an opinion. Perhaps it’s not about you… but the opinions themselves?

— “Move along… nothing there to see.”


July 27, 2015 4:49 pm

For the record, I’m not your downvoter(s).

As for insults via name calling… if someone calls me an insult it’s pretty easy to view that in a positive light.

They are either so weak on ammo that’s all they’ve got left, or they are fishing for a reaction and it’s an opportunity for some quality verbal sparring and test of wits.

Either way… if someone initiates insults, the target is immediately placed in the driver seat and can only “lose” if they get emotional about it. Especially if they are trying to avoid admitting to themselves the insults have a kernel of truth.

July 27, 2015 4:51 pm

Let’s get this over with!


July 27, 2015 4:51 pm


July 27, 2015 4:52 pm


July 27, 2015 4:53 pm

200 !!!

I WIN !!!

and flash sucks donkey dick.

July 27, 2015 4:57 pm

Stucky said:
“I_S seems to be all butt-hurt about being doppleganged … even though I have NEVER doppleganged him, ever.”

Not butthurt at all. Just confused that a 60+ year old man going on 5 years old who claims to hate dishonesty has no problem with the doppelgang bullshit but gets his panties in a bunch over a thumbs up counter? Fucking grow up! Never in a million years did I see you, of all people coming off like a crying little bitch over something so trivial. How fucking dishonest and hypocritical can you get?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 27, 2015 5:04 pm

BigStupid, Where you been? Hanging out with Reverse Engineer? 199? 200?

July 27, 2015 5:17 pm


Too funny …. YOU bitching about me being a thumbs pussy .. while YOU are still butt-hurt over doppleganging. hahahaha Surely, you see how funny you are.

What is wrong with you anyway? People got a kick out Doppleganging. It was mostly almost always about having a little FUN. Llpoh did it quite often … why don’t you rag on his ass? And here’s the deal about that “dishonesty” …… pretty much EVERYONE knew it was a doppler .. almost always.

Oh … and pardon me if you can’t understand the “thumbs” issue. It’s about lying, manipulation, and deceit that’s on a whole different level than merely pretending to be someone else for a short while.

Not to mention that gaining access to Admin’s server was likely necessary to accomplish the dirty deed. Do you at least care about that?

Lastly, what if it IS just my stupid problem? What if I am being immature about it? Do I really need you to call me out on it?

Here is what I NEVER in a million years would have imagined. That you, of all people, would call me a lying bitch, dishonest, and hypocritical. Over this?? Wow, just wow.

It never ceases to amaze me … the discovery of who a “friend” is, and the fakers who only pretended all along.