Pictorial Essay: 10 Things Your Grandchildren May NEVER See

There are those who either greatly minimize or, dismiss with utter contempt, the idea of resource depletion. Some people even scoff at the idea the earth is already too full with 7 billion people. They say the earth can easily support 20 billion … as they watch the last acre of rainforest burn to the ground. They paved Paradise, put up a parking lot.

For example, they’ll admit we’re running out of oil …. BUT, as sure as the rising sun, scientists WILL come up with alternative solutions! Some people’s faith in science to solve humanity’s problems stretches credulity to its maximum. Sure, science has accomplished truly magnificent things, such as sliced bread. But how many stop to think that science – or, the results of scientific invention — produces just as many problems as it solves?  Maybe you believe science will eventually come up with a Star Trek Food Replicator? Press 1 for a steak, 2 for a burrito. Will science invent a new sardine before the last one winds up in a tin? Good luck with your pie-in-the-sky dreams.

The fact of the matter (as I see it) is that your grandchildren – perhaps even your children, if they are under ten years old – will NOT enjoy several things you have today. Some of the items in this list will be gone altogether. And some will be so altered and different from the original that the resemblance will be in name only.

Print the picture below, frame it, and hang it in your grandchild’s bedroom. This will help them prepare for their depleted futures.


It will be interesting to see the breakdown between The Deniers (“You’re full of crap! Everything will be OK!!”) vs. The Reasonable Ones With A Brain. Let’s get started.


Death by Chocolate

Ms. Freud wants to go to The Great Beyond this way: Death By Chocolate


SSS, he WILL go to The Great Beyond this way: Chocolate Covered Bacon!! As far as I am concerned, chocolate is one of the best proofs that God exists.

CHOCOLATE: —  The world’s largest chocolate producers warned that last year the world ate roughly 70,000 metric tons more cocoa than it produced. Stockpiles are depleting. By 2020, the number is expected to reach one million metric tons. 70% of the world’s cocoa is produced in the Ivory Coast and Ghana. It takes about two years for a cacao seedling to produce fruit and about 10 years for its flavor to mature. In addition to depletion via disease and drought, farmers in large numbers are opting to grow more productive crops such as corn and rubber.

Ghana’s Nature Conservation Research Council stated that “in 20 years, chocolate will be like caviar It will become so rare and expensive that the average Joe just won’t be able to afford it.” Kennedy’s Confection magazine warns that chocolate of the future will replace cocoa and cocoa butter with cheaper ingredients like nougat, raisins, and vegetable fat, saying –“Chocolate snaps because of the level of cocoa butter. In the future the product will be more bendy and sludgy in texture, and it won’t taste nearly as good.” Lastly, do you feel guilty when you gorge your face with Lady Godiva’s? You should! Cocoa beans aren’t ‘fair-trade’ so a lot of what you stuff in your mouth actually came from child slave labor.



In 1868 French astronomer Pierre Janssen studied light from the Sun during a solar eclipse. He found proof that a new element existed in the Sun. He called the element helium … derived from the Greek, ‘helios’ meaning sun. Helium also pays homage to Helios, a Greco-Roman sun god.

HELIUM: — “Stucky, you’ve lost your damned mind!! Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, ya douchenozzle!!!” Patience, grasshopper. The world’s supply of helium is a byproduct of natural gas production. BUT, Dr. Chan, Evan Pugh Professor of Physics at Penn State says — “Very few natural gas well in the world have enough helium in the well to make it economical to separate helium from natural gas. The gas wells with the most helium have only about 0.3 percent, so it is in short supply.

SO-O-O, the USA!USA!USA! has been stockpiling helium since the 1960s in a National Helium Reserve called the Bush Dome, a deep underground reservoir outside of Amarillo, Texas. By the mid 1970s 1.2 billion cubic meters of the gas was stored there. The current reserve is approximately 0.6 billion cubic meters, or roughly only 4 times the current world market. BUT, the 1996 the Helium Privatization Act mandated that the Department of the Interior sell off all the stockpiled helium. More wonderful strategic planning from the Baboons that run this government.

Nevertheless, if cost is not an issue, the amount of helium gas trapped in current and future gas wells worldwide could last between 200 or 300 years (aka, kicking the can down the road). BUT, cost IS an issue, and the price of Helium will shorty become astronomical. Helium is an absolutely essential resource in technologies such as rocket engines, surveillance devices, and medical imaging ….. so look for future MRIs to cost one million Quatloos per visit.



I'm just a sardine

SARDINES: — Read this slowly. A fishing fleet returned from months at sea in the Canadian waters ….. and returned with ZERO sardines. Yup, not even one stinky little fishy. And, ya wanna know why? But, first .. QUICK!! … get all your Globull Warming friends! The reason sardines are becoming rarer than a flattering picture of Hillary Clinton is because the water is getting cooler! Hardy har har!!

Also, study after study after study confirms that at the present rate of consumption and pollution, the world’s oceans will be empty of fish by 2050. (McDonalds McShits will still be serving McFish nuggets in 2051, but what it will take scientists another ten years to determine what it actually is.)



"Hospital-Associated Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bacteria" By: NIAID / CC BY 2.0

Actual photo of a colony of Staphylococcus being attacked by antibiotics 

ANTIBIOTICS: — In 1945, while accepting a Nobel Prize for discovering penicillin, Alexander Fleming warned of a future in which antibiotics had been used with abandon and bacteria had grown resistant to them. That future has arrived. The evil little bastards are just smarter than us, evolving and changing faster than we can fight them. Some of you horny men here need to cage the snake, because there is currently only ONE drug left which effectively treats gonorrhea. Spank that monkey!

All the easy antibiotic drugs have been made, drug companies are running out of ideas, and the pipeline is dry. Maybe that’s why they’re spending so many billions of dollars on fake brain “diseases”. Drug-resistant tuberculosis is mushrooming, killing almost 200,000 people last year. And just wait until animals can no longer be treated effectively. Antibiotics are the lifeblood of the meat and poultry industries … around 80% of all antibiotics used in the U.S. each year are given to animals.



PHOSPHOROUS: — Every living thing on Earth— from plants to humans— depends on phosphorous to produce healthy cells. Until the mid-20th century, farmers maintained phosphorus levels in soil by composting plant waste or spreading phosphorus-rich manure. But, you can’t feed billions of people that way so, new mining and refining techniques gave rise to the modern phosphorus fertilizer industry.

But, phosphate mining is an environmentally devastating project—it requires stripping large swaths of land and generates massive amounts of a waste product called phosphogypsum, which contains low levels of radiation as well as a range of toxic heavy metals. Phosphate that ends up in our rivers and lakes cause algal blooms—which, as they decompose and suck up oxygen, create dead zones. Despite the prevalence of phosphorus on earth, — the 11th most abundant mineral on earth — only a small percentage of it can be mined because of physical, economic, energy or legal constraints.

Phosphorus used in fertilizer comes from phosphate rock, a finite resource. So, “peak phosphorous” is about how much longer phosphate rock reserves can economically be extracted. Ninety percent of the phosphate rock reserves are located in just five countries: Morocco, China, South Africa, Jordan and the United States. The U.S., has 25 years of phosphate rock reserves left, most of it in Florida. The rest of the world’s known reserves are about 80 years. Sure, it is possible huge new deposits might be discovered. But, if not, humanity will face a massive die off before your grandkids reach old age.



demotivational poster TEQUILA TIME

TEQUILA: — Tequila comes from the SOB blue agave cactus. The SOB takes twelve freaking years before the fructose at the core of the plant can be removed. It’s prone to various diseases. And, the SOB grows only in a very very specific climate, at high altitudes, and in red volcanic soil. In other words, the SOB is pretty much limited to the Mexican state of Jalisco and surrounding areas.

The USA!USA!USA! began substituting gasoline with biofuels made from corn-based ethanol. One side effect was that ethanol prices skyrocketed to the point that farmers in Mexico started abandoning the SOB agave in favor of corn to ship off to the USA! Next on their “to grow” list will be Sweet Mary Jane and cocaine plants. OK … we might not really run out of Tequila. But, it’s on this list because of one basic precept; never trust a Mexico Mexican … especially if he has shit you need and want.



4Topsoil Loss4

GOOD DIRT: — Dirt is wonderful, magnificent, a blessing, and amazingly complicated stuff. Made from sand or silt, then years of plants adding nutrition, bugs and worms adding their excrement, dying and rotting. The resulting organic matter feeds a whole underground ecology that aerates the soil, fixes nutrients, and makes it hospitable for plant life, and over time the process feeds back on itself.

If the soil does not wash away or get parched by drought, it very gradually thickens. HOW gradually? It takes about 500 YEARS to make ONE INCH of topsoil. The minimal soil depth for agricultural production is 6 inches …. 3,000 years of effort by Mother Earth.

In the past 50 years about 33% of the world’s cropland has been abandoned because of soil erosion pollution, degradation, and human construction activity. The United States is losing soil 10 times FASTER than the natural REPLENISHMENT rate! China and India are losing soil 30 to 40 times faster. Do the math. Well, I’ll help you. Most of the world’s countries have less than 75 years of topsoil left.


Following is a trailer for a great movie about dirt.

Here is the link for the full movie, totally free: http://www.hulu.com/watch/191666


ANIMALS: — Minimum viable population (MVP) is the lowest population of a species, such that it can survive in the wild. The general “25/250” rule of thumb rule prescribes a short-term effective population size of 25 mating pairs to prevent an unacceptable rate of inbreeding, and a long-term population of 250 to maintain overall genetic variability. MVP does not take human intervention into account … either positive, such as conservation attempts, or negative such as poaching, deforestation, and construction.


The Javan Rhinoceros (Indonesia and Vietnam) is toast. There are fewer than 60 left .. and they are STILL being poached.

There are only about 3,200 tigers remaining in the wild (a century ago there were over 100,000). Tiger habitats are being destroyed by forest cutting, construction, and poaching. Most experts say wild tigers will be extinct in the next 15-25 years.

I’ll stop there, even though just this section could be a 50,000 word post. If you really want to become depressed over what humans are doing to the animal kingdom, then subscribe to National Geographic. Or, you could just read this article below … about 25% of the world’s mammals facing extinction.  



All the gold ever mined


GOLD: — The picture above represents ALL THE GOLD THAT HAS BEEN MINED IN HUMAN HISTORY. That’s about 75% of all known reserves. Amazing, is it not, how relatively small that pile is? Let’s call that “Easy Gold”. It’s all been mined. What’s left now is “Hard Gold”. And there’s only about 20 years of it left. Really, you should buy and least one gold coin, and keep it, to show your grandkids what nations killed and died for in order to obtain it.


OTHER METALS: Diamonds and zinc will be enough for 20 years of extraction. The explored reserves of platinum, copper and nickel will last for 40 years. Teach your grandkids how to till a field with a wooden plow and a horse.

A Forecast Of When We'll Run Out of Each Metal



I would like to end this somewhat depressing article on a Positive Note …. about something we will NEVER run out of.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 7, 2015 7:08 am

Whew! Thank goodness that tequila is still going to be around! The news about chocolate is very disturbing, to say the least.
Tough titties about all the fish, animals, metals, medicine and soil. That’s the way the ‘ol ball bounces!

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 7, 2015 8:12 am

The idiots who think the earth can support an unlimited number of people are either shills for the big corporations or downright fools. Having lived in the Third World for a long time I can tell you the destruction of the environment is real and it is spreading. The poor in all of these countries wipe out the fish, wildlife, forests and other resources at a tremendous rate while the big corporations hoover up scarce resources on a scale you can hardly imagine.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 7, 2015 8:40 am

People don’t think about this when they choose to become parents – they don’t consider what kind of lives their kids will actually have. They have them because baby-rabies. So, in a breathtaking act of pure short-sightedness, they simply contribute to the problem.

Well, good luck with that.

August 7, 2015 9:14 am

Tequila- Who needs it?
Clean energy- Positive it will be made available, hydrogen power
Diamonds- Are not rare, only costs DeBeers $3 per carat to mine.
Gold- 90% of the gold in the world has not been mined
Top Soil- Move to Russia, their soil is still pristine .
Animals- Could be cloned with DNA, right?
Chocolate- May cost more but will still be here.

One thing that will be here for sure, bullshit and theater.

August 7, 2015 9:20 am

I’m surprised you did not mention fresh water Stucky. Something all of the earth’s creatures and plants need. Except for politicians, they survive by drinking blood.

August 7, 2015 9:26 am

Watch this documentary:

Think about the parable in the Bible, ‘The wheat and the tares’.

Think about Pirate Jo’s comment above. Think about ‘DINKs’ (aka Double Income, No Kids).

Think about how that movement has been negated by welfare. THINK…

August 7, 2015 9:33 am

Southern Sage,

Americans seem to think the United States can sustain an unlimited number of immigrants from everywhere in the world.

Particularly the uneducated and criminal class of them.

California seems intent on proving this. We should find out if it is true in the near future.

August 7, 2015 9:35 am


It isn’t the sun, it’s the damage to your eyes from looking at it.

harry p.
harry p.
August 7, 2015 9:35 am

Great writeup stucky, very informative.

If only some alien race came to visit and we could trade he assholes for chocolate, we’d be set…

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 7, 2015 9:48 am

The earth has a gooey center made outer oil, so strike one. You kin get a reeses peanut butter cup fer .99 cents, so strike 2. And rhinos kin kiss mah ass.

August 7, 2015 10:28 am


It may be the atmosphere has changed due to a rise in CO2 levels due to an imbalance between plants (CO2 in/O2 out) and animals (O2 in/CO2 out). Or, the Van Allen Belts have been ‘damaged’ by the hydrogen bomb exploded near the inner belt. Or, the release of previously unknown elements into the atmosphere from all the nuclear testing/accidents. Whatever, it is, there is a undeniable change in the color of the sun.

August 7, 2015 10:30 am

Death by chocolate looks more like those heinous pictures AWD used to post. Show Mrs. Freud some of those pictures and see if she still wants that!

The greenies are banning phosphates as fast as they can. Although TSP is still called TSP, the P no longer stands for phosphate. Consumer grade fertilizer no longer contains phosphorus and the reason your detergents like dishwasher detergent and laundry soap no longer work worth a shit is that the phosphate has been removed. Point being that the current supply should last generations.

August 7, 2015 10:32 am

Speaking of fresh water. Humans are 70% water (not sure about percentage in all the other feed animals around). Maybe that’s where the water is ‘going’.

August 7, 2015 10:37 am

Thank you for your efforts in putting this post together Stucky. Good topic.

August 7, 2015 10:54 am

Fun stuff,eexrpt for the extinction tragedy. Little typo on the weight of gold in your comment, it is much , much heavier than that

August 7, 2015 11:03 am

God post stucky. The topsoil and the fish probably scares me the most. Awful hard to feed even today’s population without those two things. It gives me a crazy idea though…. maybe we should be devoting millions of acres of precious farmlands to make FUCKING ETHANOL to ruin our gas with for the benefit of a tiny group of people.

And ya, the gold stats can be misleading. There may be hundreds of thousands of tons of it left on earth, but the point is there is very little of it left that is economical to extract as today’s prices. It would have to be several multiples of its current price to make it cost effective to get to all of it. Below 1200 an ounce, a lot of the mines operating today are operating at a loss, they just keep doing it anyway because they need the cash flow to keep in business.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 11:15 am

Gator- The post was about freakin sardines…….who really likes sardines? Are you really afraid of losing tiny little smelly fish?

Note: really funny that the loss of sardines is due to the cooling of the water temperature. GW is a lie.

Stucky- There is a very large vein of gold that runs from north GA up through the Carolinas to VA
Gold will be mined, don’t kid yourself.

OT Stuck but do you find it interesting that Jeb had the worst numbers in the Drudge pole?

August 7, 2015 11:28 am

Southern Sage says:
“The idiots who think the earth can support an unlimited number of people are either shills for the big corporations or downright fools.”

Don’t worry, our owners have a plan for us minions. Part of that plan involves us minions not being here to need a plan.

August 7, 2015 11:42 am

Good news! Kalifornia is about to become agave growing heaven!

August 7, 2015 11:46 am

My job depends on Indium, Antimony and Gallium along with Bismuth and Tellerium.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 7, 2015 11:57 am

T4C says: My grandchildren, if I had any, will never see a yellow sun. I don’t know if it’s just me (NOT) but I REMEMBER the sun being yellow and being able to look at it for several seconds at a time. Now, the sun is so blindingly white I can’t look at it for more than 1 1/2 seconds without sunglasses and only 2 seconds with sunglasses.

Something has changed with the sun, and not in a good way.
Yep, plus creating new mutations from particles emitted not identified before.

I know you follow suspicious0bservers.org…great info there on the sun and how it’s changing.

The angry sun

“For months mounting fear has driven researchers to wring their hands over the approaching solar storms. Some have predicted devastating solar tsunamis that could wipe away our advanced technology, others voiced dire warnings that violent explosions on the surface of the sun could reach out to Earth, breach our magnetic field, and expose billions to high intensity X-rays and other deadly forms of cancer-causing radiation.

Now evidence has surfaced that something potentially more dangerous is happening deep within the hidden core of our life-giving star: never-before-seen particles or some mysterious force is being shot out from the sun and it’s hitting Earth.

Whatever it is, the evidence suggests it’s affecting all matter.”


[imgcomment image[/img]

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:00 pm

T4C- I understand what you are saying, just lately we have had really blue sky and yellow sun. Most of the time the sky is silvery gray and the sun is white…..ignore them. They never look up from their Iphone anyway.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:04 pm

I forgot to add that we have been stockpiling helium for H2 production, does not mean we are running out. That one is really a stretch.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 7, 2015 12:08 pm

Stucky, you failed to mention the biggest “game-changer” of all–Fukushima. The corium can’t be found from 3 of the 4 reactors, they can’t stop the leaking of some hundreds of tons of contaminated water into the Pacific EVERY MONTH, and have NO WAY to decommission these death plants.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 7, 2015 12:11 pm

And the facts on rhinos are a little off. Javans are very rare, but the population is actually growing, and well protected from poaching. A little sub-population in vietnam was discovered and wiped out in less than a decade. Sumatran rhinos are in far more trouble, population just too fragmented and hard to protect. Photo is white rhino, not javan

August 7, 2015 12:15 pm

Bea, hydrogen power, not going to happen. Study the physics of it. The impossible dream

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:29 pm


Please see the link below, Toyota, Hyundai and Honda introduced hydro powered vehicles for consumer purchase this year. Limited production for the next few years.


Just google hydrogen powered vehicles and you will see numerous articles on the subject. These vehicles are ready for production to the consumer market. Now, what were you saying?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:32 pm
Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:36 pm

Shitski !

Try this one-


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:43 pm

I know your next question Star………..how much does it cost?

Average 45k to 50k. They are taking orders for those who want to buy one. Going forward LNG and H2 will be running the world. Not only not impossible but it is HERE TODAY.

August 7, 2015 12:44 pm

Starfcker, knowledge of physics has increased more in the last 20 years than in the 100 years before that, so advanced now that we can’t even experimentally test it. I’d bet you good money there are multiple ways to solve the fusion problem, some of them (cold fusion) might already exist but being suppressed.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:48 pm


Watch the scroll for the Toyota Mirai and you will read that car company admit that hydrogen is going to fuel our society in every way. Why would they go there if we are running out?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 7, 2015 12:50 pm

Reverse Engineer? Reverse Engineer?

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 7, 2015 12:52 pm

Bea Lever says:
Watch the scroll for the Toyota Mirai and you will read that car company admit that hydrogen is going to fuel our society in every way. Why would they go there if we are running out?
BL – Where are the hydrogen fuel stations?

August 7, 2015 12:52 pm

Also, the idea that we will ‘run out” of stuff ignores basic economics, price goes up, usage goes down, investment in new supplies or substitutes goes up.

August 7, 2015 12:54 pm

Bea, we have had the technology for decades. here is the problem. How do you get hydrogen unstuck from oxygen? It takes more energy to separate them than you can get either by burning the hydrogen, or running it through a fuel cell. Net energy loss. Checkmate. A hydrogen fuel cell works by harnessing the energy of hydrogen crossing a barrier to reattach to oxygen, like magnet to steel. That’s why you water from the tailpipe.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 7, 2015 12:58 pm

Bea Lever says: I forgot to add that we have been stockpiling helium for H2 production, does not mean we are running out. That one is really a stretch.
There must be enough helium to make beer…

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 12:58 pm

Star- Did you look at the fucking Toyota Mirai ad? It is fucking available for sale…….you can fucking buy one……..what part of this don’t you see? You can power a fuel cell with H2 and LNG or water. The technology is here and ready for consumers. Read the Toyota ad.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2015 1:04 pm


There are many article about hydro fuel stations. Toyota is sinking massive amounts of money into the install of fueling stations for these hydro powered vehicles. Just wait a little while, you will see them appear.

August 7, 2015 1:06 pm

Calm down bea. Yeah, we know how to do it. So what? Not arguing that point. Where do you get hydrogen from? You have to separate it from oxygen, and it takes more energy to do that than you gain. What’s the point? Oh, oh, oh oh, what a feeling!

August 7, 2015 1:09 pm

T4C, the Sun is not changing. Well, it is but *everything* is always *changing*. The Sun still converts hydrogen to helium. It is still a yellow dwarf emitting radiation in the same spectra as it always has since we were born. I don’t ever recall being able to look at the Sun for several seconds at a time. If I tried the synapses between my three brain cells started firing making my eyes close. Looking at the Sun is bad.

The whiteness you’re seeing is probably due to contrails/chemtrails/pollution, burned out retinal cells from looking at the Sun 🙂 or pure racism!

Whoever believes in the bullshit foisted upon the ignorant masses over at Red Ice Creations is beyond help. That whole article said absolutely nothing…….offered no evidence……quoted no scientists…….cited no scholarly papers…….total……waste…..of…….fucking……time……..!

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 7, 2015 1:10 pm

Bea Lever says: Star- Did you look at the fucking Toyota Mirai ad? It is fucking available for sale…….you can fucking buy one……
No, you can’t buy one…you can fill out a questionnaire and ORDER one, but only with Toyota’s approval. Just like Tesla taking pre-orders, many of which could not be filled when they had problems. See the qualifier below “you MAY be able to to get behind the wheel”…

“Take the first step toward becoming one of the Mirai trailblazers by filling out this 10 minute order request form. Watch this how-to video and read our FAQs to learn how you may be able to get behind the wheel of the Toyota Mirai.”

This is the response to the questionnaire when I filled out name/zip code:

” Thank you for your interest in the Mirai
The Toyota Mirai is not available in your area at this time.”

August 7, 2015 1:10 pm

Bea, I’m pretty sure they’re putting the hydro fill stations right next to the electric car charging stations, somewhere in the dim recesses of your imagination. Sit down

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