Humans vs. Earth

As humanity increases by BILLIONS in shorter and shorter time-frames … planet Earth is ravished.  No, I am not some environut-tree-hugger. I’m a realist. Don’t you understand the concept of non-renewable resources?

Anyway, Earth from space, provided by Sputnik News (yea!, Russia, for some truth!), the following gorgeous photos show how mankind has shaped the landscape of our planet, for better or worse.

Overview Effect: New Perspective on Mankind's Impact on the Planet

Ayers Rock (Uluru), a large sandstone formation in the Northern Territory of Australia


Overview Effect: New Perspective on Mankind's Impact on the Planet

Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.

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Pictorial Essay: 10 Things Your Grandchildren May NEVER See

There are those who either greatly minimize or, dismiss with utter contempt, the idea of resource depletion. Some people even scoff at the idea the earth is already too full with 7 billion people. They say the earth can easily support 20 billion … as they watch the last acre of rainforest burn to the ground. They paved Paradise, put up a parking lot.

For example, they’ll admit we’re running out of oil …. BUT, as sure as the rising sun, scientists WILL come up with alternative solutions! Some people’s faith in science to solve humanity’s problems stretches credulity to its maximum. Sure, science has accomplished truly magnificent things, such as sliced bread. But how many stop to think that science – or, the results of scientific invention — produces just as many problems as it solves?  Maybe you believe science will eventually come up with a Star Trek Food Replicator? Press 1 for a steak, 2 for a burrito. Will science invent a new sardine before the last one winds up in a tin? Good luck with your pie-in-the-sky dreams.

The fact of the matter (as I see it) is that your grandchildren – perhaps even your children, if they are under ten years old – will NOT enjoy several things you have today. Some of the items in this list will be gone altogether. And some will be so altered and different from the original that the resemblance will be in name only.

Print the picture below, frame it, and hang it in your grandchild’s bedroom. This will help them prepare for their depleted futures.


It will be interesting to see the breakdown between The Deniers (“You’re full of crap! Everything will be OK!!”) vs. The Reasonable Ones With A Brain. Let’s get started.

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