It’s 460 AD in Rome: This Won’t Be Fixed

It’s 460 AD in Rome: This Won’t Be Fixed


Another American election cycle is upon us, and large numbers of people are lining up to pour their time and money into the sewer of politics, to be lost forever.

This system will not be fixed. Period. This is Rome in 460 AD. The rulers, as in Rome, are liars, mad, or drunk (these days, drugged)… or all three.

The “fall of Rome,” of course, was far more complex than we learned in school, but through all the many years of its decline, Rome was full of well-meaning people trying to reform and save it. And by the way, among the people who tried the hardest to keep the Roman game going were the Goths. They tried hard to keep Rome operational… and they failed too.

Let me be clear on this: Once ruling hierarchies get beyond a certain point, they cannot be reformed. And I am sure that the modern West is beyond that point.

  • Do we really believe that central bankers will just lay down their monopolies?
  • Can we seriously expect a hundred trillion dollars of debt to be liquidated without any consequences?
  • Do we actually believe that politicians will walk away from their power and apologize for abusing us?
  • Do we really think that the corporations who own Congress will just give up the game that is enriching them?
  • Does anyone seriously believe that the NSA is going to say, “Gee, that Fourth Amendment really is kind of clear, and everything we do violates it… so, everyone here is fired and the last person out will please turn off the lights”?
  • And does anyone believe that the military-industrial complex will stop encouraging war, or that corporate media will stop worshiping the state, or that your local sheriff will apologize for training his cops to be vicious beasts?
  • Do we really believe that public school systems will ever stop lauding the state that pays all its bills?

I could go on, but I think my point is made: This system will never allow itself to be seriously reformed. Trying to fix this is like trying to revive a long-dead corpse.

The systems that rule the West will fail.

Whether the wider Western civilization fails is up to us: Do we have civilization inside of us? Or was it all just a pattern that we followed?

A Few Bits of Support

I think an honest look around is all we really need to assess this situation – and I’m really not trying to play the “doomer” here – but a few bits of support seem to be in order. So, I’ll start with a quote from a man named Salvian, who lived in the Roman Empire a bit before 460 AD:

Nobody thought of the state’s expenses, nobody thought of the state’s losses, because the cost was not felt. The state itself sought how it might squander what it was already scarcely able to acquire. The heaping up of wealth which had already exceeded its limit was overflowing even into trifling matters.

Does this sound vaguely familiar? Salvian continues:

But what can be said of the present-day situation? That old abundances have gone from us. The resources of former times have gone. We are already poverty-stricken, yet we do not cease to be spendthrift.

Here’s another from Salvian:

The state has fallen upon such evil days that a man cannot be safe unless he is wicked.

With this last passage in mind, please consider Jon Corzine, Lois Lerner, and Hillary Clinton.

Then think about Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Chelsea Manning.

Who among these six told the truth? And who among them lied? Which have suffered for their actions? Which have not?

And what of the British elites who seem devoted to chasing underage girls? When do they go to jail?

Shall we really keep pretending that these systems have anything to do with righteousness? At some point, doesn’t that become embarrassing?

As I’ve written before, back in the 1960s I was surrounded by well-meaning people who tried very hard to reform the system and to make life better. And now, the very same problems they were devoted to solving are the problems de jour: war, poverty, welfare, racism, and police brutality – the very same list!

50 years of their efforts were fully wasted. Shall we really continue the waste? At some point, doesn’t patting ourselves on the back for accomplishing nothing become ridiculous?

Even If…

I think it’s very important to make this last point clearly:

Even if this system doesn’t crash for another century, everything done within it is a waste.

The decent people of Earth deserve better than this barbarity… much better.

Not long ago, with these ideas in mind, I wrote this to a friend:

It is fully corrupt, from top to bottom, and I don’t believe there are any “good guys” inside, waiting for “the right time.” It is OVER.

I withdraw. I forsake them. I refuse to waste my energy on their politics. Humanity deserves better and I aim to do my part in building it.

I will shed no tears when this system finally collapses – it will be a liberation.

From here on, I’ll build new things and will have nothing to do with the old.

My friend – a good man – agreed.

The good and productive people of this world deserve something better than the abusive dominators that seek to control their every move, and we are more than capable of building it. But we have to stop waiting for permission from the lords of the status quo – they will never give us permission to bypass their domination.

We have to make our own decisions and simply start building something better. We are able, and this system is unworthy of our efforts.

Now would be a very good time to start.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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August 11, 2015 8:47 pm

Yada, yada, yada. of course It can be fixed. looks like it’s going to be. We don’t even need new laws, the ones we have will work just fine. It’s just political decisions.

August 11, 2015 8:57 pm

Ain’t it the truth. All you need do is rewind that GOP debate from the other night to see how far we’ve fallen. We cannot save this country by “working within the system”.

August 11, 2015 9:09 pm

I went ahead and subscribed, then read his statement. Very nice. And he has the Agora group on board! My, but that’s encouraging! Doug Casey, et al, touts all! Do any of you truly believe you need these folks to give you advice? If so, well, God bless and good luck! The first email, I’ll go bye-bye. Preaching to the choir and maybe it’s still necessary, but if so, man am I glad I bailed quite some time ago without the “advice” of those who have something to sell. Check out what has become of their projects. Wanna move to South America? I’ll give you advice for free. Tip the first: avoid the polo pony wine and cheese gated communities these gringos are touting. Tip two: if you don’t speak Spanish (or Portuguese for Brazil), forget it, you won’t do well down here. Tip three: if you don’t have some nasty back-up to intimidate the locals, don’t push your luck. Tip four: stay home and get ready for trouble.

Clear enough? Wish I could be more encouraging, but…

D. B. Cooper
D. B. Cooper
August 11, 2015 9:09 pm

Vote for D B Cooper he promises cheaper beer in bigger glasses and my stance on defence is that it should be pickett and white.

August 11, 2015 9:11 pm

” … of course It can be fixed. looks like it’s going to be.” —— starfcker

You live in a land of chocolate fountains and Unicorns.

When TSHTF with a vengeance, you will be particularly hard hit. But, maybe you’ll escape in your hydrogen powered motor home.

August 11, 2015 9:52 pm

As I’ve written before, back in the 1960s I was surrounded by well-meaning people who tried very hard to reform the system and to make life better. And now, the very same problems they were devoted to solving are the problems de jour: war, poverty, welfare, racism, and police brutality – the very same list! – Rosentool

Are you fuckin’ kidding me?

He’s defending the fuckin’ HIPPIES?? Those tools embraced various flavors of Marxism/collectivism, and when their “glorious revolution” was stillborn in the early 70’s, they fractured – giving us instead of one group of assholes to hate on, dozens of splinter factions – the ecofreaks, the militant feminists, etc, etc… they are responsible for our current Death By 1000 Cuts and the even-more-fucktarded SJW’s, 3rd wave Feminists, etc…

War is the default setting of humanity. Poverty will always exist. State welfare is Agents of the State coercing Paul’s money from him in order to pay off Peter in exchange for Pete’s future votes… Racism? FUCK YOU, ROSENTOOL! When societies fuckups stop fucking up and improve their character, then I’ll stop disliking them. Police Brutality? The fucking Hippies eventually get into power, create a goddamned disorganized grabasstic clusterfuck of epic proportions and to keep the lid on, they hire thugs for cops. Then they give them military grade weapons and vehicles. The very shit needles you defended in one breath are responsible for our current state of clusterfuckery!!

I’ll say it again. Fuck you, Rosentool…

Joseph Constable
Joseph Constable
August 12, 2015 1:47 am

I don’t ever visit with my old hippy friends turned establishment liberals. It isn’t because I avoid confrontation over all the hysteria they succumb to; that I feel they are played. It is because It creeps me to be reminded that everything they believed in was false.

The hippies, the boomers, the worst generation, are the children of the greatest generation. And their kids are pretty screwed up. I agree with one thing. Nothing gets fixed until the boomers die off. Good luck to their kids generation.

August 12, 2015 10:27 am

I’ll explain in Comp Sci terms. A software ‘system’ is made of component programs. When these systems become very large (over a decade) there becomes a problem.

Once you design a ‘system’ it is fixed at the time of design. One thing you learn quite quickly is that many things change. In order to accommodate the change you need to modify programs. However, it is not so simple, as the required changes might not fit into the original design. After years and years of changes, management decides the system has to be replaced. However, nobody in the programming team really knows all of what the system has to do.

This is where the US is terms of all the rules, regulations, tax laws, entitlements, Obama Care, etc.

Nobody can figure it out, so nothing is going to be changed / simplified. The ‘system’ will continue continue in a half-assed manner, until it finally dies under it’s own weight.

August 12, 2015 11:32 am

We had better hope it is not 460 AD. There was a thousand years of hell to pay after that. It is possible that we will desind into brutality we hve not even imagined. Sadly war is the default program.

August 12, 2015 8:09 pm

BILLY….well said. I couldn’t agree with you more.

August 12, 2015 10:02 pm

The fracturing runs deeper that just governmental. Racial lines are being drawn. Cultural lines are being drawn. Ideological divides are deepening, and extremists are taking hold. Right now the religious lines are faint because Bush II rode the religious right into the ground, but they’re growing. The next fracture to emerge could very well be generational.

I’m 24. I will never get social security, even in unicorn land. I hear people talk about how we have to “save social security” because “seniors paid into it all their lives”. It’s true that they paid for it, but I have no interest martyring myself on unfundable promises. Sorry you all got stuck in a ponzi scheme. Maybe that damn Woodstock y’all never shut up about can repurpose as a crowdfunding gig?

That’s not saying my generation a great bet either. Do you know how many pill we take? ADD, ADHD, antidepressants, etc. Then there’s the elephantiasis in the room. How fat are we? 25% obesity. But don’t worry about the rolls oozing off us like a rubinesque-lovecraftian abomination, we’ll just cover it up with more tattoo and piercings. #Winning, #Health At Every Size, #Lose Hate not Weight.

So you know what? I agree wholeheartedly, fuck the system, fuck the identity politics shellgame, I’m out. If the system views me as dispensable, I’ll view it as dispensable. If I were Snake Plisken, I’d be pushing the button right now.

August 12, 2015 10:14 pm

On a side note, I’ve had an idea bouncing around in my head for a while now. With gay marriage and everything else, gay as a political identity is much less important than it was a little bit ago, leading to where we’re approaching now, a political identity without a coherent identity. In certain places you can find it starting to breakdown into insane cliques and infighting. I’ve thought about writing an article about it for here, but I know some aren’t interested in anything gay related. Is there anyone on this site who would be interested, or would most of you prefer to skip it?