GOP Elites Call for Purge of Trump

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan


In the Cleveland debate, Donald Trump refused to commit to support whomever the Republican Party nominates in 2016.

Trump would be wise to maintain his freedom of action.

For there is a plot afoot in The Washington Post Conservative Club to purge Trump from the Republican Party before the primaries begin.

“A political party has a right to … secure its borders,” asserts the Post’s George Will, “a duty to exclude interlopers.” Will wants The Donald “excommunicated” and locked out of all GOP debates until he kneels and takes a loyalty oath to the nominee.

“Marginalizing Trump” carries no risk of “alienating a substantial Republican cohort,” Will assures us, for these “Trumpites” are neither Republicans nor conservatives. Better off without such trash.

The Post’s Michael Gerson says “establishment Republicans” must “make clear that [Trump] has moved beyond the boundaries of serious and civil discourse.” He loathes the Trumpites as much as Will.

Trump’s followers are “xenophobic,” Gerson tells CNN. They have a “resentment of outsiders, of Mexico, of China, and immigrants. That’s more like a European right-wing party, a UKIP or a National Front in France. Republicans can’t incorporate that.”

But if the GOP has no room for Trump’s followers, it has no future. For there simply aren’t that many chamber-of-commerce and country-club Republicans.

Gerson mentions with disgust the U.K. Independence Party and France’s National Front. What do those parties have in common?

Both are anti-New World Order. Both arose to recapture the lost independence and sovereignty of their nations from the nameless, faceless bureaucrats of Brussels, those EU hacks who now dictate the kinds of laws and societies the Brits and French are permitted to have.

What motivates these folks is not all that different from what brought the farmers to Lexington Green and Concord Bridge and inspired colonists to stand by the original Tea Party boys in Boston.

New parties arise and outsiders are drawn into politics to fill voids and vacuums created by the failure of incumbent parties and politicians.

Case in point: Ex-speechwriter Gerson’s boss George W. Bush.

With the country united behind him after 9/11, Bush called for war on an “axis of evil” — Iraq, Iran and North Korea — that had nothing to do with 9/11. He then persuaded Congress to authorize an invasion of Iraq to strip it of weapons of mass destruction it did not have.

Cost: 4,500 American dead, 35,000 wounded warriors, $1 trillion dollars sunk, 100,000 dead Iraqis, half a million widows and orphans, a country ravaged and a Mideast now awash in war and bloodshed.

Political result: The Republicans lost both houses of Congress in 2006, and the White House in 2008 to an anti-war Democratic Senator whose voting record was identical to that of Bernie Sanders.

Yet the leading establishment candidate of the Republican Party elites, in national polls and cash raised, is Jeb Bush, who took five days to concede the war his brother started may have been a mistake.

And the leading candidate of the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, voted for the war that proved a disaster and against the surge that staved off the disaster until the Americans departed.

Our Beltway elites are demanding that Trump apologize for his remarks about women. But when have they apologized for having inflicted this disaster upon our nation and the Middle East?

Thursday, the Census Bureau revealed that a record 42.1 million immigrants, here legally and illegally, are in the U.S., a population explosion being driven by Mexicans still flooding across the border.

Is it “xenophobic” to ask if Americans approve of this historic change in the composition and character of the country they love?

Is it outrageous to ask whether there is a correlation between this massive infusion of unskilled and semi-skilled labor from the Third World, and the stagnant and falling wages of native-born Americans?

The trade figures just came in for June. The trade deficit shot to $43.8 billion. Take out the $20 billion surplus in services, it was a $64 billion deficit in goods, pointing to a 2015 trade deficit of $750 billion in things Americans make with their hands, tools, machines.

This has been going on since Bush 41. And the correlation between these trade deficits and the trade deals our elites have negotiated is absolute. Trump says our negotiators have been getting their clocks cleaned by the Japanese, Chinese and Mexicans.

Is he wrong? Or are free trade and open borders now articles of faith, defined dogma, denial of which gets you excommunicated from the party of Gerson and Will?

Trump should tell the GOP, in the neocons’ favorite phrase, “All options are on the table.” And that includes the Samson Option.

Trump should tell the GOP that if it disrespects him and his followers, then he is prepared to do as did the biblical hero Samson, when, blinded and mocked by the Philistines, he pushed the pillars apart and brought the temple down upon the heads of them all.

The Republican establishment will understand that.

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August 14, 2015 9:17 am

Purge Trump, purge his supporters.

Best way to guarantee a loss in the upcoming elections.

The Republicans make it very clear they neither need nor want Trump’s supporters to accomplish their defense of the political status quo by the way they treat Trump.

August 14, 2015 12:47 pm

Put the word out to cease all coverage of him.

August 14, 2015 1:09 pm

This only makes me want to vote , even more, for Trump.

August 14, 2015 1:40 pm

Trump says a lot of good stuff.He aint perfect,But the fact that most republicans won’t even talk about a lot of subjects makes them look bad. Anyone who is awake can see what kind of disaster the democrats are. Hilary Clinton? Makes me ill.

August 14, 2015 2:42 pm

The GOP is turning into the Whig party, circa 1856.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 14, 2015 3:40 pm

So the Ivey League Establishment, which both main parties represent, wants to silence Trump as they did Ron Paul or Ross Perot.


August 14, 2015 7:52 pm

Somebody needs to give George Will a tractor and logging chain for Christmas so he can pull his head out of his ass.

Sadly, Trump is just about the only option the republican’t party has to win another election. Go ahead, excommunicate Trump and watch all Trumpite trash as he calls them, hand the mentally disabled liberals another win! Not that it matters though, a republicrat or democan win means much more of the same.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 14, 2015 9:04 pm

EL Coyote says:

Trump as Samson is funny, he does have the long hair but he is not pussy whipped like old Samson was with Delilah. As the sexy mulatta would say, he has his balls tucked away in their proper place.

And if the Repukes really built an Iska-wall around the party, I can see him demanding, like Reagan, Mr. Bush, Tear Down This Wall!

Just to save money, the Olies are appointing one of their own, cutting out the professional politicos, dropping the pretense that is called democracy and assuming direct control through President Trump.

If you don’t agree, then tell me why the dog didn’t bark? Because Trump is the oligarch’s envoy out to embarrass the politicos and shame them into doing the job they are supposed to do, get elected and kick plebeian ass.

August 14, 2015 10:10 pm

What did I tell you? It’s still early in the game, but Trump will end up forming a third party which will guarantee a GOP loss and put Hitlery in the driver’s seat. The MSM are already planting the seeds of thought about that.

You know why there’s all the fuss over Benghazi and the fucking emails? They are letting that get vetted now, rather than later. In six months time it will be ancient history for Hitlery. Why try to diffuse a bomb after it went off? Why not let all of the talky-talk about her email scandal get hot now and fade later? You see? This MSM/Alternate media bullshit that Obama hates her and has sic’d the FBI on her is just that, bullshit. The FBI will find minor wrong doings and the justice department will not feel it necessary to prosecute anything. Case closed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the President of the United States…..Can any of you say Heil Hitlery? Goodbye White, conservative, family-oriented heterosexual males, and say hello to debauchery and government outrages against everything left that is decent and good, with laws and executive orders that would make Caligula proud.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 14, 2015 10:33 pm

I’m shocked….completely shocked . Who could have seen this coming?