The Donald Exposed (for starfcker and his Trumpeteers)

It is pure idiocy to support a man simply because he is outspoken, or says popular things, or has mastered the art of titillation. Have you people forgotten Chris Christie??

Stephanie says, “People are rallying behind him not because they agree with him, but merely because they find him to be the most truthful.” About … what truth?? The man vacillates between whatever “truth” is the most popular.

Sensetti thinks the guy is great because he’s rich … as if that’s a legitimate marker.

Starfcker likes him because Trump is supposedly different; — “I’ve argued for six months, trump is our UKIP, our five star, our national front. Someone’s got to do the dirty work. You wouldn’t hire a choir boy to break kneecaps. It’s gonna take a real bull.”

— Other people like Trump because he is “not them”. “Them” being all the other rich, deceitful, lying fucks running for POTUS. No, The Donald is “different” in this alternate universe!

— Several people have become single issue voters, and love Trump’s illegal immigration stance, and to hell with everything else … even if it means more loss of liberty, as long as we’re “safe” from the brown taco-munchers crossing our southern border.

— Lastly, there are a certain segment of you, such as goofyfoot, who says – “How much worse could Trump be compared to President Zero and the First Grifter family?”. To which I shake my head in disbelief and where I want to scream out; “Are you fucking kidding me???!! You really don’t think it can get worse????”. Apparently, these scholars have never heard of Adolph, Josef, or Mao.

Here’s a typical Trumpeteer Worship Meeting. I wonder if the fawning bimbo realizes that in a Nov. 1992 interview in New York magazine Mr. Trump said about women; — “You have to treat ’em like shit.”

It’s all emotional bullshit because what one hardly ever reads about from these Trumpeteer Marionettes is an actual discussion about Trump on the issues. It’s more important to squeeze out yet another orgasmic fountain of joy because he threw out some Univision reporter; “Oh, look! Isn’t zee Donald just Wunderbar!!”

Screw that. So, let’s look at what The Donald believes …. by his own words. And, although I can, I will not spoon-feed you links to his quotes. If you think I’m lying, look up the quotes yourself. You might actually learn something about the Donald in the process.

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THE POLICE STATE: —- “…. we have to give power back to the police, because we have to have law and order. We have to give strength and power back to the police.”. He absolutely loves the Department Of Homeland Security. It will be the centerpiece of his immigration policy, and will become more onerous and evil than ever. This is how crazy it will get. Earlier this month, the National Zoo’s female giant panda gave birth to twin cubs. He called them anchor babies. I’m not kidding, and neither was Donald. He asked the National Zoo to turn over the twin cubs to the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) so that they can be deported back to China. “We have to equally enforce our immigration laws. We should treat animals in the same way we treat humans.  We should not allow people or animals to abuse our immigration system by coming to the United States and having babies. Deporting anchor pandas …. God help America!!

THE MILITARY: — Openly states that we must have American troops on the ground in Iran, Iraq, and the “Islamic State” in parts of Syria and Iraq. Way back in 1987 on Meet The Press, he said we should use the firing of a single bullet as a reason to invade Iran, seize its oil, and let them have the rest of their country. Proudly stated this past August 10th on Morning Joe –“I am the most militaristic person there is.”  If that doesn’t convince you that America’s endless wars will not cease under his administration, then I don’t know what will. But, he’s not militaristic when it comes to himself. He avoided the Vietnam draft by claiming a medical exemption …. bone spurs.

KILLING WHISTLE-BLOWERS: —- “I think Snowden is a terrible threat, I think he’s a terrible traitor, and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country — you know what we used to do to traitors, right?”

GUNS: —- “I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun”

YOUR BANK ACCOUNT: — To reduce federal debt Trump said the federal government should directly loot the bank accounts of private citizens ….. he said it would be aone-time tax”, yeah whatever —— and would only affect the very rich. Yeah, right. That’s the standard procedure for oppression of everyone’s rights, sooner or later. First, soak “the rich”, and when that inevitably fails, then they come after YOU.

YOUR PROPERTY RIGHTS: — You better hope your home isn’t on some land Trump wants to develop. Trump used eminent domain to seize an elderly widow’s Atlantic City home in order to build a limousine parking lot for his clients. “Everybody coming into Atlantic City sees that property, and it’s not fair to Atlantic City and the people. They’re staring at this terrible house instead of staring at beautiful fountains and beautiful other things that would be good.” Good for The Donald, not so good for the old lady.

THE FREE MARKET: — The Donald is a pure statist, through and through. Has zero problems with using the government to prop up corporations, including banks. Advocated for TARP. Said the Big Three auto companies should NEVER be allowed to fail.You cannot lose the auto companies” Clamored for a government takeover of healthcare in the 1990s …. “We must have universal health care”

ECONOMY: — Trump promises to be “the greatest jobs President that God has ever created.”  Of course, we have no fucking clue how he will do this. Maybe you Trumpeteers can help out .. not with YOUR ideas but, actual quotes from your hero, cuz I can’t find a single quote of substance.  Don’t believe me? Check out The Donald’s latest video just released. No substance, 100% pure bullshit. But, I bet it makes you Trumpeteers feel all goooood and fuzzy inside. “Murika! Hell yeah!!”

FREE TRADE: — The Plan: slap tariffs on everyone you don’t like, and hire smart people. Problem solved!! Free trade can be wonderful if you have smart people but we have people that are stupid. We have people that aren’t smart, and we have people that are controlled by special interests, and it’s just not gonna work. And,I have lobbyists that can produce anything for me, they’re great.Wants a 35% tax at the Mexican border, a 20% tax on all imports from anywhere, and promises to repatriate all jobs stolen by Chinawith a heavy tax on Chinese goods … amount yet to be determined. No nation will retaliate and everything will be A-OK.

TAKING OIL FROM OTHER COUNTRIES: — Trump on the O’Reilly show;“To the victor belongs the spoils. So when we go to Iraq, we spend $1.4 trillion so far and thousands of lives are lost, right? And not to mention all the poor guys and gals with one arm and no arm and all the facts, right? You stay and protect the oil and you take the oil and you take whatever is necessary for them and you take what’s necessary for us and we pay our self back $1.5 trillion or more. We take care of Britain, we take care of other countries that helped us and we don’t be so stupid.”

ISRAEL: — Netanyahu will get a four year long blowjob from the Donald. I don’t know to what degree we are controlled by Israel, but whatever it is, it will ONLY INCREASE.  If the Donald is elected president, the United States will have its first Jewish daughter in the White House. X-ray scanners will reveal the status of penises, and only those who have snipped the dick will be allowed entrance into the Holy of Holies.

THE CONSTITUTION & THE FED: — Not enough data. Go ahead and do a search “Donald Trump quotes about the Constitution”. Bupkus! You won’t find a single Ron Paul-ish article anywhere, or even any quotes. It’s as if he doesn’t care about the Constitution, or even knows anything about it. The same with The Fed. One can safely assume that hopes about abolishing the Fed, or even auditing it, are off the table. Trump will maintain that status quo … if not increase the power of The Fed since the Donald is at heart a Big Government guy who thinks he can control everything by simply issuing commands. Not to mention The Great Unknown: to what extent is Trump and his vast wealth beholden to banks? Who “owns” whom??

SUPPORTING SCUMBAGS —- Trump has spent a big fortune supporting and/or buying-off a Who’s Who of American Scum; Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Tom Daschle, Joe Biden, John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Charlie Rangel, Ed Rendell, Rahm Emanuel,  Karl Rove’s SuperPAC American Crossroads, and over $100,000 to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation. Negotiation skills are pretty easy when it basically consists of buying off people.

“I’M RICH!!”: — Sure, compared to us. BUT … he’s “only” ranked as 414th richest man in the Forbes 2015 Richest People list! They estimate his net worth at about $4.2 billion …. a far cry from his braggadocio claims of being worth $10 billion. And a far cry from Bill Gate’s net worth of about $80 billion. And THAT’S who people like Trump compare themselves to … others, like themselves. And Trump barely makes a ripple in a room full of billionaires. With an ego as large as his, that probably eats away at him. Therefore, I call into question the whole meme that Trump isn’t in it for the money, or that he can’t be bought. You just wait and see. If Trump gets elected, he will leave office much richer, as he gets laws passed that benefit HIM. A thinking person should question if Trump’s motives are to “make America great again” or, if he just wants to enrich himself. Lastly, his exaggerated claims regarding his wealth just point to him being yet another Liar-In-Chief. But, as Americans, we’re used to that by now after eight years of Oreo, aren’t we?

PERSONAL LIFE: — Trump’s family values include years of keeping a mistress, Marla Maples, and who, after not having marital relations with his wife for more than 16 months, flew into a rage, tore hair from her head, and violated her sexually. Abandoned his daughter with Maples, providing financial support, and nothing else. Beyond any shadow of a doubt it is a known fact that he has mob connections … and has a documented history of cheating workers and vendors, and skirting the law via bribes and payoffs.


Now, just in case you think I’m of the opinion that The Donald is all bad ….

IMMIGRATION: — He is 100% correct regarding the problem of illegal immigration. But, his solution to rounding up the millions already here will turn this country into even more of a Police State. His belief that we can force Mexico to pay for a fence is patently fucking insanely absurd. Even more insane is the belief that a fence would be effective … unless one is willing to plant thousands of land mines, and willing to execute border hoppers. But, even land-mines didn’t keep East Germans from fleeing. It’s also a shame that some people are too goddamned stupid to understand that what keeps some people OUT, keeps even more people (YOU!!) in, and that you’re halfway to an entire nation imprisoned. Up next? Fence out Canada to complete the prison. And, you’re ignorant as hell if you think that’s impossible, forever. Even when Trump rightfully identifies a problem, his solution to the problem is childish.

ENVIRONMENT: — Trump has called Globull Warming “bullshit”.

EDUCATION: — Common Core has to be ended. …. It’s a disaster. And, Cut the Department of Education way, way down.”

DRUGS: — He’s in favor of legalizing drugs and using tax revenue to fund drug education. I guess SSS won’t vote for him. Nevertheless, in his tolerance, he fired a Miss USA crown winner due to her drug over-indulgence.


OK, YOUR TURN!! — I know why you like Donald. He’s a rich celebrity, and Americans just loooove their celebrities. Just check out all the Trash Rags at your grocery checkout line. You love his claim that he can’t be bought, even if it’s probably a lie. You love his image of the White Knight riding to the rescue, a real Marlboro Man hero. You love his bombastic in-your-face persona, even though you surely know in your heart that national and international politics aren’t effectively conducted that way. And, you absolutely love his entertainment value …. as do I. But, is that all you got?? Surely, you have something of substance to convince us doubters that he is worthy of occupying the White House. I’ll be waiting ….



MY CONCLUSION: — While Mr. Trump is on the correct side on a few issues, it doesn’t make up for his being on the wrong side in so many others. In the above chart, The Donald is clearly on the far left side on almost all issues. In other words, he is no different than the Same Old Crap Sandwich you’ve been fed for decades now. Yet, you Trumpeteers believe he’s The Great White Hope. Yeah, well, hope in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up faster.

Both his words and actions prove his rejection of the free market and a propensity for confiscating wealth and placing it in the hands of corporate elites and government bureaucrats. But, key to me is that he has no respect for individual rights. His non-existent stance for the Constitution is extremely problematic. Whether he has any adherence to liberty and justice is questionable at best considering his support of the most vile politicians in the nation, while running around with mobsters. This is no reformer!

People say a politician’s moral life is of no consequence in leading a nation. This ignores the fact that a politician’s life is consumed with making DECISIONS, and what a man (or, woman) chooses is largely based on that person’s character. It is impossible to make decisions in a moral vacuum. The fact that Trump’s personal life has been one comprised by one immoral decision after another — including three marriages, infidelities, and four bankruptcies — indicate to me that he does not have the qualities of being an effective humble public servant. Rather, he possesses a tremendous ego and a disturbing lust for power. Why can’t people see this? You who say he can’t be worse than the crap we’ve had with the evil Troika of Bush(es), Clinton, and Obama, please stop kidding yourselves. This man possesses an extraordinary damage potential, worse than you’ve ever seen, if he ever directly wielded the power of the presidency.

In a March 1990 Playboy interview Mr. Trump said; — “I know what sells and I know what people want.” The Donald is still using that strategy in 2015, and he’s playing you Trumpeteers for fools.

Look, if you guys want to elect someone who squints a lot and says stupid shit, may I suggest you consider David Puddy? He’s not as rich, but he’ll do far less damage to this country.


Note: For 199 outrageous, provocative, and hilarious Trump quotes, please click the following link;

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 3, 2015 5:20 pm

I cant believe how people fall for this satire drivel! The first thing you brought up, Trump supposedly talking about panda bears, is absolutely nowhere to be found, except this idiotic list you link to! And then people actually believe it as truth…shame, shame.

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