How many people have died because of what happened on this day fourteen years ago? In addition to the 3,000 Americans on that day, how many have died in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Gaza, Egypt, Yemen, Turkey, and Ukraine as a direct result of what happened that day? Those brilliant blue skies have darkened dramatically over the last fourteen years as this Fourth Turning Winter deepens by the day.

Where were you on that day and how did you feel when viewing the tragedy?

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September 11, 2015 8:55 am

@Admin… As I look at this picture, I can remember EXACTLY what happened that made me turn on the television that day 14 years ago and see that the first tower had been hit. I wonder if that is true of most of us? Any chance you might ask that question if you haven’t already? Or send me a link to the question when asked before:

Do you remember when you first found out that an airplane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers? Not what you thought or felt, but exactly what you were doing when you first heard or saw it…

September 11, 2015 9:23 am

I was at home cleaning up the remnants of my garden because it was a pretty fall day (for Oklahoma) and there was a bit of a breeze.. My neighbor was having her house roofed by a bunch of Mexicans who tended to play loud music endlessly while they worked. All the sudden, the one down in the truck yelled something to the others and they all came down the ladder and gathered around the truck. I could hear the voice of the newscast but not the words. They began to chatter at each other in Spanish and I grew alarmed and ran into the house. I turned on the television and saw what they were hearing.

September 11, 2015 9:44 am

I was driving to work between 7:30 and 8am. Til shtf it was a slow news day as one of the top stories on kdka radio that morning was the grand opening of a krispy kreme donut shop in cranberry PA.

September 11, 2015 9:55 am

No tv at work so we watched the events on the internet, CNN I believe, but we could not believe what they were showing could happen in America.

What a sense of loss, disbelief and grief over what was happening in NY.

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 10:17 am

I was in college.

I remember thinking who cares, no seriously I didn’t give the slightest shit, not my fucking problem. I also remember everyone else acting like a completely worthless faggot for about a week afterwards. Nothing had happened to any of them and yet they all wanted to act like pussy ass little victims, made me fucking sick beyond belief.

I also distinctly remember flying off my mother fucking handle and going ape shit for about 2 hours after bush said we would have to sacrifice some of our freedoms because of this in his speech either that day or the next

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 11, 2015 10:18 am

Driving to work in slow traffic doing my best to ogle the Edina Hornets cheerleaders doing their early morning workout. A great start to a very bad day. When the towers fell, I assumed that the deaths would be many times more than what they proved to be. Came home, ,hugged the wife, wept and eventually went for a run after I’d pulled myself together. At mass the next day the gospel reading was Luke 13:1-5. http://www.usccb.org/bible/luke/13 of course, those readings are set years in advance, so it must have just been a coincidence.

September 11, 2015 10:27 am

I was staying at my sisters on the west coast and she woke me up telling me I had to come see what was going on in New York. I remember thinking Oh Shit my life just got more dangerous, I had just rejoined the military 6 weeks before and had no idea where I was going to end up.

September 11, 2015 10:39 am

Dropped my son off to the car pool when the first tower was hit

Watched the 2nd tower fall in the doctor’s lounge at the hospital.

Saw a Saudi man (in complete desert pajamas) at 3 pm that day with metastatic bladder cancer.

My life hasn’t been quite the same since.

September 11, 2015 10:42 am

I was having a beer and a sandwich with a visiting friend (r.i.p.) in Guadalupe, Spain, with my back to the teevee, when my pal (who lived on Water St., a few blacks from the WTC) suddenly blurted out “Holy shit!” and I turned to see the first tower take the hit. I had friends working at the WTC (r.i.p. two of them, who died that day) and my brother at the Fed. We were outta there in quick time and headed for my place. Naturally, calls weren’t going through, but my sis-in-law in NJ got through to me and told me she’d heard from my bro and he was headed for the ferry, having evacuated the building against “orders” along with many others. I’d always hated those towers, but I certainly didn’t want to see them go that way. I later heard from a Muslim friend who was living in NY and she was mortified. Things changed for her after that day and she soon left NY because of the reactions of others, lives in Paris now, and had to go through it again with the Charlie Hebdo affair, although she’s stayed on there.

I’m a native New Yorker and for me, that event was the worst historical event of my lifetime (69 yrs), one that has apparently (have lived abroad since ’98) greatly changed the US I remember. I confess to having serious doubts about the official narrative, but those doubts notwithstanding, the visible consequences of the incident confirmed for me that it traumatized the US to a degree that the nation has been led astray into policy decisions that may well have worse consequences down the road. I consider the “neo-cons” a worse danger to the USA than the Muslim fanatics, a fifth column of a globalism that is a cancer eating the US alive.

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 10:47 am

I remember a few years ago when I first came here I was fairly convinced admin was a confused libtard trying to pretend not to be, it was statements like this one that made me think that:

“Most of us left early to be with our families. I remember walking around in a mental fog for the next week.”

Funny I hadn’t even read this yet when I wrote my thoughts on basically the same memory as:

“I also remember everyone else acting like a completely worthless faggot for about a week afterwards. Nothing had happened to any of them and yet they all wanted to act like pussy ass little victims, made me fucking sick beyond belief. ”

I don’t get the strong emotional response people have to bull shit just like they are supposed to, why cant people see that this was done to make you feel that way so that THEY can fuck us? Its PC faggotry at its finest, going along to get along, fuck that, rock the boat. GROW A FUCKING BRAIN AND SACK ALREADY AND QUITE BEING A WORTHLESS FUCKING ASSWIPE

September 11, 2015 11:05 am

At home getting ready for work with the news on TV like normal when the first plane hit. At that point it could have been anything, a horrible accident, a single wacko. Then the second plane hit and I knew it was something unprecedented. I stopped at the bank on the way to work and was standing in line watching their TV as the first tower collapsed. I wasn’t sure what to think about the whole thing, especially since the towers collapsing looked like some sort of controlled demolition, but I knew that life as we knew it in the US was going to change.

The most interesting thing is that I turned to my hubby a few days before the incident when watching something on the news about a small plane crash and told him that this wasn’t the last of it and we were going to see more plane crashes soon.

Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
September 11, 2015 11:11 am

When I walked into work that Tuesday morning in south central PA I noted how clear and how unusually bright blue the skies were that morning. I took note of it since I was to fly to San Diego the next day and meet up with the rest of our management team which were at a trade show in Atlanta on the 11th.

I started a meeting at 9:00am that morning only to be informed by one of my Engineers coming into the meeting that one plane hit the trade Center. I initially didn’t think too much of it when it occurred, since I knew the Empire State building was also hit years ago by a B-25 bomber.

At 9:30 we had 2 supersonic F-16’s flying about 200 ft above the ground go right over our building. The sonic boom shook the entire building. We didn’t know what was going on.

After this occurred, we started to listen to the radio, watched TV feeds and scanned the internet for reports on what was happening. It was chaos, rumors and confusion as all the events unfolded.

We closed about 11:00am and everyone went home, since no work was being done at that point.

September 11, 2015 11:16 am

I was living in Fargo, ND at the time with a couple roommates. Prior to going to work in the morning I’d always turn on the news, but for some reason this morning I let my roommate turn on MTV or some shit like that. Then the phone rang and it was my other roommates girlfriend crying. Turned on the news and sat mesmerized for at least an hour. By this time both towers were hit and the pentagon. Didn’t want to turn away for fear of what you’d miss happening next.

Not sure what time but local news started reporting that there was “suspicion” with a Northwest jet that landed locally when the grounding order came out. People were on edge.

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 11:18 am

Admin “I know for a fact you aren’t married with kids”

Well you would be wrong, dead wrong

Admin “Norman Orwell Body was in college getting his degree in Pedophilia Studies”

No degree, I rightly saw what bullshit they were pushing and said fuck this told them what I thought to their faces too

Admin “Only a psychotic asshole wouldn’t give the slightest shit about the 3,000 people dying horrifically and their poor families. ”

Sure, you can think im a psychotic and I can think your a faggot for caring about them, i would much rather be psychotic, its going to be very helpful in the future

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 11:30 am

Can you really not see that you are being played for a complete fool?

How were these 3000 any different then the supposed however many in Syria, Ukraine, or any other shithole?

Its all BULLSHIT designed to convince you to go fight some fucker that doesn’t matter for the sole benefit of the elite. Your doing exactly what they wanted you to do and defending it all the while.

So yeah im the asshole for not bowing down to the politically correct bullshit of the day, im the asshole for saying it like I see it instead of cowering in the corner, if that’s the case fine then the world needs assholes because I don’t want to live in your faggot bubble of niceness anymore

September 11, 2015 11:30 am

I live about 2 miles from MSP (Minneapolis / St Paul airport). We’re not in the flight path, but do get some occasional noise. It was really eerie when they shut down all the aviation – no noise – not for a couple of days.

A friend of mine was in Chicago – he had to rent a car to get back to Mpls.

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 11:44 am

Lol, you really have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to me.

The wife is happy and the kids are normal.

I didn’t fail out, made good grades the entire time I was there just refused to pay my money to sit and listen to bullshit being spewed by dumb cunts

I never said I was taking on the government, im just not supporting their bullshit, I also do feel it nessassary to call it out as the bullshit that it is

How am I sticking it to the man? By not supporting him and telling people that I do not support him, im not advocating violence here or anything even close to that just encouraging people to see the bullshit as bullshit. yes people died that day, people die every day, in my lifetime our government has killed far more than 3000. Im not going to let that play me and get me to support actions which I do not support

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 11:48 am

I don’t live in KC, your ip tracker is giving you bad info.

No, haven’t ever hit my wife

Don’t have a shit job either actually make several times the state average for people with a degree

Dude I get that I hit a nerve saying you come off as a confused libtard that is pretending not to be but pretty much all of your assumptions about me are false,

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
September 11, 2015 11:57 am

I was in high school in my first period class when an announcement came over the intercom for all classrooms to turn on the news. A few minutes after turning on the t.v. we saw live as the second plane hit the tower. I didn’t have the same emotional response as others on this thread (I assume because so many of you are in the Northeast near NYC).

What did have an impression on me was to see the events live including the towers falling. I also vividly remember it took no more than an hour after the second plane hit that they had Osama Bin Laden’s photo on t.v. I was curious even at the age of 15 how quickly they could’ve known it was him. There was no speculation from the news networks . They were 100% sure an hour later it was him. SMH.

September 11, 2015 12:04 pm

Norman Orwell Body, I can feel empathy for 3000 innocent victims and their families without buying the official story. I can feel horror at the loss of 3000 lives and feel even more horror at the loss of hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of lives lost due to the US policy of terror in the Middle East. The fact that you can’t makes you a douchebag.

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 12:07 pm

Lol, in the klan they used to have a saying “The FBI informant is the one trying to get everyone else to break the law”

Your obviously want me to say that I support or am doing something illegal, I wonder why?

September 11, 2015 12:15 pm

Working at Intel, I was told by my manager that a terrorist attack had occurred, and I continued on with my work. My manager went back to searching out details of what was going on, barely hiding his great surprise at my lack of response (shock) to the event.

What I felt at the time: the birds had come home to roost, and any hope for meaningful change for the better for this country (remember, before the planes hit the towers, Dubya was a COMPLETE JOKE, and the Battle in Seattle was not forgotten) was gone. There would be no “peace dividend”; the neoliberals had won, and the Empire would continue, only with the guns pointing more and more at “us” instead of “them”.

What I believe now: it was an incredibly successful false flag operation that has, ultimately and with incredible irony, driven the Empire faster to dissolution. The problem with maniacs who conspire to further own power by killing their fellows is their egos have no check, and they indulge them until there is nothing left, even for them.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 11, 2015 12:16 pm


Everybody pretty much already knew that Bin Laden was gunning for us. He’d promised it. He’d been profiled in major papers and he’d already released video saying how he wanted the dust of the bodies of all infidels to waft through the air. He’d been active with the Agfhan mujihadeen in the ’80’s, been behind the Cole bombing and the Kenyan bombings. That was why he’d been in Clinton’s radar, although Clinton was too lawyer-laden to pull the trigger when they had him cornered in Afghanistan (Jamie fucking Gorelick in action). It was like when OJ’s wife got murdered. Everyone knew who did it. She’d even predicted he would kill her and get away with it.

September 11, 2015 12:26 pm


” i would much rather be psychotic, its going to be very helpful in the future”

Your wish is granted. Now please wait until the future proves you right and refrain from further comments. Thanks. Your articulate presentations have convinced one and all.

September 11, 2015 12:27 pm

I was in a high-rise right cross the highway from the Pentagon — smoke came into our building and there were armed soldiers out on the streets – it took hours to get home and by the time I got to 95 I was the only car heading South for over 30 miles — and on the north bound lanes were tanks and other military vehicles coming up from Fort Belvoir, Quantico and who knows what other bases…

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
September 11, 2015 12:33 pm

Iska- What I remembered was the rashness of it all. Before they even knew the event was over they were already saying who did it. That is what surprised me.

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 11, 2015 12:43 pm

Did I say I was in the klan, no I did not, they and we are different words with different meanings. Every time I have seen the saying it has been attributed to the klan, its only right to continue that since it isn’t an original thought of mine.

You haven’t proven a god damn thing other than the fact that yes im an asshole, however I freely admit this so I don’t see that as much of an accomplishment

Im going to stop with this now because the reality is this is exactly what the elite want, people divided and fighting with each other

September 11, 2015 12:46 pm

Lulu, do you know anyone who actually saw the plane that hit the Pentagon? I have heard theories about how it couldn’t have been a plane that hit the Pentagon. DC was full of people that day but I haven’t heard any first person stories about what people who were there did or didn’t see.

September 11, 2015 12:48 pm

Remember how quiet the skies were for the next few days?

September 11, 2015 12:54 pm

Admin… do you still check your P.O. box occasionally?

@NOB… I don’t understand why you came into this conversation with such a smug attitude about what seems to be, at the least, a sociopathic reaction to what is on any level you look at it a devastating loss of innocent lives. Now that you’ve thrown your “I am better than all you TBPer jerks” smoke bomb, why don’t you fade away.

September 11, 2015 12:56 pm


No not hit, but I personally saw what looked like wreckage to me — but I’m no expert on what that should look like. I can tell you the garages under the office buildings near the Pentagon were foggy with smoke and you could smell the burning in the hermetically sealed buildings. I can also tell you that calls were made to private companies looking for immediate technology/equipment support to protect buildings DC

September 11, 2015 1:10 pm

No big deal… just wanted to make sure it hadn’t gone into the trash by accident.

September 11, 2015 1:17 pm

Well… in a way it is a big deal. I sent a box the same way to Ireland, filled out a customs form and all… and then, 6 weeks later, it hasn’t gotten to my friend. So, I take the paperwork to the PO and ask. They tell me all that has to be done online. Well, I go online and go through all the mind-numbing steps of OPENING an account with the USPS online and then try to report the problem. I select “not received” and select appropriate drop-downs, raging inside because I have a tracking number, a customs form and all the documentation that says they will pay me $50 if my little package didn’t get there.

Well, at the point where I entered the tracking number, I got a reply: “This package was delivered to Ireland.”

I ended up at step one… The only problems available under “Sending” are where to find the nearest post office and how to calculate postage for different types of mail.

There is no option to talk to a person. Ever.

September 11, 2015 1:53 pm

I went under anesthesia to have my left foot re-broken because the doctor who had worked on me after a nasty car accident set it incorrectly. I only had a vague idea that something had happened but otherwise spent the entire day completely blacked out. For all I know my soul was flying around planting detonation charges.

When I woke up the whole world had been hypnotized and it was uncanny to witness the after-effects without having experienced the actual event.

September 11, 2015 1:54 pm

Thanks Lulu, one more question: do you know anybody who saw the plane in the air before it hit? It seems to me like that big of a plane flying that low would have caught someone’s attention.

September 11, 2015 2:21 pm

Thanks Admin, but are those people you know or just reports you found on the internet?

One theory is that it was a missile that hit the Pentagon so maybe people saw the missile instead of a plane, but I have trouble with multiple people mistakingly identifying a missile as a plane. It would be fairly easy for the government to post a few false sightings on the internet to reinforce that it was a plane which is why I was asking for first hand or second hand verification from someone that apparently has no skin in the game.

September 11, 2015 2:30 pm

I watched on television as the second tower was hit, and the SEC examiners who were auditing our office were standing right behind me. We played CNBC for the benefit of the customers, and all of us… brokers, SEC guys, and customers stared stupefied at the screen.

And it happens that the very reason the SEC examiners were in there is because there warnings that a terrorist attack might be imminent, and every smaller bank and brokerage firm was being examined to find the paths by which terrorists’ operations were funded. The examiners paid especial attention to my AML and cash handling procedures.

My first reaction was sheer horror at death and destruction, and the scope of the attack. The people jumping from upper stories to get away from the flames.

My second thought was, how much more is there to come, and we later discovered that the attackers were planning a much bigger day than they got- buildings in Chicago and Los Angeles, among other prominent targets, were on the terrorists’ to-do lists.

My third thought was all the nuclear power plants and massive hydro-electric dams- were these safe? The death toll that day, horrible though it was, was negligible relative to what it would have been if the attack had taken out a major hydro dam or nuclear power plant.

September 11, 2015 2:56 pm

At home watching news when first jet hit.Then a little later the second jet hit .I knew then it wasn’t pilot error. We were in a war whether our so called leaders realized it or not. Didn’t leave the house until about 5 pm.Watch the whole thing. Sad ,but it did wake a few people up to the danger of Islam.

September 11, 2015 3:04 pm

Admin, assuming that it wasn’t the plane which hit the Pentagon that is something that I don’t think we’ll ever know. But getting information about whether the thing that flew into the Pentagon was a plane or a missile from independent observers is something that is possible, which is why I asked.

September 11, 2015 3:53 pm


3 things: the local newspapers, TV and radio stations in VA from Arlington to Chalottesville to Richmond had accounts from people who were at the Pentagon during the attacks in the weeks after — it was all that was talked about in DC/MD/VA; Lots of low-flying planes in that area as National airport is not that far away, and a fairly well-known pundit who was married to the solicitor of the US was on the plane and called from it, and she has never been heard from again I would think her magazine and TV news colleagues would notice and report if she wasn’t really dead

September 11, 2015 4:02 pm

How could I ever forget? I was working in an office building at 55 Broadway that morning (south of the Twin Towers), window facing West toward New Jersey. We were alerted about the first tower hit. I heard the engine noise of the second plane (that hit the south tower), but didn’t look because as an Air Force brat, I assumed it was a jet being scrambled to check things out. We all sat it out in the building on the second floor just waiting. Those idiots who went outside after the first hit to gawk, soon came running back inside after the dusty collapse. The front doors were wrecked due to the pressure of people trying to get back inside. Since security wouldn’t let us go back upstairs, I didn’t have my house keys and spent a few days as a refugee as a work-mate’s house in New Jersey. The second tower collapse was not visible from where we were waiting, but I remember the black smoke filling the alley and I felt a ‘great disturbance in the force’ – death felt into my very bones. Yeah, you can never forget that feeling.

September 11, 2015 4:28 pm

“One more question: do you know anybody who saw the plane in the air before it hit? It seems to me like that big of a plane flying that low would have caught someone’s attention.”

Over 250 eyewitnesses, both pedestrian and motorists, SAW the plane hit the west side of the Pentagon. Saw. Their names are on file with the Pentagon security investigation team, the Crystal City police force, the FBI, and likely in the 9/11 Final Report.

Within an hour, parts of the American Airlines plane were found and photographed right beside the point of impact. What more do you want?

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
September 11, 2015 4:31 pm

The 90s didn’t really end until September 2001. Then they ended overnight. The optimistic mood and the modicum of freedom that existed were crushed in favour of security do, indiscriminate military worship, and ubiquitous flag waving. Songs that had nothing to with the incident like “Wish You Were Here” and “Speed Kills” were censored, as was the movie “Collateral.” All for titles that maybe have might possibly in some way upset somebody. It was the beginning of the fascist state and the era of runaway political correctness.

September 11, 2015 4:42 pm

I was in the FBI’s New Orleans Field Office assisting in an investigation of a major Colombian drug cartel, which was headed by Diego Montoya Sanchez. Montoya was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list, and his photo appeared right beside ….. Osama bin Laden. Montoya is now taking a lifetime vacation in a U.S. federal prison.

As the 9/11 attacks unfolded, I found myself working alone for the next 4 days with a thick stack of FBI files sitting on my desk. Interruptions of my work ranged from zero to none.

Jose Ramirez AKA EL Coyote
Jose Ramirez AKA EL Coyote
September 11, 2015 5:30 pm

I was on my way to work, the radio announcer reported that a small plane had hit the WTC. I didn’t think much more about that. I got to work and thought, what a beautiful Tuesday morning. The air was cool, few clouds in the sky and everything quiet. Then I walked into our shop in the shuttle hangar. I have no idea why I recall there was a by now routine high speed car chase going on but that was soon forgotten. We were watching with interest the coverage of the burning tower when we saw the second tower get hit. (Monte, I don’t believe you watched the first impact) I was horror-struck, my buddy Ray absently said, the Arabs just declared war on the United States. I was disturbed enough to call a friend, he remarked, it’s crazy, no?

Later, we learned we were confined to the base until who knows when. I don’t even remember when we were allowed to leave. My mind was everywhere else and nowhere. I had been there before when the Challenger blew up. It is a crazy place where nothing makes sense and you recall later that you were mostly babbling about the incident when you tried to have a conversation with anybody.

September 11, 2015 5:32 pm

What those “eyewitnesses” saw was a cruise missile painted in a scheme to mimic an airliner. It is impossible for an airliner to fly that fast at that low altitude.


September 11, 2015 5:56 pm

“It is impossible for an airliner to fly that fast at that low altitude.”


If the end goal is a crash, as opposed to a recoverable flight, almost anything becomes possible.

A friend of mine who was a flight engineer on C-141 cargo planes for the Air Force had a flight simulator for his computer. This was about 1994. I never could master the damn thing because there was never any “seat of the pants” feedback so I quickly became bored with it. You could pick any number of airports ans aircraft around the world to practice on and the graphics included realistic (for the time) representations of buildings near and around the cities. Being bored with the thing I started deliberately crashing the simulator into the buildings. The software even issued altitude, speed and collision warnings when doing so. I could never land the thing in one piece on a runway but I successfully crashed into dozens of buildings with no problem at all. Interestingly, crashing into low level buildings was much more difficult than a high rise. Da Earf had a nasty habit of jumping up in front of me while trying to slip a plane into a building near ground level. Hitting a high rise was dead easy.

September 11, 2015 6:00 pm

What are the Trufers using to gauge the speed of the object that struck the Pentagram? Everything I’ve seen indicates that the object only appeared in one frame of film and was severely blurred.