You’ve Got Mail!

You are nothing but sheep to be fleeced by the government and their police thugs. Every state, locality, and municipality in this country is essentially bankrupt due to their unfunded pension and health benefit liabilities to the millions of government drones who make your life miserable on a daily basis. Their solution is to abscond with more of your hard earned cash. This story below should outrage you. The government drones think it’s a huge success.

Guest Post by Eric Peters

You’ve heard about the automated car.Optotraffic lead

How about automated policing?

Instead of government drones (that would be cops) picking our pockets at gunpoint, the “work” (and profit) is being turned over to private contractors, who do the same at camera-point, using debt collectors to force us to stand and deliver.

This is not new – but it is becoming more blatant.

If you ever had any doubt that the issuance of speeding tickets was little more than another form of tax collection, consider what’s going on in Youngstown, Ohio.

The recently city signed a three-year deal with one of those Mussolini-minded companies that uses government to line its pockets and calls it free enterprise (another example of this being the insurance mafia). The company is going to make a lot of money by peppering the city with automated radar guns that eliminate the need for a cop to actually pull someone over – or for the courts to waste their valuable time proving beyond a reasonable doubt that each and every “speeder” is guilty as charged.

Instead, the tickets – the fines – go out automatically.

And because they are no longer issued under the guise of law enforcement, you lose the right you’d otherwise have to confront the witnesses against you (i.e., a cop) and the formality, at least, that you are presumed innocent until adjudicated guilty (or not) in a court rather than presumed guilty by a privately run company that will ruin your credit score if you decline to pay – whether it was actually you behind the wheel or not that day.shitheads

Youngstown Police Chief Robin Lees says this overtly for-profit little deal (65 percent of the “revenue” collected goes to the city, 35 percent to the private company, Optotraffic of Lanham, Maryland ) is “efficient” and that not having to stop people and issue them tickets – or deal with the hassle of convicting them in court – is “great.”


The local paper (see here) reports that in just the first twelve days, Optotraffic (purveyor of “innovative traffic safety solutions,” according to the company web site) mailed out 1,000 tickets.. vs. 960 issued all of last year. That is a lot of payin’ paper. Six figures in less than a fortnight.

Imagine what they’ll take in over twelve months.

And that’s just one town.

This business is perhaps the ultimate perversion of free market economic theory. Private companies sign on as hired guns for the government. They’re so much more “efficient,” you see.

But the rub is it’s not free when guns – and coercion – are involved. Just as you are not a “customer” when you stand on line at the DMV.DMV pic

Customers are free to leave. To decline the “services” offered, without penalty.

You are not.

Similarly, it’s twisted to speak of “privatizing” government operations. Every such utterance ought to be accompanied by 54-year-old Madonna singing like a virgin…. touched for the thirty-first time.

Privateer would be more apt.

From Webster’s:

“An armed ship owned and officered by private individuals holding a government commission and authorized for use in war, especially in the capture of enemy merchant shipping.”privateers

This is what Optotraffic and Redlfex (one of the major contractors involved in the red light camera scam) are. They are private only insofar as a portion of the profit they take in goes into their pockets rather than the entirety going into the government’s pockets.

Some 430 years ago, Sir Francis Drake performed similar services for Elizabeth I. Royal commission in hand, he plied the seas, pillaging and plundering – a portion of the proceeds for him, the rest for the (cough) “virgin” queen.

Not surprisingly, Drake was also a slaver. Why not just go whole hog, after all?

Which, I expect, is where we are headed with regard to these modern-day privateers.

Why stop with speeders, I mean?

Cameras could also be used to enforce buckle-up (or else) seatbelt laws, prohibitions on texting while driving, out-of-date inspection and registration stickers … the possibilities are essentially limitless.

As are the potential profits.

It would, after all, be so much more efficient than having to pay a small army of human ticket-issuers. A camera can work a 24 hour shift, seven days a week – and doesn’t demand health care.

Just put the entire operation on autopilot.

At least Sir Francis had to do the dirty work himself. Nowadays, machines take care of everything – and latter-day Sir Walters merely pocket their slice.

That’s how far we’ve come in 430-something years.

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Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
September 11, 2015 9:11 am

They did this on the highways in AZ for speeding. About 1/2 the folks paid. No judge would hold it up, so if you fought it or simply tossed it, you won. Funny thing though, the judges were upholding the red light cams.

September 11, 2015 10:14 am

So, you have no right to defense? You can’t challenge?

September 11, 2015 10:32 am

My friends in Baltimore get these tickets in the mail occasionally. Since they don’t count against their points on the license or get reported to insurance, they just pay them.

Is all about the money, folks.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
September 11, 2015 10:52 am

Maggie, it has always been about the money. The appeal to security is just a ruse.

There are countless stories about red light cameras that fail to bring in the projected revenue, so they futz with duration of the yellow lights to create more offenders, and thus more revenue.

This outrage makes the public less safe, but it does bring in more bucks for our faithful public servants. And to these crooks, that’s all that matters.

September 11, 2015 11:12 am

I had to renew my expired license yesterday because I need to leave my rural South American village now and then; within village limits, the cops wave me through the checkpoint and don’t care that I don’t have my headlights on at all times or my seat belt on, given that they have long since written me off as an irascible old codger who is harmless when it comes to serious stuff. Yeah, I had to sit through the THREE HOUR “class” on good driving habits, but my guess is that going forward they’ll waive that because I’m a nuisance and besides, they all know that I’m a solid citizen and an eccentric foreigner who kvetches, so the best bet is to sign me off and get me outta there before I start making speeches.

The small town personal touch is what makes for a congenial society. Seems like that’s an idea that’s vanishing in the police state the US appears to be becoming. Another great find by Mr. Q!

September 11, 2015 12:14 pm

What amazes me is that those cameras are not being destroyed left and right. How many times would they replace them before someone said “aw screw this”. This has always been my first thought whenever I see one of these abominations.

September 11, 2015 1:23 pm

Exactly …. snipers wanted. Must be able to hit red-light cameras from 1,000 yards without endangering public – Browning .50 cal preferred.

September 11, 2015 2:04 pm

Speeding citations have always been about raising revenue, disguised as a “public safety” issue. The public safety issue is mostly a red herring; the fact is that speeding citations merely criminalize the ‘probability’ that speeding might cause a traffic crash. The one exception that comes to mind is school zones, but in nearly 50 years of driving I have never seen the police operating a speed trap near a school zone. For all of my long life and probably for years before I was born, police in the US have functioned as armed tax collectors with radar guns. It gives new meaning to the phrase “highway robbery.”

The problem these days is that salary and benefit costs (health care, time off, pensions) for police and traffic court employees have become prohibitive compared to the revenue raised. This is because as the average age of Americans increases, average speeds tend to fall. Most old people drive 10 miles an hour below the speed limit, and it’s hard to raise speeding ticket revenue from slow drivers.

So as a purely economic matter, replacing the armed tax collectors with electronic spycams makes perfect sense to the criminals in charge of state and local governments. They are merely following the lead of the criminals who have rushed to set up the electronic police state at the federal level.

September 11, 2015 3:49 pm

I imagine shotguns with slugs being used on these. I will not live where these things are.

September 11, 2015 4:52 pm

A couple of years ago we had red light cameras in the Socal town where I lived. One Woman got so upset she became a movement against them; you’d see her every weekend in front of the Wal mart or grocery stores, drumming up support for her petition to ban them.

Believe it or not, she succeeded and they took the damn things down!

Phil from Oz.
Phil from Oz.
September 11, 2015 7:34 pm

There’s plenty of real evidence (not publicised of course, but real science nevertheless) that “School Zones” contribute to MORE deaths / morbidity in the longer term.

Remember how we learn – consciously and SUB-Consciously (especially “learned- but – semiautomatic” processes such as driving for instance). “Program” this “everyone will mitigate MY risky behaviour” mindset from Primary Schooling to final assessment, (around 12 years), and we really wonder why the accident rate amongst the early – entry drivers is so very high, especially in view of the KNOWN sense of “immortality” prevalent in the younger population??

Add in the prevalence of thinking that “The Car Safety Systems will Protect Me in case of an Accident”, and Down Under, the National driving attitude of “I’m all right mate, F**k every one else!” and we really wonder when our junior “drivers with attitude” frequently kill or maim themselves AND OTHERS??

Keep OFF the roads unless it is SAFE for you to cross (safe for OTHER Road-users)

Those paying access fees to use the road have senior rights to you as a Pedestrian, and may already have a high workload resulting from driving in traffic. LEARN TO WAIT.

Late for work / school / appointment? YOUR problem, and ONLY your problem. Learn to mitigate YOUR problems at YOUR expense / inconvenience, NOT THAT OF OTHERS.

Create an “I have RESPONSIBILITIES TO OTHERS” rather than the prevalent “I’ve got RIGHTS, Mate!” mindset and watch the accident rate / severity drop, along with traffic congestion (which of course contributes to higher driver workload, not to mention local pollution).

Wish you luck. You’ll be up against the Mommy Mafia – “Everyone else has to think for my child” mindset, which is one of the major reasons behind today’s strange developments in what passes for “Civilised Society”.

ralph k
ralph k
September 11, 2015 8:43 pm

I think it’s high time for a different approach to this problem, one that if the public really wants to stick it
to TPTB, could bring down an entire segment of their revenue generating scam. How? Pick a day, any day, and let it be known across the land as the day the license plates died. Everyone remove their plates! Everyone. And let the deluge begin. All the boys in blue will be have repetitive stress syndrome from writing tickets. The courts will be overwhelmed if everyone demands to ‘have their day in court’. No one write a check prior to actually having their case adjudicated. It will paralyze the system. For good measure, do not carry your registration either. Think of the possibilities that come to mind. Yes, at first, there will be casualties in the form of more tickets, etc. or having your car towed, but they cannot do that for very long. Gum up the works. Power is never granted, it is always taken. It’s time.

September 11, 2015 9:03 pm

Happened to me. $70.00 ticket in the mail. Part of me immediately wanted to fight it. The other side knew it would cost me a thousand in time and lawyers to fight this shit. The electronic cage tightens…..