Believing in Nonsense

Global Warming

Global warming is on par with Marxism and thinking that handing all power to government will prevent recessions.Even in economics, I was told to be a good boy and put out studies with predetermined conclusions. If I complied, I would make millions per year for every bill passed by government requires a bogus economic study. Some academics are independent free thinkers, such as Milton Friedman. Those willing to buck government whom are not on the gravy train of government subsidies are the minority. The same is true with this nonsense that man is entirely behind climate change, as natural cyclical forces, such as the energy output of the sun, are not even considered.

If you accept the idea that global warming/climate change is caused entirely by man, please stop reading this blog, for you will also believe whatever government tells you with their equally bogus economic statistics. You are not going to make it to the other side.

The entire theory of man causing climate change is nonsense as if it were something created since the 1920s with absolutely no study whatsoever on the cyclical nature of the climate pre-1920. These bogus corrupt “scientists” (using the word very loosely since they sell out to the highest bidder) do not demonstrate ANYTHING historically, yet you try to put the burden on me to prove a bogus theory is wrong. You begin with accepting whatever they say is true and then demand I prove a negative is negative. These bought and paid for “scientists” have not provided a documented study for thousands of years and they keep manipulating the data to try to pretend they are right when ALL independent research demonstrates they are dead wrong. The North Pole moves, yet their stations are fixed, and they declare it is getting warmer because the pole moved further away. The North Pole is moving to Russia. There is even evidence that the poles flip on Earth just as they do on the sun. Sun poles flip north to south about every 11 years, but on Earth, the pole flips are measure in hundreds of thousands of years, so we are overdue.

The entire theory of greenhouse gases is based upon an assumption that temperature throughout the troposphere would be constant if not for human activity. If they were financial analysts, they would conclude after a three-year bull market that stocks only go up, or like the gold promoters who claim every rally is real and declines are manipulations for they can see only one side. The corrupt pretend scientists assume that carbon dioxide and methane raise the surface temperature of the planet because they assume that temperature would be the same at all levels in the troposphere if there were no greenhouse gases. Of course, they have no data to prove that such a perfect state of equal temperatures ever existed. They are so off the planet, demonstrating that they completely fail to comprehend how a dynamic system works.

So sorry. The burden is yours, not mine. Show me a study that proves these theories for thousands of years. Then and only then is it even worth discussing.

These people flew a plane over the South Pole and said, “OMG, there is a hole in the ozone so we must have caused it!” They are clueless for saying that there was never a hole before. It is just amazing. They have put forth NOTHING to prove their theory before 1900 and attribute everything to human activity. Sure, we do not want to be in a city where you cannot breathe. London used to be that way in the 1980s, but it has been cleaned up as buses where the main culprit.

Now that cars are more efficient and electric cars are starting to take over, states are looking to switch to taxing people per mile driven because revenue has declined from gasoline. Even government realizes the peak in fossil fuel is past us and contributes to why oil has entered a new phase. All the data from satellites proves that temperatures have been declining for almost the past two decades, but academics get checks from government for studies. The last economist who told a government they were wrong after taking the head job to draft the business plan was Kondratieff. If you do not put out studies that say what government wants to hear, you will not get paid. That is the simple fact, and it is the same in every field.


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September 21, 2015 9:15 am

I think Martin is confused between the geographic north pole and the magnetic north pole. They are two different things but it doesn’t seem as if he knows that. The question shouldn’t be whether or not global warming is caused entirely by man or not. Does anyone even try to make that claim? I don’t think even the most ardent global warming believers think that all changes are caused only by man.

The question should be more like :what will be the effect of all the greenhouse gasses we’ve released into the atmosphere and how will they impact the already variable and changing climate.”

September 21, 2015 9:57 am

I am not a believer in mankind induced GW.

Nevertheless, SEVEN BILLION humans consuming shit along with industry supporting this mass of humanity will surely lead to SOME man-made warming. (Notice I said “some”, and even capitalized it.)

That being said, what’s the point? What can be done about it? Will people stop eating? Stop driving? Stop living in heated homes? Stop using electricity? Of course, not!

There IS only ONE point. GW is the means used by TPTB to subjugate and enslave everyone. Period. Everyone with 2 brain cells can see that.

September 21, 2015 10:03 am

Just ask your self.

If you are older than 40, and live in the northeast, you can remember what winter was like back then, and what winter is like now.

Back in the late 60’s and early 70s, winter started at then end of October, there was always snow on the ground by Thanksgiving. Now, we might have snow by the end of December. And the snow stayed on the ground for the whole season, now it comes and goes.

Living in the northeast as a kid, we used to think that tornadoes and hurricanes happened to other folks, not so much any more.

oh, and one more thing, when I was a kid, they didn’t have lotions to stop UVA and UVB from burning up the skin, we used to run around all day at the pool with no “protection” against the sun, and not burn.

PS, it’s not the cars that have change the climates, it is the jets, that burn tons of fuels in the most delicate environment, the upper atmosphere, with little to no pollution controls on their output nozzles.

I don’t need the govt to tell me the weather is changing, and I don’t need martin to tell me the govt is wrong.

I know both are true.

September 21, 2015 10:13 am

Well Stucky, the Pope thinks air conditioning is a major culprit. I propose that all air conditioning be removed from the Vatican followed by its removal from climate science buildings and offices at universities. These people should lead by example. Oh yeah, the White House and Senate Office building ,too.

September 21, 2015 12:13 pm

So, I point out that Mr. Armstrong doesn’t know the difference between geographic north pole and magnetic north pole and get 8 thumbs down? Now I know how Stucky feels. LOL. You guys are supposed to throw shit, but doesn’t mean you have to have it for brains too., If anyone would care to explain their thumbs down on my post above, I’d like to hear it.

September 21, 2015 12:21 pm

funny thing with the global warming people. A few years ago, we were told that before long, we wouldn’t see anymore winter storms like the NE is know for. Snowfall would be few and far between as the winters got warmer and warmer. Then, when that didn’t happen, and the NE was hit by bitter cold and big winter storms blanketing the area with snow and ice, the narrative then becomes “This is exactly what we have been saying would happen all along, more extreme weather both during the summer and winter”. Heads I win, tails you lose. Thats why arguing with them is impossible.

SOmething else thats kind of amused me about the duality of a lot of these people: one one hand, the global warming people need to make it look like winter isn’t as cold and the snowfall was mild to back up their “the planet is getting warmer and its our fault meme”. But, on the other hand, you have people, EVERY SINGLE WINTER blaming the “unusually cold weather” for why we had yet another disappointing GDP number and the unseasonably bitter winter for why people didnt spend as much money and the economy isn’t quite yet ready to liftoff(due only to this cold weather, of course). The kicker: these are often the same people making both assertions…..

September 21, 2015 1:33 pm

This is a pretty impressively poor article written by someone with no idea what they’re talking about. When someone post a link to an article that disproves his point it think it’s time to step it up here.

September 21, 2015 2:20 pm

The ice pack moves, so the pole sensors move. I have been to the south pole, and the markers at the pole are a line off into the distance as the pole moves. Kinda cool really. Not positive its the same at the north pole, nor am I sure thats what the author meant.

September 21, 2015 3:27 pm

After having read a couple of his poorly written articles, I’ve felt that Martin Armstrong (aka limpwrist) writes like a 5th grader. Now I know why. His has the intellect of a 5th grader. I could say that internal combustion is a myth because I do not know the specifics of how a gas engine works, but I would be dead wrong. limpwirst is dead wrong. Take some time to understand the effect that a warming planet has on the jet stream and you will understand how NE weather is colder that you “remember”. I would also forget trying to justify your arguments with your anecdotes. Dig into some actual historical records and see what you find.

Just for the record, I am apolitical – I know that the single party system we have in USA, USA is crap.

September 21, 2015 3:53 pm

More important than anecdotes:

#1 – The global mean temperature has been flat with minor variation since 1998.
#2 – The south pole has been building sea ice at a rate that actually outstrips the north’s ability to melt. Net gain?

Those never really get mentioned, at least not with a real answer.

“The ocean is hiding the heat!” they’ll say, or “warming trends have pushed the South icepack together making it APPEAR larger than it is!”

Humans finally have super computer capable of crunching the insane amount of data required to actually start doing real climatology, its a shame the field is so politics driven, key variables getting ignore, while others have a larger coefficient placed next to them just to maintain funding.

And last, but not least…..who cares? For every small amount of island space, or coastline lost, new arable land opens up further to the north.

Pacific Islanders having trouble? Let them move to Siberia or Nunavit.

September 21, 2015 4:12 pm

Back in the 60s or was it the 70s, the “Climate Change Experts” were saying that manmade CO2 was going to cool the planet and cause the start of another ice age. The theory then was that manmade CO2 worked like a mirror and would cause the sun’s rays to be reflected back into space and the earth would receive less energy and begin to cool. And cool and cool and ice would form over the entire earth = NEW ICE AGE.

That Idea didn’t sell very well so somewhere along the line the Climate Change Experts changed the story 180 Degrees and came up with a whole NEW AND IMPROVED idea that manmade CO2 was going to cause the earth to do just the OPPOSITE and HEAT UP!! OMG!! And they also had a NEW AND IMPROVED THEORY. The new theory was that manmade CO2 would be called “greenhouse” gasses and that theory said that “greenhouse” gasses would now TRAP the sun’s rays and prevent reflection of energy back into space and the earth would CONTINUE TO HEAT UP.

So the obvious questions are:

Were Climate Change Experts full of shit then? — ICE AGE
Are the Climate Change Experts full of shit now? — BIG OVEN
Have the Climate Change Experts always been full of shit?

September 21, 2015 4:46 pm

grochef, grow brains.

September 21, 2015 9:41 pm

As I said to Marty the other day on email, the REAL scientists have grown some cahones..
Anthropomorphic change is total BS.

LONG but very informative:

September 21, 2015 10:03 pm


Thanks. Ii guess he may have meant a temperature sensor placed at the north pole doesn’t stay there, but he wrotevthat the north pole is moving to Russia. I’ve been to the north pole and it was not in Russia. Never even been to the southern hemisphere, much less to Antarctica.

September 22, 2015 6:37 am

Why is there a “global warming” issue?

We all know weather changes… is it any surprise that climate changes.

One must always remember that the Oligarchs who run the world want “us” at each others throat. So it is with this… it’s just another thing to keep us engaged and fighting each other while the Oligarchs continue on their merry way stealing money and power.

When the scales fall from your eyes you’ll see that nearly everything you read, see and hear is an effort to distract you from the truth of an economic system which is meant to enslave you in debt, which to the financial oligarchs, is wealth.