This is the picture of an ultra-liberal shrew who acted like your standard race baiting liberal idiot by declaring a hate crime before she had any facts whatsoever to substantiate her hysterical rantings. These are the kind of ideologues in charge of State universities today. What a worthless, brain dead, pustule on the ass of higher education. Liberal are hopeless, dangerous and a menace to society.

University of Delaware ‘hate crime’ investigation ends on comedic note

An investigation into an alleged hate crime on the campus of the University of Delaware ended yesterday when it was discovered that what was believed to be hangman’s nooses turned out to be leftover decorations.  The “nooses” were found in the general vicinity of a Black Lives Matter protest, leading to hysterical hate crime charges.

And hilarity ensued.

Washington Times:

Campus officials were alerted late Tuesday by students who thought nooses had been left hanging from a tree on campus not far from the location of a recent Black Lives Matter demonstration.

“This hateful display stands in stark contrast to Monday night’s peaceful protest and discussion. We condemn this despicable action and ask everyone in our community to stand together against intolerance and hate,” Nancy M. Targett, the school’s acting president, said in a statement Tuesday.

Within hours, however, officials retracted their concerns after realizing the supposed nooses were actually harmless remnants from a separate event.

“Thanks to tips from students who responded to our earlier call for information and the investigative work of University of Delaware Police, it has been determined that the three noose-like items found outside Mitchell Hall were not instruments of a hate crime, but the remnants of paper lanterns from an event previously held on The Green,” the acting president explained early Wednesday.

“I am confident that we have determined the origin of these items,” weighed in Police Chief Patrick Ogden.

No fewer than eight students had described the lanterns to authorities as resembling nooses before the investigation was halted, Chief Ogden told a local NBC News affiliate.

The “acting president” of the university should be fired for generating hysteria over nothing and for jumping to conclusions.  She put white students in danger with her wild, unsubstantiated charges.  Note that there was no hedging, no caveats – she described the lanterns as a “hate crime.”

And no apologies for ginning up outrage for no reason.

It would be nice if university officials and students would learn a valuable lesson from this, but they won’t.  So we await the next fake “hate crime,” with an overreacting administration and students enslaved to a politically correct reaction.

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September 25, 2015 2:04 pm

She looks like a bag lady.

September 25, 2015 2:04 pm

Liberalism is a disease and the Rx for it is free shit.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 25, 2015 2:12 pm

To our Liberal Rulers: a clock in a bag is a crime, gun owners are potential mass murders, traditional Christians are hate crime bigots, anybody that can quote the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence (or even knows what it is) is a terrorist, anyone who opposes socialism is a Fascist, anyone with over 3 days food is a Prepper, Pro-lifers want to destroy all life on earth, and Global Warming or same sex opponents are criminals. They are mostly Affirmative Action beneficiaries who probably couldn’t earn an honest dollar picking low fruit or even park a bicycle straight.

September 25, 2015 2:20 pm

When you see a neegrow hangin’ from a tree should you cut’em down? Or shoot ’em down?

September 25, 2015 4:58 pm

@Dutchman: That depends on whether they are alive or dead.

September 25, 2015 5:05 pm

@Siddel: Meantime, your neocon buddies elected George W. Bush president. Checkmate!

September 25, 2015 6:10 pm

This country is no place for European white men. Look at that hag. In my research, apparently only Jews, women, and minorities can run universities. If you look at the ivies and other top colleges, the provosts, deans, presidents are nearly all non white. The sole exception is llpoh’s alma mater, which I will be visiting in a month or so. I have a theory about why this is but never mind.

Look at MIT. It is headed by a Venezuelan Jew. Really? Harvard should be renamed tel aviv university it has been so judaized. Don’t be fooled by its current president, Drew Faust. She is married to a Jew. That’s another trick the Jews use. Don’t believe me? Try me. Want to challenge me? Go ahead. U Chicago, Oberlin, u michigan, northwestern, haverford, rice, Carleton, middlebury, you fucking name it, it is run by Jews. My own alma mater, a sleepy little Midwestern liberal arts college recently named a Jew to lead it. When I heard about it I yawned.

My great uncle was the dean of students at an Ivy League school during the 1960s. He “retired” early and squirreled himself away up here in Maine in the fucking sweet spot of his career. He was, by most accounts, very well liked. Maybe he was afraid of being kidnapped, or killed by the communist revolutionaries. Remember the mid to late 1960s? Remember the occupation of dean’s offices around the country? Recall the communist groups, the weather underground and SDS? Here are some of their members:

Bernadine dohrn, mike Klonsky, David Gilbert, John Jacobs, Mark Rudd, ted gold, jeff Blum, bob tomashevsky, Kathy boudin, Susan Rosenberg, michael klonsky, joseph Schwartz, and others. Wanna guess what these miscreants had in common, aside from a love of Saul Alinsky? Were they Amish?

No I don’t fucking think so.

September 25, 2015 8:56 pm

@Archie…….It’s a disgrace that White people let this bullshit happen. I’m to blame, everyone of us is to blame. We were too busy with our lives and didn’t pay attention. Our Fathers and Grandfathers as well.

Who was it that said; “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

Oh yeah… now I remember…it was Vladimir Ilich Lenin.

“Lenin’s father, Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, was a former serf’s son but studied physics and mathematics at Kazan State University, later teaching at the Penza Institute for the Nobility. His ethnic background is ambiguous: while very much Russified, his father Nikolay may have been Chuvash or Mordvin, and his mother Anna Alexeevna Smirnova is often cited as a Kalmyk, though possibly a Kyrgyz or even Russian. Ilya married Maria Alexandrovna Blank in the summer of 1863. Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician, Alexander Dmitrievich Blank, and his German-Swedish wife, Anna Ivanovna Grosschopf.”

But we all knew that, right? I’m sure all this Joooz stuff is just an incredible coincidence. I mean, according to Wiki, there are only 14.2 million Jews in the entire world. That’s .2% of the entire world population.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 25, 2015 10:51 pm

Westcoaster, I have no NEOCON buddies, only morons like you.

September 26, 2015 12:17 am

The way you brainwash Liberals and SJWs? Give ’em enemas.

September 26, 2015 6:28 pm

It’s a crime what Obama and the liberals have done stirring an almost non problem. 10 years ago I was working a graveyard in a chemical plant in Tennessee, you know, some southern whites and a black guy in the shift. The black guy was having fun disturbing his buddies when one said “stop, or I will bring the 13 coils noose for you”. The answer was not a grievance filing… it was just ” Your dick will still be small”.

But then… I don’t understand how… racism was everywhere…it wasn’t a problem when I was, 10 years ago, in a place that was famous for being “racist”.

BTW: I have a T shirt with a confederate flag that says “Get’r done”. I am proud of it because those guys gave it to me as a compliment. And I am not even American.

September 26, 2015 7:35 pm

Forgive me for not answering you last night Lysander. I don’t know if we are to blame. True enough, we were asleep at the switch. But this transformation took many decades. Jews were calling the shots as early as the 1930s, but in the background. I think their ascent to the very top did not happen until the 1960s. Now, they have complete control. They do not even hide it.

I think the non Jew is for the most part clueless, and does not distinguish between Europeans and Jews. This is in large part due to media brainwashing, largely in the hands of Jews. The thing is, Jews always overplay their hand. Always. They cannot help themselves. They have done so here.

In Weimar Germany, Jews also figured prominently in the theaters, banks, newspapers, etc. to the detriment of native Germans. They held disproportionate wealth. Goebbels himself couldn’t find work at jewish owned newspapers. Then he worked at a Jewish bank, where he was repulsed by their business practices. If anything, one thing I have learned in the last year or so, it’s that the Jews are an unchanging people. My buddy worked at a Jewish law firm in NYC inthe early 1990s. They paid him well. But he was repulsed by their business practices and left soon thereafter.

Back to Weimar Germany. German peasant girls, probably blonde and beautiful, often found work as house cleaners and nannies in Jewish homes, for a great wage. The thing is, they did not sign up to be a sex toy of the young jew boy, which is what they became at the behest of the bug eyed greaseballl Jew father. Do you not think the word of this sordid and disgusting arrangement got out? It did, and when hitler took power, you had enthusiastic Germans who did hitlers bidding.

Which brings me to my last point. Historically, to protect themselves against the eventual revolt of native peoples, the Jews, wherever they could, took control of the secret police, to monitor subversive (read antisemitic) activities. The Jews ran the Cheka, the Stasi, even the polish secret police. Do you think it’s any different today? Read about what happened to the notorious antisemite Eustace Mullins. Anyone who challenges jewish power gets their head kicked in. Read about what hey did to the great poet Ezra Pound. Check out what happened to the British author david irving. And Edgar Steele. I could go on and on.

Why do you think the gubermint has bought over one billion rounds of ammo over the last several years? They are for us my friend.

September 27, 2015 12:32 am

I’ve read some of the writings by those men you pointed out. They were great men. It strange that you mentioned Edgar Steele because I was thinking about him the other day. If an entry in wikipedia was called “Railroading of the Innocent” or “Persecution of the Truth”, then his name would be right there on top. And virtually no one knows he existed….even when he was alive.

And I agree with you on the ammo stockpile by TPTB. The hangman’s noose takes too long for what they have in mind.

I had a relative that served in the German Army during WWI. He was in an engineer unit. He died in 1934 as a result of lingering effects from when he was gassed. He wrote to my relative in the States about life in Germany after the war. I was told his stories and I wish I had the actual letters, but they are gone. What he wrote described exactly what you said about the miserable condition of the German People.

The tribe had to destroy Germany at all costs because they were so efficient, intelligent and cultured. They succeeded. And now they are completing their goal of destroying the entire White Race by breeding us out. They seem to have quickened their efforts lately, and as you said, they don’t even try to hide it.

September 27, 2015 2:35 am

“Liberals are hopeless, dangerous and a menace to society.”
—-Admin, in his preface to the article

I think that pretty much covers it. Just 9 words. Nothing like a short, sweet summary.