Protesters threw fireworks, stones and beer bottles at a bus bringing asylum-seekers to a refugee centre in Finland. The bus with the new arrivals was escorted by police as it approached the refugee centre north of Helsinki overnight Thursday into Friday. State broadcaster YLE said the roughly 40 asylum-seekers were met by up to 40 protesters. It was unclear if any arrests were made.

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September 25, 2015 12:41 pm

Good ,no body in their right mind wants this cancer in their society.

September 25, 2015 12:58 pm

Obama kissing Putins ass.

September 25, 2015 2:07 pm

Nobody wants these ‘greasy’, Muslim fucks. People in those countries don’t work, they want a handout.

September 25, 2015 2:07 pm

No one should be expected to stand by peacefully while their society, country, standard of living, and future are destroyed.

September 25, 2015 2:17 pm

just think if they had guns

September 25, 2015 3:20 pm

Quick search @star, and I found Finland DOES have guns.

650,000 permitted gun holders according to a couple websites. 15 year olds can possess them too.

September 25, 2015 3:27 pm

We blow their countries up, bomb the shit out of them so that they are willing to flee with the clothes on their backs and hike a 1000 miles with children in tow and then we have the gall to bitch because they go to the countries that have been complicit in the wars. Have we no shame? Dutchman, you are a racist, bigoted nitwit.

September 25, 2015 4:40 pm

@B “Dutchman, you are a racist, bigoted nitw

Fuck you.

These people are just a burden. Who knows if they can read or write, or if they have any employable skills, let alone speak the language. They don’t mind ‘invading’ other people’s lands and demanding handouts.

September 25, 2015 6:23 pm

B, are you an idiot? If I were a “refugee”, I would be headed for Canada, not fucking Turkey. Likewise, these Muslim scum should seek refuge in a neighboring Muslim country, not Europe, you fucking idiot.

September 25, 2015 9:13 pm

At least those protesters are throwing shit at the scumbags. Of course, that will amount to nothing in the long run. But what are we Americans doing? Hoping that Trump gets elected AND hoping that he’s true to his word and works to stop illegal immigration AND hoping that Congress will go along with the plan?

As the Syrians, Indians, Paki’s, and Beaners pour into Connecticut “Sanctuary Cities” I know what I’ll be doing. I’ll be sitting on my fat ass watching it all go down on TV, and then I’ll bitch about it with my neighbors and after that, if I still have the strength, I’ll make a snarky comment about the whole situation in the comment section of my local online news feed. It can’t be too offensive or I’ll be banned, plus it might highlight me as a racist to the authorities.

Boy, THAT will shake things up, all right. That’ll show ’em.

September 26, 2015 9:10 pm

@ B,

Suck a dick. No, change that. Suck ALL the dicks in this bag, you fucking Tolerati moron..

Jeezus, you fucking Social Justice Thief Elf Mage’s piss me the hell off… self-hating, anti-White genocidal fucksticks…

You want to off yourself? Go be An Hero somewhere else, Tim Wise… don’t take the rest of us down with you.

You fucking arrogant bastards… who the fuck appointed YOU motherfuckers to be societies Thought Police? How DARE you act like King Shit of Fuck Mountain! Goddamned piece of dogshit “activist” pukes thinking their shit don’t stink….

Go kill yourself, ya goddamned pederast motherfucker…

September 26, 2015 10:08 pm

@ Billy:

Who is “TimWise”?

September 27, 2015 1:27 am

@ Tim,

I am unfamiliar with you, so you’re either a regular operating under a fake name to fuck with me, or your name really is “Tim” and you genuinely don’t know who “Tim Wise” is…

Frankly, I’m split. But, I will err on the side of good manners and give you your answer:

Tim Wise is a gutless piece of dogshit Joo who claims to be a white dude who hates white people… basically wants us exterminated. Wrote some hack book called “White like Me” that I wouldn’t even use for toilet paper… gushes about “white privilege” a whole lot…

Here… read this:

Hope you can keep from puking while you read it…

Here’s Tim describing the size of his tiny dick to a crowd of awe-struck Social Justice Mage Thieves…

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 27, 2015 8:32 am

Ah. I see.

My real name really is Tim. I am a regular reader here, but only an infrequent poster. You and I had a run in early on, and you called me “egalitarian” (which I STILL don’t know what that is.) and some other choice names.

I thought maybe Tim Wise was some kind of play on Samwise Gamgee from LOTR, although I couldn’t figure out the tie-in to me.

I really did not know there was someone named “Tim Wise”

September 27, 2015 10:42 am

@ Tim,

Okay.. fair enough.

Egalitarian – and egalitarianism – means “forced equality of results”. As opposed to “equality of opportunity”.

Think about what that means.

That means that no matter how hard you work, you will never do any better than a guy who sleeps all day and has no initiative to better his education, find a better job, etc. It means that whatever you earn, a goodly portion will be taken to “even the playing field” and “redistribute wealth” to people who don’t do anything except breathe and reproduce.

It means that no matter what you do in school – bust your ass and get a straight 4.0 – the guy next to you who slept through every lecture (or didn’t even bother to show up) will get the same grade. His grade will be pencil whipped so as to not hurt his ‘self esteem’ or because he’s not achromatic (my new favorite term for white people) or is from a protected minority that has been “historically disadvantaged”…. he gets his phony grade because he “deserves” it – not because he worked for it. Supposedly to right some mythical historical wrong that nobody seems to be able to define properly…

It means that all cultures everywhere in the world have the exact same worth. The culture that launched the Information Age, not only put men on the moon, but brought them home alive, cracked the genetic code, cured Polio, etc, in short – the greatest, most powerful Republic in the history of Mankind – is on equal footing ‘culturally’ with a “culture” over in sub-Saharan Africa that still thinks fire is a pretty innovative technology, still throws pointy sticks at their dinner, believes in witchcraft, animism, mysticism, hunts down albinos, then kills them, has their witch-doctor chop them up so he can literally sell them as good luck charms… a culture that indicts, convicts and executes goats for the high crime of “witchcraft”… the same cultures that don’t have a term for something halfway up a tree… don’t have any concept of forward planning…

It means that everyone, everywhere in the world has the exact same abilities as everyone else.

Egalitarianism, my dear Tim, is “equality” at the point of a bayonet. The only way this “equality” can exist is via force – and the only force great enough to coerce everyone into accepting it is the Almighty State.

Which, via inference, we can draw several valid conclusions.

The first being that those who espouse egalitarianism are rank cowards – their arguments cannot stand on their own, they cannot sway public opinion on the strength of their position, so they resort to having goons working for the Almighty State inflict their will on everyone else. Literally, you will do the following, or suffer. Either through economic ruin, imprisonment or even death (if you dare resist the goons, they can – and will – exercise their alleged monopoly of deadly force. They can, have and will, kill you.)

The second inference is that egalitarianism is a fair working definition of ‘tyranny’. Since there is always blowback when a tyrannical government exists, egalitarianism could be rightly called “suicidalism”, since every tyrannical government has imploded or devolved into revolution and chaos. Pushing egalitarianism is literally pushing the existing State into tyranny, and from there into destruction.

The third is egalitarianism is identity politics. Believing that a person’s sex, race and orientation defines the acceptable limits of the opinions they may hold is called “identity politics.” I despise identity politics. Having hundreds of thousands of Social Justice Elf Mages – if not millions – standing on their pedestals, daring to dictate to me and mine how we should live, what we should think, how we should talk – literally which words we can or cannot use – who we can associate with… Every time I run into one of those my-shit-don’t-stink moralizing assholes, my hatred of them grows exponentially. And I am most certainly not alone…

THAT is egalitarianism, my dear Tim… and what it means to me.

Bags of feces like Tim Wise – arrogant, insufferable, moralizing, etc – aren’t the problem. They are a symptom of a much larger sickness. He is literally pushing for, and gloating about, whites being genocided off the face of the Earth. He is mentally ill. Yet, I see his fat fucking smug face being interviewed – as if his genocidal opinion matters one damn bit – by our “media”…. he’s the poster boy for everything I despise about “social justice” assholes. Him, and Noel Ignatiev… if you’re unfamiliar with him, I suggest you look his sick ass up and do some reading… apologies if you puke when reading his evil scribblings…

September 27, 2015 1:11 pm

Well, then, you had me all wrong when you pegged me as an egalitarian.

I’m not going to put any effort into reading Tim Wise. I’ll be reading up on Gardening in Texas, Common Garden Pests of Texas, and I’m real excited about Toby Heminway’s new permaculture book, which I forget the name of right now.

I’d also rather re-read the LOTR and read about good master Samwise and his adventure into Mordor than read Tim Wise.

September 27, 2015 2:10 pm


Yeah, well, if I went off on you it’s probably because you said some shit that set me off… and if I accused you of being an egalitarian, then it was probably because what you said dovetailed with that particular belief system.

I vaguely remember the exchange. And whatever I said excoriating egalitarianism and those idiots who believe that crap, I stand by.

You saying “Well, you’re wrong” means little. You want me to revise my view, you’re going to have to prove I launched on you in error. If this sounds like “I’m right until proven otherwise” to you, then you’d be correct.

September 27, 2015 2:13 pm


And even though reading the poisonous, toxic bilge those two dickheads spew out might be disgusting to you – it was to me – but knowing your enemy is important.

That these psychotic, genocidal, self-hating choadsmacks exist – and that they have followers! – is important in that you’ll probably be running into them sooner or later… being able to recognize them is important. I consider them The Enemies of All Mankind.

September 27, 2015 3:40 pm

Billy ,I am so glad you agree with me on just about everything. Peace