Highlights Of Pope Francis’ Speech To Congress

Pope Francis began the third day of his U.S. trip by delivering an address to the joint houses of Congress, advising them on a few key issues such as climate change, immigration, and division of wealth. Here are the highlights of the pontiff’s speech:

  • Reluctantly told Congress that God loves them
  • Offered to send two battalions of angels to aid in the fight against ISIS
  • Overcame stage fright of delivering potentially controversial remarks by imagining every congressman in audience crucified
  • Unexpected detour into systemic issues in nation’s fish and wildlife management
  • After each standing ovation held hand to ear and yelled, “I can’t hear you, D.C.!” to even louder applause
  • Not even one goddamn soundbite to use in Planned Parenthood debate
  • Some stuff about Moses that was kind of hard to follow
  • In moment of candor, admitted how difficult it is to feel sympathy for those who are homeless
  • Cautioned about growing pothole on Constitution Avenue
  • Bunch of shit about hope and healing
  • Five minutes spent ripping apart Sen. Orrin Hatch’s voting record
  • Concluded remarks to sound of members on both sides of aisle openly weeping, hugging each other, and apologizing for wrongdoings

Via The Onion

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 25, 2015 1:25 pm

A long time ago I read that the last pope would be more about social issues than Christ. francis is and I see he is an apostate Christian/Catholic. He is cozy with other religions and there are rumors he expects aliens to show up with another religion we must accommodate; all steps to a New World Religion. I see good reasons to think he is the False Prophet who will support the antiChrist. The way the MSM, Obama, Congress and Useful Idiots love him convinces me I’m not wrong. Much worse is coming. PS: He is a Jesuit and that order tortured and murdered 50 million non-Catholics. Would the MSM let the KGB, KKK, Nazis chiefs etc off without some questions? What would you think if the next US Attorney General was an active Mafia boss?

September 25, 2015 1:32 pm

The pope (small cap on 1st ‘p’ is on purpose) should stay in Rome and promote acceptance of 3 million immigrant mooslims into his country – see what happens mr. pope. You won’t have to concern yourself with abortions, besides being at the bottom of your grievance list, as the mooslims will breed like rabbits.

Maybe, mr. pope, you will be converted to that ‘peaceful’ religion.

It is so wonderful of you to be concerned about climate – I am sure in heaven there is a utopian climate that you are envisioning for planet earth, but I think you may need some powerful divine assistance as the geologic record shows an immensely formidable opposition.

Now that you relegate abortions below money, er, climate, you must think they are like fish – the fetus doesn’t feel a thing as it is being ripped apart; the movement away from the forceps is just a muscle twitch, isn’t it.

September 25, 2015 1:47 pm

. . as mentioned in his speech to Congress today is the man who, in his first inaugural address, pledged his support for a constitutional amendment that would have enshrined slavery explicitly in the Constitution (the Corwin Amendment).

The man who made dozens of speeches in favor of deporting all the black people out of America and worked on plans to accomplish it to his dying day.

The man who threatened “invasion” and “bloodshed” in his first inaugural address in any state that refused to collect the newly-doubled federal tariff tax.

The man who waged total war for four years on his own countrymen, causing as many as 850,000 deaths according to the latest research, with about double that number maimed for life.

The man who illegally suspended Habeas Corpus and mass arrested tens of thousands of political critics, including local elected officials, newspapers editors and a congressman.

The man who shut down hundreds of opposition newspapers and imprisoned their editors and owners.

The man who rewarded generals like Grant, Sherman and Sheridan for mass murdering Southern citizens and plundering tens millions of dollars of private property.

The man who said nothing while entire regiments of soldiers gang raped Southern women.

The lifelong crony capitalist who spent his entire career shilling for the big business interests of the North who sought to plunder their fellow citizens with protectionist tariffs, corporate welfare, and a national bank run by politicians to fund it all.

The man who showered the railroad corporations who got him elected with millions of dollars worth of taxpayer-funded subsidies.

The man who destroyed the voluntary union of the American founding fathers and along with it the system of federalism that was its hallmark and replaced it with a Soviet-style, centralized, bureaucratic, compulsory union held together at gunpoint.

The man who obsessively experimented with bigger and bigger weapons of mass destruction to be used on his fellow American citizens, including women and children.

The atheist who peppered his speeches with religious rhetoric to fool the public he looked down on as ignorant fools.

Pope Francis made no mention of Jesus Christ in his speech to Congress; he reserved his praise for the real “god” of the American state, “Father” Abraham Lincoln.

September 25, 2015 1:48 pm
robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 25, 2015 3:13 pm

Great post Stucky. So healing to a Southerner to hear all that Gospel Truth from a Yankee. I’ve never admitted this to a Yankee before: I’m sorry we didn’t free the slaves ourselves before we fired on your Fort.

September 25, 2015 5:41 pm

There sure was a lot of stuff that sounded like something Obama has said.

September 25, 2015 6:37 pm

That’s not funny man!….There’s no reason to believe that this didn’t really happen.

Phil from Oz.
Phil from Oz.
September 25, 2015 6:37 pm

Stucky – your “Civil war” produced 650,000 casualties ( 2% of the US population). Pretty insignificant in comparison with the two Civil Wars in England –

Wars of the Roses – 3.5% of the population (105,000 out of a population of 3 million),

and – the far more bloody English Civil War (Royalists vs. Parliamentarians) – 12.3% of the population (860,000 casualties out of a population of 12 million).


So you will excuse some of us “Non-US Flag Wavers” when we regard your “Civil War” as pretty insignificant. I have direct family lineage connections to senior officers in the New Model Army, and my Great, Great, Great Grandfather fought in the battles of Marston Moor, Edgehill, Naseby and Redditch (Worcester). . . . . . . . .

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 25, 2015 10:56 pm

Remind me not to get involved in the next English Civil War (which will probably end up with nobody left who can speak English).

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 25, 2015 11:07 pm

Caption contest winner:

Boner – Another Democrat prez and a weekly sermon to Congress by the Pope; this might be a good time to blow this taco stand.