I flipped on the Democrat debate last night at 9:00, knowing the first 30 minutes would be bullshit. The next hour was just more bullshit. Five democrats promising free shit to everyone who will vote for them, with absolutely no discussion of the fiscal unsustainability of this empire of debt. Their solution is to pile on more debt. I eventually turned the charade off at about 10:00, as my gag reflex kicked in. Hillary was as dynamic as Jeb Bush and incapable of articulating one accomplishment in her entire life.

These corrupt political hacks, captured by their various wealthy donors, whether they be billionaires like Soros, Wall Street banks, government unions, or the environmental nazis, promised free shit for everyone. Free college education, free healthcare, free maternity leave, a $15 minimum wage, and government enforced wage equalization for women. Not a peep on how this “free” shit would be paid for. None of these faux leaders has any idea that a financial crisis far worse than 2008 is just around the corner.

Sanders wants to turn our country into Denmark and Sweden. He said so. The last time I checked these countries were forced into paying negative interest rates to their citizens in order to keep their demented social system functioning. They are being overrun by Muslim hordes and they have populations of under-motivated slackers, because working harder doesn’t pay off. Sounds like a perfect solution for America. Sanders received huge applause from Jesse Jackson and the other low IQ autobots in the audience.

Sanders clearly won the debate, if you are a believer in the Democratic tripe that passes for policy among these delusional debt mongers. He isn’t crazy. He even articulates some of the major problems well. His solutions are just plain wrong. More government doesn’t fix problems created by too much government. More debt doesn’t fix problems created by too much debt. More welfare doesn’t fix problems created by giving away too much free shit.

The guy who elevated his stature, in my opinion, was Jim Webb. He’s a serious dude, with a solid background of doing real stuff in the real world. He fought for his country and he is a solid supporter of the 2nd Amendment, as opposed to the other pansies on that stage. He doesn’t stand a chance with the left wing liberals who dominate the Democratic party.

I’m afraid the millions of math challenged millennials who have been indoctrinated into the socialist mindset by our government school system are going to flock to Sanders. The free college and other free goodies promised by uncle Bernie are just too good to pass up. Who cares how it is paid for. Just tax the rich, who happen to be the 120 million full-time workers in this country. Sounds awesome. None of the people on that stage have any idea how bad this depression is about to get, and their solutions would make it worse.

We could have a general election between a rabid socialist and reality TV star. I guess it is what this degraded carcass of a nation deserves. This is the best we’ve got? These are our Grey Champions? We’ve come a long way baby.

H.L. Mencken had it right many decades ago:

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

Tyler Durden's picture

Sanders by a landslide…

In the Polls..



*  *  *

So to sum up…It’s lonely sometimes…


*  *  *

Some key excerpts…

Jane Wells summed up one exchange perfectly as Hillary’s alleged law-breaking was conveniently swept under the carpet…

Line of the night from Sanders: “The American people are sick and tired of your damn emails.” Oh, really…


And the second line of the night: “Secretary Clinton do you want to respond?” “no.”

And Benghazi won the early rounds…

leaders: Benghazi- 5? 1%-5 billionaires/wealthy-4 working/avg American-4 and late add: Quagmire-4

But Wall Street “won” overall…

Theme of the night: “Wall St”said about 12 times at least. “Billionaires” – 7, “working people” – 7, “1%” – 6.

Hillary and her average-American-ness…

On College education affordability (and pretty much everything else)…

“You get free debt and you get free debt and you get free debt”

Notify of
October 14, 2015 9:01 am

Didn’t watch the debate, but it’s been interesting seeing the media outpouring love of how great Shillary did.

October 14, 2015 9:08 am

I was cheering when Hildabeast said” We will get the rich to pay for it”. I then remembered that since I have a job, I am considered rich.

In all seriousness, it simply does not matter who wins. Rest assured, the person that wins, will be the person THEY want to win. I always like to vote for the person who I think can bring about the collapse in the most expeditious way possible.

I was disappointed Obuma could not close the deal on the collapse/revolution. However, I have high hopes for my new candidate. Uncle Bernie!

If this nut can’t close the deal, who knows how long this farce might drag on. Shillary will just keep the status quo going. Grifting her way to billionaire status. Bernie on the other hand, we will go into some kind of debt supernova! That’s the ticket.

We all know what is coming. Can;’t we get it over with already!

Vote Bernie!

October 14, 2015 9:10 am

Always liked Jim Webb after reading ‘The Nightingale’s Song’.

October 14, 2015 9:12 am

I, also, am PROUD to say I didn’t watch one minute of the Klown Show, aka “debate”.

But, they are showing clips on CuNNt and Fux, of course.

It is sad, stunning, and shitfuk messed up that all those cocksuckers rallied around Hillary and her emails. SHE IS A CRIMINAL!!! A FELON!!! Lessor people have gone to jail for FAR LESS. Yet, she gets away with it …. and no one, especially the media whores, really gives a flying fuck. Instead, the people cheer and clap.

What a SERIOUSLY fucked up shitfuk country this is.

October 14, 2015 9:13 am

Not free stuff for everyone, just illegals and disruptive minorities.

The middle class, whites in particular, the self supporting working man, veterans, and other backbones of our culture seem to be getting left out.

From the summaries that I’ve read anyway, I didn’t watch the actual debates since they didn’t interest me as much as what’s on Netflix.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 14, 2015 9:38 am

Excellent summary, Admin. Exactly as I saw it as well. Of course CNN soft-balled questions to Hitlery, as expected. The other contenders could have hit her hard but were most likely “advised” to go easy.

Good to see Jim Webb post-debate numbers–but those are just debate numbers, not “would you vote for” numbers. I liked his explanation of his stance on equal opportunity law.

At this point, it may well be Hildebeast who limps into the oval office, which is good only if you are a member of the FSA.

October 14, 2015 9:43 am

Hillary belongs in the supermax for life, which is why she will probably be a shoe-in for veep.

@Winston, the problem with hurrying the collapse/revolution is that those don’t usually work out so well. Venezuela has been doing that for many years now with no real progress. The American Revolution (1776 flavor) seems to be a unique event in human history.

October 14, 2015 9:47 am

Stucky, the “Red Queen” will not be jailed. A combination of taxpayer apathy, bribes, and/or blackmail keeps her safe.

October 14, 2015 10:05 am

..implication Obongo not wrapped too tight…phttt…how well do we know, but what does that say about the asshats who voted for him? …JHK?

EU Diplomat: My Government ‘Believes Obama Is Quite Mentally Unwell’
Former NSA analyst says senior European official asked him how US President could be impeached
The revelation prompted a splurge of activity on social media:

@20committee “All these mass shootings are terrible, we need more gun control!” *drops 50 tons of ammunition in Syria*

— Marcel (@Nintex_nl) October 12, 2015

@20committee @esqcapades He should try sitting for 20 years in the pews listening to “Rev” Jeremiah Wright. You’d end up batty too.

— TruthNotAgenda (@thomasa56) October 13, 2015

@20committee @instapundit you mean they don’t look at Pax Obamae and see that global warming is last true problem facing world?

— The Brick Layer (@PolicyLord) October 13, 2015

@20committee if he wasn’t “historic” he would have been impeached by now.

— CapCube NYC (@CapCube) October 12, 2015

@20committee tell him we have the 25th amendment for that

— mark safranski (@zenpundit) October 12, 2015

@20committee that’s a hell of an understatement. #ImpeachObama #MakeDCListen #cspanchat

— Vincent Ardolino (@socalcctv) October 12, 2015

.@20committee Our #POTUS projects himself in a manner that makes him appear to have a egomaniacal sociopathic narcissistic god complex.

— Lou Hobbs ن (@louhobbspodcast) October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015 10:08 am

@ Jarvin….more like the Lizard Queen don’t you think?

NOTHER ROUND: In preparation for this interview, I watched a lot of your interviews, and I noticed you never sweat, like physically. I’ve done like a little bit of press and I get so hot — TV lights, stage lights.

ANOTHER ROUND: I’m sweating now and I’m sitting still.

ANOTHER ROUND: What is your deodorant situation?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, first of all, you’ve only done a little bit. When you’ve done as much as I have —

ANOTHER ROUND: But like, what is your secret?

HILLARY CLINTON: My secret is just you do it so often. You didn’t see me 40 years ago when I did my first ones. Right?

ANOTHER ROUND: I don’t mean sweat because you’re nervous. I just mean physically. I’m genuinely curious what your deodorant is.

HILLARY CLINTON: You know, I just turned off the thermostat. [Clinton glances at the wall.] No, no, I don’t know.

ANOTHER ROUND: Do you have a spray situation. Is it a liquid? I’m not joking.

HILLARY CLINTON: Solid. Solid block. I like the solid. Solid block is much better.

ANOTHER ROUND: OK. This is an odd question that I lobbied for a lot because it’s one of my favorite questions to ask people. If you don’t have an answer, that’s fine, but I will be a little sad. What’s the weirdest thing about you?

HILLARY CLINTON: The weirdest thing about me is that I don’t sweat.

ANOTHER ROUND: Obviously. Best argument for Hillary as a robot: zero sweat.

HILLARY CLINTON: You guys are the first to realize that I’m really not even a human being. I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto a very long time ago. People think that, you know, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they created it. Oh no. I mean, a man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage.

ANOTHER ROUND: Are there more of you?

HILLARY CLINTON: I thought he threw away the plans, at least that’s what he told me when he programmed me — that there would be no more. I’ve seen more people that kind of don’t sweat, and other things, that make me think maybe they are part of the new race that he created: the robot race.

ANOTHER ROUND: So there’s a cyborg army is what you’re saying.

HILLARY CLINTON: But you have to cut this, you can’t tell anybody this. I don’t want anybody to know this. This has been a secret until here we are in Davenport, Iowa, and I’m just spillin’ my electronic guts to you.

ANOTHER ROUND: And without bourbon.

HILLARY CLINTON: Without any bourbon. Yeah. That’s why I have to wait ‘til the end of the day.

October 14, 2015 10:19 am

@Persnickety: The American revolution was lead by Enlightened people backed by moral citizens with guns. The war now uses psyops and brainwashing instead of arms. The “shadow men” are winning by creeping subversion. They play chess while the average citizen thinks they are playing checkers. 3D thinkers vs. 2D. No wonder we are losing the war.

October 14, 2015 10:34 am

@flash: If you are referring to Jane Badler’s character from the 1980’s V series, you maybe right. However, she wore a red uniform and was the leader “queen.”

October 14, 2015 10:45 am

“Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are” (Jimmy Durante).

Wherever Mrs. C may be, she ain’t in the USA: she’s gone to a better place. Much as I hate to believe it, the curtain’s coming down on the land of my birth. Yeah, the comedy may have a few more acts to play out before it morphs into tragedy, but the sad ending is now written into the script. Good luck, folks! The fabled “Fourth Turning” may turn out to be nothing more than the flipping of an over-fried pancake unless the “Grey Champion” is as hidden as the Mahdi.

October 14, 2015 11:09 am

Why are people voting for Bernie Sanders?

[img]Ermahgerd – BERNEFITS[/img]

October 14, 2015 11:09 am


[imgcomment image[/img]

October 14, 2015 11:47 am

“The other contenders could have hit her hard but were most likely “advised” to go easy.”
———- Rise Up

Good point.

In fact, yesterday I read somewhere (can’t remember where) that the powerful Clinton machine directly warned the other candidates to back-off Hillary — especially regarding the e-mails — or there would be hell to pay … possibly to the point of ruining their political careers.

At first, I thought that was somewhat over the top. But, after seeing clips of how those limpdicked bastards licked her vaginny, now I believe it.

October 14, 2015 11:54 am

I always love the “we can be just like Sweden and Denmark” meme. Denmark and sweden are a largely homogenous society(or were, more on that in a minute). They don’t have 40-50 million black people who mostly exist at the expense of the government, which is to say, the taxpayer. Despite decades of handouts, they continue to demand MOAR. Not all black people are on welfare, you say, and thats true. There is a small but prosperous black middle class. BUT, a huge % of that so-called “black middle class” wroks for a local, state, or federal govt, or some kind of govt contractor that gets prefernece on bids due to hiring a bunch of black people. Most of these jobs have no constitutional standing at all. (How many do you think work for HUD, etc, look it up, its the same across the board) Therefore, these jobs shouldn’t even exist in the first place, and getting rid of those make work jobs where they get hired only because they are black would make the black middle class largely disappear. Therefore, these “middle class” govt drones are a net drain on society, as that money could be put to other more productive uses than paying Quantisha to sit on her ass at the DMV. The thought process behind all this, other than vote buying, is that they will someday improve themselves to the point that they don’t need so much help and handouts. It hasn’t worked, but the solution to bernie and the est is still to just throw more money at it. The simple fact of the matter is that people who only have an average IQ of 85 aren’t able to build or even maintain an existing, prosperous and functioning economy. Look to every major US city and every single subsahran africa country and then tell me I am wrong.

This brings me along to the other thing Sweden, et. al doesn’t have- 15 million plus illegal mexicans who come here and get free everything if they manage to cross the river. So, when you add those two groups up, you are dealing with 60 million or so in those two groups alone that must be taken care of by everyone else, and that doesn’t even include the white slackers, of which there are millions, don’t get me wrong. There are slackers in sweden too, a growing number of them that will get harder and harder to support. They are beginning to make the same mistakes we did too: importing millions of third worlders who must be taken care of cradle to grave. Their finances may look just fine now(and down right great compared to southern europe) but just give them a few years, maybe a decade at most. They are already at negative interest rates, as admin pointed out. The numbers of leeches is only going to grow, and their finances will decline as a result.

Rather than us trying to imitate sweden with healthcare, etc, it is sweden trying to imitate us with our insane policy letting these people invade their country.

October 14, 2015 12:09 pm

Bernie …. you cocksucker …. you SOLD YOUR SOUL to the devil …. just like all you fuckers!! You aren’t deserving of the Presidency!!

Just look at that smug look on Hillcunt !!

October 14, 2015 12:36 pm

Gator: ” these jobs shouldn’t even exist in the first place, and getting rid of those make work jobs where they get hired only because they are black would make the black middle class largely disappear.”

Say it ain’t so, Joe!

Joe: “Just so. Like it or lump it.”

October 14, 2015 12:37 pm


October 14, 2015 12:40 pm

@ flash,

Why hasn’t the HNIC been impeached?

For as intelligent as most Euros are, they can be breathtakingly thick-skulled sometimes… they accuse us of being ‘provincial’, but they are generally clueless when it comes to our rank and file politicians…

The Euros – bless their hearts – I love ’em, but they’re sometimes like that one cousin or brother we all have that should really just shut the hell up most of the time…

Why hasn’t the HNIC been impeached yet?

Answer: Cowardice. Simple lack of intestinal fortitude.

Satchmo could pimp walk up to Putin or the Norks or the Chinks and hand them our nuclear launch codes wrapped up in the blueprints for our stealth aircraft – with a big fuckin bow on top – and he still wouldn’t be impeached…

If they try to impeach him, no matter what he’s done, every Dindu in the country would scream RAAAYCISSSMS!! – accompanied by self-hating genocidal whites and behind it all, egged on by a bunch of scheming Eskimos rubbing their hands together in glee. And let’s not forget aided and abetted by the Unofficial Media Wing of the Democratic Party – otherwise known as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc…

Once the impeachment process had begun, the fuckin Dindus would burn everything that would hold still long enough for their little paws to get ahold of… screaming RAAAYCISSSMS!! the whole time…

It would be a gold-plated clusterfuck of the first rank… and even though Satchmo deserves impeachment and imprisonment, it will never fucking happen. No matter the justification. Because they don’t want the blowback – the Dindus going apeshit and burning down our cities, etc, and the long-term blowback of having the “RAAAYCISSM!” label pasted on them. It would be the end of their careers, and they know it, the self-serving, craven little assbags that they are… they are letting the Mob dictate to them via the overt threat of violence instead of insisting on the Rule of Law.

Moral courage is the most rare and precious of all… and sadly, it is completely absent in our Congress. The courage to do the right fucking thing, even though it will lead to your End…

Tell that to our esteemed European brothers…

That meteor can’t hit us soon enough…

October 14, 2015 12:47 pm

“The guy who elevated his stature, in my opinion, was Jim Webb. He’s a serious dude, with a solid background of doing real stuff in the real world.”


October 14, 2015 1:31 pm

Jim Webb is from close to my neck of the woods.

He must be smart, he got outta this area.

October 14, 2015 2:14 pm

You guys serious about jim Webb? I thought he sounded like we was running for the GOP nomination with all of his warmongering. Fuck that guy.

And as far as Bernie bring VP, I doubt it. And even if the nomination is Clinton, there is No.Fucking.Way whoever wins would be dumb enough to put her as VP. That person would be dead in a year or two. Either ‘poor old man had a heart attack, so sad’ or a ‘lone wolf tea party republican libertarian gun owner(might as well kill two with one stone right?’ Will shoot him and the hildabeast is our next president. Sorry to sound all tinfoil hat-ty but there is no way at least some of that trail of bodies that’s dropped behind the Clinton’s didn’t occur due to some nefarious activity. NO ONE has that kind of track record. No way in hell would I want to be the only person between VP Hillary and the White House.

October 14, 2015 2:16 pm

“More government doesn’t fix problems created by too much government. More debt doesn’t fix problems created by too much debt. More welfare doesn’t fix problems created by giving away too much free shit.”

This is such basic and flawless logic, and yet, it cannot be beaten into the heads of millions of otherwise intelligent people across the political spectrum. It seems we must continue to look for solutions in the one place guaranteed not to have them, ie the State, central planning, govt. in general.

October 14, 2015 2:47 pm

Hey DRUD, you must not have a PhD in economics. Every PhD, or at least those getting press coverage from the DNC affiliates, believes every one of those things, or at least is willing to say them to keep the grants coming.

October 14, 2015 3:16 pm

Well Admin you must have missed the part where Bernie says how he will pay for free college with a tax on Wall St. I agree that Webb probably gained more than any of the other candidates. He’s a good dude and I would vote for him, but Sanders is far and away the leader after last night, despite the obvious spin from CNN.
I also watched the GOP debate and don’t recall any of the candidates being overly distressed about the national debt. The truth is, BOTH parties spend like drunken sailors; the DEMS on social programs and the GOP on invading countries that didn’t invade us.

October 14, 2015 3:58 pm

TBP has a right to compain about the FSA, but dont forget the free $h!+ corporations receive either. Bailouts, TBTF status, fines instead of prison sentences, Import/Export bank, etc. We can also include grants given to educational institutions at all levels. So, there are many pigs at the government trough as far as I am concerned. The divide and conquer strategy is working splendidly for the shadow men.

October 14, 2015 4:06 pm

He can’t tax enough to pay for the things he says he will pay for.

Not even at current prices, because I promise you once its made “free” for everyone, the price will skyrocket.

Gotta keep those unnecessary jobs running.

Any candidate that starts with something other than “I will cut departments” is just kicking the can down to following generations.

October 14, 2015 4:27 pm

Admin: the financial situation is so broken because of central planning from the government and Federal Reserve. Continous wars dont help either. All that is being done is only a show so that the sheeple thinks “something” is being done when at this point it is too late.

I say let the free markets decide but when so many parts of the equation are manipulated (like illegal immigration, H1B1), is it even possible that a free market for wages can exist? It is also hard for a human to compete with a robot and when a manufacturing company can easily ship things world wide, then how can an American compete with someone from a third world country?

October 14, 2015 5:12 pm

Webb graduated West Point with ol’ Oliver North. There was a boxing match between them that was reportedly rugged.

October 14, 2015 5:19 pm


To start with Wall Street doesn’t have enough money to pay for it (do some real math) and if you were to tax them enough trying to it would be so burdensome that it would essentially kill Wall Street and that revenue stream would just disappear,

So where do you go from there? (keep in mind that the lost Wall Street revenues now need to be replaced on top of it to keep funding what they are already funding)

October 14, 2015 6:14 pm

You’re right Billy , Obongo will not be impeached , but there are worse repercussions of treason to be dealt with from within….the military in particular ..If I were the Kenyan usurper, that is what I’d fear more than impeachment.

October 14, 2015 7:19 pm


From what I understand he’s replaced a significant part of the senior officers and gotten rid of many in the traditional ranks who are loyal to them, maybe that’s why.