The Fall Of The Unipower

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The distinguished and knowledgeable international commentator William Engdahl, in a superb statement, has expressed the view I gave you that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech on September 28 at the 70th anniversary of the United Nations changed the balance of power in the world. Until Putin’s speech the world was intimidated by the Washington Bully. Resistance to Washington brought swift retribution. In the Middle East and Africa it brought economic sanctions and military invasions that destroyed entire countries. In France and other US vassal states it brought multi-billion dollar confiscations of bank net worth as the price of not following Washington’s policies toward other countries.

Other countries felt powerless in the face of the arrogant hegemonic Unipower, which from time to time replied to noncompliance with threats, such as US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage delivered to Pakistan, to bomb noncompliant countries “back to the stone age.”

President Putin of Russia brought all that to end on September 28. He stood up before the world in the presence of the overflowing hubris of the hegemon and belled the cat.

Putin denounced Washington’s threat to the sovereignty, and thereby the freedom, of peoples and countries. He denounced the heartless criminality of Washington’s destruction of the lives of millions of peoples on the basis of nothing other than Washington’s own arrogance. He denounced the illegality of Washington’s assaults on the sovereignty of other peoples, and declared that Russia can no longer tolerate this state of affairs in the world.

Two days later he took over the war in Syria and began exterminating the Washington financed and equipped Islamic State. Cruise missiles launched from the Caspian Sea hit ISIL targets with pinpoint accuracy and showed Washington’s EU vassals that Washington’s ABM system could not protect them if Europe permitted Washington to force Europe into conflict with Russia.

Washington’s response was more lies: “the missiles hit Iran,” said the idiots in Washington. The entire world laughed at the lie. Washington, some said, is whistling past its empire’s own graveyard.

Putin’s declaration of multi-polarity was seconded by the President of China, who said in his understated mild way that every country must participate in shaping the future and not just follow the leadership of one.

The hegemonic Unipower ceased to exist on September 28.

This is a sea change. It will affect the behavior of every government. Even some of the craven vassals states, whose “leaders” are bought-and-paid-for, will move toward a more independent foreign policy.

The remaining danger is the crazed American neoconservatives. I know many of them. They are completely insane ideologues. This inhuman filth has controlled the foreign policy of every US government since Clinton’s second term. They are a danger to all life on earth. Look at the destruction they have wreaked in the former Yugoslavia, in Ukraine, in Georgia and South Ossetia, in Africa, in Afghanistan and the Middle East. The American people were too brainwashed by lies and by political impotence to do anything about it, and Washington’s vassals in Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan had to pretend that this policy of international murder was “bringing freedom and democracy.”

The crazed filth that controls US foreign policy is capable of defending US hegemony with nuclear weapons. The neoconservatives must be removed from power, arrested, and put on international trial for their horrendous war crimes before they defend their hegemony with Armageddon.

Neoconservatives and their allies in the military/security complex make audacious use of false flag attacks. These evil people are capable of orchestrating a false flag attack that propels the US and Russia to war.

The neocons are also capable of plotting Putin’s assassination. The crazed John McCain, whom idiotic Arizonians keep returning to the US Senate, has publicly called for Putin’s death, as have other former federal officials, such as former CIA official Herbert E. Meyer, who publicly called for Putin’s removal “with a bullet hole in the back of his head.” I am confident that the neoconservatives are plotting Putin’s assassination with their Chechen terrorist friends. Unlike the US president, Putin often presents himself in open situations.

Here is William Engdahl’s superb statement from the New Eastern Outlook, October 15, 2015. It is clear that the neoconservatives are not sufficiently realistic to accept this change in the power balance and will resist it to the point of war.

Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria — William Engdahl

Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin, a little more than a year ago, in July 2014 were the focus of attention in Europe and North America, accused, without a shred of forensic evidence, of shooting down an unarmed civilian Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine. The Russians were deemed out to restore the Soviet Union with their agreement to the popular referendum of Crimean citizens to annex into the Russian Federation and not Ukraine. Western sanctions were being thrown at Russia by both Washington and the EU. People spoke of a new Cold War. Today the picture is changing, and profoundly. It is Washington that is on the defensive, exposed for the criminal actions it has been doing in Syria and across the Middle East, including creating the recent asylum crisis in Germany and large parts of the EU.

As a student of international politics and economics for most of my adult life, I must say the emotional restraint that Vladimir Putin and the Russian government have shown against tasteless ad hominem attacks, from people such as Hillary Clinton who likened Putin to Adolf Hitler, is remarkable. But more than restraint is required to bring our world from the brink or some might say, the onset of a World War III. Brilliant and directed action is essential. Here something extraordinary has taken place in the very few days since President Vladimir Putin’s September 28, UNGA speech in New York.

What he said . . .

What Putin said to the UN General Assembly must be noted to put what he and Russia did in the days immediately following into clear focus. First of all he made clear what the international law behind the UN Charter means and that Russia is scrupulously abiding by the Charter in actions in Syria. Russia, unlike the US, has been formally asked by the legitimate Syrian government to aid its war against terror.

To the UN delegates and heads of state Putin stated, “The decisions debated within the UN are either taken in the form of resolutions or not. As diplomats say, they either pass or they don’t. Any action taken by circumventing this procedure is illegitimate and constitutes a violation of the UN Charter and contemporary international law.”

He continued, “We all know that after the end of the Cold War the world was left with one center of dominance, and those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were tempted to think that, since they are so powerful and exceptional, they know best what needs to be done and thus they don’t need to reckon with the UN, which, instead of rubber-stamping the decisions they need, often stands in their way.”

Putin followed this with a clear message to Washington and NATO governments on the subject of national sovereignty, something anathema to many who embrace the Nirvana supposed to come from globalization, homogenization of all to one level: “What is the meaning of state sovereignty, the term which has been mentioned by our colleagues here?” Putin rhetorically asked. “It basically means freedom, every person and every state being free to choose their future. By the way, this brings us to the issue of the so-called legitimacy of state authorities. You shouldn’t play with words and manipulate them. In international law, international affairs, every term has to be clearly defined, transparent and interpreted the same way by one and all.”

Putin added, “We are all different, and we should respect that. Nations shouldn’t be forced to all conform to the same development model that somebody has declared the only appropriate one. We should all remember the lessons of the past. For example, we remember examples from our Soviet past, when the Soviet Union exported social experiments, pushing for changes in other countries for ideological reasons, and this often led to tragic consequences and caused degradation instead of progress.”

Those few words succinctly point to what is fundamentally wrong in the international order today. Nations, above all the one proclaiming herself Sole Superpower, Infallible Hegemon, the USA, have arrogantly moved after the collapse of the main adversary, the Soviet Union in 1990, to create what can only be called a global totalitarian empire, what G.H.W. Bush in his September 11, 1991 address to Congress called a New World Order. I believe with conviction that borders do matter, that respect for different cultures, different historical experiences is essential in a world of peace. That is as much true with nations as with individual human beings. We seem to have forgotten that simple notion amid all the wars of the past decades. Vladimir Putin reminds us.

Then the Russian president goes to the heart of the matter. He lays bare the true activities of the Obama Administration in Syria and the Middle East in arming and training “moderate” Islamist terrorists to attack Washington’s bête noire, Syria’s duly-elected and recently re-elected President, Bashar al Assad.

Putin states, “instead of learning from other people’s mistakes, some prefer to repeat them and continue to export revolutions, only now these are “democratic” revolutions. Just look at the situation in the Middle East and Northern Africa…problems have been piling up for a long time in this region, and people there wanted change. But what was the actual outcome? Instead of bringing about reforms, aggressive intervention rashly destroyed government institutions and the local way of life. Instead of democracy and progress, there is now violence, poverty, social disasters and total disregard for human rights, including even the right to life.”

Then in a remark addressed to Washington and their NGO Color Revolutions known as the Arab Spring, Putin pointedly asks, “I’m urged to ask those who created this situation: do you at least realize now what you’ve done?“

Putin, without naming it, addresses the US and NATO role in creating ISIS, noting with precision the curious anomaly that the sophisticated new US Treasury unit to conduct financial sanctions against terrorist organizations, has utterly ignored the funding sources of ISIS, their oil sales facilitated by the Turkish President’s own family to name just one. The Russian President stated, “the Islamic State itself did not come out of nowhere. It was initially developed as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes. Having established control over parts of Syria and Iraq, Islamic State now aggressively expands into other regions. It seeks dominance in the Muslim world and beyond…The situation is extremely dangerous. In these circumstances, it is hypocritical and irresponsible to make declarations about the threat of terrorism and at the same time turn a blind eye to the channels used to finance and support terrorists, including revenues from drug trafficking, the illegal oil trade and the arms trade.

And what Putin is doing . . .

Russia in the last weeks has completely out-maneuvered the diabolical, and they are diabolical, agenda of the Obama Administration not only in Syria but also in the entire Middle East and now in the EU with unleashing the flood of refugees. He openly reached out to invite Obama in their New York September 30 meeting to cooperate together in defeating ISIS. Obama stubbornly insisted that first Assad must go, despite the fact that Christine Wormuth, the Pentagon Undersecretary responsible for the Syrian war, confirmed Russian statements about Assad’s essential role today in any defeat of ISIS. She told the US Senate that Assad’s military “still has considerable strength,” adding, “it’s still the most powerful military force on the ground. The assessment right now is the regime is not in imminent danger of falling.”

Now come the howls of protest from neo-con warhawks, like the ever-ready-for-war Senator John McCain, chairman of the NGO International Republican Institute of the democratic revolution exporting US-backed NGO, National Endowment for Democracy. Or we hear flaccid protests from President Obama. This is because Washington finds itself deeply exposed to the light of world scrutiny for backing terrorists in Syria against a duly-elected state leader and government. The US warhawks accuse Russia of hitting “the moderate opposition” or civilians.

Emperor’s New Clothes . . .

Russia’s Putin is playing the role ever so elegantly, even gracefully, of the small boy in the Hans Christian Anderson classic fairy tale from 1837, The Emperor’s New Clothes. The boy stands with his mother amid thousands of other villagers in the crowd outside the vain Emperor’s palace balcony, where the disassociated king struts around the balcony naked, thinking he is wearing a magnificent new suit of clothes. The boy shouts, to the embarrassment of all servile citizens who pretend his clothes are magnificent, “Mother, look the Emperor has no clothes!”

What do I mean? In the first four days of precision bombing of select sites in Syria Russian advanced fighter jets firing Kh-29L air-to-surface laser-guided missiles that strike targets with a precision less than two meters, managed to destroy key ISIS command centers, munitions depots and vital infrastructure. According to the Russian Defense Ministry official reports, with photos, Su-34 bombers attacked an ISIS special training camp and munition depot near Al-Tabqa, Ar-Raqqah province,” a critical ISIS outpost captured in August, 2014 after bitter battles. “As a result of explosion of the munition depot, the terrorist training camp was completely destroyed,” the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman stated. Russian Su-25 jets have also attacked training camp of the Islamic State in the Syrian Idlib, destroying a workshop for explosive belt production.

Moscow states its air force has “engaged 3 munition, fuel and armament depots of the illegal armed groups. KAB-500 aviation bombs detonated the munition and armament,” and they used BETAB-500 concrete-piercing bombs to destroy four command posts of the ISIS armed groups. The facilities with terrorists are completely destroyed,” the Moscow spokesman added. Russia’s aviation conducted 20 flights and carried out 10 airstrikes against facilities of the Islamic State (ISIL) terrorist group in the past 24 hours. Then Moscow announced they had also hit key outposts of other terror groups such as the Al Qaeda-franchise, Al Nusra Front.

These are the so-called “moderates” that McCain and the Washington warhawks are weeping over. Washington has been creating what it calls the “New” Syrian Forces (NSF), which they claim is composed of “moderate” terrorists, euphemistically referred to as “rebels.” Imagine how recruitment talks go: CIA recruiter, “Mohammed, are you a moderate Islamist? Why yes, my dear CIA trainer. Please take me, train me and arm me in the fight against the ruthless dictator Assad and against ISIS. I’m on your side. You can trust me…”

In late September it was reported that Major Anas Obaid a.k.a. Abu Zayd, on completing his CIA training in Turkey, defected from the train-and-equip program to join Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria) immediately on entering Syria. Incredibly, US officials admit that Washington does not track or exercise command-and-control of its Jihadist proxies once they enter Syria. Abu Zayd’s defection after being trained in advanced warfare techniques by the US, is typical. Other elements of the New Syrian Forces directly handed all their weapons to Nusra upon entering Syrian territory at the town of Atareb at the end of September.

These latest “moderate” defections to join Al Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front affiliate in Syria come less than two weeks after Gen. Lloyd Austin III, head of the US “war against ISIS,” during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Syria, admitted that the US military program that intended produce 5,400 trained fighters a year has so far only resulted in “four or five” who still remain on the ground and active in combat. The rest have all joined ISIS or Al Nusra Front of Al Qaeda, the US-backed “moderate opposition” to ISIL.

What the successful Russian precision airstrikes have done is expose in all its ugly nakedness the Emperor’s New Clothes. For more than one year, the Obama Administration claims it has committed the most awesome airpower on the planet allegedly to destroy ISIS, which has been described as a “ragtag band of militants running around the desert in basketball shoes.”

Curiously, until last week, ISIS has only expanded its web of power in Syria and Iraq under US bombings. Now, within 72 hours, the Russian military, launching only 60 bombing runs in 72 hours, hitting more than 50 ISIS targets, has brought the ISIS combatants into what the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman described as a state of “panic” where more than 600 have deserted. And, according to Moscow, the fight is only beginning, expected, they say to last three to four months.

The Obama Administration has been training terrorists of Al Qaeda/Al Nusra, allegedly to fight ISIS, much like the disgraced General David Petraeus did in Iraq and Afghanistan along with Obama’s special ISIS coordinator, the just-resigned General John Allen. The US-trained “moderate” terrorists were being readied, it’s now clear to all the world, in reality, to battle Assad and open the way for a Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Syria and a real plunge into darkness for the world if that were to succeed.

Now, with the truth in the open, exposed by the remarkable successes of a handful of Russian fighter jets in four days against ISIS, accomplishing more than the US “anti-ISIS coalition” in more than one year, it is clear to the world Washington has been playing a dirty double game.

Now that hypocritical Obama Administration mask has been blown off with the precision hit of a Russian laser-guided Kh-29L missile. As German and other EU governments have admitted, much to the strong objection of Washington, Putin has demonstrated that Russia is the essential part of any peaceful resolution of the Syria war. That in turn has a huge bearing on the current asylum-seeker crisis in Germany and other parts of the EU. It also has a huge bearing on prospects for world peace. The Norwegian Parliament’s Nobel Peace Prize Committee, rather than consider John Kerry, might consider Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoygu, for the prize.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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October 17, 2015 9:47 pm

Great article. Nails more points than i can mention. should be required reading. Great job, CPR

October 17, 2015 10:11 pm

Don’t you just love a truth teller? My thoughts exactly Mr. Roberts!

October 17, 2015 10:30 pm

The American foreign policy has long been one of following “Manifest Destiny” and “The Monroe Doctrine” toward the ultimate goal of world dominance.
In 1842 the Monroe Doctrine was used to justify the annexation of the Sovereign Monarch State of Hawaii.
In 1865 the USA stationed a large army on Mexico’s northern border and ordered the French to leave, which they did. Ending in Mexican Nationalists executing Maximilian.
In 1870 (again using the Monroe Doctrine) the USA unsuccessfully fomented an annexation of the Dominican Republic.
In 1898 war was instigated with Spain (the Maine blown up under suspicious conditions) and at the signing of the peace treaty, Spain was forced to give up control of Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam, to the USA.
In 1904 “The Roosevelt Corollary” was added to the Monroe Doctrine which said; “Asserting the right of the US to intervene in Latin America in cases of flagrant and chronic wrongdoing by any Latin American nation”.
Thus began 110 years of overt and covert unilateral intervention in Central and South America, that continues to this day.

The hands of the American people are indeed blood stained, put there by the so-called ‘democratic process’ of voting in successive waves of criminally minded governance.

Philip Paul
Philip Paul
October 17, 2015 11:00 pm

This situation was actually brought about by these same NeoCons during the Bush administration.
Obama is just continuing what was already started.
Please note that I am in no way being an Obama apologist.
As I see it, Obama commited treason by arming Al Queada before ISIS was powerful enough to do the job the NeoCons wanted done here and continues to do so by funding ISIS.

October 17, 2015 11:14 pm

Putin is by far the best leader on the world stage at this time.I hope he takes the threats against his life seriously. Those neocons will kill for their ideology. In many ways they are
Worse than the hard line Marxist of years ago.

October 18, 2015 12:06 am

When will these sociopaths and psychopaths be brought to trial for their war crimes? When will the American people wake up and put an end to the travesty and deception that is “government”? An institution that long ago should have been relegated to the ash bin of history. All those who believe in and exercise democracy are guilty of these crimes.
Without their participation and consent these disgraceful examples of humanity would never have the power of the state’s destructive resources at their disposal.

October 18, 2015 12:13 am

Every American should be made to read this before voting for the next President.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 18, 2015 12:27 am

The Ruskies have stolen the high moral ground and they are now shaming the USA for conducting the same shit they have been conducting for years.

Riddle me this, morons, if Satan suddenly renounced his bag of tricks which he’s used for countless millenia and if he began to shame Christians for trying to impose their plan of salvation on folks who ought to have the right to decide their own belief system instead of having it imposed on them by the self-righteous Christians…You understand clearly that he’s selling snake oil. Queers do this too, they insist we let kids choose their own sexual orientation even before they have the sense to choose judiciously.


This is another fucking attempt of the Ruskies to demoralize Americans and get them to buy their own fucked up system. We beat them at the arms race, getting them to spend themselves into defeat. Now as world police, the USA is struggling and what do the Ruskies do? Kick us when we’re supposedly down, deride capitalism and recommend folks develop their own systems. Nice friends.

October 18, 2015 12:33 am

One must not breathe a sigh of relief just yet ………

So it has been written from the highest star chamber (circa 1870’s) that there are to be three world wars, two have come to pass. Have those that hold our fate in their hands decided against the third? I would not bet on that.

High drama and interesting times coming to a theater near you in the not too distant future?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 18, 2015 12:37 am

Bea, reference please.

October 18, 2015 1:21 am

@El Coyote

It is a myth that we got the Russians to spend themselves to death. Unlike us, the Soviet Union did its budget for military spending as part of their 5 Year Plans. The Soviets had but one opportunity to increase military spending during the Reagan presidency and chose not to. Soviet military expenditures remained constant neither rising or falling during the Carter and Reagan years.

As a matter of fact, Soviets scientists informed the Politburo that Star Wars was a joke and not to waste any money on it.

October 18, 2015 1:34 am

Several people in my orbit need to read this. Sadly, I think they would reject most of it as anti-American BS. The brainwashing of the people is so comprehensive that they simply cannot fathom that our military adventures are not for the pure motives of helping others (“spreading democracy”) or “keeping us safe”. Facts are too much trouble to examine and too challenging to consider.

The prevailing view among my conservative friends is we just need to elect a good moderate Republican and the country will be saved (kind of like how it is with the GOP majority in the House and Senate, you know?)

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 18, 2015 1:55 am

Nickle, I guess recent history proves your point. I’m a fool for looking at events instead of listening to Soviet scientists. The German reunification, the fall of the Soviet Union, it was all serendipity.

October 18, 2015 3:01 am

Gayle, good post, but your “conservative” friends are not conservative at all, just brainwashed republicans.

Muck About
Muck About
October 18, 2015 6:42 am

The foreign policy of the ex-USA is based in whole on the egos of the troglodytes who, through no talent of their own, get pushed into positions of power by TPTB. They are put into this high power positions not because of talent or foresight of leadership ability but because they will do what they’re told to do by TPTB.

The USA is not (and has never been) the World’s Cop.. We evolved into the position through normal human desire to own everything, boss everything and stick our nose everywhere it didn’t belong.

We don’t make a single effort to figure out how to deal with problems we, ourselves, have contributed to due to lack of leadership and too many lackeys in positions to follow orders from TPTB rather than lead.

Our greatest advantage (until the ICBM came along) was isolation by two oceans of immense size that provided a physical barrier to invasion.. No so anymore but we keep fighting the last war (as always) and that oceanic advantage has almost vanished since bad guys (us included) can shoot OVER it and do world ending damaged.

I just wish we’d mind our own business more —— but —— fighting “proxy wars” using mostly other peoples’ soldiers and upon real estate far, far away from us has gross advantages over us fighting them ourselves in our own backyard..


Muck About
Muck About
October 18, 2015 6:46 am

addendum to the last comment: Even if the “proxy soldiers/air force/et al are Russian! Better them than us spending more funny money we don’t have to do it.


October 18, 2015 7:09 am

“…. if Satan suddenly renounced his bag of tricks which he’s used for countless millenia …” ———El Coyote

“….. This is another fucking attempt of the Ruskies to demoralize Americans ” —El Coyote

I think you’re wrong.

What if Russia is a Christian nation? Yes, the Commie Soviets tried to kill Christianity. They failed. As a result, an even stronger Christianity arose … one made pure by the trials of fire. What if Russia today is even MORE Christian … in deed and in practice …. than the United States? In that case, yes, Satan is winning ……. in America.

October 18, 2015 8:07 am

The Russian Air Force is achieving great success because they actually bomb the sand-niggers, as opposed to the USAF which just bombs sand.

The more the MSM whorefuk cunts demonize Putin, the better Putin actually looks. Funny how that works.

Many vie for title of Most Evil Warmongering Motherfucker, but I gotta give it to Shitstain McCain. America would have been better served had he died in that prison camp. Too bad … WTF do you dumbfuk Arizonians keep voting for him???

October 18, 2015 8:14 am

Top NATO officials have been visiting Montenegro this week, a trip they say is designed to assess whether the country has made progress on reforms required to join the alliance. The country is one of four seeking NATO membership (alongside Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and Georgia), but experts say it is most likely to join next.

Yes, yes, yes!!! Let’s keep adding moar and moar countries to NATO. Georgia?? The country right on Russia’s border? Yes!! That will ease tensions. Woohoo!!! Why don’t we just add every fuckin’ country in the world to NATO?

October 18, 2015 9:37 am

Good read and spot on. Good, moderate, bad rebels = terrorist, Putin just cluster bombs all of them.
In just two weeks the whole Syrian front has reversed. NATO and Obama (Ronald McDonald) are a joke.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 18, 2015 9:45 am

There is not one thing “anti-American” in this article. When will ordinary Americans understand that the Neo-Con’s are NOT Americans in any real sense of the word. They are, as he says, insane and Zionists to boot. They have seized control of our government through stealth and treachery and have led us into an endless swamp. Kristol, Wolfowitz, Feith, George Will, McCain, Rumsfeld, et al, deserve to be hanged for treason. George W. is too pathetic to hang. Just give him a good flogging and send him home.

October 18, 2015 10:06 am

Why are the mysterious “neocons” responsible for everything?

How about a list of all of them and the real power they actually wield to direct the course of America?

October 18, 2015 10:09 am

EC- Per your request, following long term plans of those in charge will give you a better look into your future than the controlled news. I always get downed for this but adepts learn over time how to read symbols and coming events. Study Pike and Mazzini, we are two thirds the way through the plan and it has all happened just as it was written in 1871.

October 18, 2015 10:16 am

Muck About sez: “I just wish we’d mind our own business more —— but —— fighting “proxy wars” using mostly other peoples’ soldiers and upon real estate far, far away from us has gross advantages over us fighting them ourselves in our own backyard.”

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I doubt that many would be interested in “fighting us in our own backyard” or attacking us in any way had we not picked on them in the first place. We are at far more risk of attack with each passing day, and now we’re messing with Russia and China?!? WTF?

And for what reason(s) did we go over and stir up a hornet’s nest in the ME? The only possible actual reason I’ve been able to find is that some of these folks are threatening US petrodollar hegemony, by trading oil, or attempting to do so, in their own currency or a basket of currencies. I believe the drop in oil prices is part of that “war”.

Other than that, it all just seems like the military industrial complex at work to line the pockets of those well connected.

October 18, 2015 10:56 am

Teri and Muck About: they are fighting us in our own backyard, but is not done through military. Psyops, brainwashing, breakdown of the family, dumbing down of society, attacking religion (especially Christianity) and the crusade for “social justice,” etc. is more effective than any military invasion. The US has become nothing more than “hired guns” for the Shadow Men.

October 18, 2015 10:59 am

“Why don’t we just add every fuckin’ country in the world to NATO?” It will come soon enough Stucky…one world government.

October 18, 2015 11:16 am

Nami-I totally get that we are being destroyed from within by our own government, shadow government, TPTB or whatever they are or whatever you want to call them.

However, I’m addressing and asking about actual aggression and war toward other countries.

October 18, 2015 12:53 pm

One thing that all non-retirees of the Armed Forces can do to ensure a more ‘democratic’ was experience for America is to volunteer to serve on a local draft board. (By law, retired members of the military and a few other groups, including, I believe, conscious objectors, are ineligible to serve.) Your service on a draft board can help ensure that the rich don’t keep their children safe while ours are called to fight. Now that Ash Carter, Sec Def, is saying that girls may be drafted someday, it is doubly important to ensure that the 1% has skin in the game, to the extent that they can be made to obey the law.

P.S. I saw a NY Daily News review of a book that has a definite 4T world-view. Has anyone read this? The review states that the author sees a consensus form and then break up once in a human lifetime – The Revolution, Civil War, Depression & WW II, and…. as time passes S&H will have more company. That’s a good thing.

October 18, 2015 2:21 pm

Teri, the US has become the “hired guns” for the shadow men. The Godfather wants power, more turf, and his cut of the action. Wars have been fought over natural resources for centuries.

October 18, 2015 2:27 pm


The consensus now forming is that we need to become a socialist country with each persons position in life dictated to them by a benevolent socialist government. That’s how Obama got elected twice.

FWIW, the draft board simply follows Congregational dictates (the whole virtually mandatory college producing worthless degrees thing grew out of student deferments given to at first the rich, who went to college since they could afford it. then to everyone else through government programs to make it fair).

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 18, 2015 3:21 pm

Stucky says: What if Russia is a Christian nation? Yes, the Commie Soviets tried to kill Christianity. They failed. As a result, an even stronger Christianity arose … one made pure by the trials of fire. What if Russia today is even MORE Christian … in deed and in practice …. than the United States? In that case, yes, Satan is winning ……. in America.

Stuck, did you see my “appoint Quinn blogmaster over East Philly” comment? It ends with the line, I have reserved xxxx who have not bent their knee to Bush or kissed Hillary. It’s not a war of numbers, it’s this – if there is one just man, for him I will spare the nation.

Let the Ruskies give fruits worthy of repentance but tell me (a whole class could not answer this question) What other alternative is there to capitalism or socialism?

The question is based on the definition of a natural occurrence, free trade. It is like asking – what other alternative is there to life or death?