Via Ben Garrison

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October 17, 2015 7:51 pm

It is sad that things have to get so bad that such cartoons are even possible. Even the minor details, like the words “screw loose” and the conflicting arrows on the lid are surprisingly profound. Now that we have a cartoon that sums up this paradigm so swiftly and succinctly, the question is how long now before people wise up?

October 17, 2015 9:32 pm

Its all about bringing Americans in line with the tyranny of the NWO.Friend say a gov drone the other day above her.She pointed at it,it tipped to her.Her son is a navy seal.

October 17, 2015 9:36 pm

@icon….excellent summary

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
October 17, 2015 9:42 pm

Well, “Everyone” was very happy when the Reagan / Thatcher idea of closing the Institutions and quite literally dumping the residents on the street was all the rage (“Care in the Community” sounds great, but no funding = no care).

So, what’s your solution?

What is the underlying problem? Can we even start to “fix it” seeing as neuropharmacology is not that mature a speciality?

Banning privately-held firearms is obviously not popular on this site (and elsewhere), however consider that the current US situation allows pretty unrestricted access (legally), and no-one knows how many “legally obtained” firearms find their way into the hands of those “legally prohibited to own firearms” , since money is the main decider (as always).

Rather than worrying about gun ownership (“legal” or “non-Legal”), perhaps it might be better to take more are of the less able members of society, or those with a real disability.

Maybe investing a little more in Community Psychiatric Care would provide a real dividend in terms of reduced “shooting sprees”, or maybe not. Maybe the 24/7 bombardment with “violence is an acceptable tool if you’re one of the “Good Guys” ” has produced the results we see today.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 17, 2015 9:55 pm

Jeez, ObLAmer has been a boon for gun sales…not to mention weapons drops to moderate terrorists in syria.

October 17, 2015 9:55 pm

If doctors like YOU would just work for free then you could take care( invite them to live in your home ) of these Psychiatric nutheads but you want to make money. You are selfish , greedy and lazy.Now stop complaining you heartless little toad.

October 17, 2015 9:58 pm

Phil ,I was talking to you .I have never , I am just besides myself. How dare you put your well-being before crazy people.

October 17, 2015 10:40 pm

Karl Denninger rants regularly about Big Pharma and its effects on the economy and society. These mass shootings are the result of “psychiatry in a pill” rather than getting to the bottom of the patient’s problems.
These looney-tunes, young Men mostly, are a side-effect of a system that isn’t working, but they DO provide a handy benefit for the U.S. government, which does NOT want an armed populace. I’ve never heard any comments from any U.S. politicians (besides maybe the Pauls) pointing to prescription drugs as the root problem instead of guns.
And on a side note, how ’bout that Trump, sticking the blame for 9/11 right where it belongs on Bush/Cheney! Now we’re getting somewhere!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 17, 2015 11:12 pm

@ Westcoaster et al:

I’ll let you in on a little secret. A very large percentage of “psychiatric problems” start at home with parents who don’t give a rats ass about their kid’s well being. Until there is something of an inward journey amongst the bulk of the population you are going to get more angry little Bobby’s looking for a means and a way to inflict as much harm on as many people as possible. Too many of us are raising psychopaths because we are more concerned about how our asses look in our new pants and what time the party starts than we are about spending time with our children.

Narcissism is the root of a lot of our problems and unfortunately I don’t see it getting any better. There aren’t enough prisons and psychiatric institutions on the planet to house all the mentally unstable drugged up , self centred, angry people we are producing. Empathy and conscience are almost a thing of the past….

Muck About
Muck About
October 18, 2015 6:58 am

@Francis Marion: TE would say, “Don’t have kids!” which is, sadly, a self-defeating method that can never happen because the human animal is just like all the rest and can’t stop (even at my age!) of dreaming about really good sex..

However, since the main problem may be described as “Too many rats in the box!” (stuff too many rats or humans into a limited area or an area with limited resources) and things get nasty. So there may be some coupling between not having kids and lowering the number of rats in the box. Only problem is that those who ignore this logic usually win in the end by eating the ones that try to solve the problem by a limit of offspring or reducing the utilization of resources.

All this shit is above my pay grade anyhow but makes for fun mind exercises..


October 18, 2015 10:24 am

You cannot solve a problem you reuse to acknowledge exists.

And this country refuses to acknowledge the psychiatric drugging of our children -particularly boys- to suppress normal developmental behavior starting at a very early age is a problem we need to deal with.