America: Your Solidarity with Paris is Embarrassingly Misguided

Guest Post by Claire Bernish


(ANTIMEDIA) The World, at Large — We are in mourning. Again. Indeed, Paris is in mourning, again.

For the second time in less than a year, we are all de facto Parisians — with Facebook profiles, casinos, and whole buildings draped in the blue, white, and red of the French flag. Solidarity as sympathy, bien sûr — a most poignant message that humanity stands with Paris — and will act decisively to avenge the “carnage” unexpectedly wrought by those whose motives most will never fall victim to, much less comprehend.


Evidently, despite the accumulated knowledge of the entire planet at our disposal through the computer screen, solidarity has escaped some of us.

And I am weary.

Without question, I mourn for Paris’ recent victims and their families — and I would never claim knowledgeable firsthand experience of the same. But I refuse — despite my partial French heritage — to cloak myself in nationalism of any stripe or star, particularly not now. Because, besides victims in Paris, an incomprehensibly astronomic number of people have been grieving loss of the highest order for some time — in places whose names roll off our tongues as if it’s accepted that violence simply happens there — and a majority likely couldn’t guess the colors on these victims’ flags.

You see, I also mourn for those killed mere hours before Paris crumbled into chaos, in strikingly similar attacks in Beirut.

I mourn the hundreds of thousands displaced or killed in Syria, no matter their pledged allegiance. No matter their professed religion. No matter.

I mourn for the millions killed in ongoing and renewed, illegal United States’ aggression in Iraq — and those facing a torturous demise from exposure to depleted uranium employed in violation of international and humanitarian law — for reasons far closer to ‘American’ and corporate hegemony than compassionate principle.

I mourn the untold number killed in the United States’ insidious — and seemingly permanent — war in Afghanistan. And the countless children there who know nothing of peace, much less the feeling of safety it brings. And patients and staff recently targeted, bombed, and then shot while fleeing the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz — and the irony of that humanitarian organization’s French roots.

I mourn those forced into human slavery or sex trafficking in Malaysia; and curse the scant hope they escape, now that the massive TPP has garnered U.S. government’s tacit approval of the abhorrence that is human trade.

I mourn for Palestinians, whose land was usurped — and whose lives and infrastructure and families and sense of security and HOMES are under siege and occupation by an illegal and actively terrorist State.

I mourn the patients and staff at the over 100 healthcare facilities in Yemen that have been BOMBED since March. And the apparently soulless who found an acceptable target in hospitals.

I mourn for Yemen.

I mourn for the victims of complicit government violence in Mexico, and 43 students and their families who lack answers.

I mourn for Chinese men, women, and children working, quite literally, as slaves, so the West can be rude at dinner and take endless pictures — of its narcissistically apathetic self.

I mourn rampant genocide — past and present — for the sake of manifest destiny. And empire. And imperialism. And inexplicable and unstated reasons.

In fact, I mourn for all victims of terror, whether State or group sponsored, without conditions attached to my grief — no matter location, nor loyalty, nor arbitrary geopolitical happenstance of location of a victim’s birth. And I’m already grieving those soon to be terror’s next victims; since, as French President François Hollande jarringly warned, avenging Paris’ victims just birthed (yet another) “PITILESS” war.

As if gentle were somehow a method to employ in waging war.

Yes, I mourn for Paris. But I do so while weeping in shame at the deplorable supercilious judgment ensconced in Western reaction to it; for countless pitiable xenophobes and their endless vapid justifications; for arrogant commentary from politicians and their media mouthpieces with their embarrassing post-tragedy clamoring to exploit ignorant heartstrings for the appropriate victims; for the endless War of Terror — and the service members who somehow haven’t yet deduced that this would ALL END if they simply refused to fucking fight.

The fact is, grief on this scale is exhausting. And I’m very nearly out of tears.

So keep these victims around the globe in mind — every, single man, woman and child who has, who is, and who will suffer the maiming, horror, torture, and death that’s as necessary to war as those who take up arms — when you next excuse a politician’s stance on war, because the rest of his or her platform seems really promising.

Or, at least, seems the lesser of two evils.

And shake that flag from your social media profile; and your home; and your thoughts. Because as long as you wear just one flag, your attempt to stand with victims of terror is a most embarrassingly hollow solidarity, indeed.

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November 14, 2015 4:19 pm

You sound somewhat naive, but WTF. The cleansing is about to begin!

George Gallagher
George Gallagher
November 14, 2015 4:23 pm

– Nigel Farage has been warning EU members over and over again this would happen….

Another NWO Gruber day in Bankster hell ?

November 14, 2015 4:26 pm

My sympathy and empathy are low for the White people of the world much any third world bottom feeders. God this sentimentality bullshit drives me crazy.

November 14, 2015 4:41 pm

“Yes, I mourn for Paris. But I do so while weeping in shame at the deplorable supercilious judgment ensconced in Western reaction to it; for countless pitiable xenophobes and their endless vapid justifications”

Who posted this shit? To the author, say what you’ve got to say and move on, no one cares about your fucking emotional state

November 14, 2015 4:57 pm

Dear Claire Bershit

I mourn that your drivel appeared on this fine website.

Biggest pile of shit I’ve read in a very long time.

And, oh … how ’bout you Frenchies take revenge ON YOUR OWN, and leave the USA the fuck out of it.

Merci Beaucoup, le con

November 14, 2015 5:04 pm

Maybe the french will get lucky and they’ll find a palestinian passport. Then they can rain a few cruise missiles on gaza to assuage themselves. Else, I think the FSA has already bombed all the low-hanging-fruit.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 14, 2015 5:30 pm

I can’t believe that Administrator published this twaddle on TBP. Yes, yes, we all know that the West has much to answer for in terms of violence and poverty in the Third World. Tough. You do not put non-Westerners on the same level with our own people. Ever. You stand with your tribe. If you don’t you will die and you will deserve to die.

That said, we need to get out of the Middle East right now and get the Middle Easterners out of our part of the world. That much is obvious.

November 14, 2015 5:48 pm

In 1950, Africa population was 228 Million; by 2015, that number has quadrupled; by the end of the 21st century, it will quadruple again to 4.2 Billion. It is an Exponential growth curve – you have to appreciate the exponential function to really understand the enormity of the increase.

At least 50% of this new horde will be jobless, with no future. What do you think is going to happen, assuming there will enuf food/water to support the entire world’s increase in population.

So you don’t have think and answer, here it is: War, Disease, Famine, Starvation, Poverty, and more War. It is the unstoppable future as I see it.

I’d have sympathy if world leaders imposed birth control on Africa and Middle East and Asia.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 14, 2015 6:20 pm

This is a very popular form of commentary lately, the ‘I weep tears for every man, woman and child’ proclamations that while understandable in a theoretic level are simply impossible on a human scale. No human being can feel an emotional connection to billions of human beings anymore than they can pay everyone’s debts, diaper all of their children or make them all a nutritious meal.

Histrionics are not the makings of a social platform. I do notice that the author, despite her claims of Universalism, feels a deep and abiding revulsion for “pitiable xenophobes”.

I agree with one aspect, it would all end if everyone refused to fight. Or breathe, or continue to eat. Or if the Annunaki came back and destroyed all the weapons including sash weights, steak knives, plastic bags and neckties. That, however is as unlikely as her ‘tears for every man woman and child who has ever bee the victim of any violence’.

November 14, 2015 6:21 pm

these issues will all be solved by a world war in combo with plague

November 14, 2015 6:55 pm

I think that only God can mourn for His creation on this level—the author of this drivel is quite possibly, the biggest bleeding heart bullshittest I’ve ever read.

She mourns for the islamists as they kill each other (and everyone else) in their desire for a global caliphate–yet spends half her blathering, decrying the futile attempts of the modern world to try and create some form of order in a chaotic world.

November 14, 2015 8:31 pm

What a bunch of bullshit… easily the shittiest bit ever posted here on TBP.

Who is Claire Bernish?

Some fuckin ‘activist’ Minnie with neck tats…

[imgcomment image[/img]

She describes herself…

I am an activist and journalist: because both my parents were journalists during Watergate; because my father was a DC politician; because plutocratic corporatocracy; because I went to Ferguson following Mike Brown’s murder; because militarized police state; because while livestreaming in Ferguson a CNN crew got out of MY way; because I’ve been homeless several times; because unity of purpose, not mind, will solve everything; because I can tell you from experience there is always something you are not being told; because I want to tell you what they don’t..

Which pretty much says everything you need to know about this… person… Face and neck tats, daddy issues, homeless “several times”, agitator down at Ferguson…

WHY is this creature getting any airtime here? Pretty much the sort of agitating SJW type I would like to see on the wrong end of a fire hose…

November 14, 2015 9:45 pm

Claire, I refer you to the Shakespeare quote posted by HSF in the posting above. The French created their own problem. USA not far behind.

November 15, 2015 3:36 am

peace will prevail when skynet takes care once for all of America. I can’t wait

November 15, 2015 7:10 am

A Stuck..+1000 Ms.Batshit We are the World Libtard has this blood on her hands.She sold out her nation/tribe for some egalitarians fantasy that will and can never be. Diversity is no strength.It is a divisive force and will only end in the destruction of one tribe and the empowerment of another.
History is no liar , but utopian dreamers like Ms Batshit can’t live in reality , because feeeelings.

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Chris Webb
Chris Webb
November 16, 2015 5:54 pm

Looks like a Stormfront is gathering here